34 #define INVALID_TIMER_HANDLE 0 36 #define TMR_MAX_NAME_LENGTH 128 38 #define TMR_PVR_CRID_LEN_MAX 65 40 #define TMR_PVR_ADDINFO_LEN_MAX 255 42 #define TMR_HOURS_THRESHOLD_EXC 24 43 #define TMR_MINS_THRESHOLD_EXC 60 50 TIMER_TYPE_NONE = 0x00,
73 BOOLEAN change_service;
83 BOOLEAN event_triggered;
88 U8BIT prog_crid[TMR_PVR_CRID_LEN_MAX];
89 U8BIT other_crid[TMR_PVR_CRID_LEN_MAX];
91 BOOLEAN recommendation;
95 BOOLEAN do_not_delete;
102 E_TIMER_FREQ frequency;
115 BOOLEAN standby_mode;
143 U32BIT
void *event_ptr,
void *serv_ptr, BOOLEAN record, BOOLEAN event_triggered);
ATMR_GetTimerList(U32BIT **timer_list, U16BIT *list_size, E_TIMER_TYPE list_type,
178 BOOLEAN date_time_order);
443 U32DHMS end_date_time, U32BIT **conflicting_timers);
459 void*
void *serv_ptr,
void *event_ptr, U8BIT *prog_crid, U8BIT *series_crid,
460 BOOLEAN is_series, BOOLEAN check_alternatives, BOOLEAN do_not_delete);
475 BOOLEAN do_not_delete, BOOLEAN search_forward);
U16BIT ATMR_GetDiskId(U32BIT handle)
Returns the disk id for the given timer if the timer is a PVR recording timer.
Definition: ap_tmr.c:1600
U8BIT * ATMR_GetProgrammeCrid(U32BIT handle)
Returns a pointer to the programme CRID string from a recording timer. The returned value shouldn't b...
Definition: ap_tmr.c:1465
BOOLEAN ATMR_CheckRecordStatus(BOOLEAN recordings_can_start, void *service)
Checks all timers to see whether any recordings should be started or stopped as a result of the now e...
Definition: ap_tmr.c:1976
U16BIT ATMR_GetTransportId(U32BIT handle)
Returns the transport ID for an alarm or PVR recording timer.
Definition: ap_tmr.c:1363
BOOLEAN ATMR_GetChangeService(U32BIT handle)
Returns the change service setting for an alarm timer.
Definition: ap_tmr.c:1235
BOOLEAN ATMR_SetEndPadding(U32BIT handle, S32BIT end_padding)
Sets the value of end_padding associated with the specified timer The end padding is the number of se...
Definition: ap_tmr.c:3345
BOOLEAN ATMR_RecordSplitEvent(void *serv_ptr, U8BIT *prog_crid, U32DHMS start_date_time, BOOLEAN do_not_delete, BOOLEAN search_forward)
Searches for events within 3 hours of the given start date/time for an event with the given programme...
Definition: ap_tmr.c:2692
S32BIT ATMR_GetEndPadding(U32BIT handle)
Returns the value of end_padding associated with the specified timer The end padding is the number of...
Definition: ap_tmr.c:3312
U32DHMS ATMR_GetDuration(U32BIT handle)
Returns the duration of the timert with the given handle.
Definition: ap_tmr.c:1110
BOOLEAN ATMR_GetRampVolume(U32BIT handle)
Returns the ramp volume setting for an alarm timer.
Definition: ap_tmr.c:1265
BOOLEAN ATMR_StartRecord(U8BIT path)
Finds the timer using the given decode path and if it's a recording timer the recording will be start...
Definition: ap_tmr.c:557
U32BIT ATMR_GetRecordingHandle(U32BIT handle)
Returns the recording handle associated with a PVR recording timer.
Definition: ap_tmr.c:1659
void ATMR_DeleteRecordingTimer(U32BIT recording_handle)
Delete the PVR record timer with the given recording handle.
Definition: ap_tmr.c:2420
U32BIT ATMR_FindRecordingTimer(U32BIT recording_handle)
Finds the timer for the given recording handle.
