DSMCC  22.3.0
Classes | Typedefs | Enumerations | Functions
cldsmcc.h File Reference

Main API to DSM-CC core layer (provided functions and required callbacks). More...

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struct  S_DsmSetup


typedef U8BIT E_CacheRules
typedef struct s_DsmObjectH_DsmObject
typedef struct s_ObjUserDataH_ObjUserData
typedef void(* F_Error) (E_DscError err, void *args)
typedef void(* F_Progress) (U32BIT prog, void *args)
typedef E_DscError(* F_StartTimer) (H_DsmControl dsmControl, U32BIT timePeriod, void *clDsmTmrUserData, void **pTimerHandle)
typedef void(* F_StopTimer) (H_DsmControl dsmControl, void *timerHandle)
typedef E_DscError(* F_StartSIQuery) (H_SiqInstance siqInstance, P_SIQueryRequest pQuery, H_SIQueryRef clDsmSIQueryRef, void *clDsmSIUserData, P_SIQueryResult pResult)
typedef void(* F_StopSIQuery) (H_SiqInstance siqInstance, void *queryHandle, H_SIQueryRef clDsmSIQueryRef)
typedef E_DscError(* F_SubscribeSIChanged) (H_SiqInstance siqInstance, U16BIT service_id)
typedef void(* F_UnsubscribeSIChanged) (H_SiqInstance siqInstance, U16BIT service_id)
typedef void *(* F_AddSectionFilter) (H_SfmInstance sfm, P_SecFilter pFilter, H_DscSFRef dsmFilterRef)
typedef void(* F_DelSectionFilter) (H_SfmInstance sfm, void *filterHandle, H_DscSFRef clDsmFilterRef)
typedef void(* F_SFPriorityChanged) (H_SfmInstance sfm, void *filterHandle, H_DscSFRef clDsmFilterRef, E_SFPriority priority)
typedef void(* F_NotifyCarouselLoadEvent) (H_DsmCarousel clDsmCarouselHandle, E_OCLoadStatus status, U32BIT carouselId)
typedef void(* F_NotifyObjectLoadEvent) (H_DsmObject clDsmObjectHandle, E_ObjLoadStatus status, H_ObjUserData pCopyOfObjLoadUserData)
typedef void(* F_NotifyStreamEvent) (H_DsmEvent eventHandle, E_SENotifyStatus status, void *userData1, void *userData2, U8BIT *namePtr, U8BIT *dataPtr, U8BIT namelen, U8BIT dataLen)
 The Client defines this function to enable the DSMCC to communicate to the Client when any subscribed to stream event has occurred. DSMCC prototypes this function; the Client defines this function. i.e. This function must be implemented in the Client not in the DSMCC. There will be a single callback function that will be called when an event occurs. This callback function was specified when the Client created the DSMCC instance. The callback may be called a number of times if the event is re-defined. The CDSM_StreamEventSubscribe() function must have been successfully called before the Client callback function will be called. The callback can be called when an error occurs. The callback is also called when an unsubscribe has completed. The 'status' argument to the callback differentiates between unsubscribe, errors and event triggered. The two streamEventUserData values allow the Client to differentiate between the many stream events that are notified through the single callback function. More...
typedef void(* F_NotifyDeferredService) (void *userData1, void *userData2, S_DvbLocator *pDeferredService)
 Called when request for deferred service of stream object has completed after clDsmStreamGetDeferredService returned CLDSM_PENDING userData values supplied for flexibility. More...
typedef struct S_DsmSetupP_DsmSetup


enum  E_TimerStatus { TIMER_TRIGGERED = 0, TIMER_ABORTED }
enum  E_DsmObjectKind {
enum  E_ObjLoadStatus {
enum  E_SENotifyStatus {


