DVBCore  22.3.0
Open Source DVB Engine
Classes | Macros | Enumerations | Functions
ap_cntrl.c File Reference

Application control functions. More...

#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include "techtype.h"
#include "dbgfuncs.h"
#include "stbhwos.h"
#include "stbhwini.h"
#include "stbhwfp.h"
#include "stbhwav.h"
#include "stbheap.h"
#include "stbgc.h"
#include "stbdpc.h"
#include "stbsiflt.h"
#include "stbsitab.h"
#include "stbllist.h"
#include "stbhwdmx.h"
#include "stbdsapi.h"
#include "stbpes.h"
#include "stbpvr.h"
#include "stberc.h"
#include "stbvtc.h"
#include "stbuni.h"
#include "stbver.h"
#include "stbebutt.h"
#include "app.h"
#include "ap_cfg.h"
#include "app_nvm.h"
#include "ap_dbacc.h"
#include "ap_tmr.h"
#include "ap_dbdef.h"
#include "ap_si.h"
#include "ap_cntrl.h"
#include "ap_state.h"
#include "ap_pvr.h"
#include "ca_glue.h"
#include "ap_ca.h"
#include "dba.h"




#define DBG_STDBY(X)
#define DBG_SSU(X)
#define TOT_DBG(X)
#define EIT_DBG(X)
#define SUBT_DBG(X)
#define PAT_PID   0




