Release notes for DVBCore in version 24.10.0: **Features** * CI+ Operator Profile type 2 needs to be supported * ItemDecoding of AC-4 audio * ItemDVBCore and Ci-Plus API's have circular dependencies * ItemCI+ host control functionality not yet implemented for PID replacement * ItemFeatures missing from unicable v1 support * Make message descriptor generic * Add a function to get the AD volume * Simplify standby to make it easier to add new functionality * Add support for tuner/demod that can be used for more than one type of delivery system * Recording handle isn't included in the event that's sent when a recording stops * Implement a new function to return the timer associated with a recording * No function exists to read the last play position for a recording * No function exists to get the 'other' CRID (series or recommendation) of a timer * A function is needed to be able to query whether a tuner is enabled * HbbTV needs to be informed when a timer notifies that a recording is about to start * Provide a function that returns a U32DHMS value from a number of seconds * Allow a default notify time to be set for all recording timers * The argument defining whether a CRID is for a radio service needs to be removed * Add ability for recordings to be marked as locked when they're booked so they can't be deleted. **Bug Fixes** * CI+ NIT tables may fail to add all the channels * CI+: error return values are not correct for two API's * Crash occurs if CI+ notifies of Operator Info with NULL pointer * Some CI+ service details are not saved to NVM * When building with CI+ integration, compile warnings highlight coding errors * Search for CI+ Network record always fails * CI+: host Control module search fails because of uninitialised legacy variable * Pass org.hbbtv_AVC00145 HbbTV test * Audio description can't be enabled or disabled unless a service is being decoded * Deadlock when trying to stop EBU teletext subtitles * Unnecessary change to database API should be reverted * No check is made to see whether a CRID record already exists before creating a new one * Small memory leak in timer code related to a CRID string * PVR related timer debug prints are using the wrong debug print macro * Timers to start recordings can be lost when entering standby or due to a loss of power * A recording timer isn't notified following a reboot * An attempt is made to stop a recording with an invalid handle * The recording being used for timeshift is being returned in the list of in-progress and completed recordings * Pre-built compile time utilities don't exist to run on 64-bit Linux * in ap_cihc.c, ACI_HcNotifyHostControlSession() fails to add status info to linked list. * When no TEMI data is received, timeline timeouts won't be detected.