E_DscError CDSM_SysCreate (P_DsmSetup pSetup, H_DsmCoreInst *pInstance, void **pMemContext)
E_DscError CDSM_SysDestroy (H_DsmCoreInst instance, H_SiqInstance *pSiqInst, H_SfmInstance *pSfmInst)
 Destroy DSM-CC Core Layer instance. De-allocates all 'static' memory used by the instance (via freeFunc). Only call at shutdown of DSM-CC instance. NB. clDsmDestroy will not 'fail' to execute even if it detects error conditions - ie. it will always de-allocate the instance memory. API calls MUST NOT be made with the old (stale) instance value after clDsmDestroy has been called since they will cause illegal memory accesses. To avoid problems, the instance should always be reset (via clDsmReset) before calling clDsmDestroy. This will detect if there are any active client or system transactions - eg. loaded objects or pending SI Query events. This would indicate it may be dangerous to call clDsmDestroy until they are completed. If clDsmDestroy detects that the instance is not in a reset state - ie. immediately after clDsmSysCreate or after clDsmReset has been successfully called (with force switches if necessary), it will return an error. CALLBACKS THAT MAY BE INITIATED DURING THIS CALL: freeFunc. More...
H_DsmControl CDSM_SysGetControl (H_DsmCoreInst instance)
 Get control handle from DSM instance . More...
E_DscError CDSM_SysReset (H_DsmCoreInst instance, E_DsmRstMode mode)
 Reset DSM-CC Core Layer instance. Resets conditions to the same state as after CDSM_SysCreate(ie. keeps setup parameters). In normal operation the client MUST first unsubscribe all events, close and and unload all objects and unload all carousels before calling this function. This will have also stopped/deleted all associated system resources (ie. SI queries, timers, SI change monitors, section filters). If any client transactions or system transactions are still active when clDsmReset is called the reset will not be executed and an error returned. NB. The calling environment (system side) must acknowledge stop commands for SI Queries and timers (via processSIQueryEvent, processTimerEvent) and that these may occur asynchronously (ie. after a delay). This means that there may still be some active system transactions for some time after all objects and carousels are unloaded. FORCING RESET IN ERROR CONDITIONS: If all client and system transactions are apparently completed but still returns an error (eg. because handles are unknown/lost or system resource stop requests are not acknowledged) then clDsmReset can be called with appropriate force switches to clear the error condition. Any client transaction errors must first be cleared before system transaction errors can be cleared and both force switches cannot be set at the same time. NB. Only use force switches in known error conditions. It is potentially fatal (may cause illegal memory access) to call the functions: streamEventUnsubscribe, unloadObject, unloadCarousel, processSIQueryEvent, processTimerEvent with old/stale handles after clDsmReset has been forced. CALLBACKS THAT MAY BE INITIATED DURING THIS CALL: deleteSectionFilter stopTimer stopSIQuery unsubscribeSIChange. More...
void CDSM_SysSetMemoryMax (H_DsmCoreInst instance, U32BIT maxMemory)
 Set maximum memory usage. More...
E_DscError CDSM_SysSetCurrService (H_DsmCoreInst instance, U16BIT original_network_id, U16BIT transport_stream_id, U16BIT service_id)
 Set/notify the current service (initially and when changing it). This MUST be called initially (ie. after clDsmCreate or clDsmReset), before the boot carousel (or any carousels) can be loaded. To change the current service (ie. once one is already set) then the client MUST first unsubscribe all stream events and successfully unload all objects and carousels (from the current service). If any errors occur then clDsmReset may need to be called (with force switches - see Additional information below) before a new (or even the same) service can be set. When this function is re-called. If the service details match those currently set then it will take no action. If they are different then the new service details are stored (unless objects and/or carousels are still loaded, in which case they are ignored and an error generated). To forcefully destroy loaded objects and/or carousels (eg. where the handles may be unknown/lost) then clDsmReset can be used with force switches. CALLBACKS THAT MAY BE INITIATED DURING THIS CALL: none. More...
U16BIT CDSM_SysCurrServiceId (H_DsmCoreInst instance)
E_DscError CDSM_SysProcessTimerEvent (H_DsmCoreInst instance, void *clDsmTmrUserData, E_TimerStatus status, void *timerHandle)
E_DscError CDSM_SysProcessSIQueryEvent (H_DsmCoreInst instance, H_SIQueryRef clDsmSIQueryRef, void *clDsmSIUserData, P_SIQueryResult pResult)
 Notifies the result of the specified SI query (ie. a callback to startSIQueryFunc that returned SIQUERY_PENDING) or notifies that the query was stopped (aborted) before completion. Meaning of status values in this context: SIQUERY_SUCCESS - Query has returned successful result. SIQUERY_FAILURE - Query has failed to determine requested information (for any reason). SIQUERY_PENDING - *** INVALID VALUE FOR THIS CALL *** SIQUERY_ABORTED - Query has been stopped before completion. If the queryHandle supplied here is non-Null it will supercede any value returned from the startSIQueryFunc callback (when input to the stopSIQueryFunc callback). NB. Although this function should be called synchronously with the other (synchronous) API functions, it can also be called from within the stopSIQueryFunc (required API) callback if required. CALLBACKS THAT MAY BE INITIATED DURING THIS CALL: addSectionFilter stopSIQuery notifyObjectLoadEvent notifyCarouselLoadEvent deleteSectionFilter stopTimer. More...
E_DscError CDSM_SysProcessSIChangeEvent (H_DsmCoreInst instance, E_SIChangeEvent evnt, U16BIT service_id, U32BIT carousel_id)
 Notify that the SI for the indicated service has changed Changes should be notified in the following situations: More...
E_DscError CDSM_SysProcessPrivateSection (H_DsmCoreInst instance, U8BIT *pSection, H_DscSFRef dsmFilterRef)
E_DscError CDSM_SectionFilterPriority (H_DsmCoreInst instance, H_DscSFRef dsmFilterRef, E_SFPriority *pPriority)
E_DscError CDSM_LoadCarousel (H_DsmCoreInst instance, U16BIT service_id, U32BIT carousel_id, E_SIQueryKind kind, H_DsmCarousel *pclDsmCarouselHandle)
 Request load of a DSM-CC Object Carousel (service domain).
E_DscError CDSM_UnloadCarousel (H_DsmCoreInst instance, H_DsmCarousel clDsmCarouselHandle, E_DsmRstMode mode)
 Unload (or cancel the requested load of) a DSM-CC Object Carousel (service domain). The client MUST first unload all objects before calling this function (which implies it must also have previously closed and/or unsubscribed any events on any loaded objects). If there are any active object loads in the carousel when clDsmUnloadCarousel is called then the unload will not be executed and an error returned. If the carousel is in the process of loading and/or booting the load operation will be aborted (and the notifyCarouselLoadEventFunc callback made with status OC_LOAD_ABORTED_UNLOAD). Any carousel load request that returned a valid CDSM_CarouselHandle(ie. did not generate an error at clDsmLoadCarousel call time), must be explicitly unloaded via clDsmUnloadCarousel. This is necessary, whether the carousel was successfully loaded or the load was aborted due to timeout or error. Once unload is called for a carousel, the clDsmCarouselHandle is no longer valid and must not be used by the client/calling env. If it needs to access the carousel subsequently it must re-load it and get a new clDsmCarouselHandle value. To forcefully destroy loaded objects and/or carousels (eg. where the handles may be unknown/lost) then clDsmReset can be used with force switches. Note that this physically deletes them from the cache whereas unloading (objects or carousels) does not. CALLBACKS THAT MAY BE INITIATED DURING THIS CALL: delSectionFilterFunc stopTimerFunc stopSIQueryFunc unsubscribeSIChange notifyCarouselLoadEventFunc. More...
E_DscError CDSM_UnloadModule (H_DsmCoreInst idp, H_DsmCarousel hCarousel, U32BIT moduleRef)
 Unload SSU module. To be called once the client has finished saving this module data. More...
E_DscError CDSM_GetCarouselId (H_DsmCoreInst instance, H_DsmCarousel carouselHandle, U32BIT *pCarouselId)
 Retrieve Carousel Id for the loaded DSM-CC Object Carousel. More...
H_DsmCarousel CDSM_CurrentCarousel (H_DsmCoreInst instance)
 Retrieve handle to the current carousel for DSM-CC Instance. More...
E_DscError CDSM_SetCurrentCarousel (H_DsmCoreInst instance, H_DsmCarousel carouselHandle)
 Sets current carousel for DSM-CC Instance. More...
E_DscError CDSM_CarouselLoadFileGroups (H_DsmCoreInst instance, H_DsmCarousel clDsmCarouselHandle, U16BIT *total, S_CarouselInfoFileGroup **pGroups)
 Retrieve from Object Carousel's User Info, the "File Group Info" used by Australia and South Africa MHEG profiles. More...
