37 BOOLEAN mheg_required;
39 BOOLEAN hbbtv_required;
42 typedef void (*F_VT_NOTIFICATION_CALLBACK)(
void *userdata);
62 void VT_Enable(
void *context, BOOLEAN enable);
69 void VT_SetAfd(
void *context, U8BIT afd_value);
189 void VT_GetWss(
void *context, U8BIT *wss);
void VT_Enable(void *context, BOOLEAN enable)
Enable or disable transformation calculations.
Definition: vtc.c:424
void * VT_Open(S_VT_OPTIONS *options)
Open video transformation manager.
Definition: vtc.c:348
void VT_SetVideoResolution(void *context, U16BIT width, U16BIT height)
Set video resolution.
Definition: vtc.c:717
BOOLEAN VT_IsOsdScaled(void *context)
Check if osd must be scaled due to MHEG scene aspect ratio.
Definition: vtc.c:1007
void VT_SetVideoAlignmentPref(void *context, E_VIDEO_ASPECT_MODE alignment)
Set user preference for video aspect ratio.
Definition: vtc.c:572
void VT_SetMhegScaling(void *context, S_RECTANGLE *scaling)
Set MHEG-5 scaling information.
Definition: vtc.c:657
E_ASPECT_RATIO VT_GetVideoAspectRatio(void *context)
Get video aspect ratio.
Definition: vtc.c:492
Callback used by the VTC module to determine what format conversion needs to be applied when the aspe...
Definition: vtctype.h:69
void VT_SetHbbtvWindow(void *context, S_RECTANGLE *output)
Set HBBTV output window.
Definition: vtc.c:832
Header file - Function prototypes for A/V control.
Header file - Function prototypes for A/V control.
E_FORMAT_CONVERSION VT_GetDecoderFormatConversion(void *context)
Return the current decoder format conversion.
Definition: vtc.c:939
void VT_GetVideoResolution(void *context, U16BIT *width, U16BIT *height)
Return the current video resolution.
Definition: vtc.c:977
void VT_SetAppScaling(void *context, S_RECTANGLE *window)
Set application scaling information.
Definition: vtc.c:686
void VT_SetVideoChangedCallback(void *context, F_VT_NOTIFICATION_CALLBACK callback, void *user_data)
Set video change callback.
Definition: vtc.c:898
void VT_SetProfileMheg5(void *context, BOOLEAN enable)
Set profile to apply MHEG5 option.
Definition: vtc.c:790
void VT_SetAfd(void *context, U8BIT afd_value)
Set current AFD (active format descriptor value)
Definition: vtc.c:446
void VT_GetScreenResolution(void *context, U16BIT *width, U16BIT *height)
Return the current screen resolution.
Definition: vtc.c:960
void VT_SetMhegAspectRatio(void *context, E_ASPECT_RATIO aspect_ratio)
Set MHEG5 scene aspect ratio.
Definition: vtc.c:510
System Wide Global Technical Data Type Definitions.
void VT_SetMhegVideoAlignment(void *context, E_VIDEO_ASPECT_MODE wam)
Set widescreeen alignment mode for MHEG-5.
Definition: vtc.c:770
void VT_Close(void *context)
Close video transformation manager.
Definition: vtc.c:412
void VT_SetProfileHbbtv(void *context, BOOLEAN enable)
Set profile to apply HBBTV option.
Definition: vtc.c:811
void VT_SetScreenResolution(void *context, U16BIT width, U16BIT height)
Set screen resolution.
Definition: vtc.c:744
void VT_SetUserPreferenceChangedCallback(void *context, F_VT_NOTIFICATION_CALLBACK callback, void *user_data)
Set user preference change callback.
Definition: vtc.c:921
void VT_GetWss(void *context, U8BIT *wss)
Return WSS (wide-screen signalling) value.
Definition: vtc.c:879
void VT_SetCustomModeCallback(void *context, F_VT_CUSTOM_MODE_CALLBACK callback)
Set customer mode callback.
Definition: vtc.c:613
void VT_GetVideoTransformation(void *context, S_RECTANGLE *input_rect, S_RECTANGLE *output_rect)
Get the current video transfromation rectangles.
Definition: vtc.c:863
void VT_SetVideoAspectRatio(void *context, E_ASPECT_RATIO aspect_ratio)
Set video aspect ratio.
Definition: vtc.c:469
E_ASPECT_RATIO VT_GetDisplayAspectRatio(void *context)
Get display aspect ratio.
Definition: vtc.c:533
void VT_SetDecoderStatus(void *context, E_STB_AV_DECODER_STATUS status)
Set the decoder status.
Definition: vtc.c:1029
E_STB_AV_DECODER_STATUS VT_GetDecoderStatus(void *context)
Get the decoder status.
Definition: vtc.c:1049
void VT_SetDisplayAspectRatio(void *context, E_ASPECT_RATIO aspect_ratio)
Set display aspect ratio.
Definition: vtc.c:548
void VT_SetMhegScalingResolution(void *context, U16BIT width, U16BIT height)
Set Voyager scaling resolution.
Definition: vtc.c:633