39 #if defined(DEBUG_ASSERT) || defined(DEBUG_ASSERT_STANDARD) 40 #define DHMS_CREATE(dt, hr, mn, sc) STB_GCCreateDebugDHMS(dt, hr, mn, sc) 42 #define DHMS_CREATE(dy, hr, mn, sc) ((U32DHMS)dy << D_DSHFT | (U32DHMS)hr << D_HSHFT | (U32DHMS)mn << D_MSHFT | (sc)) 46 #define DHMS_DAYS(dhms) (dhms >> D_DSHFT) 47 #define DHMS_DATE32(dhms) ((dhms >> D_DSHFT) | 0x8000) 48 #define DHMS_HOUR32(dhms) ((dhms >> D_HSHFT) & 0x1f) 49 #define DHMS_MINS32(dhms) ((dhms >> D_MSHFT) & 0x3f) 50 #define DHMS_SECS32(dhms) (dhms & 0x3f) 51 #define DHMS_DATE(dhms) (U16BIT)DHMS_DATE32(dhms) 52 #define DHMS_HOUR(dhms) (U8BIT) DHMS_HOUR32(dhms) 53 #define DHMS_MINS(dhms) (U8BIT) DHMS_MINS32(dhms) 54 #define DHMS_SECS(dhms) (U8BIT) DHMS_SECS32(dhms) 62 WEEKDAY_WEDNESDAY = 3,
117 typedef U32BIT U32DHMS;
138 U8BIT ohour1, U8BIT omin1, U8BIT ohour2, U8BIT omin2, BOOLEAN neg);
140 U8BIT *ohour, U8BIT *omin, BOOLEAN *neg);
162 U8BIT ohour, U8BIT omin, U8BIT osecs,
163 U16BIT *rcode, U8BIT *rhour, U8BIT *rmin, U8BIT *rsecs,
164 E_STB_GC_CALCTYPE calc);
166 U16BIT *rcode, U8BIT *rhour, U8BIT *rmin, U8BIT *rsecs,
167 E_STB_GC_CONVTYPE conv);
169 U16BIT code2, U8BIT hour2, U8BIT min2, U8BIT secs2,
170 E_STB_GC_COMPTYPE comp);
172 U16BIT code2, U8BIT hour2, U8BIT min2, U8BIT secs2);
178 void STB_GCGetDateInfo(U16BIT code, U8BIT hour, U8BIT min, U8BIT *day, U8BIT *wday,
179 U8BIT *month, U16BIT *year);
197 U32DHMS
STB_GCCreateDHMS( U16BIT date, U8BIT hour, U8BIT mins, U8BIT secs );
BOOLEAN STB_GCIsDateDayWeek(U16BIT code)
Tests whether the weekday of the specified date code is during the week.
Definition: stbgc.c:1472
U32DHMS STB_GCConvertTimestamp(U32BIT timestamp)
Converts a timestamp expressed in number of seconds since midnight (UTC) 1 January 1970...
Definition: stbgc.c:2432
U32DHMS STB_GCCalculateDHMS(U32DHMS dhms, U32DHMS period, E_STB_GC_CALCTYPE calc)
Calculates the date/time when the period is added/subtracted to/from dhms.
Definition: stbgc.c:2136
Reads the current GMT day number.
Definition: stbgc.c:1273
U32DHMS STB_GCCreateDHMSFromSeconds(U32BIT num_seconds)
Creates a DHMS value consisting of hours, minutes and seconds from a number of seconds.
Definition: stbgc.c:2110
void STB_GCInitialise(void)
Initialises general control.
Definition: stbgc.c:582
U32DHMS STB_GCNowDHMSLocal(void)
Reads the current Local date code and time.
Definition: stbgc.c:2296
Reads the current GMT minute.
Definition: stbgc.c:1112
void STB_GCSetGMTDate(U16BIT code)
Sets current GMT date.