E_DscError CDSM_CarouselUnloadFileGroups (H_DsmCoreInst instance, H_DsmCarousel clDsmCarouselHandle, S_CarouselInfoFileGroup *groups)
 Release "File Group Info" data allocated by used by CDSM_CarouselLoadFileGroups() More...
E_DscError CDSM_LoadObject (H_DsmCoreInst instance, U8BIT *pathname, U32BIT timeout, E_CacheRules cachingRules, H_ObjUserData pUserData, U32BIT sizeOfUserData, E_ObjLoadStatus *pStatus, H_DsmObject *pclDsmObjectHandle)
E_DscError CDSM_UnloadObject (H_DsmCoreInst instance, H_DsmObject clDsmObjectHandle, E_DsmRstMode mode)
 Unload (or cancel the requested load of) a DSM-CC object The client MUST first close and/or unsubscribe any events on the object before calling this function. If the object is open or there are any active subscribed events on it when clDsmUnloadObject is called then the unload will not be executed and an error returned. If the object load is still in progress the load operation will be aborted (and the notifyObjectLoadEventFunc callback made with status OBJ_LOAD_ABORTED_UNLOAD). If the object load is completed then unloading the object does not (necessarily) mean it (or it's parent module) is deleted from the cache. It does mean the cached object (or parent module) can now be updated from the input stream or deleted from the cache when creating space for new items. All object load requests that return a valid CDSM_ObjectHandle(ie. did not generate an error at clDsmLoadObject call time) must be explicitly unloaded via clDsmUnloadObject. This is mandatory, whether the object was successfully loaded or the load was aborted due to timeout or error. Once unload is called for an object, the clDsmObjectHandle is no longer valid and must not be used by the client/calling env. If it needs to access the object subsequently it must re-load it and get a new clDsmObjectHandle value. **** NB. ONLY CACHING RULE 'fromStream' CURRENTLY IMPLEMENTED **** Unloading an object causes the object's current caching rules to be applied and these affect whether or not it is subsequently kept in the cache. If fromStream is set, the object (or parent module) is deleted from the cache. If the same object is loaded multiple times in parallel, then the caching rules are applied only when the last of the object load instances is unloaded. NB. For module based caching (as currently implemented) the whole module inherits the caching rules MOST RECENTLY SPECIFIED for any object in that module. The rules for when multiple objects from the same module are requested (or loaded) in parallel are applied to a module on the same basis as described for multiple instances of the same object. To forcefully destroy loaded objects and/or carousels (eg. where the handles may be unknown/lost) then clDsmReset can be used with force switches. Note that this physically deletes them from the cache whereas unloading (objects or carousels) does not. CALLBACKS THAT MAY BE INITIATED DURING THIS CALL: delSectionFilterFunc stopTimerFunc stopSIQueryFunc notifyObjectLoadEventFunc. More...
E_DscError CDSM_OpenObject (H_DsmCoreInst instance, H_DsmObject clDsmObjectHandle, E_DsmObjectKind *pKind)
 Open object data for subsequent access via API functions for given object kind. The object must have already been loaded. Data that is specific to object kind is read and possibly stored here. CALLBACKS THAT MAY BE INITIATED DURING THIS CALL: none. More...
E_DscError CDSM_CloseObject (H_DsmCoreInst instance, H_DsmObject clDsmObjectHandle)
H_DsmCoreInst CDSM_ObjectGetInstance (H_DsmObject clDsmObjectHandle)
 Get DSM instance to which the object belongs. More...
E_DscError CDSM_SetObjectCachingRules (H_DsmCoreInst instance, U8BIT *pathname, E_CacheRules cachingRules)
E_DscError CDSM_PrefetchObject (H_DsmCoreInst instance, U8BIT *pathname, U32BIT timeout)
E_DscError CDSM_StreamEventSubscribe (H_DsmCoreInst dsmccInstance, H_DsmObject streamObject, U8BIT *eventName, void *userData1, void *userData2, H_DsmEvent *pEventHandle)
 The Client uses this function to request that the DSMCC notifies it when a named stream event occurs. The notification is implemented by means of a callback function defined by the Client. Refer to the description of F_NotifyStreamEvent for information about the callback function. Before calling this function the Client must request that the stream object of interest be loaded using the CDSM_ObjectLoad() function. This action will deliver a handle to the object stream - this is passed as the streamObject argument to this function. Do not have to wait until load is completed before subscribing. Do not have to open an object before subscribing (since synchronous function). CALLBACKS THAT MAY BE INITIATED DURING THIS CALL: none. More...
E_DscError CDSM_StreamEventUnsubscribe (H_DsmCoreInst dsmccInstance, H_DsmEvent eventHandle)
 This function is called by the Client to let DSMCC know when a previously subscribed stream event is no longer needed. Callback made to acknowledge unsubscribe. All data relating to this stream event will no longer be valid, including the eventHandle. CALLBACKS THAT MAY BE INITIATED DURING THIS CALL: none. More...
E_DscError CDSM_SpecialEventSubscribe (H_DsmCoreInst dsmccInstance, U16BIT associationTag, U16BIT eventId, void *userData1, void *userData2, H_DsmEvent *pEventHandle)
 Like clDsmStreamEventSubscribe, except that no stream object is required. This function subscribes to events specified by event ID, and association tag for the current service. More...
E_DscError CDSM_SpecialEventUnsubscribe (H_DsmCoreInst dsmccInstance, H_DsmEvent eventHandle)
 Same as clDsmStreamEventUnsubscribe - used in conjuction with clDsmSpecialEventSubscribe. More...
E_DscError CDSM_ObjectGetKind (H_DsmObject clDsmObjectHandle, E_DsmObjectKind *pKind)
E_DscError CDSM_ObjectGetCarouselHandle (H_DsmObject clDsmObjectHandle, void **hCarouselHandle)
E_DscError CDSM_ObjectGetServiceContext (H_DsmObject clDsmObjectHandle, U32BIT serviceId, U8BIT **pSrvCtxtData, U32BIT *pSrvCtxtLen)
 This function gets service context of DSM object (if available) Need by MHEG5 for specified service gateway (SRG) object. The Dsm object (clDsmObjectHandle) must be LOADED and OPEN. When serviceId cannot be found then matched then a pathname of '\0' is returned. On return from this function the current location within the SRG object message will remain the same as before the function was called. This means that this function can be called more than once in succession without reopening the memory sequence. More...
E_DscError CDSM_FileGetSize (H_DsmObject clDsmFileObjectHandle, U32BIT *pSize)
E_DscError CDSM_FileRead (H_DsmObject clDsmFileObjectHandle, U32BIT numBytes, U8BIT *pDest, U32BIT *pNumBytesActual)
E_DscError CDSM_FileDirect (H_DsmObject clDsmFileObjectHandle, U8BIT **ppDest, U32BIT *pNumBytesActual)
E_DscError CDSM_FileReadByte (H_DsmObject clDsmFileObjectHandle, U8BIT *pDest)
E_DscError CDSM_FileSetPosAbs (H_DsmObject clDsmFileObjectHandle, U32BIT absPosition)
E_DscError CDSM_FileSetPosRel (H_DsmObject clDsmFileObjectHandle, S32BIT relPosition)
E_DscError CDSM_FileGetPos (H_DsmObject clDsmFileObjectHandle, U32BIT *pPosition)
E_DscError CDSM_DirEntrySizes (H_DsmObject dirObj, U16BIT *nameCount, U16BIT *totalNameLength)
E_DscError CDSM_DirEntryFirst (H_DsmObject dirObj, void **pFirstEntry)
E_DscError CDSM_DirEntryNext (void *entryHandle, void **pNextEntry)
U16BIT CDSM_DirEntryNameLength (void *entryHandle)
U16BIT CDSM_DirEntryNameCopy (void *entryHandle, U8BIT *pName)
E_DsmObjectKind CDSM_DirEntryKind (void *entryHandle)
E_DscError CDSM_StreamGetDeferredService (H_DsmCoreInst instance, H_DsmObject streamObject, void *userData1, void *userData2, S_DvbLocator **ppDeferredService)
 The Client calls this function to obtain the Association Tag which can be used to determine the PID on which stream data can be found. Before calling this function the Client must have completed loading and opened the stream object. More...
E_DscError CDSM_StreamEventNameList (H_DsmCoreInst dsmccInstance, H_DsmObject streamObject, U8BIT **pNamesPtr, U16BIT *pNamesLen)
 The Client uses this function to request list of event names for stream object Before calling this function the Client must request that the stream object of interest be loaded using the CDSM_ObjectLoad() function. This action will deliver a handle to the object stream - this is passed as the streamObject argument to this function. Do not have to wait until load is completed Do not have to open an object. More...
E_DscError CDSM_StreamEventXmlData (H_DsmCoreInst dsmccInstance, H_DsmObject streamObject, U8BIT **ppXmlData, U16BIT *pXmlLen)
 The Client uses this function to request data in XML format for stream object and associated events. This XML format is defined by 'TS 102 809' v 1.2.1, section 8.2 Before calling this function the Client must request that the stream object of interest be loaded using the CDSM_ObjectLoad() function. More...
U32BIT CDSM_UtilCalculateCRC (U8BIT *msg, U32BIT len)

