DVBCore  22.3.0
Open Source DVB Engine
Classes | Macros | Typedefs | Functions
ap_dbacc.c File Reference

Application database access functions. More...

#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include "techtype.h"
#include "dbgfuncs.h"
#include "stbhwos.h"
#include "stbheap.h"
#include "stbdpc.h"
#include "stbsiflt.h"
#include "stbsitab.h"
#include "stbuni.h"
#include "stbgc.h"
#include "stberc.h"
#include "stbllist.h"
#include "app.h"
#include "app_nvm.h"
#include "ap_cfg.h"
#include "ap_cfdat.h"
#include "ap_dbacc.h"
#include "ap_tmr.h"
#include "ap_dbdef.h"
#include "ap_cntrl.h"
#include "dba.h"


struct  s_component
struct  s_caption_service_entry
struct  s_stream


#define CI_PROTECTION_DESC_TIME_LIMIT   (7 * 24 * 60 * 60) /* 7 days in seconds */
#define FULL_SI_LINKAGE_TYPE   0x04
#define DBG_DBACC(X)


typedef struct s_component S_COMPONENT
typedef struct s_caption_service_entry S_CAPTION_SERVICE_ENTRY
typedef struct s_stream S_STREAM


void ADB_Initialise (void)
 Initialises database access.
void ADB_PrepareDatabaseForSearch (E_STB_DP_SIGNAL_TYPE tuner_type, void *satellite, BOOLEAN retune, BOOLEAN manual_search)
 Sets up the database for a search. More...
void ADB_FinaliseDatabaseAfterSearch (BOOLEAN save_changes, E_STB_DP_SIGNAL_TYPE tuner_type, void *satellite, BOOLEAN search_completed, BOOLEAN clear_new_flags, BOOLEAN manual_search)
 Completes the database setup after a search. More...
BOOLEAN ADB_AreLcnsDuplicated (E_STB_DP_SIGNAL_TYPE tuner_type)
 Checks through all services after a service search and determines whether any of them require the same LCN. This function assumes that ADB_FinaliseDatabaseAfterSearch has already been called. More...
void ADB_AllocateLcns (E_STB_DP_SIGNAL_TYPE tuner_type)
 Allocates LCNs to services after a service search. This function assumes that ADB_FinaliseDatabaseAfterSearch has already been called.
void ADB_ReleaseDatabaseSearchData (void)
 Frees all data that's only required for service search. This should be called after the search is complete and LCNs have been assigned, etc.
void ADB_ResetDatabase (void)
 Clears the service database and resets everything to default values. More...
void ADB_SaveDatabase (void)
 Saves the database to non-volatile memory.
void ADB_SaveEventSchedule (E_STB_DP_SIGNAL_TYPE tuner_type, void *satellite)
 Saves the event schedule for all services for the given type of tuner to the database. Note: the database has to support this operation. More...
void ADB_DeleteServices (E_STB_DP_SIGNAL_TYPE tuner_type, void *satellite)
 Deletes all networks, transports and services related to the given type of tuner. More...
void ADB_ReleaseNameList (U8BIT **name_list, U16BIT num_names)
 Frees the memory used by any of the name lists (e.g. networks, services, etc) More...
U16BIT ADB_GetNumLNBs (void)
 Returns the number of LNBs in the database. More...
void * ADB_AddLNB (ADB_LNB_SETTINGS *settings)
 Creates a new LNB in the database with the given settings. More...
void * ADB_GetNextLNB (void *lnb_ptr)
 Returns the next LNB from the database. More...
BOOLEAN ADB_GetLNBSettings (void *lnb_ptr, ADB_LNB_SETTINGS *settings)
 Returns the current settings for the given LNB. More...
U16BIT ADB_GetNumLNBBands (void)
 Returns the number of LNB bands in the database. More...
void * ADB_AddLNBBand (S_STB_DP_LNB_BAND *band_parameters, void *lnb_ptr)
 Creates a new LNB band in the database with the given settings. More...
void * ADB_GetNextLNBBand (void *band_ptr)
 Returns the next LNB band from the database. More...
void * ADB_GetLNBBandLNB (void *band_ptr)
 Returns the LNB associated with the band. More...
BOOLEAN ADB_GetLNBBandParameters (void *band_ptr, S_STB_DP_LNB_BAND *params)
 Returns the structure describing the band and the expected LNB behaviour in it. More...
void ADB_DeleteAssociatedLNBBands (void *lnb_ptr)
 Deletes LNB bands associated with a given LNB. More...
U16BIT ADB_GetNumSatellites (void)
 Returns the number of satellites in the database. More...
void * ADB_AddSatellite (U8BIT *name_str, U16BIT dish_pos, U16BIT long_pos, BOOLEAN east_west, void *lnb_ptr)
 Creates a new satellite in the database with the given settings. More...
void * ADB_GetNextSatellite (void *sat_ptr)
 Returns the next satellite from the database. More...
