129 #ifdef NOTIFY_KEYPRESS_REQ 137 E_MhegErr DVB_MhegSetInputRegister(S32BIT inputReg);
141 #ifdef INCLUDE_DEBUG_PACKAGE 148 E_MhegErr DVB_MhegOutputDebugString(U8BIT *debugString);
E_MhegErr DVB_MhegGetLocalTime(S_DateTime *pDateAndTime)
Provide the current local time and date, normally from the system real time clock, with any local time conversions (if necessary). The returned time should take into account local timezone and daylight saving settings.
void DVB_MhegPromotionalLinkControl(BOOLEAN isEnabled)
This function is relevant to PVR products that support NativeApplicationExtension for broadcast-trigg...
MHEG5 engine interface error codes.
U8BIT DVB_MhegOsdLanguageCodes(U32BIT *langcodes, U8BIT max)
Return the language of the native UI (menu etc.) as a list of language codes in 32 bit integer form...
System Wide Global Technical Data Type Definitions.
Definition: dvb_misc.h:41