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sServiceListTable_t Struct Reference

#include <atsc_types.h>

Public Attributes

int32_t iBsid
int32_t iVersion
int32_t iNumberOfService
uint32_t iSourceIp
timespec stTime
sSltInetUrl_t sSltInetUrl
sSltService_t sService [32]

Detailed Description

struct To store the Service List Information.

Member Data Documentation

◆ iBsid

int32_t sServiceListTable_t::iBsid

Broadcast System ID (BSID) associated with the service list table

◆ iNumberOfService

int32_t sServiceListTable_t::iNumberOfService

Number of services present in the table

◆ iSourceIp

uint32_t sServiceListTable_t::iSourceIp

Source IP address associated with the service list table

◆ iVersion

int32_t sServiceListTable_t::iVersion

Version of the service list table

◆ sService

sSltService_t sServiceListTable_t::sService[32]

To store the individual service entries

◆ sSltInetUrl

sSltInetUrl_t sServiceListTable_t::sSltInetUrl

To store the SLT Url Type

◆ stTime

timespec sServiceListTable_t::stTime

Timestamp associated with the service

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