U8BIT * ADB_GetSatelliteName (void *sat_ptr)
 Returns the pointer to the name of the satellite. More...
void * ADB_GetSatelliteLNB (void *sat_ptr)
 Returns the LNB associated with the given satellite. More...
U16BIT ADB_GetSatelliteLongitude (void *sat_ptr)
 Returns the longitudinal position of the given satellite in 1/10ths degree. More...
BOOLEAN ADB_GetSatelliteDirection (void *sat_ptr)
 Returns the position direction of the given satellite. More...
U16BIT ADB_GetNumNetworks (void)
 Returns the number of network records in the database. More...
void ADB_GetNetworkList (void ***nlist_ptr, U16BIT *num_entries_ptr)
 Allocates and returns a list of the network records in the database. More...
void ADB_ReleaseNetworkList (void **nlist)
 Frees a network list returned by ADB_GetNetworkList. More...
U8BIT ** ADB_GetNetworkListNames (void **nlist, U16BIT num_entries, BOOLEAN short_names)
 Returns a list of names, in UTF-8 format, corresponding to the given network list. The returned list should be freed using ADB_ReleaseNameList. More...
U32BIT * ADB_GetNetworkListIds (void **nlist, U16BIT num_entries)
 Allocates and returns an array of network ids for the given networks The returned array should be freed using STB_AppFreeMemory. More...
U8BIT * ADB_GetNetworkName (void *n_ptr)
 Returns the name, in UTF-8 format, of the given network. The returned name should be freed using STB_ReleaseUnicodeString. More...
U8BIT * ADB_GetNetworkNameByLang (void *n_ptr, U8BIT lang)
 Returns the name in the language defined by lang, in UTF-8 format, of the given network. The returned name should be freed using STB_ReleaseUnicodeString. More...
U16BIT ADB_GetNetworkId (void *n_ptr)
 Returns the network id of the given network. More...
U8BIT ADB_GetNetworkTargetCountries (U32BIT **code_array)
 Returns a combined array of country codes for all discovered networks. More...
U16BIT ADB_GetNetworkPrimaryTargetRegions (U32BIT country_code, U8BIT **code_array, U8BIT ***name_array)
 Returns an array of primary region codes and names for the given country. More...
U16BIT ADB_GetNetworkSecondaryTargetRegions (U32BIT country_code, U8BIT primary_region, U8BIT **code_array, U8BIT ***name_array)
 Returns an array of secondary region codes and names for the given country and primary region. More...
U16BIT ADB_GetNetworkTertiaryTargetRegions (U32BIT country_code, U8BIT primary_region, U8BIT secondary_region, U16BIT **code_array, U8BIT ***name_array)
 Returns an array of tertiary region codes and names for the given country, primary region and secondary region. More...
void * ADB_GetTunedNetwork (U8BIT path)
 Returns the network currently tuned to on the given decode path. More...
void ADB_GetTransportList (void ***tlist_ptr, U16BIT *num_entries_ptr)
 Allocates and returns a list of all transport records in the database. More...
void ADB_GetTransportListForTunerType (E_STB_DP_SIGNAL_TYPE tuner_type, void ***tlist_ptr, U16BIT *num_entries_ptr)
 Allocates and returns a list of all transport records in the database for the given type of tuner. More...
void ADB_GetNetworkTransportList (void *n_ptr, void ***tlist_ptr, U16BIT *num_entries_ptr)
 Allocates and returns a list of all transport records in the database for the given network. More...
void * ADB_AddIPTransport (U16BIT onet_id, U16BIT tran_id, U8BIT *url)
 Adds an IP transport record. More...
U16BIT ADB_GetNumTransports (void)
 Returns the number of transports in the database. More...
void ADB_ReleaseTransportList (void **tlist, U16BIT num_transports)
 Frees a transport list returned from one of the ADB_GetTransportList functions. More...
U8BIT ** ADB_GetTransportListNames (void **tlist, U16BIT num_entries)
 Returns a list of names, in UTF-8 format, corresponding to the given transport list. The returned list should be freed using ADB_ReleaseNameList. More...
U32BIT * ADB_GetTransportListTids (void **tlist, U16BIT num_entries)
 Allocates and returns an array of transport ids for the given transports. The returned array should be freed using STB_AppFreeMemory. More...
U32BIT * ADB_GetTransportListTunedStrengths (void **tlist, U16BIT num_entries)
 Allocates and returns an array of percentage values representing the signal strength when each transport in the given list was tuned to. The returned array should be freed using STB_AppFreeMemory. More...
U32BIT * ADB_GetTransportListOriginalNetworkIds (void **tlist, U16BIT num_entries)
 Allocates and returns an array of original network ids for each transport in the given list was tuned to. The returned array should be freed using STB_AppFreeMemory. More...
U32BIT * ADB_GetTransportListFreqs (void **tlist, U16BIT num_entries)
 Allocates and returns an array of tuning frequencies for each transport in the given list. The returned array should be freed using STB_AppFreeMemory. More...