void ACTL_InitialiseAppControl (void)
 Control system initialisation.
void ACTL_ActionEvent (U32BIT event, void *event_data)
 Actions external events. More...
BOOLEAN ACTL_HandlePrivateTimerEvent (U32BIT timer_handle)
 Handles all the private timer events. More...
void * ACTL_GetCurrentSatellite (U8BIT path)
 Returns the current satellite being used by the given decode path. More...
U16BIT ACTL_GetNumRfChanArrayEntries (E_STB_DP_SIGNAL_TYPE tuner_type)
 Returns the number of entries in the rf channel table. More...
U8BIT * ACTL_GetRfChanName (E_STB_DP_SIGNAL_TYPE tuner_type, U16BIT id)
 Returns a pointer to the channel name. More...
U16BIT ACTL_GetRfSymbolRate (E_STB_DP_SIGNAL_TYPE tuner_type, U16BIT id)
 Returns the channel symbol rate. More...
U8BIT ACTL_GetRfModulation (E_STB_DP_SIGNAL_TYPE tuner_type, U16BIT id)
 Returns the modulation mode. More...
U32BIT ACTL_GetRfChanFreqHz (E_STB_DP_SIGNAL_TYPE tuner_type, U16BIT id)
 Returns a pointer to the channel name. More...
U8BIT * ACTL_GetRfNameFromFreq (E_STB_DP_SIGNAL_TYPE tuner_type, U32BIT freq_hz)
 Returns the rf name appropriate to the frequency specified. More...
E_STB_DP_TTYPE ACTL_GetTerRfChanType (U16BIT id)
 Returns the terrestrial type (T or T2) for the given channel id. More...
BOOLEAN ACTL_TuneToRfChanArrayEntry (U8BIT path, U16BIT id, E_ACTL_SI_SRCH_REQD reqd_si, BOOLEAN relock_on)
 Tunes to the specified rf channel array entry for DVB-T and DVB-C. More...
BOOLEAN ACTL_TuneToRfChanArrayAnalogEntry (U8BIT path, U16BIT id)
 Tunes to the specified rf channel array entry in analogue mode. More...
BOOLEAN ACTL_TuneToUserDefinedParams (U8BIT path, S_MANUAL_TUNING_PARAMS *tuning_params, E_ACTL_SI_SRCH_REQD reqd_si, BOOLEAN relock_on)
 Tunes to the given set of tuning parameters. More...
U8BIT ACTL_TuneToTransport (U8BIT path, S_ACTL_OWNER_INFO *owner_info, void *t_ptr, E_ACTL_SI_SRCH_REQD reqd_si, BOOLEAN relock_on)
 Tunes to the given transport and sets the type of SI monitoring that will be started when the tuning completes. More...
U8BIT ACTL_TuneToService (U8BIT path, S_ACTL_OWNER_INFO *owner_info, void *s_ptr, BOOLEAN override_lock, E_ACTL_PATH_PURPOSE purpose)
 Starts the process of tuning to the specified service. If the service is to be tuned on the live path, then path should be passed as INVALID_RES_ID to ensure that any CI+ resource handling is performed. More...
 Starts the process of tuning to a given transport or service that's defined by the given delivery system descriptor. If the DSD defines a transport that doesn't currently exist, then one will be created, and if a service_id is given and a service with this ID doesn't exist on the transport, then one will be created, but will be marked as hidden and non-selectable so it won't appear to a user. More...
 Returns whether the given path is currently tuned. More...
void ACTL_SetupPlayback (void)
 Starts the SI to acquire the PMT and fill the ip service in.
void ACTL_StartPlayback (void *s_ptr)
 Start streaming the specified service. More...
void ACTL_StartDecoding (U8BIT path, void *s_ptr)
 Sets up and starts decoding for the given service. This is used for PVR playback, but could also be used to start decoding for other non-broadcast services. More...
void ACTL_TuneOff (U8BIT path)
 Stops tuning on the given path. More...
void ACTL_DecodeOff (U8BIT path)
 Stops decoding on the given path. More...
void ACTL_ReleaseChannelLock (void)
 Releases the lock on a channel after decoding has been blocked due to the service being parental locked, after which decoding will be started.
void ACTL_ReTuneAudio (void)
 Stops and restarts audio decoding on the live path. This may be required due to a change in language preferences, or some other audio setting.
void ACTL_ReTuneSubtitles (void)
 Stops and restarts subtitle decoding on the live path. This may be required due to a change in language preferences, or some other setting.
BOOLEAN ACTL_HasDecodingStarted (U8BIT path)
 Returns whether decoding has been started on the given path. More...
BOOLEAN ACTL_IsDecodingLocked (U8BIT path)
 Returns whether decoding is locked, due to parental locking, on the given path. More...
void ACTL_SetStandbyState (BOOLEAN state)
 Reports the standby state to the A/V output controller. More...
void ACTL_SetStandbyVCRActive (void)
 Reports standby state to the a/v output control state machine.
void ACTL_SetVideoWindow (S16BIT win_x, S16BIT win_y, U16BIT win_width, U16BIT win_height)
 Sets the video window to the size specified. Coordinates are relative to the screen resolution. More...
void ACTL_SetTVAspectRatio (E_STB_AV_ASPECT_RATIO aspect_ratio)
 Used to set the TV aspect ratio. More...
 Returns the current TV aspect ratio. More...
void ACTL_SetTVAspectMode (E_STB_AV_ASPECT_MODE aspect_mode)
 Used to set the TV aspect mode which defines how the video will be displayed based on the aspect ratio of the TV and video, along with some other factors. More...
 Returns the current TV aspect mode. More...
void ACTL_SetTVAspectConversion (E_STB_AV_ASPECT_RATIO aspect_ratio, E_STB_AV_ASPECT_MODE aspect_mode)
 Used to set the aspect conversion applied to the video based on the TV aspect ratio and aspect mode to be applied. The given settings will also be saved. More...
E_ACTL_AV_MODE ACTL_GetAvModeStatus (void)
 Returns av_mode. More...
void ACTL_EnableCiModule (void)
 Enables CI module.
void ACTL_DisableCiModule (void)
 Disables CI module.
BOOLEAN ACTL_IsCiUiRequired (void)
 Returns state of ci_ui_required flag. More...
BOOLEAN ACTL_GetDecodePausedState (U8BIT path)
 Gets user paused flag value. More...
void ACTL_SetAnalogChanIdString (U8BIT *str_ptr)
 sends string to be displayed via pixelworks if it has changed (Must not send message to PixelWorks if there is no need - it is too slow) More...
void ACTL_AllowAnalogVideo (BOOLEAN allow_analog_video)
 Enables or disables analog video display. More...
BOOLEAN ACTL_IsAudioDescriptionOn (void)
 Returns whether audio description has been turned on. More...
BOOLEAN ACTL_StartAudioDescription (U8BIT path)
 Starts decoding an audio description stream, if available, on the given path. If AD isn't currently available it will be marked as enabled and started when it becomes available. More...
void ACTL_StopAudioDescription (U8BIT path)
 Stops AD decoding. More...
void ACTL_SetADVolume (U8BIT volume)
 Sets the AD volume. More...
E_STB_AV_VIDEO_FORMAT ACTL_GetActualVideoMode (U16BIT *width, U16BIT *height)
 Reads the saved video format and returns the best mode available if it's set to AUTO or is invalid for the currently connected TV. More...
void ACTL_UpdateVideoMode (E_STB_AV_ASPECT_RATIO aspect, BOOLEAN force)
 Update video mode sets MHEG resolution as well as platform Also, stops subtitles during the operation. If HDMI resolution mode is not supported, it chooses the best one available. More...
void ACTL_HDMIConnected (void)
 Checks that the selected HDMI resolution mode is supported and, if not, chooses the best one available. This function is called by the event task when the HDMI connected event is received. As this function also re evaluates if HDMI should be disabled based on the HDCP status, it depends on the event only having being sent after HDCP authentication has finished.
void ACTL_HDMIDisconnected (void)
 Sets flag to indicate HDMI is now disconnected. This function is called by the event task when the HDMI disconnected event is received.
BOOLEAN ACTL_IsHDMIConnected (void)
 Returns whether the HDMI is connected or not. More...
U16BIT ACTL_GetHDMIResolutions (E_STB_AV_VIDEO_FORMAT **video_formats, U16BIT *current_index)
 Returns an array of valid HDMI resolutions and the index of the currently selected format. The final entry in each array will be the auto video format. More...
void ACTL_SetParentalControl (BOOLEAN enabled)
 Enables or disables parental control. This enables or disables locking on a per channel basis. If an age has previously been set, this will override the setting, effectively turning off age related blockign of channels. More...
