DSMCC  22.3.0
Classes | Macros | Typedefs | Functions | Variables
clDsmMain.c File Reference

Main Synchronous System (broadcast) API functions References: [1] - BS ISO/IEC 13818-6:1998 [2] - ETSI/DVB TR 101 202 v1.1.1 (1999-02) More...

#include "cldsmcc.h"
#include "clDsmSystem.h"
#include "clDsmUtils.h"
#include "linkList.h"
#include "sectionFilter.h"
#include "dsmObject.h"
#include "module.h"
#include "dataCarousel.h"
#include "objectCarousel.h"
#include "updateCarousel.h"
#include "moduleDecompress.h"
#include "loadMgr.h"
#include "siQuery.h"
#include "cacheMgr.h"
#include "defMemUtilsContig.h"
#include "pmtUpdate.h"
#include "streamEvent.h"
#include <stdio.h>


struct  _accelerate_carousel_loading_struct


#define DSI_MSG_ID   0x1006
#define DII_MSG_ID   0x1002
#define DDB_MSG_ID   0x1003


typedef struct _accelerate_carousel_loading_struct accelerateCarouselLoading_t


void CDSM_SetPrintFuncs (F_Printf errorFunc, F_Printf warnFunc, F_Printf debugFunc, F_Printf infoFunc)
 Sets debug print functions for four different levels of detail. Any of these parameters can be set to NULL to turn off output All can be same function and default is NULL for all. More...
void CDSM_SetPrintState (U32BIT state)
 Sets debug print state to select areas of debug. More...
void CDSM_SetDebugState (H_DsmCoreInst dsm, U32BIT dbgMask)
 Set Debug mask for core DSM. More...
E_DscError CDSM_SysCreate (P_DsmSetup pSetup, H_DsmCoreInst *pInstance, void **pMemContext)
E_DscError CDSM_SysDestroy (H_DsmCoreInst instance, H_SiqInstance *pSiqInst, H_SfmInstance *pSfmInst)
 Destroy DSM-CC Core Layer instance. De-allocates all 'static' memory used by the instance (via freeFunc). Only call at shutdown of DSM-CC instance. NB. clDsmDestroy will not 'fail' to execute even if it detects error conditions - ie. it will always de-allocate the instance memory. API calls MUST NOT be made with the old (stale) instance value after clDsmDestroy has been called since they will cause illegal memory accesses. To avoid problems, the instance should always be reset (via clDsmReset) before calling clDsmDestroy. This will detect if there are any active client or system transactions - eg. loaded objects or pending SI Query events. This would indicate it may be dangerous to call clDsmDestroy until they are completed. If clDsmDestroy detects that the instance is not in a reset state - ie. immediately after clDsmSysCreate or after clDsmReset has been successfully called (with force switches if necessary), it will return an error. CALLBACKS THAT MAY BE INITIATED DURING THIS CALL: freeFunc. More...
H_DsmControl CDSM_SysGetControl (H_DsmCoreInst instance)
 Get control handle from DSM instance . More...
E_DscError CDSM_UnloadAllCarousels (P_DsmCoreInst idp, U8BIT mode)
E_DscError CDSM_SysReset (H_DsmCoreInst instance, E_DsmRstMode mode)
 Reset DSM-CC Core Layer instance. Resets conditions to the same state as after CDSM_SysCreate(ie. keeps setup parameters). In normal operation the client MUST first unsubscribe all events, close and and unload all objects and unload all carousels before calling this function. This will have also stopped/deleted all associated system resources (ie. SI queries, timers, SI change monitors, section filters). If any client transactions or system transactions are still active when clDsmReset is called the reset will not be executed and an error returned. NB. The calling environment (system side) must acknowledge stop commands for SI Queries and timers (via processSIQueryEvent, processTimerEvent) and that these may occur asynchronously (ie. after a delay). This means that there may still be some active system transactions for some time after all objects and carousels are unloaded. FORCING RESET IN ERROR CONDITIONS: If all client and system transactions are apparently completed but still returns an error (eg. because handles are unknown/lost or system resource stop requests are not acknowledged) then clDsmReset can be called with appropriate force switches to clear the error condition. Any client transaction errors must first be cleared before system transaction errors can be cleared and both force switches cannot be set at the same time. NB. Only use force switches in known error conditions. It is potentially fatal (may cause illegal memory access) to call the functions: streamEventUnsubscribe, unloadObject, unloadCarousel, processSIQueryEvent, processTimerEvent with old/stale handles after clDsmReset has been forced. CALLBACKS THAT MAY BE INITIATED DURING THIS CALL: deleteSectionFilter stopTimer stopSIQuery unsubscribeSIChange. More...