U32BIT * ADB_GetTransportListBwidths (void **tlist, U16BIT num_entries)
 Returns the transport bwidth_array. More...
U32BIT * ADB_GetTransportListOffsets (void **tlist, U16BIT num_entries)
 Returns the transport offset array. More...
U8BIT ** ADB_GetTransportListConstellationStrings (void **tlist, U16BIT num_entries)
 Returns the transport constellation string array. More...
U8BIT ** ADB_GetTransportListHierarchyStrings (void **tlist, U16BIT num_entries)
 Returns the transport hierarchy string array. More...
BOOLEAN ADB_GetTransportSearchFlag (void *t_ptr)
 Returns whether a transport has been used during a service scan operation. More...
void ADB_SetTransportSearchFlag (void *t_ptr, BOOLEAN state)
 Sets whether a transport has been used during a service scan operation. More...
void ADB_ReportNoSignalDuringSearch (void *t_ptr)
 Set the signal level to 0 and searched flag to TRUE for the given transport. More...
E_STB_DP_SIGNAL_TYPE ADB_GetTransportSignalType (void *t_ptr)
 Returns the signal type for the given transport. More...
U8BIT * ADB_GetTransportName (void *t_ptr)
 Returns the name, in UTF-8 format, of the given transport. The returned name should be freed using STB_ReleaseUnicodeString. More...
U16BIT ADB_GetTransportTid (void *t_ptr)
 Returns the transport id of the given transport. More...
U8BIT ADB_GetTransportTunedStrength (void *t_ptr)
 Returns the signal strength, as a percentage, of the tuned transport. More...
U8BIT ADB_GetTransportTunedQuality (void *t_ptr)
 Returns the signal quality, as a percentage, of the tuned transport. More...
U16BIT ADB_GetTransportOriginalNetworkId (void *t_ptr)
 Returns the original network id of the given transport. More...
void * ADB_GetTransportNetworkPtr (void *t_ptr)
 Returns the network of the given transport. More...
U32BIT ADB_GetTransportFreqHz (void *t_ptr)
 Returns the frequency, in Hz for DVB-T/T2 and DVB-C, and MHz for DVB-S/S2, of the given transport. More...
U8BIT ADB_GetTransportBwidth (void *t_ptr)
 Returns the bandwidth value of the given DVB-T/T2 transport. More...
E_STB_DP_TMODE ADB_GetTransportTerrMode (void *t_ptr)
 Returns the terrestrial mode of the given DVB-T/T2 transport. More...
S8BIT ADB_GetTransportOffset (void *t_ptr)
 Returns the tuning offset of the given DVB-T/T2 transport. More...
E_STB_TUNE_TCONST ADB_GetTransportConstellation (void *t_ptr)
 Returns the constellation of the given DVB-T/T2 transport. More...
E_STB_TUNE_THIERARCHY ADB_GetTransportHierarchy (void *t_ptr)
 Returns the hierarchy of the given DVB-T/T2 transport. More...
E_STB_TUNE_TCODERATE ADB_GetTransportLpCodeRate (void *t_ptr)
 Returns the LP coderate of the given DVB-T/T2 transport. More...
E_STB_TUNE_TCODERATE ADB_GetTransportHpCodeRate (void *t_ptr)
 Returns the HP coderate of the given DVB-T/T2 transport. More...
E_STB_TUNE_TGUARDINT ADB_GetTransportGuardInt (void *t_ptr)
 Returns the guard interval of the given DVB-T/T2 transport. More...
E_STB_DP_CMODE ADB_GetTransportCableMode (void *t_ptr)
 Returns the QAM mode of the given cable transport. More...
U16BIT ADB_GetTransportCableSymbolRate (void *t_ptr)
 Returns the symbol rate of the given cable transport. More...
U16BIT ADB_GetTransportSatelliteSymbolRate (void *t_ptr)
 Returns the symbol rate of the given satellite transponder. More...
void ADB_GetTransportTerrestrialTuningParams (void *t_ptr, E_STB_DP_TTYPE *terr_type, U32BIT *freq_hz, E_STB_DP_TMODE *mode, E_STB_DP_TBWIDTH *bwidth, U8BIT *plp_id)
 Returns the settings to tune to the given DVB-T/T2 transport. More...
void ADB_GetTransportAnalogTuningParams (void *t_ptr, U32BIT *freq_hz, S8BIT *offset, E_STB_DP_ANALOG_VIDEO_TYPE *vtype)
 Returns the settings to tune to the given terrestrial analog transport. More...
void ADB_GetTransportCableTuningParams (void *t_ptr, U32BIT *freq_hz, E_STB_DP_CMODE *mode, U16BIT *symrate)
 Returns the parameters needed to tune a cable tuner to a transport. More...
void ADB_GetTransportSatTuningParams (void *t_ptr, U32BIT *freq_hz, E_STB_DP_POLARITY *polarity, U16BIT *symrate, E_STB_DP_FEC *fec, BOOLEAN *dvb_s2, E_STB_DP_MODULATION *modulation)
 Returns the parameters needed to tune a satellite tuner to a transport. More...