Detailed Description

Main API to DSM-CC core layer (provided functions and required callbacks).


Typedef Documentation

typedef void(* F_NotifyDeferredService) (void *userData1, void *userData2, S_DvbLocator *pDeferredService)

Called when request for deferred service of stream object has completed after clDsmStreamGetDeferredService returned CLDSM_PENDING userData values supplied for flexibility.

userData1Optional data to be used by client. This data was supplied by the Client when a subscription was taken out on a stream event.
userData2Optional data to be used by client. This data was supplied by the Client when a subscription was taken out on a stream event.
deferredServiceDeferred Service for Stream object .
There is no return value.
typedef void(* F_NotifyStreamEvent) (H_DsmEvent eventHandle, E_SENotifyStatus status, void *userData1, void *userData2, U8BIT *namePtr, U8BIT *dataPtr, U8BIT namelen, U8BIT dataLen)

The Client defines this function to enable the DSMCC to communicate to the Client when any subscribed to stream event has occurred. DSMCC prototypes this function; the Client defines this function. i.e. This function must be implemented in the Client not in the DSMCC. There will be a single callback function that will be called when an event occurs. This callback function was specified when the Client created the DSMCC instance. The callback may be called a number of times if the event is re-defined. The CDSM_StreamEventSubscribe() function must have been successfully called before the Client callback function will be called. The callback can be called when an error occurs. The callback is also called when an unsubscribe has completed. The 'status' argument to the callback differentiates between unsubscribe, errors and event triggered. The two streamEventUserData values allow the Client to differentiate between the many stream events that are notified through the single callback function.

eventHandleThis is the handle obtained when the stream event was subscribed to. The client will use this handle when this stream event is referred to in the future.
statusStatus of the subscription.
userData1Optional data to be used by client. This data was supplied by the Client when a subscription was taken out on a stream event.
userData2Optional data to be used by client. This data was supplied by the Client when a subscription was taken out on a stream event.
namePtrEvent Name pointer
dataPtrEvent Data pointer
namelenEvent Name length
dataLenEvent Data length
There is no return value.

Function Documentation

E_DscError CDSM_CarouselLoadFileGroups ( H_DsmCoreInst  instance,
H_DsmCarousel  clDsmCarouselHandle,
U16BIT *  total,
S_CarouselInfoFileGroup **  pGroups 

Retrieve from Object Carousel's User Info, the "File Group Info" used by Australia and South Africa MHEG profiles.

instanceDSMCC instance handle
clDsmCarouselHandleHandle to carousel.
totaltotal number of file groups
pGroupsarray of File Group Info
E_DscError CDSM_CarouselUnloadFileGroups ( H_DsmCoreInst  instance,
H_DsmCarousel  clDsmCarouselHandle,
S_CarouselInfoFileGroup groups 

Release "File Group Info" data allocated by used by CDSM_CarouselLoadFileGroups()

instanceDSMCC instance handle
clDsmCarouselHandleHandle to carousel to be unloaded.
groupsarray of File Group Info
CLDSM_OK (0) Unload was executed with no problems. CLDSM_ERR_INVALID_CAROUSEL_HANDLE Unload was not executed because an invalid carousel handle was supplied.
H_DsmCarousel CDSM_CurrentCarousel ( H_DsmCoreInst  instance)

Retrieve handle to the current carousel for DSM-CC Instance.

instanceDSMCC instance handle
H_DsmCarousel - handle to current carousel
E_DscError CDSM_GetCarouselId ( H_DsmCoreInst  instance,
H_DsmCarousel  carouselHandle,
U32BIT *  pCarouselId 

Retrieve Carousel Id for the loaded DSM-CC Object Carousel.

instanceDSMCC instance handle
clDsmCarouselHandleHandle to carousel to be unloaded.
pCarouselIdCarousel ID
H_DsmCoreInst CDSM_ObjectGetInstance ( H_DsmObject  clDsmObjectHandle)

Get DSM instance to which the object belongs.

clDsmObjectHandleDSM object handle
NULL if an invalid object handle, otherwise returns instance handle
E_DscError CDSM_ObjectGetServiceContext ( H_DsmObject  clDsmObjectHandle,
U32BIT  serviceId,
U8BIT **  pSrvCtxtData,
U32BIT *  pSrvCtxtLen 

This function gets service context of DSM object (if available) Need by MHEG5 for specified service gateway (SRG) object. The Dsm object (clDsmObjectHandle) must be LOADED and OPEN. When serviceId cannot be found then matched then a pathname of '\0' is returned. On return from this function the current location within the SRG object message will remain the same as before the function was called. This means that this function can be called more than once in succession without reopening the memory sequence.

clDsmSRGObjectHandleSRG object handle supplied when object was loaded (via clDsmLoadObject).
serviceIdServiceID in a ServiceContextList in a ServiceGatewayMessage. For MHEG this is made from data_broadcast_id (hi-order bytes) and application_type_code (lo-order bytes).
pSrvCtxtDataReturned pointer of service context data
pSrvCtxtLenReturned length of service context data
CLDSM_OK (0) The SRG object was successfully parsed for an MHEG5 initial object path (nb. this does not imply an initial object path was actually found). CLDSM_ERR_INVALID_OBJECT_HANDLE clDsmSRGObjectHandle is not a valid object reference. CLDSM_ERR_INVALID_OBJECT_TYPE The object is not an SRG. CLDSM_ERR_OBJECT_NOT_LOADED The object is not yet loaded. CLDSM_ERR_OBJECT_NOT_OPEN The object is not open. CLDSM_ERR_END_OF_DATA No matching service context for 'serviceId'
E_DscError CDSM_OpenObject ( H_DsmCoreInst  instance,
H_DsmObject  clDsmObjectHandle,
E_DsmObjectKind *  pKind 

Open object data for subsequent access via API functions for given object kind. The object must have already been loaded. Data that is specific to object kind is read and possibly stored here. CALLBACKS THAT MAY BE INITIATED DURING THIS CALL: none.

instanceInstance of DSMCC containing object
clDsmObjectHandleHandle to the Object
pKindPopulated with the object kind
CLDSM_OK The object was successfully opened CLDSM_ERR_INVALID_OBJECT_HANDLE The handle is not a valid object handle CLDSM_ERR_OBJECT_NOT_LOADED The object has not been loaded CLDSM_ERR_OPEN_OBJECT_LIMIT The maximum number of open objects allowed has been reached CLDSM_ERR_OBJECT_OPEN The object is already open CLDSM_ERR_INVALID_OBJECT_TYPE The object is not a 'Stream Object', or a 'Stream Object with Events' or a 'File Object'. CLDSM_ERR_END_OF_DATA The object has zero length.

Open object data for subsequent access via API functions for given object kind. The object must have already been loaded. Data that is specific to object kind is read and possibly stored here. CALLBACKS THAT MAY BE INITIATED DURING THIS CALL: none.

instanceInstance of DSMCC containing object
clDsmObjectHandleHandle to the Object
pKindPopulated with the object kind
CLDSM_OK The object was successfully opened CLDSM_ERR_INVALID_OBJECT_HANDLE The handle is not a valid object handle CLDSM_ERR_OBJECT_NOT_LOADED The object has not been loaded CLDSM_ERR_OPEN_OBJECT_LIMIT The maximum number of open objects allowed has been reached CLDSM_ERR_OBJECT_OPEN The object is already open CLDSM_ERR_INVALID_OBJECT_TYPE The object is not a supported object type (see above list of valid types). CLDSM_ERR_END_OF_DATA The object has zero length.
E_DscError CDSM_SetCurrentCarousel ( H_DsmCoreInst  instance,
H_DsmCarousel  carouselHandle 

Sets current carousel for DSM-CC Instance.

instanceDSMCC instance handle
carouselHandleHandle to carousel
E_DscError CDSM_SpecialEventSubscribe ( H_DsmCoreInst  dsmccInstance,
U16BIT  associationTag,
U16BIT  eventId,
void *  userData1,
void *  userData2,
H_DsmEvent *  pEventHandle 

Like clDsmStreamEventSubscribe, except that no stream object is required. This function subscribes to events specified by event ID, and association tag for the current service.