BOOLEAN ACTL_ParentalControlEnabled (void)
 Returns whether parental control is enabled. This will also return TRUE if parental control has been set to a valid age. More...
void ACTL_SetParentalControlAge (U8BIT age)
 Sets the age (valid values 4-18) at which parental control will be will be applied. If the age is invalid, no change will be made to the current setting. More...
U8BIT ACTL_GetParentalControlAge (void)
 Returns the current age set for parental control. 0 will be returned if parental control is disabled or no age is set. More...
void ACTL_ApplyParentalControl (U8BIT path, void *s_ptr)
 Checks the parental control for the current event on the given service to determine whether decoding should be locked. More...
void ACTL_ApplyHDCP (void *s_ptr)
 Checks content protection requirements for the current event on the given service to determine whether HDCP has to be used. The HDMI output will be enabled/disabled accordingly. More...
BOOLEAN ACTL_SuppressSubtitles (BOOLEAN suppress)
 Stops subtitles being displayed if another OSD requires them to be hidden, such as CI+. More...
BOOLEAN ACTL_StartSubtitles (void)
 Starts subtitle processing and display if the current service has valid subtitle data. If DVB subtitles aren't available, teletext will be used if available. More...
void ACTL_PauseSubtitles (void)
 Disables the display of subtitles but processing continues.
void ACTL_ResumeSubtitles (void)
 Resumes the display of subtitles after they've been paused.
void ACTL_StopSubtitles (void)
 Stops subtitles from being displayed and processed.
BOOLEAN ACTL_AreSubtitlesDisplayed (void)
 Returns whether subtitles are being displayed.
BOOLEAN ACTL_AreSubtitlesStarted (void)
 Returns whether subtitles have been started, even if they aren't being displayed.
BOOLEAN ACTL_IsTrailerBookingAvailable (void *serv_ptr)
 Returns whether trailer booking is available based on whether it's enabled and the number of links currently available on the given service. More...
U8BIT ACTL_GetActivePath (void)
 Returns the active path (live, playback, etc...), i.e. the one using the decoders. More...
BOOLEAN ACTL_StartServiceSearch (E_STB_DP_SIGNAL_TYPE tuner_type, E_ACTL_SEARCH_TYPE type)
 Entry point for starting a service search for a full retune or to update the existing service lineup. More...
BOOLEAN ACTL_IsTargetRegionRequired (void)
 When the search has completed, this function should be called to see whether the target region UI should be presented. This is only needed for DVB-T/T2 searches. More...
void ACTL_StopServiceSearch (void)
 Function to stop the service search before it completes.
BOOLEAN ACTL_StartStartupSearch (void)
 Function to start the startup search when booting from cold. This search checks the validity of the services contained in the database. It's only valid for DVB-T/T2 and DVB-C. More...
BOOLEAN ACTL_StartTotSearch (E_STB_DP_SIGNAL_TYPE tuner_type)
 Function to start a TOT search which is required to set the system clock when starting from power off if a real-time clock isn't available. More...
void ACTL_StopTotSearch (void)
 Function to stop the TOT search before it completes.
BOOLEAN ACTL_StartEitSearch (E_STB_DP_SIGNAL_TYPE tuner_type, E_ACTL_EVENT_SEARCH search_type)
 Entry point for starting an EIT search. More...
void ACTL_StopEitSearch (void)
 Function to stop the EIT search before it completes.
BOOLEAN ACTL_IsSearchComplete (void)
 Returns TRUE if current search has finished. This works for any of the available types of searches. More...
U8BIT ACTL_GetSearchProgress (void)
 Returns search progress as a percentage. This works for any of the available types of searches, but the scope for providing progress on anything other than the service searches is fairly limited. More...
U8BIT ACTL_GetServiceSearchPath ()
 Returns path used buy currently running search. This works for any of the available types of searches, but the scope for providing path on anything other than the service searches is fairly limited. More...
BOOLEAN ACTL_StartManualSearchById (E_STB_DP_SIGNAL_TYPE tuner_type, U16BIT chan_id, BOOLEAN start_search)
 Start a service search on, or just tune to, a transport, using chan_id as an index into the country's tuning table. More...
BOOLEAN ACTL_StartManualSearch (E_STB_DP_SIGNAL_TYPE tuner_type, S_MANUAL_TUNING_PARAMS *tuning_params, E_ACTL_SEARCH_TYPE type)
 Start a service search on, or just tune to, the transport defined by the given tuning parameters. More...
void ACTL_FinishManualSearch (void)
 Function to be called when a manual service search has completed, or is being stopped.
void ACTL_SetMhegAVControl (BOOLEAN control)
 Sets the MHEG5 audio volume adjust to be applied. More...
void ACTL_SetMhegSubtitlePidFunc (F_ServiceGetSubtitlePid func)
 Sets function retrieve Subtitle PID and info. Allows external MHEG5 module to override the default function ADB_ServiceGetSubtitlePid. More...
void ACTL_SetVolumeAdjustment (S8BIT scaling)
 Sets the audio volume scaling to be applied. More...
U8BIT ACTL_GetVolume (void)
 Returns the current audio volume. More...
U8BIT ACTL_SetVolume (U8BIT volume)
 Sets the main audio volume and returns the new volume. More...
U8BIT ACTL_ChangeVolume (S8BIT volume_change)
 Changes the main audio volume and returns the new volume. More...
void ACTL_SetMute (BOOLEAN mute)
 Sets the audio mute state. More...
BOOLEAN ACTL_ToggleMute (void)
 Toggles the current mute state and returns the new mute setting. More...
BOOLEAN ACTL_IsMuted (void)
 Returns the muted state of the audio. More...
U8BIT ACTL_AcquirePathForService (void *s_ptr, E_ACTL_PATH_PURPOSE purpose, S_ACTL_OWNER_INFO *owner_info)
 Acquires a decode path suitable for tuning to the given service. More...
void ACTL_ReleaseLivePathForService (void *s_ptr, E_STB_DP_RES_OWNER owner)
 Finds the path being used to view the given service and releases it. More...
BOOLEAN ACTL_ReleasePath (U8BIT path)
 Releases the decode path and all resources no longer needed. The path may not be released if the path is owned by a module. More...
BOOLEAN ACTL_AcquirePathOwnership (U8BIT path, S_ACTL_OWNER_INFO *owner_info)
 Attempts to take ownership of the given path (used by CI+) More...
BOOLEAN ACTL_ReleasePathOwnership (U8BIT path, E_STB_DP_RES_OWNER owner)
 Releases ownership of the path, and frees any associated data, if the given owner is the path's owner (used by CI+) More...
BOOLEAN ACTL_CanServiceBeViewed (void *s_ptr)
 Checks whether there's a tuner available to view the given service. This takes into account whether tuners are being used for recording or have been acquired by CI+. More...
void ACTL_SetStandbyGracePeriod (U16BIT num_seconds)
 Sets a grace period during which a system will enter active standby before going into passive or low power standby. This allows a system to be brought back out of standby quickly for a period of time. More...
void ACTL_EnterStandby (void)
 Puts DVB into standby mode. It will continue to monitor SI for recordings, SSU updates, etc., unless it goes into low power standby.
void ACTL_LeaveStandby (void *s_ptr, BOOLEAN tune_to_service)
 Brings the DVB out of standby mode. More...
BOOLEAN ACTL_CheckLiveServiceChange (void)
 Checks whether the service tuned to on the live path has changed and informs the UI if it has. More...
BOOLEAN ACTL_SetActiveProfile (void *profile)
 Sets the current profile. (CI+ only) If the profile is being set to CI+ profile and the necessary CAM isn't present, then setting the profile will fail. More...
E_ACTL_DECODE_CHANGE ACTL_SetupAudioDecoding (U8BIT path, void *s_ptr)
 Setup default audio decoding params on current tuned service Can be used by external module (e.g. MHEG5) More...
void ACTL_SetExtraPidListCallback (F_GetExtraPidList pidlist_callback)
 Sets the callback function that will be used to get the extra PIDs to be included when a service is streamed. More...