void * ADB_GetTransportSatellite (void *t_ptr)
 Returns the parent satellite for the given transport. More...
void * ADB_GetTransportFromIds (U16BIT net_id, U16BIT onet_id, U16BIT tran_id)
 Finds the transport with the given ids. More...
void ADB_SetTunedTransport (U8BIT path, void *t_ptr)
 Sets the given transport as the one tuned to on the given decode path. The transport's network is also set as the tuned network, if valid. More...
void * ADB_GetTunedTransport (U8BIT path)
 Returns the transport that's tuned to on the given decode path. More...
void * ADB_AddServiceUsingDsd (U8BIT *data, U16BIT service_id)
 Add service record defined by the given delivery system descriptor. If the DSD defines a transport that doesn't currently exist, then one will be created, and if a service_id is given and a service with this ID doesn't exist on the transport, then one will be created, but will be marked as hidden and non-selectable so it won't appear to a user. More...
void * ADB_AddIPService (void *t_ptr, U16BIT service_id, ADB_SERVICE_TYPE type, U8BIT *name, U16BIT lcn, U8BIT *url, U16BIT port, E_STB_DP_FEC_LAYER fec_layer, S_STB_DP_FEC_LAYER_INFO *fec_info)
 Add IP service record. More...
U16BIT ADB_GetNumServices (void)
 Returns the total number of services in the database. More...
U16BIT ADB_GetNumServicesInList (U32BIT list_type, BOOLEAN inc_hidden)
 Returns the number of services in the database that would be returned with the given list type. More...
void ADB_GetServiceList (U32BIT list_type, void ***slist_ptr, U16BIT *num_entries_ptr)
 Allocates and returns a list of all services in the database for the given list type. More...
void ADB_GetServiceListIncludingHidden (U32BIT list_type, void ***slist_ptr, U16BIT *num_entries_ptr, BOOLEAN ignore_selectable)
 Allocates and returns a list of all services in the database for the given list type, including hidden services. More...
U16BIT ADB_GetNumDeletedServices (E_STB_DP_SIGNAL_TYPE tuner_type)
 Returns the number of services marked as deleted with the given tuner type. More...
U16BIT ADB_GetDeletedServiceList (E_STB_DP_SIGNAL_TYPE tuner_type, void ***slist_ptr)
 Returns a list of services that have been marked as 'deleted' for the given tuner type. More...
void ADB_GetTransportServiceList (void *t_ptr, void ***slist_ptr, U16BIT *num_entries_ptr)
 Allocates and returns a list of all services in the database on the given transport. More...
void ADB_GetNetworkServiceList (void *n_ptr, void ***slist_ptr, U16BIT *num_entries_ptr)
 Allocates and returns a list of all services in the database on all transports on the given network. More...
void ADB_GetUnavailableServiceList (void ***slist_ptr, U16BIT *num_entries_ptr)
 Allocates and returns a list of all services that are marked as being unavailable. A service becomes unavailable when it disappears from the SDT. More...
void ADB_GetLockedServiceList (void ***slist_ptr, U16BIT *num_entries_ptr)
 Allocates and returns a list of all services that are marked as locked for parental control purposes. More...
void ADB_ReleaseServiceList (void **slist, U16BIT num_servs)
 Frees a list of services returned from one of the functions that returns a service list, such as ADB_GetServiceList. More...
void ADB_GetServiceListLockedSubset (void **slist, U16BIT num_entries, void ***locked_slist_ptr, U16BIT *locked_num_entries_ptr)
 Creates a subset of locked services from the supplied service list. Memory is allocated as TempMemory so will be released when the calling screen closes. More...
void ADB_SortServiceListAlphabetically (void **slist, U16BIT num_entries, BOOLEAN short_name)
 Sorts the given list of services into alphabetical order. Case is significant. More...
BOOLEAN ADB_IsValidService (void *serv_ptr)
 Checks whether the given service is in the current service list. More...
E_STB_DP_SIGNAL_TYPE ADB_GetServiceSignalType (void *s_ptr, BOOLEAN *is_sig2)
 Returns the signal type for transport of given service. It also indicates the mode - i.e. whether it is T2, S2 or C2. More...
void * ADB_GetNextServiceInList (U32BIT list_type, void *serv)
 Returns the next service, in LCN order, for the given list type, starting from the given service. If serv is NULL then the first service is returned. More...
void * ADB_GetPrevServiceInList (U32BIT list_type, void *serv)
 Returns the previous service, in LCN order, for the given list type, starting from the given service. If serv is NULL then the last service is returned. More...
void * ADB_FindServiceByLcn (U32BIT list_type, U16BIT lcn, BOOLEAN show_unselectable)
 Returns the service matching the given LCN and list type. More...
void * ADB_FindServiceByNearestLcn (U32BIT list_type, U16BIT lcn)
 Returns the service matching the given, or preceding, LCN and list type. More...
void * ADB_FindServiceByIds (U16BIT onet_id, U16BIT tid, U16BIT sid)
 Returns a pointer to the service matching the given IDs. More...
