This is the complete list of members for CAtscMw, including all inherited members.
CancelChannelScan(void) | CAtscMw | |
CAtscMw() | CAtscMw | |
Connection(int32_t iClientSock, struct sockaddr_in *pClientAddr, socklen_t stClientAddrLen) | CAtscMw | |
GetAvailNoOfFrontendInstances(void) | CAtscMw | |
GetDemod(void) | CAtscMw | |
GetDumpHistory(void) | CAtscMw | |
GetFrontendConfiguration(void) | CAtscMw | |
GetFrontendProps(int32_t iId, sFeProp_t *pParams) | CAtscMw | |
GetFrontendStatus(int32_t iId, sFeStatus_t *pStatus) | CAtscMw | |
GetMwGuideInfo(char *pUri) | CAtscMw | |
GetMwPrepareTunerInfo(void) | CAtscMw | |
GetMwTunerInfo(sFeStatus_t *pStatus, int32_t iTunerId) | CAtscMw | |
GetMwTunersInfo(void) | CAtscMw | |
GetQueryHttpResponse(std::string sContentData) | CAtscMw | |
GetRegion(void) | CAtscMw | |
GetRrt(void) | CAtscMw | |
GetScanningResult(void) | CAtscMw | |
GetSltData(void) | CAtscMw | |
GetSupportedStandards(void) | CAtscMw | |
GetSystemTime(void) | CAtscMw | |
GetVersion(char *pFwVersion) | CAtscMw | |
Join(void) | CAtscMw | |
mRunning | CAtscMw | |
mServerThread | CAtscMw | |
ParserHttpProtocol(eHttpType_t eHttpType, int32_t iSock, sHttpHeader_t stHttpHeader) | CAtscMw | |
ParserHttpProtocolFromNative(int32_t iTunerId, int32_t iType, int32_t iSock, sHttpHeader_t stHttpHeader) | CAtscMw | |
RegisterFrontendParamCbEvents(FeParamsCbFunc ptrfunc) | CAtscMw | |
RegisterFrontendStatusCbEvents(FeStatusCbFunc fstatus) | CAtscMw | |
RegisterOnsnMsgEventNotify(OnScreenNotify fParamsPtr) | CAtscMw | |
RequestDump(std::string sUri, int32_t iType) | CAtscMw | |
RequestScan(std::string sUri, char *pContentData) | CAtscMw | |
RequestService(std::string sUri, char *pContentData) | CAtscMw | |
RequestTuners(std::string sUri, char *pContentData) | CAtscMw | |
RequestUserService(std::string sUri, char *pContentData) (defined in CAtscMw) | CAtscMw | |
ScanChannels(int32_t iTunerId, int32_t iStartCh, int32_t iEndCh, int32_t iDemod, int32_t iPlpId) (defined in CAtscMw) | CAtscMw | |
ScanChannels(int32_t iId, int32_t iStartCh, int32_t iEndCh, int32_t iPlp, eDemod_t iDemod, eRegion_t iRegion) (defined in CAtscMw) | CAtscMw | |
SetDemod(eDemod_t iDemod) | CAtscMw | |
SetRegion(eRegion_t iRegion) | CAtscMw | |
Start(int32_t iPort) | CAtscMw | |
StartFrontend(int32_t iId) | CAtscMw | |
StopChannelScan(int32_t iId) | CAtscMw | |
StopFrontend(int32_t iId) | CAtscMw | |
ThreadServer(void *pArg, int32_t iPort) | CAtscMw | |
TuneToChannel(int32_t iId, int32_t iCh, int32_t iPlp, eDemod_t iDemod, eRegion_t iRegion) (defined in CAtscMw) | CAtscMw | |
TuneToChannel(int32_t iId, int32_t iCh, int32_t iPlp) (defined in CAtscMw) | CAtscMw | |
~CAtscMw() | CAtscMw |