dsmccInstanceAllows support >= 1 instance of a DSMCC.
associationTagAssociation tag used to retrieve PID that contains required stream events
eventIdStream event ID required by the Client.
userData1Optional data to be used by client. This data is stored and returned unchanged to the Client using a callback.
userData2Optional data to be used by client. This data is stored and returned unchanged to the Client using a callback.
pEventHandleThe is the handle to the stream event returned by subscribe. The caller will use this handle when the stream event being subscribed to is referred to in the future.
CLDSM_ERR_INVALID_INSTANCE The Instance value is invalid CLDSM_ERR_INVALID_STREAM_EVENT_NAME The supplied event name is invalid CLDSM_ERR_INVALID_OBJECT_HANDLE The supplied object handle is invalid CLDSM_ERR_INVALID_OBJECT_TYPE The message referred to by streamObject is not a BIOP::StreamEventMessage CLDSM_ERR_NO_STREAM_EVENT_NOTIFY_CALLBACK If Stream Events are to be used then a callback must be registered. CLDSM_ERR_MEM_HEAP_FULL Out of memory. CLDSM_ERR_NO_CURRENT_SERVICE_SET clDsmSysSetCurrService has not been called prior to calling this function CLDSM_OK The event has been successfully subscribed to.
dsmccInstanceAllows support >= 1 instance of a DSMCC.
streamObjectThis references a BIOP::StreamEventMessage as well as indicating the carousel, module and the kind of the object.
eventNameName of stream event required by the Client.
userData1Optional data to be used by client. This data is stored and returned unchanged to the Client using a callback.
userData2Optional data to be used by client. This data is stored and returned unchanged to the Client using a callback.
pStatusStatus of the subscription.
pEventHandleThe is the handle to the stream event returned by subscribe. The caller will use this handle when the stream event being subscribed to is referred to in the future.
CLDSM_ERR_INVALID_INSTANCE The Instance value is invalid CLDSM_ERR_INVALID_STREAM_EVENT_NAME The supplied event name is invalid CLDSM_ERR_SUBSCRIBE_FAILURE The event could not be subscribed to CLDSM_ERR_INVALID_OBJECT_HANDLE The supplied object handle is invalid CLDSM_ERR_INVALID_OBJECT_TYPE The message referred to by streamObject is not a BIOP::StreamEventMessage CLDSM_ERR_NO_STREAM_EVENT_NOTIFY_CALLBACK If Stream Events are to be used then a callback must be registered. CLDSM_ERR_MEM_HEAP_FULL Out of memory. CLDSM_OK The event has been successfully subscribed to.
E_DscError CDSM_SpecialEventUnsubscribe ( H_DsmCoreInst  dsmccInstance,
H_DsmEvent  eventHandle 

Same as clDsmStreamEventUnsubscribe - used in conjuction with clDsmSpecialEventSubscribe.

dsmccInstanceAllows support of >= 1 instance of a DSMCC.
eventHandleThis is a handle to an entry which is to be deleted from a list of subscribed to stream events
CLDSM_ERR_INVALID_STREAM_EVENT_HANDLE The eventHandle is not valid. CLDSM_OK The stream event was successfully unsubscribed
dsmccInstanceAllows support of >= 1 instance of a DSMCC.
eventHandleThis is a handle to an entry which is to be deleted from a list of subscribed to stream events
CLDSM_ERR_INVALID_STREAM_EVENT_HANDLE The streamEventHandle is not valid. CLDSM_OK The stream event was successfully unsubscribed
E_DscError CDSM_StreamEventNameList ( H_DsmCoreInst  dsmccInstance,
H_DsmObject  streamObject,
U8BIT **  pNamesPtr,
U16BIT *  pNamesLen 

The Client uses this function to request list of event names for stream object Before calling this function the Client must request that the stream object of interest be loaded using the CDSM_ObjectLoad() function. This action will deliver a handle to the object stream - this is passed as the streamObject argument to this function. Do not have to wait until load is completed Do not have to open an object.

dsmccInstanceAllows support >= 1 instance of a DSMCC.
streamObjectThis references a BIOP::StreamEventMessage as well as indicating the carousel, module and the kind of the object.
pNamesPtrPointer to comma separated list of Event names
pNamesLenLength of comma separated list of Event names
CLDSM_ERR_INVALID_INSTANCE The Instance value is invalid CLDSM_ERR_INVALID_OBJECT_HANDLE The supplied object handle is invalid CLDSM_ERR_INVALID_OBJECT_TYPE The message referred to by streamObject is not a BIOP::StreamEventMessage CLDSM_ERR_MEM_HEAP_FULL Out of memory. CLDSM_OK Successfully retrieved list of names for this stream object.
E_DscError CDSM_StreamEventSubscribe ( H_DsmCoreInst  dsmccInstance,
H_DsmObject  streamObject,
U8BIT *  eventName,
void *  userData1,
void *  userData2,
H_DsmEvent *  pEventHandle 

The Client uses this function to request that the DSMCC notifies it when a named stream event occurs. The notification is implemented by means of a callback function defined by the Client. Refer to the description of F_NotifyStreamEvent for information about the callback function. Before calling this function the Client must request that the stream object of interest be loaded using the CDSM_ObjectLoad() function. This action will deliver a handle to the object stream - this is passed as the streamObject argument to this function. Do not have to wait until load is completed before subscribing. Do not have to open an object before subscribing (since synchronous function). CALLBACKS THAT MAY BE INITIATED DURING THIS CALL: none.

dsmccInstanceAllows support >= 1 instance of a DSMCC.
streamObjectThis references a BIOP::StreamEventMessage as well as indicating the carousel, module and the kind of the object.
eventNameName of stream event required by the Client.
userData1Optional data to be used by client. This data is stored and returned unchanged to the Client using a callback.
userData2Optional data to be used by client. This data is stored and returned unchanged to the Client using a callback.
pEventHandleThe is the handle to the stream event returned by subscribe. The caller will use this handle when the stream event being subscribed to is referred to in the future.
CLDSM_ERR_INVALID_INSTANCE The Instance value is invalid CLDSM_ERR_INVALID_STREAM_EVENT_NAME The supplied event name is invalid CLDSM_ERR_INVALID_OBJECT_HANDLE The supplied object handle is invalid CLDSM_ERR_INVALID_OBJECT_TYPE The message referred to by streamObject is not a BIOP::StreamEventMessage CLDSM_ERR_NO_STREAM_EVENT_NOTIFY_CALLBACK If Stream Events are to be used then a callback must be registered. CLDSM_ERR_MEM_HEAP_FULL Out of memory. CLDSM_OK The event has been successfully subscribed to.