U16BIT ADB_FindLcnInServiceList (U16BIT lcn, void **slist_ptr, U16BIT num_entries)
 Returns the index into the given list of services of the service with the given LCN. More...
U16BIT ADB_FindNearestLcnInServiceList (U16BIT lcn, void **slist_ptr, U16BIT num_entries)
 Returns the index in the given list of services of the service matching the given, or preceding, LCN. More...
U16BIT ADB_FindServiceInList (void *s_ptr, void **slist_ptr, U16BIT num_entries)
 Returns the index in the given list of services of the given service. More...
U8BIT ** ADB_GetServiceListFullNames (void **slist, U16BIT num_entries, BOOLEAN use_pref_names)
 Allocates and returns a list of the fullnames for all the services in the given service list. The returned list should be freed using ADB_ReleaseNameList. More...
U8BIT ** ADB_GetServiceListShortNames (void **slist, U16BIT num_entries, BOOLEAN use_pref_names)
 Allocates and returns a list of the short names for all the services in the given service list. The returned list should be freed using ADB_ReleaseNameList. More...
U16BIT * ADB_GetServiceListLcns (void **slist, U16BIT num_entries)
 Allocates and returns an array of the logical channel numbers that have been assigned to all the services in the given service list. The returned list should be freed using STB_AppFreeMemory. More...
U16BIT * ADB_GetServiceListOrigLcns (void **slist, U16BIT num_entries)
 Allocates and returns an array of the logical channel numbers that each of the services in the given service list originally requested. The returned list should be freed using STB_AppFreeMemory. More...
U32BIT * ADB_GetServiceListUnavailableFlag (void **slist, U16BIT num_entries)
 Allocates and returns an array of the unavailable flags for each of the services in the given service list. A value of TRUE means the service is unavailable, FALSE otherwise. The returned list should be freed using STB_AppFreeMemory. More...
U32BIT * ADB_GetServiceListNewFlag (void **slist, U16BIT num_entries)
 Allocates and returns an array of the 'new' flags for each of the services in the given service list. A service is marked as 'new' when it's added to the service database following an update service scan. A value of TRUE means the service is new, FALSE otherwise. The returned list should be freed using STB_AppFreeMemory. More...
U32BIT * ADB_GetServiceListLockedFlag (void **slist, U16BIT num_entries)
 Allocates and returns an array of the 'locked' flags for each of the services in the given service list. A service is marked as 'locked' due to setup of parental control. A value of TRUE means the service is locked, FALSE otherwise. The returned list should be freed using STB_AppFreeMemory. More...
U32BIT * ADB_GetServiceListScrambledFlag (void **slist, U16BIT num_entries)
 Allocates and returns an array of the scrambled flags for each of the services in the given service list. A value of TRUE means the service is signalled as scrambled and FALSE means it's free-to-air. The returned list should be freed using STB_AppFreeMemory. More...
U32BIT * ADB_GetServiceListHdFlag (void **slist, U16BIT num_entries)
 Allocates and returns an array indicating whether each service in the given service list is an HD service. A value of TRUE means the service is signalled as being HD and FALSE means it's SD. The returned list should be freed using STB_AppFreeMemory. More...
void ADB_SetServiceListLockedFlag (void **slist, U16BIT num_entries, BOOLEAN locked)
 Sets the locked state of all services in the given service list. More...
U32BIT * ADB_GetServiceListHiddenFlag (void **slist, U16BIT num_entries)
 Allocates and returns an array indicating whether each service in the given service list is signalled as being hidden or not. A value of TRUE means the service is hidden and FALSE means it's visible. The returned list should be freed using STB_AppFreeMemory. More...
U8BIT ** ADB_GetServiceListNetworkNames (void **slist, U16BIT num_entries)
 Allocates and returns a list of network names for all the services in the given service list. The returned list should be freed using ADB_ReleaseNameList. More...
U8BIT ** ADB_GetServiceListTransportNames (void **slist, U16BIT num_entries)
 Allocates and returns a list of transport names for all the services in the given service list. The returned list should be freed using ADB_ReleaseNameList. More...
U32BIT * ADB_GetServiceListTransportStrengths (void **slist, U16BIT num_entries)
 Allocates and returns an array of the signal strengths of the transports containing the given list of services. The returned list should be freed using STB_AppFreeMemory. More...
U8BIT * ADB_GetServiceFullName (void *s_ptr, BOOLEAN use_pref_name)
 Returns the full name of the given service as a UTF-8 string. The returned string should be freed using STB_ReleaseUnicodeString. More...
U8BIT * ADB_GetServiceShortName (void *s_ptr, BOOLEAN use_pref_name)
 Returns the short name of the given service as a UTF-8 string. The returned string should be freed using STB_ReleaseUnicodeString. More...
U8BIT * ADB_GetServiceFullNameByLangAndPrefId (void *s_ptr, U8BIT lang, U8BIT pref_name_id)
 Returns the full name of the given service as a UTF-8 string using the given language and preferred name id, rather than the defaults. The returned string should be freed using STB_ReleaseUnicodeString. More...