void CDSM_SysSetMemoryMax (H_DsmCoreInst instance, U32BIT maxMemory)
 Set maximum memory usage. More...
E_DscError CDSM_SysSetCurrService (H_DsmCoreInst instance, U16BIT original_network_id, U16BIT transport_stream_id, U16BIT service_id)
 Set/notify the current service (initially and when changing it). This MUST be called initially (ie. after clDsmCreate or clDsmReset), before the boot carousel (or any carousels) can be loaded. To change the current service (ie. once one is already set) then the client MUST first unsubscribe all stream events and successfully unload all objects and carousels (from the current service). If any errors occur then clDsmReset may need to be called (with force switches - see Additional information below) before a new (or even the same) service can be set. **** NB. THIS FUNCTIONALITY IS NOT CURRENTLY IMPLEMENTED **** When this function is re-called. If the service details match those currently set then it will take no action. If they are different then the new service details are stored (unless objects and/or carousels are still loaded, in which case they are ignored and an error generated). **** NB. THIS FUNCTIONALITY IS NOT CURRENTLY IMPLEMENTED **** To forcefully destroy loaded objects and/or carousels (eg. where the handles may be unknown/lost) then clDsmReset can be used with force switches. CALLBACKS THAT MAY BE INITIATED DURING THIS CALL: none. More...
U16BIT CDSM_SysCurrServiceId (H_DsmCoreInst instance)
E_DscError CDSM_SysProcessTimerEvent (H_DsmCoreInst instance, void *clDsmTmrUserData, E_TimerStatus status, void *timerHandle)
E_DscError CDSM_SysProcessSIQueryEvent (H_DsmCoreInst idp, H_SIQueryRef clDsmSIQueryRef, void *clDsmSIUserData, P_SIQueryResult pResult)
 Notifies the result of the specified SI query (ie. a callback to startSIQueryFunc that returned SIQUERY_PENDING) or notifies that the query was stopped (aborted) before completion. Meaning of status values in this context: SIQUERY_SUCCESS - Query has returned successful result. SIQUERY_FAILURE - Query has failed to determine requested information (for any reason). SIQUERY_PENDING - *** INVALID VALUE FOR THIS CALL *** SIQUERY_ABORTED - Query has been stopped before completion. If the queryHandle supplied here is non-NULL it will supercede any value returned from the startSIQueryFunc callback (when input to the stopSIQueryFunc callback). NB. Although this function should be called synchronously with the other (synchronous) API functions, it can also be called from within the stopSIQueryFunc (required API) callback if required. Discard siQuery when there is no current service or siQueries generation count is different to the DSMCC instances generation count. CALLBACKS THAT MAY BE INITIATED DURING THIS CALL: addSectionFilter stopSIQuery notifyObjectLoadEvent notifyCarouselLoadEvent deleteSectionFilter stopTimer. More...
E_DscError CDSM_SysProcessSIChangeEvent (H_DsmCoreInst instance, E_SIChangeEvent event, U16BIT service_id, U32BIT carousel_id)
 Notify that the SI for the indicated service has changed Changes should be notified in the following situations: More...
E_DscError CDSM_SectionPriority (H_DsmCoreInst instance, H_DscSFRef dsmFilterRef, E_SFPriority *priority)
E_DscError CDSM_SysProcessPrivateSection (H_DsmCoreInst idp, U8BIT *pSection, H_DscSFRef dsmFilterRef)


F_Printf DBG_ErrorPrintfFunc = NULL
F_Printf DBG_WarnPrintfFunc = NULL
F_Printf DBG_DebugPrintfFunc = NULL
F_Printf DBG_InfoPrintfFunc = NULL
U32BIT dsmDbgState = 0
accelerateCarouselLoading_t accCarouselLoadingInfos