Definition: stbgc.c:1174
U8BIT * STB_GCGetDateString(U16BIT code, U8BIT hour, U8BIT min, E_STB_GC_DATETYPE format)
Supplies specifed date as local date string, in format requested.
Definition: stbgc.c:1809
U8BIT * STB_GCGetLangCodeString(U32BIT lang)
Converts the given 24bit ISO language code to a null-terminated string.
Definition: stbgc.c:665
Reads the current GMT date code and time.
Definition: stbgc.c:2264
void STB_GCGetLocalTimeChange(U16BIT code, U8BIT hour, U8BIT min, U8BIT secs, U8BIT *ohour, U8BIT *omin, BOOLEAN *neg)
Reads local time offset from GMT.
Definition: stbgc.c:986
void STB_GCGetDateInfo(U16BIT code, U8BIT hour, U8BIT min, U8BIT *day, U8BIT *wday, U8BIT *month, U16BIT *year)
Get the day, weekday, month and the year from a date code and hour / minute offset.
Definition: stbgc.c:1867
void STB_GCSetLocalTimeChange(U16BIT code, U8BIT hour, U8BIT min, U8BIT secs, U8BIT ohour1, U8BIT omin1, U8BIT ohour2, U8BIT omin2, BOOLEAN neg)
Sets new and old local time offset from GMT.
Definition: stbgc.c:925
void STB_GCCalculateDateTime(U16BIT code, U8BIT hour, U8BIT min, U8BIT secs, U8BIT ohour, U8BIT omin, U8BIT osecs, U16BIT *rcode, U8BIT *rhour, U8BIT *rmin, U8BIT *rsecs, E_STB_GC_CALCTYPE calc)
Adds or subtracts offset from a date/time.
Definition: stbgc.c:1540
U8BIT * STB_GCGetFullSerialString(void)
Retrieves and returns the fulls serial string, incorporating the hardware version box serial number a...
Definition: stbgc.c:723
U32BIT STB_GCConvertToTimestamp(U32DHMS time)
Returns the number of seconds from midnight (UTC) 1 January 1970 to the specified U32DHMS time...
Definition: stbgc.c:2453
void STB_GCConvertDateTime(U16BIT code, U8BIT hour, U8BIT min, U8BIT secs, U16BIT *rcode, U8BIT *rhour, U8BIT *rmin, U8BIT *rsecs, E_STB_GC_CONVTYPE conv)
Converts specified date / time to another.
Definition: stbgc.c:1591
U32DHMS STB_GCCreateDHMS(U16BIT date, U8BIT hour, U8BIT mins, U8BIT secs)
Makes U32DHMS formated date/time from date code, hour, minutes, seconds.
Definition: stbgc.c:2080
U8BIT * STB_GCGetTimeStringDHMS(U32DHMS dhms, E_STB_GC_TIMETYPE format)
Supplies specified time as local time string, in format requested.
Definition: stbgc.c:2388
void STB_GCSetLocalTimeOffset(U8BIT ohour, U8BIT omin, BOOLEAN neg)
Sets local time offset from GMT.
Definition: stbgc.c:822
Converts the given date/time to local or GMT.
Definition: stbgc.c:2206
U8BIT * STB_GCGetVersionNumberString(void)
Retrieves and returns the library version number as a string.
Definition: stbgc.c:746
BOOLEAN STB_GCIsDateDayWeekend(U16BIT code)
Tests whether the weekday of the specified date code is during the weekend.
Definition: stbgc.c:1501
U8BIT * STB_GCGetClockString(U8BIT hour, U8BIT min, U8BIT secs, E_STB_GC_CLOCKTYPE format)
Supplies specified time as clock string, in format requested.
Definition: stbgc.c:1925
BOOLEAN STB_GCGetAudioSignal(void)
Reads the current audio signal bleep state from general control store.
Definition: stbgc.c:796
U8BIT STB_GCGetGMTMonth(void)
Reads the current GMT month number.