U8BIT * ADB_GetServiceShortNameByLangAndPrefId (void *s_ptr, U8BIT lang, U8BIT pref_name_id)
 Returns the short name of the given service as a UTF-8 string using the given language and preferred name id, rather than the defaults. The returned string should be freed using STB_ReleaseUnicodeString. More...
U16BIT ADB_GetServiceLcn (void *s_ptr)
 Returns the logical channel number assigned to the given service. More...
U16BIT ADB_GetServiceId (void *s_ptr)
 Returns the signalled service id of the given service. More...
void ADB_GetServiceIds (void *s_ptr, U16BIT *onet_id, U16BIT *trans_id, U16BIT *serv_id)
 Returns the original network id, transport id and service id for the given service. More...
void ADB_SetServiceScheduleState (void *s_ptr, BOOLEAN state)
 Sets whether the EIT schedule events for this service are held in memory. All services hold schedule events in memory by default. More...
BOOLEAN ADB_GetServiceScheduleState (void *s_ptr)
 Returns whether the EIT schedule events are being held in memory for the service. More...
void ADB_SetServiceNowNextState (void *s_ptr, BOOLEAN state)
 Sets whether the now/next EIT events for this service are held in memory. All services save now/next events by default. More...
BOOLEAN ADB_GetServiceNowNextState (void *s_ptr)
 Returns whether the EIT now/next data is being held in memory for the service. More...
U16BIT ADB_GetServiceOrigLcn (void *s_ptr)
 Returns the logical channel number originally requested by the given service. More...
U16BIT ADB_GetServicePCRPid (void *s_ptr)
 Returns the PCR PID for the given service. More...
U16BIT ADB_GetServiceAudioPid (void *s_ptr)
 Returns the audio PID for the given service. This will be the one chosen based on the settings for language, etc, or the one explicitly set (e.g. due to user selection). More...
ADB_STREAM_TYPE ADB_GetServiceAudioType (void *s_ptr)
 Returns the audio type being used by the given service. More...
U16BIT ADB_GetServiceTextPid (void *s_ptr)
 Returns the PID being used for DVB subtitles and/or teletext for the given service. This will be the one chosen based on the settings for language, etc, or the one explicitly set (e.g. due to user selection). More...
BOOLEAN ADB_GetServiceIsHd (void *s_ptr)
 Returns whether the service is signalled as an HD service. More...
U16BIT ADB_GetRequiredAudioPid (void *s_ptr)
 Returns the audio PID to be used for the given service based on language settings, output format, etc. More...
U16BIT ADB_GetRequiredADPid (void *s_ptr, BOOLEAN *broadcast_mix)
 Returns the PID to be used for audio description for the given service based on language settings, output format, etc. More...
E_STB_DP_AUDIO_MODE ADB_GetRequiredAudioMode (void *s_ptr)
 Returns the mode to be used for audio for the given service based on language settings, output format, etc. More...
U16BIT ADB_GetRequiredTtextPid (void *s_ptr, BOOLEAN for_subtitles, U8BIT *magazine, U8BIT *page)
 Returns the PID to be used for teletext for the given service based on language settings. More...
U16BIT ADB_GetRequiredSubtitleParams (void *s_ptr, U16BIT *cpage_ptr, U16BIT *apage_ptr)
 Returns the PID to be used for DVB subtitles for the given service based on language settings. More...
U16BIT ADB_GetServiceVideoPid (void *s_ptr)
 Returns the video PID for the given service. More...
ADB_STREAM_TYPE ADB_GetServiceVideoType (void *s_ptr)
 Returns the video type being used by the given service. More...
ADB_SERVICE_TYPE ADB_GetServiceType (void *s_ptr)
 Returns the signalled type of the given service. More...
U8BIT * ADB_GetServiceProviderName (void *s_ptr)
 Returns the provider name, as a UTF-8 string, using the default language, of the given service. The returned string should be freed using STB_ReleaseUnicodeString. More...
U8BIT * ADB_GetServiceProviderNameByLang (void *s_ptr, U8BIT lang)
 Returns the provider name, as a UTF-8 string, using the given language, of the given service. The returned string should be freed using STB_ReleaseUnicodeString. More...
U8BIT * ADB_GetDefaultServiceProviderName (void *s_ptr)
 Returns the default service provider name of the specified service. More...
BOOLEAN ADB_GetServiceUnavailableFlag (void *s_ptr)
 Returns the status of the unavailable flag of the given service. This flag indicates whether a service is no longer signalled in the SDT. More...
U8BIT ADB_GetServiceRunningStatus (void *s_ptr)
 Returns the running status of the given service as reported by the SDT. More...
BOOLEAN ADB_GetServiceNotRunningFlag (void *s_ptr)
 Returns the status of the 'not running' flag of the given service. This flag indicates whether a service is signalled as not running in the SDT, or is removed from the PAT. More...
