34 #define TIMEOUT_NEVER 0xffff 60 void *
void (*
void *),
void *param, U32BIT stack, U8BIT priority, U8BIT * name);
void *queue,
void *msg, U16BIT msg_size, U16BIT timeout);
void *queue,
void *msg, U16BIT msg_size, U16BIT timeout);
U32BIT STB_OSGetClockMilliseconds(void)
Get Current Computer Clock Time.
void STB_OSSemaphoreWait(void *semaphore)
Wait on Semaphore Indefinity or Until Released.
void STB_OSTaskDelay(U16BIT timeout)
Delay Task for Specifed Time Period.
void STB_OSDeleteMutex(void *mutex)
Delete a mutex.
BOOLEAN STB_OSDestroyQueue(void *queue)
Destroy Queue.
void STB_OSTaskExiting(U8BIT *name)
Inform plaform that calling task is exiting Allows platform to detach this thread from JNI env...
BOOLEAN STB_OSWriteQueue(void *queue, void *msg, U16BIT msg_size, U16BIT timeout)
Write a message to the queue.
void STB_OSMutexUnlock(void *mutex)
Unlock a mutex (a.k.a. 'leave', 'signal' or 'release')
void * STB_OSCreateSemaphore(void)
Create a Semaphore.
void * STB_OSCreateQueue(U16BIT msg_size, U16BIT msg_max)
Create Queue of given number of messages and size of message.
void * STB_OSCreateMutex(void)
Create a mutex.
BOOLEAN STB_OSReadQueue(void *queue, void *msg, U16BIT msg_size, U16BIT timeout)
Read a message from a queue.
BOOLEAN STB_OSSemaphoreWaitTimeout(void *semaphore, U16BIT timeout)
Wait on Semaphore for Set Time Period in an Attempt to Acquire.
System Wide Global Technical Data Type Definitions.
void STB_OSTaskEntered(U8BIT *name)
Inform plaform that calling task has been entered Allows platform to attach this thread to JNI env...
void STB_OSMutexLock(void *mutex)
Lock a mutex (a.k.a. 'enter', 'wait' or 'get').
void * STB_OSCreateTask(void(*function)(void *), void *param, U32BIT stack, U8BIT priority, U8BIT *name)
Create a New Task to the calling process. Upon success, the created task runs on its own stack...
void * STB_OSCreateCountSemaphore(U32BIT value)
Create a counting semaphore.
void STB_OSDestroyTask(void *task)
Delete Task must be called upon termination of each task as it frees all OS specific resources alloca...
void STB_OSDeleteSemaphore(void *semaphore)
Delete a Semaphore.
void STB_OSSemaphoreSignal(void *semaphore)
Signal a Semaphore to Release it by decrementing its counter.