Detailed Description

Main Synchronous System (broadcast) API functions References: [1] - BS ISO/IEC 13818-6:1998 [2] - ETSI/DVB TR 101 202 v1.1.1 (1999-02)

R Taylor

Function Documentation

void CDSM_SetDebugState ( H_DsmCoreInst  dsm,
U32BIT  dbgMask 

Set Debug mask for core DSM.

dsmDSMCC core instance handle.
dbgMaskMask to filter debug messages
void CDSM_SetPrintFuncs ( F_Printf  errorFunc,
F_Printf  warnFunc,
F_Printf  debugFunc,
F_Printf  infoFunc 

Sets debug print functions for four different levels of detail. Any of these parameters can be set to NULL to turn off output All can be same function and default is NULL for all.

F_PrintferrorFunc Pointer to error print function
F_PrintfwarmFunc Pointer to warn print function
F_PrintfdebugFunc Pointer to debug print function
F_PrintfinfoFunc Pointer to info print function
void CDSM_SetPrintState ( U32BIT  state)

Sets debug print state to select areas of debug.

U32BITstate See defines above
E_DscError CDSM_SysDestroy ( H_DsmCoreInst  instance,
H_SiqInstance pSiqInst,
H_SfmInstance pSfmInst 

Destroy DSM-CC Core Layer instance. De-allocates all 'static' memory used by the instance (via freeFunc). Only call at shutdown of DSM-CC instance. NB. clDsmDestroy will not 'fail' to execute even if it detects error conditions - ie. it will always de-allocate the instance memory. API calls MUST NOT be made with the old (stale) instance value after clDsmDestroy has been called since they will cause illegal memory accesses. To avoid problems, the instance should always be reset (via clDsmReset) before calling clDsmDestroy. This will detect if there are any active client or system transactions - eg. loaded objects or pending SI Query events. This would indicate it may be dangerous to call clDsmDestroy until they are completed. If clDsmDestroy detects that the instance is not in a reset state - ie. immediately after clDsmSysCreate or after clDsmReset has been successfully called (with force switches if necessary), it will return an error. CALLBACKS THAT MAY BE INITIATED DURING THIS CALL: freeFunc.

instanceDSMCC instance handle
CLDSM_OK (0) Destroy was executed with no problems. CLDSM_ERR_INSTANCE_NOT_RESET Destroy was executed but instance was not in a reset state so there may still be client and system transactions outstanding. CLDSM_ERR_MEMSTOP_PROBLEM Destroy was executed but memory manager detected a problem while stopping. NB. Should be regarded as an internal error unless clDsmMemMgrAPI is mapped to a system (external) memory manager (DSM_SYSTEM_MEMMGR defined).
H_DsmControl CDSM_SysGetControl ( H_DsmCoreInst  instance)

Get control handle from DSM instance .

NULL if an invalid instance handle, otherwise returns control handle
E_DscError CDSM_SysProcessSIChangeEvent ( H_DsmCoreInst  instance,
E_SIChangeEvent  evnt,
U16BIT  service_id,
U32BIT  carousel_id 

Notify that the SI for the indicated service has changed Changes should be notified in the following situations:

  • The service cannot be located
  • The service is deleted from the multiplex (eg. PAT updated)
  • The service info is updated (ie. PMT updated). CALLBACKS THAT MAY BE INITIATED DURING THIS CALL: errorFunc startSIQueryFunc delSectionFilterFunc addSectionFilterFunc CALLBACKS THAT MAY BE INITIATED DURING THIS CALL: addSectionFilter stopSIQuery notifyObjectLoadEvent notifyCarouselLoadEvent deleteSectionFilter stopTimer
    instanceDSMCC instance handle
    clDsmSIQueryRefRefererence for this query (value supplied at start time).
    clDsmSIUserDataUser data for this query (value supplied at start time).
    statusStatus of query results.
    pResultPointer to results of query (if successful).
    CLDSM_OK (0) The process SI query event was executed with no problems. CLDSM_ERR_INVALID_SIQUERY_REF Supplied clDsmSIQueryRef does not reference a valid query. CLDSM_ERR_INVALID_SIQUERY_STATUS Supplied status value is invalid here. CLDSM_ERR_SYSTEM_ADD_SECTION_FILTER, Problem with add section filter callback.
E_DscError CDSM_SysProcessSIQueryEvent ( H_DsmCoreInst  idp,
H_SIQueryRef  clDsmSIQueryRef,
void *  clDsmSIUserData,
P_SIQueryResult  pResult 