Detailed Description

Application control functions.


Function Documentation

U8BIT ACTL_AcquirePathForService ( void *  s_ptr,
S_ACTL_OWNER_INFO owner_info 

Acquires a decode path suitable for tuning to the given service.

s_ptrthe service the decode path will be used for
purposethe purpose the path is being acquired, live, recording, etc
owner_infoowner of the acquired path, should be NULL for live TV (used by CI+)
ID of path or INVALID_RES_ID on failure
BOOLEAN ACTL_AcquirePathOwnership ( U8BIT  path,
S_ACTL_OWNER_INFO owner_info 

Attempts to take ownership of the given path (used by CI+)

pathdecode path to be owned
owner_infoowner info for the path
TRUE if the ownership is set, FALSE otherwise
void ACTL_ActionEvent ( U32BIT  event,
void *  event_data 

Actions external events.

eventthe event to be handled
void ACTL_AllowAnalogVideo ( BOOLEAN  allow_analog_video)

Enables or disables analog video display.

allow_analog_videoif TRUE analog video is enabled, otherwise disabled
void ACTL_ApplyHDCP ( void *  s_ptr)

Checks content protection requirements for the current event on the given service to determine whether HDCP has to be used. The HDMI output will be enabled/disabled accordingly.

void ACTL_ApplyParentalControl ( U8BIT  path,
void *  s_ptr 

Checks the parental control for the current event on the given service to determine whether decoding should be locked.

pathdecode path
BOOLEAN ACTL_CanServiceBeViewed ( void *  s_ptr)

Checks whether there's a tuner available to view the given service. This takes into account whether tuners are being used for recording or have been acquired by CI+.

s_ptrservice being checked
TRUE if service can be viewed, FALSE otherwise
U8BIT ACTL_ChangeVolume ( S8BIT  volume_change)

Changes the main audio volume and returns the new volume.

volume_changesigned value giving change in volume to be applied
The new volume on a scale of 0-100.
BOOLEAN ACTL_CheckLiveServiceChange ( void  )

Checks whether the service tuned to on the live path has changed and informs the UI if it has.

