DSMCC  22.11.0
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file  sbm.c
 Section Buffer Manager (for use by Section Filter Manager and client) Provides mechanism to allocate and release buffers for section data without cost of using standard malloc and free.
file  sfm_cache.c
 Section Filter Manager: caching functions.
file  sfm_cache.h [code]
 Section Filter Manasger (SFM): cache definitions.
file  sfm_debug.h [code]
 Section Filter Manasger (SFM): Debug definitions.
file  sfm_filter.c
 Section Filter Manasger (SFM): filters.
file  sfm_filter.h [code]
 Section Filter Manager (SFM): filters.
file  sfm_main.c
 Section Filter Manager: main functions.
file  sfm_main.h [code]
 Section Filter Manager (SFM): main definitions.