DSMCC  22.11.0
Public Attributes | List of all members
s_DsmCoreInstance Struct Reference

Public Attributes

S_DsmSetup setup
U32BIT pfrdoCallDepth
U32BIT pfdlfCallDepth
U32BIT pfsdndCallDepth
void * memContext
S_DvbLocator dvbLocator
BOOLEAN currentServiceSet
BOOLEAN cacheFull
BOOLEAN lastPIDResultStored
U16BIT lastServiceId
U16BIT lastAssociationTag
U16BIT lastPID
U16BIT dbgMask
U_PARAM generation
U32BIT cacheMemoryUsage
U32BIT cacheMaximumUsage
U32BIT dsmObjectsOpen
void * sectionFilterHeap
P_ZlibHeap pZlibHeap
P_RootCarousel pCurrentCarousel
P_RootCarousel pBootingCarousel
P_RootCarousel pSelectedCarousel
P_LLControl llcRootCarousels
P_LLControl llcModulePriority
P_LLControl llcLoadedModules
P_LLControl llcExpiredModules
P_LLControl llcCurrLoadRequests
P_LLControl llcCurrSiQueries
ps_se_info hSubscribedEventList

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