TRUE if the service has changed, FALSE otherwise
void ACTL_DecodeOff ( U8BIT  path)

Stops decoding on the given path.

pathdecode path
U8BIT ACTL_GetActivePath ( void  )

Returns the active path (live, playback, etc...), i.e. the one using the decoders.

active path
E_STB_AV_VIDEO_FORMAT ACTL_GetActualVideoMode ( U16BIT *  width,
U16BIT *  height 

Reads the saved video format and returns the best mode available if it's set to AUTO or is invalid for the currently connected TV.

widthreturns the new video width if saved mode isn't valid, can be NULL
heightreturns the new video height if saved mode isn't valid, can be NULL
current video mode, or best video mode available
E_ACTL_AV_MODE ACTL_GetAvModeStatus ( void  )

Returns av_mode.

Scart AV status
void* ACTL_GetCurrentSatellite ( U8BIT  path)

Returns the current satellite being used by the given decode path.

pathdecode path
Pointer to satellite
BOOLEAN ACTL_GetDecodePausedState ( U8BIT  path)

Gets user paused flag value.

path decode path

TRUE if the subtitles are in paused mode, FALSE otherwise
U16BIT ACTL_GetHDMIResolutions ( E_STB_AV_VIDEO_FORMAT **  video_formats,
U16BIT *  current_index 

Returns an array of valid HDMI resolutions and the index of the currently selected format. The final entry in each array will be the auto video format.

video_formatspointer to an array of video formats.
current_indexused to return index of currently selected video format
Size of returned arrays, will always be at least 1
U16BIT ACTL_GetNumRfChanArrayEntries ( E_STB_DP_SIGNAL_TYPE  tuner_type)

Returns the number of entries in the rf channel table.

tuner_typetuner type
number of entries in the channel table for the present country
U8BIT ACTL_GetParentalControlAge ( void  )

Returns the current age set for parental control. 0 will be returned if parental control is disabled or no age is set.

age in the range 4-18, or 0
U32BIT ACTL_GetRfChanFreqHz ( E_STB_DP_SIGNAL_TYPE  tuner_type,
U16BIT  id 

Returns a pointer to the channel name.

tuner_typetuner type
idindex in the channel table for the current country
pointer to the const name string
U8BIT* ACTL_GetRfChanName ( E_STB_DP_SIGNAL_TYPE  tuner_type,
U16BIT  id 

Returns a pointer to the channel name.

tuner_typetuner type
idindex in the channel table for the current country
pointer to the const name string
U8BIT ACTL_GetRfModulation ( E_STB_DP_SIGNAL_TYPE  tuner_type,
U16BIT  id 

Returns the modulation mode.

tuner_typetuner type
idindex in the channel table for the current country
Modulation mode (E_STB_DP_TMODE or E_STB_DP_CMODE depending on the tuner type
U8BIT* ACTL_GetRfNameFromFreq ( E_STB_DP_SIGNAL_TYPE  tuner_type,
U32BIT  freq_hz 

Returns the rf name appropriate to the frequency specified.

tuner_typetuner type
freq_hzfrequency in hz
pointer to the const name string, or NULL if not found
U16BIT ACTL_GetRfSymbolRate ( E_STB_DP_SIGNAL_TYPE  tuner_type,
U16BIT  id 

Returns the channel symbol rate.

tuner_typetuner type
idindex in the channel table for the current country
symbol rate of selected id
U8BIT ACTL_GetSearchProgress ( void  )

Returns search progress as a percentage. This works for any of the available types of searches, but the scope for providing progress on anything other than the service searches is fairly limited.

Percent complete, 0 if not started
U8BIT ACTL_GetServiceSearchPath ( void  )

Returns path used buy currently running search. This works for any of the available types of searches, but the scope for providing path on anything other than the service searches is fairly limited.

Search path or INVALID_RES_ID if no search is currently running
E_STB_DP_TTYPE ACTL_GetTerRfChanType ( U16BIT  id)

Returns the terrestrial type (T or T2) for the given channel id.

idindex in the terrestrial channel table for the current country
terrestrialtype for the channel
E_STB_AV_ASPECT_MODE ACTL_GetTVAspectMode ( void  )

Returns the current TV aspect mode.

aspect mode
E_STB_AV_ASPECT_RATIO ACTL_GetTVAspectRatio ( void  )

Returns the current TV aspect ratio.

aspect ratio
U8BIT ACTL_GetVolume ( void  )

Returns the current audio volume.

