void | STB_AVInitialise (uint8_t audio_paths, uint8_t video_paths) |
void | STB_AVBlankVideo (uint8_t path, bool blank) |
void | STB_AVSetVideoSource (uint8_t path, int32_t source, uint32_t param) |
bool | STB_AVSetVideoCodec (uint8_t path, int32_t codec) |
int32_t | STB_AVGetVideoCodec (uint8_t path) |
void | STB_AVStartVideoDecoding (uint8_t path) |
void | STB_AVPauseVideoDecoding (uint8_t path) |
void | STB_AVResumeVideoDecoding (uint8_t path) |
void | STB_AVStopVideoDecoding (uint8_t decoder) |
void | STB_AVSetAudioSource (uint8_t path, int32_t source, uint32_t param) |
bool | STB_AVSetAudioCodec (uint8_t path, int32_t codec) |
int32_t | STB_AVGetAudioCodec (uint8_t path) |
void | STB_AVChangeAudioMode (uint8_t path, int32_t mode) |
void | STB_AVStartAudioDecoding (uint8_t decoder) |
void | STB_AVStopAudioDecoding (uint8_t decoder) |
void | STB_AVSetAudioVolume (uint8_t path, uint8_t vol) |
uint8_t | STB_AVGetAudioVolume (uint8_t path) |
void | STB_AVSetAudioMute (uint8_t path, bool mute) |
bool | STB_AVGetAudioMute (uint8_t path) |
void | STB_AVGetSTC (uint8_t path, uint8_t stc[5]) |
void | STB_AVSetTVType (uint8_t path, int32_t ratio, int32_t format) |
void | STB_AVGetScreenSize (uint8_t path, uint16_t *width, uint16_t *height) |
void | STB_AVSetAVOutputSource (int32_t output, int32_t source, uint32_t param) |
void | STB_AVSetAVOutput (bool av_on) |
void | STB_AVSetHDMIStandby (bool standby) |
uint8_t | STB_AVGetHDMISupportedModes (int32_t **modes) |
void | STB_AVGetHDMINativeResolution (uint16_t *width, uint16_t *height) |
void | STB_AVEnableHDMIDecoding (void) |
void | STB_AVDisableHDMIDecoding (void) |
bool | STB_AVIsHDCPAuthenticated (void) |
int32_t | STB_AVPlayAudioSample (uint8_t path, uint32_t loop_count) |
int32_t | STB_AVLoadAudioSample (uint8_t path, uint8_t *data, uint32_t size) |
int32_t | STB_AVPauseAudioSample (uint8_t path) |
int32_t | STB_AVResumeAudioSample (uint8_t path) |
void | STB_AVStopAudioSample (uint8_t path) |
void | STB_AVSetSpdifMode (uint8_t path, int32_t audio_type) |
void | STB_AVSetHDMIAudioMode (uint8_t path, int32_t audio_type) |
void | STB_AVSetAudioDelay (uint8_t path, uint16_t millisecond) |
void | STB_AVSetVideoCallback (uint8_t path, void(*callback)(int32_t *, void *), void *user_data) |
uint8_t | STB_AVGetVideoFrameRate (uint8_t path) |
int32_t | STB_AVGetHDMINativeFormat (void) |
void | STB_AVRegisterCcCallback (uint8_t path, void *context, int32_t callback) |
Related to Platform device control information(Audio and Video)