BOOLEAN ADB_GetServiceScrambledFlag (void *s_ptr)
 Returns the status of the 'scrambled' flag of the given service. This flag is set depending on the scrambled state of all the streams that makeup the service being marked as free-to-air. More...
BOOLEAN ADB_GetServiceHasCaDesc (void *s_ptr)
 Used to query whether the given service has a CA descriptor. More...
BOOLEAN ADB_GetServiceDoNotScramble (void *s_ptr)
 Returns the do_not_scramble flag for the service which is based on the presence of an FTA descriptor. The value returned will be found by looking backwards from the service to the transport, etc. More...
U8BIT ADB_GetServiceContentProtectionLevel (void *s_ptr)
 Returns the content protection level value for the service that will have been set by the Nordig content protection descriptor in the PMT. More...
BOOLEAN ADB_GetServiceNewFlag (void *s_ptr)
 Returns the status of the 'new' flag of the given service. This flag indicates whether a service has been added to the service lineup following a service scan. More...
BOOLEAN ADB_GetServiceLockedFlag (void *s_ptr)
 Returns the status of the 'locked' flag of the given service, which is used by the parental control. More...
void ADB_ToggleServiceLockedFlag (void *s_ptr)
 Changes the current state of the given service from locked to unlocked, or vice versa. More...
void ADB_SetServiceLockedFlag (void *s_ptr, BOOLEAN locked)
 Locks or unlocks the given service. More...
BOOLEAN ADB_IsFreesatService (void *s_ptr)
 Returns a value indicating whether the given service is a Freesat service. More...
U16BIT ADB_GetFreesatServiceId (void *s_ptr)
 Returns Freesat service ID of the given service. More...
void * ADB_GetServiceTransportPtr (void *s_ptr)
 Returns a pointer to the service's parent transport record. More...
void ADB_SetTunedService (U8BIT path, void *s_ptr)
 Sets the tuned service for the given path, together with the associated tuned transport and network. The 'new' flag for the service is aso cleared. More...
void * ADB_GetTunedService (U8BIT path)
 Returns the tuned service for the given decode path. More...
U8BIT * ADB_GetServiceDefaultAuthority (void *serv_ptr)
 Returns a copy of the default authority CRID string for the given service. This string will be returned as broadcast and should be freed using STB_AppFreMemory. More...
void ADB_ServiceAddRCTLink (void *serv_ptr, void *link_ptr)
 Adds the given RCT link info to the end of the list of existing RCT links already defined for the given service. More...
void ADB_ServiceReleaseRCTLinks (void *serv_ptr)
 Frees all RCT link info for the given service. More...
U8BIT ADB_GetServiceNumRCTLinks (void *serv_ptr)
 Returns the number of RCT links for the given service. More...
void * ADB_GetServiceRCTLinks (void *serv_ptr, U8BIT *num_links)
 Returns a copy of the RCT links for the given service. The returned list should be freed using ADB_ReleaseRCTLinks. More...
void * ADB_GetNextRCTLink (void *link_ptr)
 Returns the RCT link following the given link. More...
void ADB_ReleaseRCTLinks (void *links)
 Frees the given list of RCT links. More...
U8BIT * ADB_GetRCTLinkPromoText (void *link_ptr)
 Returns the RCT link's promotional text based on the default language. More...
BOOLEAN ADB_IsRCTLinkGroupTrailer (void *link_ptr)
 Returns whether the given link is for a group trailer. More...
U8BIT * ADB_GetRCTLinkName (void *link_ptr)
 Returns the name of the given RCT link. More...
U8BIT * ADB_GetRCTLinkUriString (void *link_ptr)
 Returns the uri string of the given RCT link. More...
BOOLEAN ADB_ServiceAddImageIcon (void *serv_ptr, void *icon_ptr)
 Adds the given image icon to the end of the service's icon list. The icon id is checked and if it matches an icon already in the list then the new icon replaces the existing one. More...
BOOLEAN ADB_ServiceRCTCanUseDefaultIcon (void *serv_ptr)
 Checks all the RCT links for the given service to determine whether any of them specify that the default icon can be used. More...
BOOLEAN ADB_ServiceGetRCTIcon (void *serv_ptr, U8BIT **icon_data, U32BIT *data_size, BOOLEAN *pos_valid, U16BIT *x_pos, U16BIT *y_pos, U16BIT *width, U16BIT *height, E_ICON_COORD_SYSTEM *coord_system)
 Searches all the RCT links for a service to see if any of them define an icon to be used, and if one is found then all the data required to display the icon is returned. More...
void ADB_DeleteServiceRec (void *s_ptr)
 Deletes the given service from the database. More...
void * ADB_GetAlternativeService (void *s_ptr, U8BIT alt_serv_type)
 Searches for a replacement service of the given type for the given service. More...
U16BIT ADB_ServiceGetSubtitlePid (void *serv_ptr, ADB_SUBT_INFO *subt_info)
 Determines subtitle PID and whether it is DVB or teletext, for the given service. More...