The current volume on a scale of 0-100.
BOOLEAN ACTL_HandlePrivateTimerEvent ( U32BIT  timer_handle)

Handles all the private timer events.

timer_handletimer handle
TRUE if the timer event has been handled, FALSE otherwise
BOOLEAN ACTL_HasDecodingStarted ( U8BIT  path)

Returns whether decoding has been started on the given path.

pathdecode path
TRUE if decoding has started, FALSE otherwise
BOOLEAN ACTL_IsAudioDescriptionOn ( void  )

Returns whether audio description has been turned on.

TRUE if AD is on
BOOLEAN ACTL_IsCiUiRequired ( void  )

Returns state of ci_ui_required flag.

TRUE if CI OPEN event has been received
BOOLEAN ACTL_IsDecodingLocked ( U8BIT  path)

Returns whether decoding is locked, due to parental locking, on the given path.

pathdecode path
TRUE if decoding is locked, FALSE otherwise
BOOLEAN ACTL_IsHDMIConnected ( void  )

Returns whether the HDMI is connected or not.

TRUE if the HDMI is connected, FALSE otherwise
BOOLEAN ACTL_IsMuted ( void  )

Returns the muted state of the audio.

TRUE if muted, FALSE otherwise
BOOLEAN ACTL_IsSearchComplete ( void  )

Returns TRUE if current search has finished. This works for any of the available types of searches.

TRUE if search has finished, FALSE otherwise
BOOLEAN ACTL_IsTargetRegionRequired ( void  )

When the search has completed, this function should be called to see whether the target region UI should be presented. This is only needed for DVB-T/T2 searches.

TRUE if target region UI is required, FALSE otherwise
BOOLEAN ACTL_IsTrailerBookingAvailable ( void *  serv_ptr)

Returns whether trailer booking is available based on whether it's enabled and the number of links currently available on the given service.

serv_ptrservice on which trailer booking is being queried
TRUE if trailer booking is available, FALSE otherwise
BOOLEAN ACTL_IsTuned ( U8BIT  path)

Returns whether the given path is currently tuned.

pathdecode path
TRUE if tuned, FALSE otherwise
void ACTL_LeaveStandby ( void *  s_ptr,
BOOLEAN  tune_to_service 

Brings the DVB out of standby mode.

s_ptrservice to be tuned to for live viewing. If NULL then the last service viewed will be restored
tune_to_serviceif s_ptr is NULL then this boolean is used to define whether to tune to the last service viewed
BOOLEAN ACTL_ParentalControlEnabled ( void  )

Returns whether parental control is enabled. This will also return TRUE if parental control has been set to a valid age.

TRUE if parental control is enabled, FALSE otherwise
void ACTL_ReleaseLivePathForService ( void *  s_ptr,

Finds the path being used to view the given service and releases it.

s_ptrservice pointer
ownerowner requesting the path to be released
BOOLEAN ACTL_ReleasePath ( U8BIT  path)

Releases the decode path and all resources no longer needed. The path may not be released if the path is owned by a module.

pathdecode path
TRUE if the path is released, FALSE otherwise
BOOLEAN ACTL_ReleasePathOwnership ( U8BIT  path,

Releases ownership of the path, and frees any associated data, if the given owner is the path's owner (used by CI+)

pathdecode path
ownerowner releasing ownership
TRUE if the ownership is released or the path isn't owned, FALSE otherwise
BOOLEAN ACTL_SetActiveProfile ( void *  profile)

Sets the current profile. (CI+ only) If the profile is being set to CI+ profile and the necessary CAM isn't present, then setting the profile will fail.

profileprofile to be set
TRUE if the profile is set successfully, FALSE otherwise
void ACTL_SetADVolume ( U8BIT  volume)

Sets the AD volume.

volumeAD volume as a percentage
void ACTL_SetAnalogChanIdString ( U8BIT *  str_ptr)

sends string to be displayed via pixelworks if it has changed (Must not send message to PixelWorks if there is no need - it is too slow)

void ACTL_SetExtraPidListCallback ( F_GetExtraPidList  pidlist_callback)

Sets the callback function that will be used to get the extra PIDs to be included when a service is streamed.

pidlist_callbackpointer to the callback function
void ACTL_SetMhegAVControl ( BOOLEAN  control)

Sets the MHEG5 audio volume adjust to be applied.

controlTRUE if MHEG has control of Audio/Video
void ACTL_SetMhegSubtitlePidFunc ( F_ServiceGetSubtitlePid  func)

Sets function retrieve Subtitle PID and info. Allows external MHEG5 module to override the default function ADB_ServiceGetSubtitlePid.

funcFunction to get subtitle info, NULL if use default
void ACTL_SetMute ( BOOLEAN  mute)

Sets the audio mute state.

muteTRUE to set mute, FALSE otherwise
void ACTL_SetParentalControl ( BOOLEAN  enabled)

Enables or disables parental control. This enables or disables locking on a per channel basis. If an age has previously been set, this will override the setting, effectively turning off age related blockign of channels.

enabledTRUE if parental control is to be enabled
void ACTL_SetParentalControlAge ( U8BIT  age)

Sets the age (valid values 4-18) at which parental control will be will be applied. If the age is invalid, no change will be made to the current setting.