The Client uses this function to request that the DSMCC notifies it when a named stream event occurs. The notification is implemented by means of a callback function defined by the Client. Refer to the description of F_NotifyStreamEvent for information about the callback function. Before calling this function the Client must request that the stream object of interest be loaded using the CDSM_ObjectLoad() function. This action will deliver a handle to the object stream - this is passed as the streamObject argument to this function. Do not have to wait until load is completed before subscribing. Do not have to open an object before subscribing (since synchronous function). CALLBACKS THAT MAY BE INITIATED DURING THIS CALL: none.

dsmccInstanceAllows support >= 1 instance of a DSMCC.
streamObjectThis references a BIOP::StreamEventMessage as well as indicating the carousel, module and the kind of the object.
eventNameName of stream event required by the Client.
userData1Optional data to be used by client. This data is stored and returned unchanged to the Client using a callback.
userData2Optional data to be used by client. This data is stored and returned unchanged to the Client using a callback.
pStatusStatus of the subscription.
pEventHandleThe is the handle to the stream event returned by subscribe. The caller will use this handle when the stream event being subscribed to is referred to in the future.
CLDSM_ERR_INVALID_INSTANCE The Instance value is invalid CLDSM_ERR_INVALID_STREAM_EVENT_NAME The supplied event name is invalid CLDSM_ERR_SUBSCRIBE_FAILURE The event could not be subscribed to CLDSM_ERR_INVALID_OBJECT_HANDLE The supplied object handle is invalid CLDSM_ERR_INVALID_OBJECT_TYPE The message referred to by streamObject is not a BIOP::StreamEventMessage CLDSM_ERR_NO_STREAM_EVENT_NOTIFY_CALLBACK If Stream Events are to be used then a callback must be registered. CLDSM_ERR_MEM_HEAP_FULL Out of memory. CLDSM_OK The event has been successfully subscribed to.
E_DscError CDSM_StreamEventUnsubscribe ( H_DsmCoreInst  idp,
H_DsmEvent  eventHandle 

This function is called by the Client to let DSMCC know when a previously subscribed stream event is no longer needed. Callback made to acknowledge unsubscribe. All data relating to this stream event will no longer be valid, including the eventHandle. CALLBACKS THAT MAY BE INITIATED DURING THIS CALL: none.

dsmccInstanceAllows support of >= 1 instance of a DSMCC.
eventHandleThis is a handle to an entry which is to be deleted from a list of subscribed to stream events

This function is called by the Client to let DSMCC know when a previously subscribed stream event is no longer needed. Callback made to acknowledge unsubscribe. All data relating to this stream event will no longer be valid, including the eventHandle. CALLBACKS THAT MAY BE INITIATED DURING THIS CALL: none.

dsmccInstanceAllows support of >= 1 instance of a DSMCC.
eventHandleThis is a handle to an entry which is to be deleted from a list of subscribed to stream events
CLDSM_ERR_INVALID_STREAM_EVENT_HANDLE The eventHandle is not valid. CLDSM_OK The stream event was successfully unsubscribed
E_DscError CDSM_StreamEventXmlData ( H_DsmCoreInst  dsmccInstance,
H_DsmObject  streamObject,
U8BIT **  pXmlData,
U16BIT *  pXmlLen 

The Client uses this function to request data in XML format for stream object and associated events. This XML format is defined by 'TS 102 809' v 1.2.1, section 8.2 Before calling this function the Client must request that the stream object of interest be loaded using the CDSM_ObjectLoad() function.

dsmccInstanceinstance of DSMCC.
streamObjecthandle to stream object
pXmlPtrPointer to XML data for Stream Object
pXmlLenLength of XML data for Stream Object
CLDSM_ERR_INVALID_INSTANCE - The Instance value is invalid CLDSM_ERR_INVALID_OBJECT_HANDLE - The supplied object handle is invalid CLDSM_ERR_INVALID_OBJECT_TYPE - streamObject is not a BIOP::StreamEventMessage CLDSM_ERR_MEM_HEAP_FULL - Out of memory. CLDSM_OK - Successfully retrieved XML data for stream object.
E_DscError CDSM_StreamGetDeferredService ( H_DsmCoreInst  instance,
H_DsmObject  streamObject,
void *  userData1,
void *  userData2,
S_DvbLocator **  ppDeferredService 

The Client calls this function to obtain the Association Tag which can be used to determine the PID on which stream data can be found. Before calling this function the Client must have completed loading and opened the stream object.

dsmccInstanceAllows support >= 1 instance of a DSMCC.
streamObjectThis handle indicates the stream object
userData1Optional data to be used by client. This data is stored and returned unchanged to the Client using a callback.
userData2Optional data to be used by client. This data is stored and returned unchanged to the Client using a callback.
ppDeferredServicereturn a pointer to deferred service structure
CLDSM_ERR_INVALID_OBJECT_HANDLE The supplied object handle was not valid. CLDSM_ERR_INVALID_OBJECT_TYPE The streamObject does not refer to data containing the association tag. CLDSM_ERR_OBJECT_NOT_LOADED The streamObject does not refer to a loaded object. CLDSM_ERR_OBJECT_NOT_OPEN The streamObject does not refer to an open object. CLDSM_ERR_UNABLE_TO_GET_PROGRAM_ASSOC_TAG No BIOP_PROGRAM_USE tap could be found. CLDSM_PENDING Deferred service request is pending, and will be given in callback CLDSM_OK Deferred service successfully obtained.
dsmccInstanceAllows support >= 1 instance of a DSMCC.
streamObjectThis handle indicates the stream object
userData1Optional data to be used by client. This data is stored and returned unchanged to the Client using a callback.
userData2Optional data to be used by client. This data is stored and returned unchanged to the Client using a callback.
pDeferredServicereturn a pointer to deferred service structure
CLDSM_ERR_INVALID_OBJECT_HANDLE The supplied object handle was not valid. CLDSM_ERR_INVALID_OBJECT_TYPE The streamObject does not refer to data containing the association tag. CLDSM_ERR_OBJECT_NOT_LOADED The streamObject does not refer to a loaded object. CLDSM_ERR_OBJECT_NOT_OPEN The streamObject does not refer to an open object. CLDSM_ERR_UNABLE_TO_GET_PROGRAM_ASSOC_TAG No BIOP_PROGRAM_USE tap could be found. CLDSM_ERR_SI_QUERY_FAILED SI Query Failed CLDSM_OK Association Tag was successfully obtained.
E_DscError CDSM_SysDestroy ( H_DsmCoreInst  instance,
H_SiqInstance pSiqInst,
H_SfmInstance pSfmInst 

Destroy DSM-CC Core Layer instance. De-allocates all 'static' memory used by the instance (via freeFunc). Only call at shutdown of DSM-CC instance. NB. clDsmDestroy will not 'fail' to execute even if it detects error conditions - ie. it will always de-allocate the instance memory. API calls MUST NOT be made with the old (stale) instance value after clDsmDestroy has been called since they will cause illegal memory accesses. To avoid problems, the instance should always be reset (via clDsmReset) before calling clDsmDestroy. This will detect if there are any active client or system transactions - eg. loaded objects or pending SI Query events. This would indicate it may be dangerous to call clDsmDestroy until they are completed. If clDsmDestroy detects that the instance is not in a reset state - ie. immediately after clDsmSysCreate or after clDsmReset has been successfully called (with force switches if necessary), it will return an error. CALLBACKS THAT MAY BE INITIATED DURING THIS CALL: freeFunc.

instanceDSMCC instance handle
CLDSM_OK (0) Destroy was executed with no problems. CLDSM_ERR_INSTANCE_NOT_RESET Destroy was executed but instance was not in a reset state so there may still be client and system transactions outstanding. CLDSM_ERR_MEMSTOP_PROBLEM Destroy was executed but memory manager detected a problem while stopping. NB. Should be regarded as an internal error unless clDsmMemMgrAPI is mapped to a system (external) memory manager (DSM_SYSTEM_MEMMGR defined).
H_DsmControl CDSM_SysGetControl ( H_DsmCoreInst  instance)

Get control handle from DSM instance .

