No Matches
Public Attributes | List of all members
sLsParameters_t Struct Reference

#include <atsc_core_atsc3_signaling_types.h>

Public Attributes

bool order
int32_t iFormatId
int32_t iCodePoint
int32_t iNumberOfFile
int32_t iSrcFrecPayloadId
uint32_t iExpires
uint32_t iTsi
uint32_t iMaxCacheMemory
uint32_t iMaxTransportSize
char sFileTemplate [256]
char sContentInfo [256]
char sContentType [256]
char sRepId [256]
char sAppContextIdList [256]
char sfilterCodes [512]
char sfileTemplet [1024]
sFdtParameters_t sFile [32]

Detailed Description

struct Representing an ATSC 3.0 LS parameter.

Member Data Documentation

◆ iCodePoint

int32_t sLsParameters_t::iCodePoint

Code point value.

◆ iExpires

uint32_t sLsParameters_t::iExpires

Expiration time of the content.

◆ iFormatId

int32_t sLsParameters_t::iFormatId

ID specifying the format of the data.

◆ iMaxCacheMemory

uint32_t sLsParameters_t::iMaxCacheMemory

Max cache size

◆ iMaxTransportSize

uint32_t sLsParameters_t::iMaxTransportSize

Transfer six of the object.

◆ iNumberOfFile

int32_t sLsParameters_t::iNumberOfFile

Number of files.

◆ iSrcFrecPayloadId

int32_t sLsParameters_t::iSrcFrecPayloadId

ID of the source payload.

◆ iTsi

uint32_t sLsParameters_t::iTsi

Identifier for the source node.

◆ order

bool sLsParameters_t::order

oder of receiving file

◆ sAppContextIdList

char sLsParameters_t::sAppContextIdList[256]

List of application context IDs.

◆ sContentInfo

char sLsParameters_t::sContentInfo[256]

Information about content.

◆ sContentType

char sLsParameters_t::sContentType[256]

Type of content.

◆ sFile

sFdtParameters_t sLsParameters_t::sFile[32]

Array of FDT parameters for files.

◆ sFileTemplate

char sLsParameters_t::sFileTemplate[256]

Template for file names.

◆ sfileTemplet

char sLsParameters_t::sfileTemplet[1024]

Templet file present in conjution to file location

◆ sfilterCodes

char sLsParameters_t::sfilterCodes[512]

Filter codes for all files.

◆ sRepId

char sLsParameters_t::sRepId[256]

ID for representation.

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