▼ DTVKit | |
▼ DVBCore | |
▼ database | |
► dba_nvm | |
► src | |
dba_nvm.c | Database access public functions |
dba_nvm.h | NVM database access defines, structures and functions |
stbcsum.c | Check sum calculation routines |
stbcsum.h | Header file - Function prototypes for check sum calcs |
stbdbnvm.c | Non-volatile memory database functions |
stbdbnvm.h | Header file - Function prototypes for NVM database |
stbdbram.c | RAM database functions |
stbdbram.h | Header file - Function prototypes for RAM database |
stbnvm.c | NVM control functions |
stbnvm.h | Header file - Function prototypes for NVM control |
► dba_sqlite | |
► src | |
buffer.h | Reference counted buffer that is automatically deleted once the count becomes zero |
database.c | Records can be created, updated and deleted in-memory, these operations may optionally be recorded so that changes can be compared with and saved into another database |
database.h | Records can be created, updated and deleted in-memory, these operations may optionally be recorded so that changes can be compared with and saved into another database |
dba_sqlite.c | Database access public functions |
layout.c | Database layout |
sqlite.h | Interface to SQLite. Loads database records into the in-memory database and saves in-memory database changes into the database. Reads and writes database blobs |
► inc | |
dba.h | Database access defines, structures and public functions |
▼ dvb | |
► inc | |
ap_cfg.h | Application configuration |
ap_ci.h | Application level CI control functions |
ap_ci_support.h | CI plus support functions |
ap_cntrl.h | Application stb layer control |
ap_common.h | Application level common header |
ap_dbacc.h | Application database access functions |
ap_epgsearch.h | Macros and function prototypes for public use |
ap_ipadd.h | Contains the initialise functions for IP |
ap_pvr.h | Macros and function prototypes for public use |
ap_si.h | Application level SI task |
ap_tmr.h | Application timer functions and defines |
app.h | Application header file |
app_nvm.h | Header file for NVM data handling functions |
dvbver.h | Application Version support functions |
► src | |
ap_ca.c | Application level CA control functions |
ap_ca.h | Application level CA control functions |
ap_cfdat.h | Application configuration data |
ap_cfg.c | Application configuration functions |
ap_ci.c | Application level CI control functions |
ap_ci_int.h | Application level CI - internal functions |
ap_cihc.c | Application level CI Host Control functions |
ap_cihc.h | Application level CI Host Control functions |
ap_ciop.c | Application level CI Operator Profile functions |
ap_ciop.h | Application level CI Operator Profile functions |
ap_cntrl.c | Application control functions |
ap_dbacc.c | Application database access functions |
ap_dbdef.c | Application database control |
ap_dbdef.h | Application database control |
ap_dbxml.c | Database XML import/export |
ap_epgsearch.c | Functions to allow string based searching of EPG data |
ap_events.c | |
ap_events.h | |
ap_init.c | Initialises STB and creates a task to handle events, then enters idle loop |
ap_ipadd.c | Contains the function for ip address |
ap_pvr.c | PVR handling functions used by the application |
ap_si.c | Application level SI task |
ap_state.c | State machine to control the DVB |
ap_state.h | |
ap_tmr.c | Timer handling functions used by the application |
ap_uiinfo.h | Definition of the UI information callback function to be used within dvb |
app_nvm.c | Non_Volatile_Memory data handling functions |
dvbver.c | Blank description |
▼ externals | |
► CIPlus | |
► src | |
ci_glue_net.c | CI+ Glue - IP network functions |
ci_plus_glue.c | CI+ Glue |
► HBBTV | |
► inc | |
hbbtv_api.h | Application level HBBTV callback functions |
► src | |
common.h | Definition of functions common withing externals/HBBTV |
conf.c | System Interface, Configuration |
control.c | DVBCore external interface for the HbbTV engine |
debug.c | System Interface, debug |
decoding.c | System Interface, Decoding |
mediaplayer.c | System Interface, Media player |
os.c | System Interface, Operating System |
pvr.c | System Interface, PVR |
► MHEG5 | |
► src | |
audio.c | DVB Interface for MHEG5 engine - Audio |
dvbmh_int.h | Header internal to DVB MHEG interface files |
dvbmh_pvr.c | DVB Interface for MHEG5 engine - Audio |
events.c | DVB Interface for MHEG5 engine - Events |
memory.c | MHEG-5 Memory-related function |
misc.c | DVB Interface for MHEG5 engine - Audio |
video.c | DVB Interface for MHEG5 engine - Tuner |
▼ inc | |
dbgfuncs.h | Debug functions header file |
dbgmemory.h | Macro definition for memory debug |
techtype.h | System Wide Global Technical Data Type Definitions |
▼ midware | |
► CA | |
► inc | |
ca_glue.h | Glue layer between DVB and conditional access systems |
► src | |
ca_glue.c | Glue layer between DVB and conditional access systems |
► iptv | |
► inc | |
dvb_iptv.h | |
► src | |
rtp.h | DVB-IPTV RTP |
rtp_queue.c | DVB-IPTV RTP queue manager |
rtp_queue.h | DVB-IPTV RTP queue manager |
► media | |
► inc | |
media_image.h | Media image functions |
► src | |
