These notes apply between releases 1.0.0 and 1.1.0 of HbbTV:- * New functionalities * Added HbbTV 1.2.1 +DRM capability * Added HbbTV 1.2.1 +PVR capability * Added and extended OIPF classes that are not required by HbbTV 1.2.1 * Added HbbTV security restrictions on channel change by broadcast independent applications * Added parsing of the simple application boundary descriptor * Other changes * The dynamic symbol table (needed to make some symbols visible to the NPAPI plugin) is now part of the HBBTV repository (npapiplugin/dynamic_symbol_table.txt) * The install target allows to create and use a binary release consisting of the lib, includes and documentation but not the source code. The licence file is installed in the documentation directory. * Various bug fixes * Activating the functions debug and the plugin debug, the compilation with -DDEBUG_FUNCTIONS and (in the plugin) -DDEBUG fails. * Fixed some memory leaks * HBBTV_JSOipfAppMgr_getOwnerApp should use CompareUrls when trying to match an application URL because this function correctly compare URLs ignoring trailing '/' * HBBTV_StrGetUrlOrigin returns empty string when incoming string is only a host * NPAPI plugin does not handle the case when NPIdentifier represents a string * Wrong number of elements in the collection additional methods array * MetadataSearch method findProgrammesFromStream does not properly handle null value for startTime * Scheme "file:" not supported for broadcast independent applications * Use f(void) rather than f() when defining functions. * Engine wrongly relies on broadcast-independent application to call show() * API changes * Control functions (hbbtv.h) * Additional notification function: HBBTV_NotifyLowMemory * Additional functions to give the browser access to the DSMCC: HBBTV_DsmccSetCallback, HBBTV_DsmccSetCallback, F_HBBTV_DSMCC_FILE_CALLBACK * Additional functions for interaction with generic DRM system: HBBTV_DRMRegister, HBBTV_DRMUnregister, HBBTV_NotifyDRMMessageResult, HBBTV_NotifyDRMRightsError * Additional function HBBTV_SetFreesatCallbacks to set Freesat specific callback functions * Javascript extension interface (hbbtv_js.h) * Additional functions to fix the implementation of video/broadcast and a/v control selectComponent and unselectComponent *Additional functions for the new functionalities * System interface (hbbtv_sif_*.h) * Removed HBBTV_PVRRecord and added HBBTV_PVRRecordCRID and HBBTV_PVRRecordEventID instead * Additional PVR functions: HBBTV_PVRGetScheduledRecordingDetails, HBBTV_PVRReleaseScheduledRecordingDetails, HBBTV_PVRGetRecordingDetails, HBBTV_PVRReleaseRecordingDetails * Additional Service functions: HBBTV_GetNetworkID, HBBTV_GetMajorChannel, HBBTV_GetServiceLocked, HBBTV_GetServiceRunning * Extended Service structures: S_HBBTV_EVENT_DETAILS, S_HBBTV_SERVICE_DETAILS * Added HBBTV_GetDemuxPath to retrieve the demux path needed to configure the DSMCC engine * Changed S_HBBTV_COMPONENT_DETAILS to allow a negative value of component_tag * Removed the concept of RID from HBBTV_WBSetUrl and relative callback, the callback now passes the URL back with the result.