Notifies the result of the specified SI query (ie. a callback to startSIQueryFunc that returned SIQUERY_PENDING) or notifies that the query was stopped (aborted) before completion. Meaning of status values in this context: SIQUERY_SUCCESS - Query has returned successful result. SIQUERY_FAILURE - Query has failed to determine requested information (for any reason). SIQUERY_PENDING - *** INVALID VALUE FOR THIS CALL *** SIQUERY_ABORTED - Query has been stopped before completion. If the queryHandle supplied here is non-NULL it will supercede any value returned from the startSIQueryFunc callback (when input to the stopSIQueryFunc callback). NB. Although this function should be called synchronously with the other (synchronous) API functions, it can also be called from within the stopSIQueryFunc (required API) callback if required. Discard siQuery when there is no current service or siQueries generation count is different to the DSMCC instances generation count. CALLBACKS THAT MAY BE INITIATED DURING THIS CALL: addSectionFilter stopSIQuery notifyObjectLoadEvent notifyCarouselLoadEvent deleteSectionFilter stopTimer.

Notifies the result of the specified SI query (ie. a callback to startSIQueryFunc that returned SIQUERY_PENDING) or notifies that the query was stopped (aborted) before completion. Meaning of status values in this context: SIQUERY_SUCCESS - Query has returned successful result. SIQUERY_FAILURE - Query has failed to determine requested information (for any reason). SIQUERY_PENDING - *** INVALID VALUE FOR THIS CALL *** SIQUERY_ABORTED - Query has been stopped before completion. If the queryHandle supplied here is non-Null it will supercede any value returned from the startSIQueryFunc callback (when input to the stopSIQueryFunc callback). NB. Although this function should be called synchronously with the other (synchronous) API functions, it can also be called from within the stopSIQueryFunc (required API) callback if required. CALLBACKS THAT MAY BE INITIATED DURING THIS CALL: addSectionFilter stopSIQuery notifyObjectLoadEvent notifyCarouselLoadEvent deleteSectionFilter stopTimer.

instanceDSMCC instance handle
clDsmSIQueryRefRefererence for this query (value supplied at start time).
clDsmSIUserDataUser data for this query (value supplied at start time).
statusStatus of query results.
pResultPointer to results of query (if successful).
queryHandleCalling env. handle to query (optional - NULL if not used).
CLDSM_OK (0) The process SI query event was executed with no problems. CLDSM_ERR_INVALID_SIQUERY_REF Supplied clDsmSIQueryRef does not reference a valid query. CLDSM_ERR_INVALID_SIQUERY_STATUS Supplied status value is invalid here. CLDSM_ERR_SYSTEM_ADD_SECTION_FILTER, Problem with add section filter callback.
E_DscError CDSM_SysProcessTimerEvent ( H_DsmCoreInst  instance,
void *  clDsmTmrUserData,
E_TimerStatus  status,
void *  timerHandle 

Notifies that the specified timer has either timed-out (triggered) or been stopped (aborted) before triggering. Input parameter clDsmTmrUserData must be set to the value supplied when the timer was started. If the timerHandle supplied here is non-Null it will supercede any value returned from the startTimerFunc callback (when input to stopTimerFunc callback). NB. Although this function should be called synchronously with the other (synchronous) API functions, it can also be called from within the stopTimerFunc (required API) callback if required. CALLBACKS THAT MAY BE INITIATED DURING THIS CALL: case (status) TIMER_TRIGGERED: notifyObjectLoadEvent notifyCarouselLoadEvent deleteSectionFilter stopSIQuery stopTimer TIMER_ABORTED none endcase RETURNS: CLDSM_OK (0)