NULL if an invalid instance handle, otherwise returns control handle
E_DscError CDSM_SysProcessSIChangeEvent ( H_DsmCoreInst  instance,
E_SIChangeEvent  evnt,
U16BIT  service_id,
U32BIT  carousel_id 

Notify that the SI for the indicated service has changed Changes should be notified in the following situations:

  • The service cannot be located
  • The service is deleted from the multiplex (eg. PAT updated)
  • The service info is updated (ie. PMT updated). CALLBACKS THAT MAY BE INITIATED DURING THIS CALL: errorFunc startSIQueryFunc delSectionFilterFunc addSectionFilterFunc CALLBACKS THAT MAY BE INITIATED DURING THIS CALL: addSectionFilter stopSIQuery notifyObjectLoadEvent notifyCarouselLoadEvent deleteSectionFilter stopTimer
    instanceDSMCC instance handle
    clDsmSIQueryRefRefererence for this query (value supplied at start time).
    clDsmSIUserDataUser data for this query (value supplied at start time).
    statusStatus of query results.
    pResultPointer to results of query (if successful).
    CLDSM_OK (0) The process SI query event was executed with no problems. CLDSM_ERR_INVALID_SIQUERY_REF Supplied clDsmSIQueryRef does not reference a valid query. CLDSM_ERR_INVALID_SIQUERY_STATUS Supplied status value is invalid here. CLDSM_ERR_SYSTEM_ADD_SECTION_FILTER, Problem with add section filter callback.
E_DscError CDSM_SysProcessSIQueryEvent ( H_DsmCoreInst  idp,
H_SIQueryRef  clDsmSIQueryRef,
void *  clDsmSIUserData,
P_SIQueryResult  pResult 

Notifies the result of the specified SI query (ie. a callback to startSIQueryFunc that returned SIQUERY_PENDING) or notifies that the query was stopped (aborted) before completion. Meaning of status values in this context: SIQUERY_SUCCESS - Query has returned successful result. SIQUERY_FAILURE - Query has failed to determine requested information (for any reason). SIQUERY_PENDING - *** INVALID VALUE FOR THIS CALL *** SIQUERY_ABORTED - Query has been stopped before completion. If the queryHandle supplied here is non-Null it will supercede any value returned from the startSIQueryFunc callback (when input to the stopSIQueryFunc callback). NB. Although this function should be called synchronously with the other (synchronous) API functions, it can also be called from within the stopSIQueryFunc (required API) callback if required. CALLBACKS THAT MAY BE INITIATED DURING THIS CALL: addSectionFilter stopSIQuery notifyObjectLoadEvent notifyCarouselLoadEvent deleteSectionFilter stopTimer.

instanceDSMCC instance handle
clDsmSIQueryRefRefererence for this query (value supplied at start time).
clDsmSIUserDataUser data for this query (value supplied at start time).
statusStatus of query results.
pResultPointer to results of query (if successful).
CLDSM_OK (0) The process SI query event was executed with no problems. CLDSM_ERR_INVALID_SIQUERY_REF Supplied clDsmSIQueryRef does not reference a valid query. CLDSM_ERR_INVALID_SIQUERY_STATUS Supplied status value is invalid here. CLDSM_ERR_SYSTEM_ADD_SECTION_FILTER, Problem with add section filter callback.

Notifies the result of the specified SI query (ie. a callback to startSIQueryFunc that returned SIQUERY_PENDING) or notifies that the query was stopped (aborted) before completion. Meaning of status values in this context: SIQUERY_SUCCESS - Query has returned successful result. SIQUERY_FAILURE - Query has failed to determine requested information (for any reason). SIQUERY_PENDING - *** INVALID VALUE FOR THIS CALL *** SIQUERY_ABORTED - Query has been stopped before completion. If the queryHandle supplied here is non-Null it will supercede any value returned from the startSIQueryFunc callback (when input to the stopSIQueryFunc callback). NB. Although this function should be called synchronously with the other (synchronous) API functions, it can also be called from within the stopSIQueryFunc (required API) callback if required. CALLBACKS THAT MAY BE INITIATED DURING THIS CALL: addSectionFilter stopSIQuery notifyObjectLoadEvent notifyCarouselLoadEvent deleteSectionFilter stopTimer.

instanceDSMCC instance handle
clDsmSIQueryRefRefererence for this query (value supplied at start time).
clDsmSIUserDataUser data for this query (value supplied at start time).
statusStatus of query results.
pResultPointer to results of query (if successful).
queryHandleCalling env. handle to query (optional - NULL if not used).
CLDSM_OK (0) The process SI query event was executed with no problems. CLDSM_ERR_INVALID_SIQUERY_REF Supplied clDsmSIQueryRef does not reference a valid query. CLDSM_ERR_INVALID_SIQUERY_STATUS Supplied status value is invalid here. CLDSM_ERR_SYSTEM_ADD_SECTION_FILTER, Problem with add section filter callback.
E_DscError CDSM_SysProcessTimerEvent ( H_DsmCoreInst  instance,
void *  clDsmTmrUserData,
E_TimerStatus  status,
void *  timerHandle 

Notifies that the specified timer has either timed-out (triggered) or been stopped (aborted) before triggering. Input parameter clDsmTmrUserData must be set to the value supplied when the timer was started. If the timerHandle supplied here is non-Null it will supercede any value returned from the startTimerFunc callback (when input to stopTimerFunc callback). NB. Although this function should be called synchronously with the other (synchronous) API functions, it can also be called from within the stopTimerFunc (required API) callback if required. CALLBACKS THAT MAY BE INITIATED DURING THIS CALL: case (status) TIMER_TRIGGERED: notifyObjectLoadEvent notifyCarouselLoadEvent deleteSectionFilter stopSIQuery stopTimer TIMER_ABORTED none endcase RETURNS: CLDSM_OK (0)

E_DscError CDSM_SysReset ( H_DsmCoreInst  instance,
E_DsmRstMode  mode 

Reset DSM-CC Core Layer instance. Resets conditions to the same state as after CDSM_SysCreate(ie. keeps setup parameters). In normal operation the client MUST first unsubscribe all events, close and and unload all objects and unload all carousels before calling this function. This will have also stopped/deleted all associated system resources (ie. SI queries, timers, SI change monitors, section filters). If any client transactions or system transactions are still active when clDsmReset is called the reset will not be executed and an error returned. NB. The calling environment (system side) must acknowledge stop commands for SI Queries and timers (via processSIQueryEvent, processTimerEvent) and that these may occur asynchronously (ie. after a delay). This means that there may still be some active system transactions for some time after all objects and carousels are unloaded. FORCING RESET IN ERROR CONDITIONS: If all client and system transactions are apparently completed but still returns an error (eg. because handles are unknown/lost or system resource stop requests are not acknowledged) then clDsmReset can be called with appropriate force switches to clear the error condition. Any client transaction errors must first be cleared before system transaction errors can be cleared and both force switches cannot be set at the same time. NB. Only use force switches in known error conditions. It is potentially fatal (may cause illegal memory access) to call the functions: streamEventUnsubscribe, unloadObject, unloadCarousel, processSIQueryEvent, processTimerEvent with old/stale handles after clDsmReset has been forced. CALLBACKS THAT MAY BE INITIATED DURING THIS CALL: deleteSectionFilter stopTimer stopSIQuery unsubscribeSIChange.

instanceDSMCC instance handle
CLDSM_OK (0) The reset was executed with no problems.
E_DscError CDSM_SysSetCurrService ( H_DsmCoreInst  instance,
U16BIT  original_network_id,
U16BIT  transport_stream_id,
U16BIT  service_id 

