DSMCC  22.3.0
siqfuncs.h File Reference

Service Information Query: external function prototypes. More...

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typedef void * H_PmtRef
typedef H_PmtRef(* F_PmtParseInit) (U16BIT serviceId)
 Inform the DSM-CC client that parsing of PMT data is about to start The return value is passed to subsequent PMT parsing call back functions: i.e. F_ParseDataBcastId and F_PmtParseDone. More...
typedef U32BIT(* F_ParseDataBcastId) (H_PmtRef pmtref, U32BIT carouselId, U8BIT *dbcPtr, U8BIT dbcLen)
 Parse data broadcast id descriptor for recognised application(s) SIQ wants to know whether this PMT stream can be used to launch a DSM-CC boot carousel. When there is more than one choice, SIQ chooses the PMT stream that had the highest preference value returned by this function. Note that this may be called multiple times for a PMT stream, and always called from within SIQ_ProcessPmt(). Service ID and carousel ID are provided for convenience and are not required for a basic implementation of this function. More...
typedef void(* F_PmtParseDone) (H_PmtRef pmtref)
 Inform the DSM-CC client that parsing of PMT data has completed. More...
typedef BOOLEAN(* F_ParseSsuSelectorBytes) (U8BIT *selPtr, U8BIT selLen)
 Parse "Selector Bytes" contained in "System Software Update Info" of PMT's data broadcast Id decriptor (for SSU). This function is only called where OUI matches the value given in DSMCC_StartSsu(). This function should return TRUE if the client wishes DSMCC to load the associated Update Carousel. More...
typedef void(* F_NotifyAitInfo) (U16BIT serviceId, U16BIT appType, U16BIT pid, U8BIT version)
 Callback to inform of first or changed AIT info in PMT. More...

Detailed Description

Service Information Query: external function prototypes.

Adam Sturtridge

Typedef Documentation

typedef void(* F_NotifyAitInfo) (U16BIT serviceId, U16BIT appType, U16BIT pid, U8BIT version)

Callback to inform of first or changed AIT info in PMT.

serviceIdService id.
typeType of AIT application
pidPID containing AIT
versionCurrent AIT version
typedef U32BIT(* F_ParseDataBcastId) (H_PmtRef pmtref, U32BIT carouselId, U8BIT *dbcPtr, U8BIT dbcLen)

Parse data broadcast id descriptor for recognised application(s) SIQ wants to know whether this PMT stream can be used to launch a DSM-CC boot carousel. When there is more than one choice, SIQ chooses the PMT stream that had the highest preference value returned by this function. Note that this may be called multiple times for a PMT stream, and always called from within SIQ_ProcessPmt(). Service ID and carousel ID are provided for convenience and are not required for a basic implementation of this function.

pmtrefReference supplied by F_PmtParseInit. If F_PmtParseInit is not supplied to DSMCC_Open, this value is equal to service ID.
carouselIdCarousel associated with this descriptor
dbcPtrPointer to data broadcast id descriptor
dbcLenLength of data broadcast id descriptor
U32BIT - Preference value for this data broadcast id and associated application type. Zero means that data broadcast id or application type is not recognised, and SIQ will ignore it.
typedef BOOLEAN(* F_ParseSsuSelectorBytes) (U8BIT *selPtr, U8BIT selLen)

Parse "Selector Bytes" contained in "System Software Update Info" of PMT's data broadcast Id decriptor (for SSU). This function is only called where OUI matches the value given in DSMCC_StartSsu(). This function should return TRUE if the client wishes DSMCC to load the associated Update Carousel.

selPtrPointer to selector bytes
selLenLength of selector bytes
BOOLEAN - TRUE if selector bytes has the required product details
typedef void(* F_PmtParseDone) (H_PmtRef pmtref)

Inform the DSM-CC client that parsing of PMT data has completed.

pmtrefReference supplied by F_PmtParseInit. If F_PmtParseInit is not supplied to DSMCC_Open, this value is equal to service ID.
typedef H_PmtRef(* F_PmtParseInit) (U16BIT serviceId)

Inform the DSM-CC client that parsing of PMT data is about to start The return value is passed to subsequent PMT parsing call back functions: i.e. F_ParseDataBcastId and F_PmtParseDone.

U16BITserviceId Service id of the PMT
H_PmtRef - handle or user data of client