35 #define NORMAL_CASE 0x00 36 #define ACQUISITION_POINT 0x01 37 #define MODE_CHANGE 0x02 38 #define RES_PAGE_STATE 0x03 43 #define MAX_ARRAY_INDEX 255 57 U8BIT object_version_number;
58 U8BIT object_coding_method;
59 U8BIT non_modifying_colour_flag;
61 U8BIT *map_table_2_to_4_bit;
62 U8BIT *map_table_2_to_8_bit;
63 U8BIT *map_table_4_to_8_bit;
65 U8BIT *character_code;
81 U8BIT clut_version_number;
88 BOOLEAN default_2_bit;
89 BOOLEAN default_4_bit;
90 BOOLEAN default_8_bit;
100 U8BIT object_provider_flag;
101 U16BIT object_horizontal_position;
102 U16BIT object_vertical_position;
103 U8BIT object_foreground_pixel_code;
104 U8BIT object_background_pixel_code;
113 U8BIT region_version_number;
114 U8BIT region_fill_flag;
116 U16BIT region_height;
117 U8BIT region_level_of_compatibilty;
118 U8BIT region_colour_depth;
119 U8BIT region_clut_id;
120 U8BIT region_8_bit_pixel_code;
121 U8BIT region_4_bit_pixel_code;
122 U8BIT region_2_bit_pixel_code;
133 U16BIT region_horizontal_address;
134 U16BIT region_vertical_address;
141 U8BIT page_version_number;
147 U32BIT presentation_time_ms;
148 U32BIT timeout_start;
149 BOOLEAN display_set_shown;
150 BOOLEAN display_set_removed;
155 U16BIT display_width;
156 U16BIT display_height;
157 BOOLEAN display_window;
161 U16BIT window_height;
STB_DSSegmentDDS(U8BIT *data, U16BIT pes_len, U16BIT processed_bytes);
STB_DSSegmentPCS(U8BIT *data, U16BIT pes_len, U16BIT processed_bytes, BOOLEAN force_acquisition);
STB_DSSegmentRCS(U8BIT *data, U16BIT pes_len, U16BIT processed_bytes);
STB_DSSegmentCDS(U8BIT *data, U16BIT pes_len, U16BIT processed_bytes);
STB_DSSegmentODS(U8BIT *data, U16BIT pes_len, U16BIT processed_bytes);
STB_DSSegmentEDS(U8BIT *data, U16BIT pes_len, U16BIT processed_bytes);
195 U8BIT *tycrcb_palette, U8BIT fgnd_col, U8BIT bkgnd_col));
203 U16BIT y, U16BIT w, U16BIT h);
210 void* STB_DSGetQueue(
void STB_SUBInitialise(void)
Initialises subtitling control.
Definition: stbdsc.c:930
void STB_DSFillRegion(U16BIT region_id, U8BIT fillcode)
Flood fills the identified region, with the specified colour index.
Definition: stbdsdis.c:1723
void STB_DSHide(void)
Prevents subtitles to display what it has decoded.
Definition: stbdsdis.c:1300
void STB_DSCreateCompositionRegion(S_EPOCH_REGION *region, BOOLEAN page_reset)
By end of call ensures that the specified region has a suitable physical region waiting in the physic...
Definition: stbdsdis.c:1410
void STB_DSResetPhysicalDisplayRegions(void)
Deletes all regions and clears serice_aquired flag.
Definition: stbdsdis.c:1322
BOOLEAN STB_DSInitialiseDVBSubtitlesProcessing(void)
Initilises DVB subtitles, allocates a temporary buffer for use as a scratchpad and zero's the display...
Definition: stbdsfn.c:1760
void STB_DSRegisterCharRenderFunction(void(*DSCreateBitmap)(U8BIT *bitmap, U16BIT width, U16BIT height, U8BIT *char_array, U8BIT *tycrcb_palette, U8BIT fgnd_col, U8BIT bkgnd_col))
Registers a STBUI function to use whatever font tool is present [if any] for the creation of a bitmap...
Definition: stbdsdis.c:1255
S_DISPLAY_SET * STB_DSGetDetails(void)
Gets a pointer to the display set structure.
