H_DsmControl | DSMCC_Open (S_DsmccConfig *config) |
| Open DSM-CC and create controling instance. More...
void | DSMCC_Close (H_DsmControl instance) |
| Close DSM-CC controling instance, and destroy all resources. More...
BOOLEAN | DSMCC_Start (H_DsmControl instance, S_DvbLocator *locator, U32BIT boot_carousel_id, DMXREF dmxref) |
| The function is depreciated. It starts DSM-CC controlling instance, and will start search for a boot carousel on service specified by locator. The search depends on 'boot_carousel_id' parameter. When boot carousel id is set to INVALID_CAROUSEL_ID, DSM-CC will attempt to start on a carousel which the client recognises in callback function 'parseDataBroadcastId'. Even when the PMT does not contain a recognised data broadcast id, DSMCC_Start() will return TRUE, and the DSM-CC will keep trying to load a boot carousel. When boot carousel id is set to a specific value or UNKNOWN_CAROUSEL_ID and a carousel of the required ID is not present, either DSMCC_Start() will return FALSE or 'carouselLoad' callback will be passed a result of OC_LOAD_ABORTED_ERROR. When boot carousel id is set to UNKNOWN_CAROUSEL_ID, DSM-CC will attempt to start on whatever carousel is signalled in PMT for that service. More...
void | DSMCC_SetTunedTransportInfo (H_DsmControl instance, U16BIT onet_id, U16BIT tran_id, DMXREF dmxref) |
| Inform DSMCC instance of the tuned transport details. This must be called before calling DSMCC_StartFs() or DSMCC_StartSsu() More...
BOOLEAN | DSMCC_StartFs (H_DsmControl instance, U16BIT service_id, U32BIT carousel_id) |
| Start DSM-CC controlling instance. This must follow call to DSMCC_SetTunedTransportInfo. The function will start search for an Object Carousel on the specified service. The search depends on the value given 'carousel_id' parameter. When carousel id is set to INVALID_CAROUSEL_ID, DSM-CC will attempt to start on a carousel which the client recognises in callback function 'parseDataBroadcastId'. Even when the PMT does not contain a recognised data broadcast id, this function will return TRUE, and the DSM-CC will keep searching. When the carousel id is set to a specific value or UNKNOWN_CAROUSEL_ID and a carousel of the required ID is not present, either this function will return FALSE or 'carouselLoad' callback will be passed a result of OC_LOAD_ABORTED_ERROR. When carousel id is set to UNKNOWN_CAROUSEL_ID, DSM-CC will attempt to start on whatever carousel is signalled in PMT for that service. More...
BOOLEAN | DSMCC_StartSsu (H_DsmControl instance, U16BIT service_id, U32BIT oui) |
| Start DSM-CC controling instance. This must follow call to DSMCC_SetTunedTransportInfo. The function will start loading Update Carousel for SSU on specified service. More...
BOOLEAN | DSMCC_StartSsuWithPid (H_DsmControl instance, U16BIT pid, U32BIT oui) |
| Start DSM-CC controling instance. This must follow call to DSMCC_SetTunedTransportInfo. The function will start loading Update Carousel for SSU on a single specified PID. More...
void | DSMCC_Stop (H_DsmControl instance, E_DsmRstMode mode) |
| Stop DSM-CC controling instance. Causes all carousels to unload. More...
void | DSMCC_Reboot (H_DsmControl instance) |
| Reboot DSM-CC controling instance. Causes all carousels to unload and initiate search for boot carousel. More...
H_ObjCarousel | DSMCC_CurrentCarousel (H_DsmControl dsmctrl) |
| Get currently loaded carousel handle. More...
U32BIT | DSMCC_CurrentCarouselId (H_DsmControl dsmctrl) |
| Get currently loaded carousel ID. More...
BOOLEAN | DSMCC_SetCurrentCarousel (H_DsmControl dsmctrl, H_ObjCarousel hOC) |
| Set current carousel. This does not unload any previously loaded carousels. More...
void | DSMCC_UnloadCarousel (H_DsmControl dsmctrl, H_ObjCarousel hOC, E_DsmRstMode mode) |
| Unload specified Carousel. More...
void | DSMCC_SiqCacheClearPmt (H_DsmControl dsmctrl, U16BIT serviceId) |
| Clear cached PMT for particular service. More...
const char * | DSMCC_VersionString (void) |
| Returns version major.minor.patch as string. More...
H_DsmControl | DSMCC_FindInstance (U16BIT serviceId, DMXREF dmxref) |
| Find DSMCC instance that has beed started on specified service. More...
void | DSMCC_SetFileSystemCacheLimit (H_DsmControl dsmctrl, U32BIT cacheSize) |
| Set limit of DSMCC dynamic memory usage for file system caching This function overrides the default size is 6 MB. If this size is less than the currently allocated memory size, then it will release file system data until limit is reached - but only releasing data not currently in used by the client. More...
void | DSMCC_SsuUnloadModule (H_DsmControl dsmctrl, H_DsmCarousel hCarousel, U32BIT moduleRef) |
| Unload SSU module. This is intended to be called once the client has finished saving the data for this module. More...
DSM-CC API functions to control DSM-CC instance.
- Date
- 23/01/2013
- Author
- Adam Sturtridge
The function is depreciated. It starts DSM-CC controlling instance, and will start search for a boot carousel on service specified by locator. The search depends on 'boot_carousel_id' parameter. When boot carousel id is set to INVALID_CAROUSEL_ID, DSM-CC will attempt to start on a carousel which the client recognises in callback function 'parseDataBroadcastId'. Even when the PMT does not contain a recognised data broadcast id, DSMCC_Start() will return TRUE, and the DSM-CC will keep trying to load a boot carousel. When boot carousel id is set to a specific value or UNKNOWN_CAROUSEL_ID and a carousel of the required ID is not present, either DSMCC_Start() will return FALSE or 'carouselLoad' callback will be passed a result of OC_LOAD_ABORTED_ERROR. When boot carousel id is set to UNKNOWN_CAROUSEL_ID, DSM-CC will attempt to start on whatever carousel is signalled in PMT for that service.
- Parameters
instance | DSM control instance handle |
locator | DVB location of service. |
boot_carousel_id | carousel id - INVALID_CAROUSEL_ID, or UNKNOWN_CAROUSEL_ID, or a specific value. |
DMXREF | dmxref demux reference to be used in section filter API |
- Returns
- BOOLEAN - TRUE if success
The function is depreciated. It starts DSM-CC controlling instance, and will start search for a boot carousel on service specified by locator. The search depends on 'boot_carousel_id' parameter. When boot carousel id is set to INVALID_CAROUSEL_ID, DSM-CC will attempt to start on a carousel which the client recognises in callback function 'parseDataBroadcastId'. Even when the PMT does not contain a recognised data broadcast id, DSMCC_Start() will return TRUE, and the DSM-CC will keep trying to load a boot carousel. When boot carousel id is set to a specific value or UNKNOWN_CAROUSEL_ID and a carousel of the required ID is not present, either DSMCC_Start() will return FALSE or 'carouselLoad' callback will be passed a result of OC_LOAD_ABORTED_ERROR. When boot carousel id is set to UNKNOWN_CAROUSEL_ID, DSM-CC will attempt to start on whatever carousel is signalled in PMT for that service.
- Parameters
dsmctrl | DSM control instance handle |
locator | DVB location of service. |
boot_carousel_id | carousel id - INVALID_CAROUSEL_ID, or UNKNOWN_CAROUSEL_ID, or a specific value. |
DMXREF | dmxref demux reference to be used in section filter API |
- Returns
- BOOLEAN - TRUE if success