Definition: ap_tmr.c:2384
U8BIT * ATMR_GetAdditionalInfo(U32BIT handle, U32BIT *size)
Gets the additional information string associated with a timer. The name is allocated in UI temp memo...
Definition: ap_tmr.c:3210
void ATMR_DumpAllTimers(void)
Prints details of all existing timers.
Definition: ap_tmr.c:3435
E_TIMER_FREQ ATMR_GetFrequency(U32BIT handle)
Returns the frequency setting for the given timer.
Definition: ap_tmr.c:1205
BOOLEAN ATMR_HasSeriesCrid(U32BIT handle)
Does the timer have a series crid?
Definition: ap_tmr.c:1498
void ATMR_DeleteTimersForSeriesRecommendations(U8BIT *crid, BOOLEAN is_recommendation)
Deletes any PVR record timers with the given series CRID.
Definition: ap_tmr.c:3118
void ATMR_HandleTimerEvent(U32BIT timer_handle)
Used by the DVB stack to handle an event for the given timer. If the timer requires the app to deal w...
Definition: ap_tmr.c:1690
U32DHMS ATMR_GetEndDateTime(U32BIT handle)
Get the end date & time of the timer with the given handle. The date/time returned will be in UTC...
Definition: ap_tmr.c:1140
BOOLEAN ATMR_GetTimerList(U32BIT **timer_list, U16BIT *list_size, E_TIMER_TYPE list_type, BOOLEAN date_time_order)
Returns a list of all the timer handles and the number of items in the list.
Definition: ap_tmr.c:468
BOOLEAN ATMR_GetDoNotDelete(U32BIT handle)
Returns the setting of the do not delete flag for the given timer.
Definition: ap_tmr.c:3406
void ATMR_EitUpdated(void)
Checks each recording timer that's linked to an event to see whether the event is still in the schedu...
Definition: ap_tmr.c:2140
U32BIT ATMR_FindTimerFromCridAndEvent(U8BIT *prog_crid, U16BIT service_id, U16BIT event_id)
Searches the timers for a recording timer with the given programme CRID and event ID...
Definition: ap_tmr.c:3077
BOOLEAN ATMR_HasRecommendationCrid(U32BIT handle)
Does the timer have a recommendation crid?
Definition: ap_tmr.c:1532
BOOLEAN ATMR_GetTimerInfo(U32BIT handle, S_TIMER_INFO *timer_info)
Copies timer data for the given timer info the info structure provided.
Definition: ap_tmr.c:893
void * ATMR_RecordEvent(void *serv_ptr, void *event_ptr, U8BIT *prog_crid, U8BIT *series_crid, BOOLEAN is_series, BOOLEAN check_alternatives, BOOLEAN do_not_delete)
Adds a timer to perform a recording based on the given event and service. Conflicts are checked and a...
Definition: ap_tmr.c:2505
E_TIMER_TYPE ATMR_GetType(U32BIT handle)
Returns the type of the given timer.
Definition: ap_tmr.c:1175
U16BIT ATMR_GetOriginalNetworkId(U32BIT handle)
Returns the original network ID for an alarm or PVR recording timer.
Definition: ap_tmr.c:1399
U32BIT ATMR_FindTimerFromCrid(U8BIT *prog_crid)
Searches the timers for a recording timer with the given programme CRID.
Definition: ap_tmr.c:3039
U32BIT ATMR_AddTimerForEvent(void *event_ptr, void *serv_ptr, BOOLEAN record, BOOLEAN event_triggered)
Creates a timer based on the given event. If a recording timer is created, it will be set to record o...
Definition: ap_tmr.c:255
Header file - macros and function prototypes for public use.
U32BIT ATMR_GetFirstWakeupTime(U32DHMS *rec_date_time, U16BIT *onet_id, U16BIT *trans_id, U16BIT *service_id)
Searches the timers for the first timer that will cause the DVB to wakeup that hasn't been missed...
Definition: ap_tmr.c:2934
void ATMR_SetAdditionalInfo(U32BIT handle, U8BIT *info, U32BIT size)
Sets the additioinal information string for the specified timer and commits the change to the databas...