E_DscError CDSM_SysReset ( H_DsmCoreInst  instance,
E_DsmRstMode  mode 

Reset DSM-CC Core Layer instance. Resets conditions to the same state as after CDSM_SysCreate(ie. keeps setup parameters). In normal operation the client MUST first unsubscribe all events, close and and unload all objects and unload all carousels before calling this function. This will have also stopped/deleted all associated system resources (ie. SI queries, timers, SI change monitors, section filters). If any client transactions or system transactions are still active when clDsmReset is called the reset will not be executed and an error returned. NB. The calling environment (system side) must acknowledge stop commands for SI Queries and timers (via processSIQueryEvent, processTimerEvent) and that these may occur asynchronously (ie. after a delay). This means that there may still be some active system transactions for some time after all objects and carousels are unloaded. FORCING RESET IN ERROR CONDITIONS: If all client and system transactions are apparently completed but still returns an error (eg. because handles are unknown/lost or system resource stop requests are not acknowledged) then clDsmReset can be called with appropriate force switches to clear the error condition. Any client transaction errors must first be cleared before system transaction errors can be cleared and both force switches cannot be set at the same time. NB. Only use force switches in known error conditions. It is potentially fatal (may cause illegal memory access) to call the functions: streamEventUnsubscribe, unloadObject, unloadCarousel, processSIQueryEvent, processTimerEvent with old/stale handles after clDsmReset has been forced. CALLBACKS THAT MAY BE INITIATED DURING THIS CALL: deleteSectionFilter stopTimer stopSIQuery unsubscribeSIChange.

instanceDSMCC instance handle
CLDSM_OK (0) The reset was executed with no problems.
E_DscError CDSM_SysSetCurrService ( H_DsmCoreInst  instance,
U16BIT  original_network_id,
U16BIT  transport_stream_id,
U16BIT  service_id 

Set/notify the current service (initially and when changing it). This MUST be called initially (ie. after clDsmCreate or clDsmReset), before the boot carousel (or any carousels) can be loaded. To change the current service (ie. once one is already set) then the client MUST first unsubscribe all stream events and successfully unload all objects and carousels (from the current service). If any errors occur then clDsmReset may need to be called (with force switches - see Additional information below) before a new (or even the same) service can be set. **** NB. THIS FUNCTIONALITY IS NOT CURRENTLY IMPLEMENTED **** When this function is re-called. If the service details match those currently set then it will take no action. If they are different then the new service details are stored (unless objects and/or carousels are still loaded, in which case they are ignored and an error generated). **** NB. THIS FUNCTIONALITY IS NOT CURRENTLY IMPLEMENTED **** To forcefully destroy loaded objects and/or carousels (eg. where the handles may be unknown/lost) then clDsmReset can be used with force switches. CALLBACKS THAT MAY BE INITIATED DURING THIS CALL: none.

Set/notify the current service (initially and when changing it). This MUST be called initially (ie. after clDsmCreate or clDsmReset), before the boot carousel (or any carousels) can be loaded. To change the current service (ie. once one is already set) then the client MUST first unsubscribe all stream events and successfully unload all objects and carousels (from the current service). If any errors occur then clDsmReset may need to be called (with force switches - see Additional information below) before a new (or even the same) service can be set. When this function is re-called. If the service details match those currently set then it will take no action. If they are different then the new service details are stored (unless objects and/or carousels are still loaded, in which case they are ignored and an error generated). To forcefully destroy loaded objects and/or carousels (eg. where the handles may be unknown/lost) then clDsmReset can be used with force switches. CALLBACKS THAT MAY BE INITIATED DURING THIS CALL: none.

instanceDSMCC instance handle
original_network_idDVB Network Identifier
transport_stream_idDVB Transport stream/Multiplex Identifier
service_idDVB Service Identifier
CLDSM_OK (0) The new current service details were successfully set. CLDSM_ERR_CAROUSELS_STILL_LOADED The new current service details could not be set because one or more carousels from this service were still loaded CLDSM_ERR_OBJECTS_STILL_LOADED The new current service details could not be set because one or more objects from this service were still loaded
void CDSM_SysSetMemoryMax ( H_DsmCoreInst  instance,
U32BIT  maxMemory 

Set maximum memory usage.
