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sOtherRf_t Struct Reference

#include <atsc_types.h>

Public Attributes

int32_t iElevation
int32_t iEffectiveRadiatedPower
int32_t iOtherDirectionalCount
uint16_t iOtherBsidRf
uint16_t iOtherBsid
FLOAT_32 fLatitude
FLOAT_32 fLongtitude
sDirectional_t sDirectional [32]

Detailed Description

struct Represents the RF (Radio Frequency) parameters for another BSID.

Member Data Documentation

◆ fLatitude

FLOAT_32 sOtherRf_t::fLatitude

Represents the latitude of the RF source.

◆ fLongtitude

FLOAT_32 sOtherRf_t::fLongtitude

Represents the longitude of the RF source.

◆ iEffectiveRadiatedPower

int32_t sOtherRf_t::iEffectiveRadiatedPower

Represents the effective radiated power (ERP) of the RF source

◆ iElevation

int32_t sOtherRf_t::iElevation

Represents the elevation of the RF source in meters.

◆ iOtherBsid

uint16_t sOtherRf_t::iOtherBsid

Represents the identifier for another BSID.

◆ iOtherBsidRf

uint16_t sOtherRf_t::iOtherBsidRf

Represents the RF-specific identifier for the BSID.

◆ iOtherDirectionalCount

int32_t sOtherRf_t::iOtherDirectionalCount

Represents the Total count for directional element

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: