HBBTV  22.3.0
Classes | Macros | Typedefs | Functions
timer.c File Reference

The timer module allows the use of timers within the MHEG5/DSMCC component. These timers are set by other parts of the component and call a callback function when they are triggered. The timer component offers two timer functions: The first is HBBTV_TmrCreate which creates a new timer with a specified timeout, callback, and caller reference and returns a handle. Once the timer expires the callback is called, passing the caller reference and timer handle, with the trigger flag set to TRUE. The callback may be called before the HBBTV_TmrCreate function completes. The second is HBBTV_TmrDestroy which destroys a running or expired timer. If the timer has not triggered HBBTV_TmrDestroy calls the callback with the trigger flag set to FALSE, to allow any client resources associated with this timer to be freed. It is guaranteed that the callback will not be called for this timer once the HBBTV_TmrDestroy function returns. Note: The callback must be reentrant and can be called from either the clients task or a timer component task. More...

#include <stdlib.h>
#include "dbgfuncs.h"
#include "techtype.h"
#include "hbbtv_sif_os.h"
#include "debug.h"
#include "timer.h"
#include "hbbtv.h"


struct  s_timer_info


#define TMR_MAGIC_FLAG   0xc10c0000
#define TMR_MAX_WAIT   60000
#define TMR_ACCURACY   5


typedef struct s_timer_info S_TIMER_INFO


E_HBBTV_ERR HBBTV_TmrCreate (U32BIT millisecs, F_TMR_CALLBACK callback, void *caller_ref, TMR_HANDLE *p_timer_handle)
E_HBBTV_ERR HBBTV_TmrDestroy (TMR_HANDLE timerHandle)
E_HBBTV_ERR HBBTV_TmrInit (U32BIT task_priority)
E_HBBTV_ERR HBBTV_TmrExit (void)

Detailed Description

The timer module allows the use of timers within the MHEG5/DSMCC component. These timers are set by other parts of the component and call a callback function when they are triggered. The timer component offers two timer functions: The first is HBBTV_TmrCreate which creates a new timer with a specified timeout, callback, and caller reference and returns a handle. Once the timer expires the callback is called, passing the caller reference and timer handle, with the trigger flag set to TRUE. The callback may be called before the HBBTV_TmrCreate function completes. The second is HBBTV_TmrDestroy which destroys a running or expired timer. If the timer has not triggered HBBTV_TmrDestroy calls the callback with the trigger flag set to FALSE, to allow any client resources associated with this timer to be freed. It is guaranteed that the callback will not be called for this timer once the HBBTV_TmrDestroy function returns. Note: The callback must be reentrant and can be called from either the clients task or a timer component task.

Adam Sturtridge