ageDVB SI age to be set
void ACTL_SetStandbyGracePeriod ( U16BIT  num_seconds)

Sets a grace period during which a system will enter active standby before going into passive or low power standby. This allows a system to be brought back out of standby quickly for a period of time.

num_secondsgrace period in seconds
void ACTL_SetStandbyState ( BOOLEAN  state)

Reports the standby state to the A/V output controller.

stateTRUE for standby is on, FALSE for standby is off
void ACTL_SetTVAspectConversion ( E_STB_AV_ASPECT_RATIO  aspect_ratio,
E_STB_AV_ASPECT_MODE  aspect_mode 

Used to set the aspect conversion applied to the video based on the TV aspect ratio and aspect mode to be applied. The given settings will also be saved.

aspect_ratioTV aspect ratio, e.g. 4:3
aspect_modeTV aspect mode, e.g. letterbox
void ACTL_SetTVAspectMode ( E_STB_AV_ASPECT_MODE  aspect_mode)

Used to set the TV aspect mode which defines how the video will be displayed based on the aspect ratio of the TV and video, along with some other factors.

aspect_modeTV aspect mode, e.g. letterbox
void ACTL_SetTVAspectRatio ( E_STB_AV_ASPECT_RATIO  aspect_ratio)

Used to set the TV aspect ratio.

aspect_ratioTV aspect ratio, e.g. 4:3
E_ACTL_DECODE_CHANGE ACTL_SetupAudioDecoding ( U8BIT  path,
void *  s_ptr 

Setup default audio decoding params on current tuned service Can be used by external module (e.g. MHEG5)

pathdecode path to be owned
s_ptrservice pointer
E_ACTL_DECODE_CHANGE - indicate whether been change of decode params
void ACTL_SetVideoWindow ( S16BIT  win_x,
S16BIT  win_y,
U16BIT  win_width,
U16BIT  win_height 

Sets the video window to the size specified. Coordinates are relative to the screen resolution.

win_xwindow X position
win_ywindow Y position
win_widthwindow width (0 for full screen)
win_heightwindow height (0 for full screen)
U8BIT ACTL_SetVolume ( U8BIT  volume)

Sets the main audio volume and returns the new volume.

volumeunsigned value giving volume to be applied
The new volume on a scale of 0-100.
void ACTL_SetVolumeAdjustment ( S8BIT  scaling)

Sets the audio volume scaling to be applied.

Sets the MHEG5 audio volume adjust to be applied.

Adjustingthe volume from -100% to 100%, i.e. adjusting it to silent or double.
BOOLEAN ACTL_StartAudioDescription ( U8BIT  path)

Starts decoding an audio description stream, if available, on the given path. If AD isn't currently available it will be marked as enabled and started when it becomes available.

pathdecode path
TRUE if AD is turned on, FALSE otherwise
void ACTL_StartDecoding ( U8BIT  path,
void *  s_ptr 

Sets up and starts decoding for the given service. This is used for PVR playback, but could also be used to start decoding for other non-broadcast services.

pathdecode path
BOOLEAN ACTL_StartEitSearch ( E_STB_DP_SIGNAL_TYPE  tuner_type,
E_ACTL_EVENT_SEARCH  search_type 

Entry point for starting an EIT search.

tuner_typelimit the search to transports of this tuner type; pass as SIGNAL_NONE for all transports
search_typeevent search type to be performed, p/f only, sched only, or both
TRUE if search starts successfully, FALSE otherwise
BOOLEAN ACTL_StartManualSearch ( E_STB_DP_SIGNAL_TYPE  tuner_type,

Start a service search on, or just tune to, the transport defined by the given tuning parameters.

tuner_typetuner type to be used for the search
tuning_paramsuser defined tuning parameters
typetype of service search to be performed
TRUE if the search is started successfully, FALSE otherwise
BOOLEAN ACTL_StartManualSearchById ( E_STB_DP_SIGNAL_TYPE  tuner_type,
U16BIT  chan_id,
BOOLEAN  start_search 

Start a service search on, or just tune to, a transport, using chan_id as an index into the country's tuning table.

tuner_typetuner type to be used for the search
chan_idindex into the country's channel array to tune to
start_searchTRUE if a service search is to be started, otherwise just tune
TRUE on success, FALSE otherwise
void ACTL_StartPlayback ( void *  s_ptr)

Start streaming the specified service.

s_ptrthe pointer to the service structure containing all the information
BOOLEAN ACTL_StartServiceSearch ( E_STB_DP_SIGNAL_TYPE  tuner_type,

Entry point for starting a service search for a full retune or to update the existing service lineup.

tuner_typetuner type that defines the search to be performed
typetype of service search to be performed
TRUE if search starts successfully, FALSE otherwise
BOOLEAN ACTL_StartStartupSearch ( void  )

Function to start the startup search when booting from cold. This search checks the validity of the services contained in the database. It's only valid for DVB-T/T2 and DVB-C.