Definition: stbgc.c:1305
void STB_GCUseBroadcastTime(BOOLEAN state)
Sets whether the date/time are taken from the broadcast or the system. The default is to use the broa...
Definition: stbgc.c:2007
U16BIT STB_GCGetGMTYear(void)
Reads the current GMT year number.
Definition: stbgc.c:1337
void STB_GCSetAudioSignal(BOOLEAN state)
Enables/disables audio signal bleep and writes value into general control store.
Definition: stbgc.c:768
void STB_GCGetGMTDateTime(U16BIT *code, U8BIT *hour, U8BIT *min, U8BIT *secs)
Reads the current GMT date code and time.
Definition: stbgc.c:1372
void STB_GCGetLocalDateTime(U16BIT *year, U8BIT *month, U8BIT *day, U8BIT *hour, U8BIT *mins)
Get the local year, month, day, hour and minute.
Definition: stbgc.c:1969
Reads the current GMT weekday number.
Definition: stbgc.c:1238
BOOLEAN STB_GCIsFutureDateTime(U16BIT code, U8BIT hour, U8BIT min, U8BIT secs)
Tests given date and time against current GMT date and time.
Definition: stbgc.c:1411
U8BIT * STB_GCGetDateStringDHMS(U32DHMS dhms, E_STB_GC_DATETYPE format)
Supplies specifed date as local date string, in format requested.
Definition: stbgc.c:2349
System Wide Global Technical Data Type Definitions.
U8BIT STB_GCGetGMTHour(void)
Reads the current GMT hour.
Definition: stbgc.c:1081
void STB_GCSetGMTTime(U8BIT hour, U8BIT min, U8BIT secs)
Sets current GMT time.
Definition: stbgc.c:1042
U8BIT STB_GCGetGMTSecs(void)
Reads the current GMT seconds.
Definition: stbgc.c:1143
void STB_GCGetMJDDateInfo(U16BIT code, U8BIT *day, U8BIT *wday, U8BIT *month, U16BIT *year)
Returns the date info from the given MJD date code.
Definition: stbgc.c:1902
void STB_GCSetCIStandby(BOOLEAN standby)
Enables / disables CI standby state.
Definition: stbgc.c:690
U32DHMS STB_GCCreateDebugDHMS(U32BIT date, U32BIT hour, U32BIT mins, U32BIT secs)
Makes U32DHMS formated date/time from date code, hour, minutes, seconds.
Definition: stbgc.c:2049
U16BIT STB_GCGetGMTDate(void)
Reads the current GMT date code.
Definition: stbgc.c:1207
BOOLEAN STB_GCCompareDateTime(U16BIT code1, U8BIT hour1, U8BIT min1, U8BIT secs1, U16BIT code2, U8BIT hour2, U8BIT min2, U8BIT secs2, E_STB_GC_COMPTYPE comp)
Compares one date/time to another.
Definition: stbgc.c:1647
void STB_GCGetLocalTimeOffset(U8BIT *ohour, U8BIT *omin, BOOLEAN *neg)
Reads local time offset from GMT.
Definition: stbgc.c:869
U32BIT STB_GCGetSearchLangCode(void)
Reads the SI search language code from general control store.
Definition: stbgc.c:641
U8BIT * STB_GCGetTimeString(U16BIT code, U8BIT hour, U8BIT min, E_STB_GC_TIMETYPE format)
Supplies specified time as local time string, in format requested.
Definition: stbgc.c:1743
S32BIT STB_GCDateTimeDiff(U16BIT code1, U8BIT hour1, U8BIT min1, U8BIT secs1, U16BIT code2, U8BIT hour2, U8BIT min2, U8BIT secs2)
Returns the difference in seconds between the two dates/times, as time1 - time2, so the result will b...
Definition: stbgc.c:1714
void STB_GCSetSearchLangCode(U32BIT lang)
Writes SI search language code into general control store.
Definition: stbgc.c:621
Returns the weekday number of the specified date code.
Definition: stbgc.c:1448