65 U64HL rangeFrom, U64HL rangeTo,
U32BIT MHEG5CreateDownloadRequest(U32BIT requestId, char *url, U64HL rangeFrom, U64HL rangeTo, BOOLEAN lastRequest)
Create HTTP download request.
Definition: stmr_dl.c:212
Utilitiy functions for IC Streamer.
void MHEG5ClearDownloadRequest(U32BIT downloadId)
Clear HTTP download request.
Definition: stmr_dl.c:667
U64HL MHEG5GetDownloadContentLength(U32BIT downloadId, U64HL contentLength)
Return content length (in bytes) for download request. The content length may be: ...
Definition: stmr_dl.c:394
Definition: stmr_header.h:50
void MHEG5StopDownloadRequestAsync(U32BIT downloadId)
Stop HTTP download request asynchronously. This function should be used when the caller wants to stop...
Definition: stmr_dl.c:609
void MHEG5StopDownloadRequest(U32BIT downloadId)
Stop HTTP download request.
Definition: stmr_dl.c:584
void MHEG5ClearDownloadThrottling(void)
Clear information about throttling, causing the download to proceed at full speed (until throttling k...
Definition: stmr_dl.c:549
U8BIT * MHEG5GetDownloadRedirect(U32BIT downloadId)
Return the redirection URL for a request that was redirected (HTTP status 3xx).
Definition: stmr_dl.c:337
This file defines the profile for the MHEG engine.
BOOLEAN MHEG5DownloadPositionPartial(U32BIT downloadId, U64HL *position)
Return what is current position of download request.
Definition: stmr_dl.c:359
void MHEG5CopyDownloadBitrate(U32BIT downloadId, U32BIT *bytesPerSecond)
Copy download bitrate that was obtained from the headers. If the X-BytesPerSecond header were not rec...
Definition: stmr_dl.c:416
void MHEG5RenewDownloadRequest(U32BIT downloadId, char *url)
Renew HTTP download request.
Definition: stmr_dl.c:697
void MHEG5CopyDownloadStreamKeyInfo(U32BIT downloadId, S_ICSKeys *keys, MHEG5String *keyLocation)
Copy any keys or key location that were obtained from the headers. If such keys or location exist...
Definition: stmr_dl.c:444
BOOLEAN MHEG5GetDownloadPmt(U32BIT downloadId, U8BIT *pmt)
Return program map table (PMT) for download (if available). The table is provided as a complete secti...
Definition: stmr_dl.c:501
System Wide Global Technical Data Type Definitions.
void MHEG5DestroyDownloadRequest(U32BIT downloadId)
Destroy HTTP download request.
Definition: stmr_dl.c:627
void MHEG5StartDownloadRequest(U32BIT downloadId)
Start HTTP download request.
Definition: stmr_dl.c:317
void MHEG5ResumeDownload(void)
Resume download of the active request. Download may or may not have been paused due to the buffer bei...
Definition: stmr_dl.c:527
Interaction Channel Streaming functions required by MHEG5 engine References: [1] UK1 Profile - Digita...