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sMpeg2Tvct_t Struct Reference

#include <atsc_types.h>

Public Attributes

uint8_t cSectionCount
uint8_t sHidden [16]
uint8_t sReserved [16]
uint8_t sReserved2 [16]
uint8_t sModulation [16]
uint8_t sEtmLocation [16]
uint8_t sServiceType [16]
uint8_t sAccessControlled [16]
uint16_t sMajor [16]
uint16_t sMinor [16]
uint16_t sSourceId [16]
uint16_t sProgramNum [16]
uint16_t sChannelTsid [16]
uint16_t sDescriptorsLength [16]
char sShortName [16][14]
char sDescriptors [16][256]
uint32_t sCarrierFrequency [16]
timespec tTime

Detailed Description

struct Data related to the MPEG-2 Transport Stream Virtual Channel Table (TVCT).

Member Data Documentation

◆ cSectionCount

uint8_t sMpeg2Tvct_t::cSectionCount

Number of sections in the TVCT

◆ sAccessControlled

uint8_t sMpeg2Tvct_t::sAccessControlled[16]

Array of 16 elements representing access controlled flags

◆ sCarrierFrequency

uint32_t sMpeg2Tvct_t::sCarrierFrequency[16]

Array of 16 elements storing carrier frequencies of channels

◆ sChannelTsid

uint16_t sMpeg2Tvct_t::sChannelTsid[16]

Array of 16 elements storing Channel Transport Stream IDs (TSIDs)

◆ sDescriptors

char sMpeg2Tvct_t::sDescriptors[16][256]

2D array storing descriptors associated with channels

◆ sDescriptorsLength

uint16_t sMpeg2Tvct_t::sDescriptorsLength[16]

Array of 16 elements storing lengths of descriptors for each channel

◆ sEtmLocation

uint8_t sMpeg2Tvct_t::sEtmLocation[16]

Array of 16 elements storing Event Information Table (ETM) locations

◆ sHidden

uint8_t sMpeg2Tvct_t::sHidden[16]

Array of 16 elements representing hidden channel flags

◆ sMajor

uint16_t sMpeg2Tvct_t::sMajor[16]

Array of 16 elements storing the major channel numbers

◆ sMinor

uint16_t sMpeg2Tvct_t::sMinor[16]

Array of 16 elements storing the minor channel numbers

◆ sModulation

uint8_t sMpeg2Tvct_t::sModulation[16]

Array of 16 elements storing modulation types

◆ sProgramNum

uint16_t sMpeg2Tvct_t::sProgramNum[16]

Array of 16 elements storing program numbers

◆ sReserved

uint8_t sMpeg2Tvct_t::sReserved[16]

Array of 16 elements reserved for future use

◆ sReserved2

uint8_t sMpeg2Tvct_t::sReserved2[16]

Another array of 16 elements reserved for future use

◆ sServiceType

uint8_t sMpeg2Tvct_t::sServiceType[16]

Array of 16 elements storing service types

◆ sShortName

char sMpeg2Tvct_t::sShortName[16][14]

2D array storing short names of channels

◆ sSourceId

uint16_t sMpeg2Tvct_t::sSourceId[16]

Array of 16 elements storing source IDs

◆ tTime

timespec sMpeg2Tvct_t::tTime

Time of the TVCT

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: