Define MHEG5 String type.
Definition: dvblocator.h:30
Definition: dtvstring.h:28
S_CRID_DETAILS * DVB_MhegPvrGetDetails(S_STRING crid)
Required by Australia profile only. Returns the type, name, description and a single booking section ...
MHEG5 engine interface error codes.
void DVB_MhegPvrReleaseList(S_CRID_REC *crid_array)
MHEG indicates that it is finished using the array returned by DVB_MhegPvrListBookings(). For example, platforms that malloc memory for this, may wish to free the memory here.
void DVB_MhegPvrReleaseDetails(S_CRID_DETAILS *details)
Required by Australia profile only. MHEG indicates that it is finished using the CRID details returne...
System Wide Global Technical Data Type Definitions.
E_MhegErr DVB_MhegPvrCancelBooking(S_STRING crid, U16BIT crid_type)
Removes an event from the PVR schedule.
Definition of DVB locator and DVB component types.
E_MhegErr DVB_MhegPvrMakeBooking(S_STRING crid, S_CRID_DETAILS *details)
The function adds an event to the PVR’s list of scheduled events to record. The type of CRID can be a...
S_CRID_REC * DVB_MhegPvrListBookings(U16BIT *number)
Returns an array of CRIDs (and CRID types for NZ profile) that are being monitored by the PVR...