Set/notify the current service (initially and when changing it). This MUST be called initially (ie. after clDsmCreate or clDsmReset), before the boot carousel (or any carousels) can be loaded. To change the current service (ie. once one is already set) then the client MUST first unsubscribe all stream events and successfully unload all objects and carousels (from the current service). If any errors occur then clDsmReset may need to be called (with force switches - see Additional information below) before a new (or even the same) service can be set. When this function is re-called. If the service details match those currently set then it will take no action. If they are different then the new service details are stored (unless objects and/or carousels are still loaded, in which case they are ignored and an error generated). To forcefully destroy loaded objects and/or carousels (eg. where the handles may be unknown/lost) then clDsmReset can be used with force switches. CALLBACKS THAT MAY BE INITIATED DURING THIS CALL: none.

instanceDSMCC instance handle
original_network_idDVB Network Identifier
transport_stream_idDVB Transport stream/Multiplex Identifier
service_idDVB Service Identifier
CLDSM_OK (0) The new current service details were successfully set. CLDSM_ERR_CAROUSELS_STILL_LOADED The new current service details could not be set because one or more carousels from this service were still loaded CLDSM_ERR_OBJECTS_STILL_LOADED The new current service details could not be set because one or more objects from this service were still loaded

Set/notify the current service (initially and when changing it). This MUST be called initially (ie. after clDsmCreate or clDsmReset), before the boot carousel (or any carousels) can be loaded. To change the current service (ie. once one is already set) then the client MUST first unsubscribe all stream events and successfully unload all objects and carousels (from the current service). If any errors occur then clDsmReset may need to be called (with force switches - see Additional information below) before a new (or even the same) service can be set. When this function is re-called. If the service details match those currently set then it will take no action. If they are different then the new service details are stored (unless objects and/or carousels are still loaded, in which case they are ignored and an error generated). To forcefully destroy loaded objects and/or carousels (eg. where the handles may be unknown/lost) then clDsmReset can be used with force switches. CALLBACKS THAT MAY BE INITIATED DURING THIS CALL: none.

instanceDSMCC instance handle
original_network_idDVB Network Identifier
transport_stream_idDVB Transport stream/Multiplex Identifier
service_idDVB Service Identifier
CLDSM_OK (0) The new current service details were successfully set. CLDSM_ERR_CAROUSELS_STILL_LOADED The new current service details could not be set because one or more carousels from this service were still loaded CLDSM_ERR_OBJECTS_STILL_LOADED The new current service details could not be set because one or more objects from this service were still loaded
void CDSM_SysSetMemoryMax ( H_DsmCoreInst  instance,
U32BIT  maxMemory 

Set maximum memory usage.

E_DscError CDSM_UnloadCarousel ( H_DsmCoreInst  instance,
H_DsmCarousel  clDsmCarouselHandle,
E_DsmRstMode  mode 

Unload (or cancel the requested load of) a DSM-CC Object Carousel (service domain). The client MUST first unload all objects before calling this function (which implies it must also have previously closed and/or unsubscribed any events on any loaded objects). If there are any active object loads in the carousel when clDsmUnloadCarousel is called then the unload will not be executed and an error returned. If the carousel is in the process of loading and/or booting the load operation will be aborted (and the notifyCarouselLoadEventFunc callback made with status OC_LOAD_ABORTED_UNLOAD). Any carousel load request that returned a valid CDSM_CarouselHandle(ie. did not generate an error at clDsmLoadCarousel call time), must be explicitly unloaded via clDsmUnloadCarousel. This is necessary, whether the carousel was successfully loaded or the load was aborted due to timeout or error. Once unload is called for a carousel, the clDsmCarouselHandle is no longer valid and must not be used by the client/calling env. If it needs to access the carousel subsequently it must re-load it and get a new clDsmCarouselHandle value. To forcefully destroy loaded objects and/or carousels (eg. where the handles may be unknown/lost) then clDsmReset can be used with force switches. Note that this physically deletes them from the cache whereas unloading (objects or carousels) does not. CALLBACKS THAT MAY BE INITIATED DURING THIS CALL: delSectionFilterFunc stopTimerFunc stopSIQueryFunc unsubscribeSIChange notifyCarouselLoadEventFunc.

instanceDSMCC instance handle
clDsmCarouselHandleHandle to carousel to be unloaded.
CLDSM_OK (0) Unload was executed with no problems. CLDSM_ERR_INVALID_CAROUSEL_HANDLE Unload was not executed because an invalid carousel handle was supplied. CLDSM_ERR_OBJECTS_STILL_LOADED Unload was not executed because there were still active object loads.
E_DscError CDSM_UnloadModule ( H_DsmCoreInst  idp,
H_DsmCarousel  hCarousel,
U32BIT  moduleRef 

Unload SSU module. To be called once the client has finished saving this module data.

idpDSMCC instance handle.
hCarouselHandle to the DSMCC Update Carousel
moduleRefReference to a module
error type
idpDSMCC instance handle.
hCarouselHandle to the DSMCC Update Carousel
downloadIdDownload ID
moduleIdModule ID
error type
E_DscError CDSM_UnloadObject ( H_DsmCoreInst  instance,
H_DsmObject  clDsmObjectHandle,
E_DsmRstMode  mode 

Unload (or cancel the requested load of) a DSM-CC object The client MUST first close and/or unsubscribe any events on the object before calling this function. If the object is open or there are any active subscribed events on it when clDsmUnloadObject is called then the unload will not be executed and an error returned. If the object load is still in progress the load operation will be aborted (and the notifyObjectLoadEventFunc callback made with status OBJ_LOAD_ABORTED_UNLOAD). If the object load is completed then unloading the object does not (necessarily) mean it (or it's parent module) is deleted from the cache. It does mean the cached object (or parent module) can now be updated from the input stream or deleted from the cache when creating space for new items. All object load requests that return a valid CDSM_ObjectHandle(ie. did not generate an error at clDsmLoadObject call time) must be explicitly unloaded via clDsmUnloadObject. This is mandatory, whether the object was successfully loaded or the load was aborted due to timeout or error. Once unload is called for an object, the clDsmObjectHandle is no longer valid and must not be used by the client/calling env. If it needs to access the object subsequently it must re-load it and get a new clDsmObjectHandle value. **** NB. ONLY CACHING RULE 'fromStream' CURRENTLY IMPLEMENTED **** Unloading an object causes the object's current caching rules to be applied and these affect whether or not it is subsequently kept in the cache. If fromStream is set, the object (or parent module) is deleted from the cache. If the same object is loaded multiple times in parallel, then the caching rules are applied only when the last of the object load instances is unloaded. NB. For module based caching (as currently implemented) the whole module inherits the caching rules MOST RECENTLY SPECIFIED for any object in that module. The rules for when multiple objects from the same module are requested (or loaded) in parallel are applied to a module on the same basis as described for multiple instances of the same object. To forcefully destroy loaded objects and/or carousels (eg. where the handles may be unknown/lost) then clDsmReset can be used with force switches. Note that this physically deletes them from the cache whereas unloading (objects or carousels) does not. CALLBACKS THAT MAY BE INITIATED DURING THIS CALL: delSectionFilterFunc stopTimerFunc stopSIQueryFunc notifyObjectLoadEventFunc.

instanceDSMCC instance handle
clDsmObjectHandleHandle to object to be unloaded. mode IN
CLDSM_OK (0) Unload was executed with no problems. CLDSM_ERR_INVALID_OBJECT_HANDLE Unload was not executed because an invalid object handle was supplied. CLDSM_ERR_OBJECT_OPEN Unload was not executed because the object was still open. CLDSM_ERR_STREAM_EVENTS_SUBSCRIBED Unload was not executed because there were still subscribed events on this object.