DVBCore  22.3.0
Open Source DVB Engine
src Directory Reference


file  ap_ca.c
 Application level CA control functions.
file  ap_ca.h [code]
 Application level CA control functions.
file  ap_cfdat.h [code]
 Application configuration data.
file  ap_cfg.c
 Application configuration functions.
file  ap_ci.c
 Application level CI control functions.
file  ap_ci_int.h [code]
 Application level CI - internal functions.
file  ap_cihc.c
 Application level CI Host Control functions.
file  ap_cihc.h [code]
 Application level CI Host Control functions.
file  ap_ciop.c
 Application level CI Operator Profile functions.
file  ap_ciop.h [code]
 Application level CI Operator Profile functions.
file  ap_cntrl.c
 Application control functions.
file  ap_dbacc.c
 Application database access functions.
file  ap_dbdef.c
 Application database control.
file  ap_dbdef.h [code]
 Application database control.
file  ap_dbxml.c
 Database XML import/export.
file  ap_epgsearch.c
 Functions to allow string based searching of EPG data.
file  ap_events.c
file  ap_events.h [code]
file  ap_init.c
 Initialises STB and creates a task to handle events, then enters idle loop.
file  ap_ipadd.c
 Contains the function for ip address.
file  ap_pvr.c
 PVR handling functions used by the application.
file  ap_si.c
 Application level SI task.
file  ap_state.c
 State machine to control the DVB.
file  ap_state.h [code]
file  ap_tmr.c
 Timer handling functions used by the application.
file  ap_uiinfo.h [code]
 Definition of the UI information callback function to be used within dvb.
file  app_nvm.c
 Non_Volatile_Memory data handling functions.
file  dvbver.c
 Blank description.