Definition: stbdsfn.c:2897
void STB_DSDisplay(U8BIT path, S_DISPLAY_SET *subtitle_display_set)
The subtitle display function. Provides timing of display and clean up when necessary.
Definition: stbdsdis.c:1217
S_CLUT * STB_DSGetClut(S_CLUT *clut_list, U16BIT clut_id)
Finds or malloc's a new CLUT and assigns the family pointers to the default data. version_id is set t...
Definition: stbdsfn.c:1814
U32BIT STB_DSNumPixelOperations(S_DISPLAY_SET *subtitle_display_set)
Calculates the number of individual pixels in volved in the next display set.
Definition: stbdsdis.c:1757
BOOLEAN STB_DSGetNextPesPts(U8BIT *next_pts)
Get the PTS of the next PES packet, does not process next PES, but places on the next PES pointer...
Definition: stbdsc.c:1227
BOOLEAN STB_DSSegmentDDS(U8BIT *data, U16BIT pes_len, U16BIT processed_bytes)
Processes the Display Definition segment in accordance with ETSI document ETS 300 743...
Definition: stbdsfn.c:1877
BOOLEAN STB_DSSegmentODS(U8BIT *data, U16BIT pes_len, U16BIT processed_bytes)
Processes the Object Data segment in accordance with ETSI document ETS 300 743.
Definition: stbdsfn.c:2625
BOOLEAN STB_DSSegmentPCS(U8BIT *data, U16BIT pes_len, U16BIT processed_bytes, BOOLEAN force_acquisition)
Processes the Page Composition segment in accordance with ETSI document ETS 300 743.
Definition: stbdsfn.c:1972
BOOLEAN STB_DSSetDisplaySetPts(U8BIT path, U8BIT *pts)
Copies the passed PTS into the display set structure.
Definition: stbdsfn.c:2844
BOOLEAN STB_DSSegmentCDS(U8BIT *data, U16BIT pes_len, U16BIT processed_bytes)
Processes the CLUT Definition segment in accordance with ETSI document ETS 300 743.
Definition: stbdsfn.c:2475
void STB_DSCheckDisplaySetTimeout(S_DISPLAY_SET *subtitle_display_set, BOOLEAN timeout_override)
It checks the timeout of the current display set, and removes if/when necessary.
Definition: stbdsdis.c:1178
void STB_DSTerminateDisplayCycle(void)
Sets flag to exit display wait while loop.
Definition: stbdsdis.c:1388
BOOLEAN STB_DSSegmentRCS(U8BIT *data, U16BIT pes_len, U16BIT processed_bytes)
Processes the Region Composition segment in accordance with ETSI document ETS 300 743...
Definition: stbdsfn.c:2204
BOOLEAN STB_DSGetPesPts(U8BIT *data, U8BIT *pts)
Extracts the PTS from the PES packet header.
Definition: stbdsfn.c:2813
void STB_DSRenderBitmapToRegion(S_EPOCH_REGION *region_list, S_OBJECT *object, U8BIT *scan_line, U16BIT y, U16BIT w, U16BIT h)
For the passed region list [PCS specified] get region handle, load the region with the correct CLUT...
Definition: stbdsdis.c:1577
void STB_DSClearDisplaySetStruct(void)
Clears all information from the display set structure.
Definition: stbdsfn.c:2915
System Wide Global Technical Data Type Definitions.
void STB_DSResetPhysicalCompositionRegions(void)
Deletes all regions and clears serice_aquired flag.
Definition: stbdsdis.c:1355
void STB_DSClearCompositionPageDetails(void)
Clears all information from the display set composition page.
Definition: stbdsfn.c:2961
void STB_DSShow(void)
Allows subtitles to display what it has decoded.
Definition: stbdsdis.c:1278
BOOLEAN STB_DSSegmentEDS(U8BIT *data, U16BIT pes_len, U16BIT processed_bytes)
DTG - Digital Terrestrial Television Requirements for Interoperability Subtitling: 28 August 1998: Ve...
Definition: stbdsfn.c:2760