Definition: ap_tmr.c:3167
void ATMR_SetDiskId(U32BIT handle, U16BIT disk_id)
Set the disk for the given timer if the timer is a recording timer.
Definition: ap_tmr.c:1630
S32BIT ATMR_GetStartPadding(U32BIT handle)
Returns the value of start_padding associated with the specified timer The start padding is the numbe...
Definition: ap_tmr.c:3241
BOOLEAN ATMR_SetDoNotDelete(U32BIT handle, BOOLEAN do_not_delete)
Sets the do_not_delete flag in a recording timer, which if set to TRUE, will lock any recordings that...
Definition: ap_tmr.c:3377
U16BIT ATMR_GetServiceId(U32BIT handle)
Returns the service ID for an alarm or PVR recording timer.
Definition: ap_tmr.c:1327
U8BIT * ATMR_GetName(U32BIT handle)
Get the name of the timer with the given handle.
Definition: ap_tmr.c:1019
BOOLEAN ATMR_UpdateTimer(U32BIT handle, S_TIMER_INFO *info)
Updates all the timer fields.
Definition: ap_tmr.c:402
System Wide Global Technical Data Type Definitions.
BOOLEAN ATMR_GetMissed(U32BIT handle)
Gets the timer's missed flag.
Definition: ap_tmr.c:1434
void ATMR_RecordingFailed(U8BIT path)
Handles the timer when a recording fails to start for some reason. This may result in the timer being...
Definition: ap_tmr.c:664
BOOLEAN ATMR_InitialiseTimer(S_TIMER_INFO *timer_info, E_TIMER_TYPE timer_type, void *serv_ptr, void *event_ptr)
Sets up the given timer info structure with default values for the given timer type using the service...
Definition: ap_tmr.c:724
U32BIT ATMR_AddTimer(S_TIMER_INFO *info)
Creates a new timer based on the information supplied.
Definition: ap_tmr.c:190
U32DHMS ATMR_GetStartDateTime(U32BIT handle)
Get the start date & time of the timer with the given handle. The date/time returned will be in UTC...
Definition: ap_tmr.c:1082
BOOLEAN ATMR_UpdateTimerDuration(U32BIT handle, U32DHMS duration)
Updates the duration for an existing PVR recording timer.
Definition: ap_tmr.c:336
U32BIT ATMR_FindTimerFromEvent(U16BIT onet_id, U16BIT trans_id, U16BIT serv_id, U16BIT event_id)
Searches the timers for a recording timer with the given event and service IDs.
Definition: ap_tmr.c:3003
BOOLEAN ATMR_DeleteTimer(U32BIT handle)
Deletes the timer with the given handle.
Definition: ap_tmr.c:442
void * ATMR_GetRecordService(U8BIT path)
Returns the service for the recording timer on the given path.
Definition: ap_tmr.c:981
void ATMR_SetName(U32BIT handle, U8BIT *name)
Sets the name of the timer with the given handle.
Definition: ap_tmr.c:1046
U16BIT ATMR_GetEventId(U32BIT handle)
Returns the event ID for a PVR recording timer.
Definition: ap_tmr.c:1295
U8BIT ATMR_GetNumSimultaneousRecordings(U8BIT max_recordings, U32DHMS start_date_time, U32DHMS end_date_time, U32BIT **conflicting_timers)
Counts the number of simultaneous recordings (EXT and PVR) between the given start and end dates/time...
Definition: ap_tmr.c:2471
void ATMR_Initialise(void)
Performs initialisation of the timers, reading existing entries from the database.
Definition: ap_tmr.c:169
void ATMR_ReleaseTimerList(U32BIT *timer_list, U16BIT list_size)
Release the given array of timer handles.
Definition: ap_tmr.c:537
U8BIT * ATMR_GetOtherCrid(U32BIT handle)
Returns a pointer to the other CRID string from a recording timer. This will either be a series or re...
Definition: ap_tmr.c:1568
BOOLEAN ATMR_SetStartPadding(U32BIT handle, S32BIT start_padding)
Sets the value of start_padding associated with the specified timer The start padding is the number o...
Definition: ap_tmr.c:3274