TRUE if the search is started, FALSE otherwise
BOOLEAN ACTL_StartSubtitles ( void  )

Starts subtitle processing and display if the current service has valid subtitle data. If DVB subtitles aren't available, teletext will be used if available.

TRUE if started, FALSE otherwise
BOOLEAN ACTL_StartTotSearch ( E_STB_DP_SIGNAL_TYPE  tuner_type)

Function to start a TOT search which is required to set the system clock when starting from power off if a real-time clock isn't available.

tuner_typerestrict TOT search to transports of the given type; SIGNAL_NONE means all available transports will be used.
TRUE if the search is started, FALSE otherwise
void ACTL_StopAudioDescription ( U8BIT  path)

Stops AD decoding.

pathdecode path
BOOLEAN ACTL_SuppressSubtitles ( BOOLEAN  suppress)

Stops subtitles being displayed if another OSD requires them to be hidden, such as CI+.

TRUE if suppressed, FALSE otherwise
BOOLEAN ACTL_ToggleMute ( void  )

Toggles the current mute state and returns the new mute setting.

The new mute setting, TRUE = muted
void ACTL_TuneOff ( U8BIT  path)

Stops tuning on the given path.

pathdecode path
BOOLEAN ACTL_TuneToRfChanArrayAnalogEntry ( U8BIT  path,
U16BIT  id 

Tunes to the specified rf channel array entry in analogue mode.

pathdecode path id index in the analogue channel table for the current country
TRUE if id valid, FALSE otherwise
BOOLEAN ACTL_TuneToRfChanArrayEntry ( U8BIT  path,
U16BIT  id,
BOOLEAN  relock_on 

Tunes to the specified rf channel array entry for DVB-T and DVB-C.

pathdecode path
idindex in the current channel table (for the current signal type and country)
reqd_sithe type of SI handling required
relock_onif FALSE auto relock will be turned off before tuning, otherwise it will be on
TRUE if id valid, FALSE otherwise
U8BIT ACTL_TuneToService ( U8BIT  path,
S_ACTL_OWNER_INFO owner_info,
void *  s_ptr,
BOOLEAN  override_lock,

Starts the process of tuning to the specified service. If the service is to be tuned on the live path, then path should be passed as INVALID_RES_ID to ensure that any CI+ resource handling is performed.

pathdecode path, INVALID_RES_ID for the live path
owner_infoowner module requesting the tune, can be NULL (used by CI+)
s_ptrrequired service
override_lockTRUE if parental lock settings are to be ignored.
purposeif no decode path is given then this is the purpose that will be used to acquire one
decode path that is being used to tune to the service. Returning INVALID_RES_ID means the path couldn't be acquired immediately and doesn't mean that it has failed
U8BIT ACTL_TuneToTransport ( U8BIT  path,
S_ACTL_OWNER_INFO owner_info,
void *  t_ptr,
BOOLEAN  relock_on 

Tunes to the given transport and sets the type of SI monitoring that will be started when the tuning completes.

pathdecode path, use INVALID_RES_ID to allow the DVB to acquire an appropriate path
owner_infoowner info for the path, can be NULL (used by CI+)
t_ptrtransport to tune to
reqd_sitype of SI monitoring to be started when tuned
relock_onTRUE if the tuner is to attempt to relock if the signal is lost
decode path that is being used to tune to the transport. Returning INVALID_RES_ID means the path couldn't be acquired immediately and doesn't mean that it has failed
BOOLEAN ACTL_TuneToUserDefinedParams ( U8BIT  path,
BOOLEAN  relock_on 

Tunes to the given set of tuning parameters.

pathdecode path
tuning_paramstuning parameters to be used
reqd_siSI search mode to be used if tuning is successful
relock_ondefines whether the tuner is to attempt to relock if lock is lost
TRUE if tuning is started, FALSE otherwise
BOOLEAN ACTL_TuneUsingDSD ( U8BIT  path,
U16BIT  service_id,

Starts the process of tuning to a given transport or service that's defined by the given delivery system descriptor. If the DSD defines a transport that doesn't currently exist, then one will be created, and if a service_id is given and a service with this ID doesn't exist on the transport, then one will be created, but will be marked as hidden and non-selectable so it won't appear to a user.

pathdecode path to be tuned, must be valid
dsd_typedelivery system descriptor type (T, C or S)
dsddelivery system descriptor
service_idpass as 0 if just tuning to a transport
reqd_siSI processing mode that should be selected when tuned. If tuning to a service the normal UPDATE mode will be used and this setting will be ignored.
TRUE if the tune operation is started, FALSE otherwise
void ACTL_UpdateVideoMode ( E_STB_AV_ASPECT_RATIO  aspect,
BOOLEAN  force 

Update video mode sets MHEG resolution as well as platform Also, stops subtitles during the operation. If HDMI resolution mode is not supported, it chooses the best one available.

Update video mode sets Voyager resolution as well as platform Also, stops subtitles during the operation. If HDMI resolution mode is not supported, it chooses the best one available.

aspectTV aspect ratio, e.g. 4:3 or 16:9
forceforces resolution update when TRUE