image_jpeg.c | JPEG image functions |
image_png.c | PNG image functions |
► ota | |
► inc | |
stbota.h | API interfacing the midware with Intellibyte loader library |
► src | |
stbota.c | API interfacing the midware with loader library |
► stb | |
► inc | |
stbcc.h | Header file - Function prototypes for CC subtitles API |
stbcica.h | CI Conditional Access |
stbcicc.h | CI Content Control |
stbcikeys.h | CI Content Control - descrambler keys |
stbdpc.h | Header file - macros and function prototypes for public use |
stbdsapi.h | Header file - Function prototypes for DVB subtitles api |
stbebutt.h | Header file - EBU Teletext driver |
stberc.h | Header file - Function prototypes for Event Reporting |
stbgc.h | Header file - macros and function prototypes for public use |
stbheap.h | Header file - Function prototypes for heap memory |
stbinit.h | Header file - macros and function prototypes for public use |
stbllist.h | Header file - Function prototypes for linked lists |
stbpes.h | Header file - Function prototypes for PES collection task |
stbpvr.h | Header file - macros and function prototypes for public use |
stbpvrmsg.h | PVR messages database access functions header file |
stbsiflt.h | Header file - macros and function prototypes for public use |
stbsipmt.h | Header file - Function prototypes for operating system |
stbsitab.h | Header file - macros and function prototypes for public use |
stbuni.h | Header for STB unicode string handling routines |
stbvtc.h | Header file - macros and function prototypes for public use |
vtctype.h | Header file - Function prototypes for A/V control |
► src | |
asciimap.h | Contains character map tables for converting single byte ascii codes above 0xa0 to unicode codes |
fn12x10.c | EBU Teletext driver font declaration |
huffman_table1.h | The data for this file is subject to the signing of a license agreement that can be obtained by contacting the DTG (www.dtg.org.uk) who will then provide the tables in electronic form |
huffman_table2.h | The data for this file is subject to the signing of a license agreement that can be obtained by contacting the DTG (www.dtg.org.uk) who will then provide the tables in electronic form |
stbcc.c | Closed caption subtitle control, processing and rendering |
stbci_int.h | CI Content Control support - internal header |
stbcicc.c | CI Content Control |
stbcikeys.c | CI Content Control - descrambler keys |
stbdpc.c | Decode Path control functions |
stbds.h | Header file - Function prototypes for DVB subtitles |
stbdsc.c | DVB subtitle control tasks |
stbdsdis.c | DVB subtitle display functions |
stbdsfn.c | DVB subtitle control processing functions |
stbebutt.c | EBU Teletext driver |
stberc.c | Event reporting control functions |
stbgc.c | General control functions |
stbheap.c | Heap memory management routines |
stbhuffman.c | STB midware Huffman decompression routines defined by the BBC |
stbhuffman.h | STB midware Huffman decompression routines defined by the BBC |
stbinit.c | STB layer initialisation routine |
stbllist.c | Linked list routines |
stbpes.c | PES collection task, pieces together PES fragments to form completed packet and place in an appropriate queue |
stbpvr.c | PVR control functions |
stbpvrmsg.c | PVR message database access functions |
stbresmgr.c | STB middleware resource management module source file |
stbresmgr.h | STB middleware resource management module header file |
stbsic.h | Header file - macros and function prototypes for public use |
stbsiflt.c | STB layer SI filter handling |
stbsitab.c | STB layer SI table parsing |
stbuni.c | Contains Unicode string handling functions for STB usage |
stbvbi.c | Registers and unregisters callback function for processing EBU teletext from PES data field into the VBI |
stbvbi.h | Header file for the function prototypes for registering callback function to process Teletext into the VBI |
stbvtc.c | Video Transformations functions |
version.h | Header file - library version number |
vtc.c | Video Transformation Calculator |
vtc.h | Blank description |
▼ platform | |
► inc | |
osdtype.h | Header file - Function prototypes for A/V control |
stbhwav.h | Header file - Function prototypes for A/V control |
stbhwc.h | Function prototypes for HW control |
stbhwcrypt.h | |
stbhwdmx.h | Header file - Function prototypes for Demux control |
stbhwdsk.h | Function prototypes for disk functions |
stbhwfp.h | Header file - Function prototypes for front panel control |
stbhwini.h | Header file - Function prototype for init function |
stbhwip.h | Macros and function prototypes for public use |
stbhwmediaplayer.h | Media player API |
stbhwmem.h | Header file - Function prototypes for NVM and Heap |
stbhwnet.h | Socket functions |
stbhwos.h | Header file - Function prototypes for operating system |
stbhwosd.h | Header file - Function prototypes for OSD control |
stbhwtun.h | Header file - Function prototypes for tuner control |
stbhwupg.h | Functions for writing upgrade modules to non volatile memory |
stbpvrpr.h | Header file - macros and function prototypes for public use |
stbver.h | Header file - Function prototypes for version numbers |