BOOLEAN ADB_ServiceHasSubtitles (void *serv_ptr, E_SUBTITLE_FORMAT *subs_format)
 Determines whether the given service has subtitles: DVB, teletext, or CC. More...
U16BIT ADB_GetNumStreams (void *serv_ptr, ADB_STREAM_LIST_TYPE stream_list_type)
 Returns the number of streams of the given type for the given service. More...
void ADB_GetStreamList (void *serv_ptr, ADB_STREAM_LIST_TYPE stream_list_type, void ***streamlist_ptr, U16BIT *num_entries_ptr)
 Allocates and returns an array of the streams of the given type and for the given service. The returned array should be freed using ADB_ReleaseStreamList. More...
void ADB_ReleaseStreamList (void **streamlist_ptr, U16BIT num_entries)
 Frees the memory allocated for a stream list using ADB_GetStreamList. More...
ADB_STREAM_TYPE ADB_GetStreamType (void *stream_ptr)
 Returns the type of the given stream. More...
U8BIT ADB_GetStreamNumTags (void *stream_ptr)
 Returns the number of tag values defined for the given stream. More...
U8BIT ADB_GetStreamTag (void *stream_ptr, U8BIT index)
 Returns the requested tag value of the given stream. More...
U8BIT ADB_GetStreamNumCaptionServices (void *stream_ptr)
 Returns the number of caption services values defined for the given stream. More...
U32BIT ADB_GetCaptionServiceLangCode (void *stream_ptr, U8BIT index)
 Returns the 3 char language code of the given stream. More...
BOOLEAN ADB_GetCaptionServiceDigitalCc (void *stream_ptr, U8BIT index)
 Returns the digital_cc setting of the given stream. More...
U8BIT ADB_GetCaptionServiceNumber (void *stream_ptr, U8BIT index)
 Returns the caption service number of the given stream. More...
BOOLEAN ADB_GetCaptionServiceEasyReader (void *stream_ptr, U8BIT index)
 Returns the easy reader setting of the given stream. More...
BOOLEAN ADB_GetCaptionServiceWideAspectRatio (void *stream_ptr, U8BIT index)
 Returns the wide aspect ratio setting of the given stream. More...
U16BIT ADB_GetStreamPID (void *stream_ptr)
 Returns the PID for the given stream. More...
BOOLEAN ADB_GetStreamInUse (void *stream_ptr)
 Returns whether the given stream is marked as being 'in use', which means it will be the stream being decoded for video, audio, etc. More...
S8BIT ADB_GetStreamCcInUse (void *stream_ptr)
 Returns the index of the caption service being used for subtitles. More...
BOOLEAN ADB_GetStreamHasCaDesc (void *stream_ptr)
 Returns whether the given stream has a CA descriptor. More...
U32BIT ADB_GetAudioStreamLangCode (void *stream_ptr)
 Returns the language code associated with the given audio stream. More...
ADB_AUDIO_TYPE ADB_GetAudioStreamType (void *stream_ptr)
 Returns the audio type of the given stream. More...
E_STB_DP_AUDIO_MODE ADB_GetAudioStreamMode (void *stream_ptr)
 Returns the audio mode of the given stream. More...
U32BIT ADB_GetTtextStreamLangCode (void *stream_ptr)
 Returns the 3 char language code of the given teletext stream. More...
U8BIT ADB_GetTtextStreamType (void *stream_ptr)
 Returns the type, as defined in the PMT, of the given teletext stream. More...
U8BIT ADB_GetTtextStreamMagazine (void *stream_ptr)
 Returns the magazine value of the given teletext stream. More...
U8BIT ADB_GetTtextStreamPage (void *stream_ptr)
 Returns the page value of the given teletext stream. More...
U32BIT ADB_GetSubtitleStreamLangCode (void *stream_ptr)
 Returns the 3 char language code of the given subtitle stream. More...
U16BIT ADB_GetSubtitleStreamCompositionPage (void *stream_ptr)
 Returns the composition page value of the given subtitle stream. More...
U16BIT ADB_GetSubtitleStreamAncillaryPage (void *stream_ptr)
 Returns the ancillary page value of the given subtitle stream. More...
U8BIT ADB_GetStreamComponentType (void *stream_ptr)
 Returns the component type as defined in the EITp/f's component descriptor for the given stream. More...
U16BIT ADB_GetStreamTagContentType (void *stream_ptr, U8BIT index)
 For the given stream and index into component tag array for stream, return stream content and component type as defined in the EITp/f's component descriptor See EN300468, sec 6.2.8 and table 26 for meaning of return values. More...
ADB_SUBTITLE_TYPE ADB_GetSubtitleStreamType (void *stream_ptr)
 Returns the type, as defined in the PMT, of the given subtitle stream. More...
void ADB_SetAudioLang (U32BIT country_code, U8BIT db_lang_id)
 Sets the primary audio language to be used. More...
void ADB_SetSecondaryAudioLang (U32BIT country_code, U8BIT lang_id)
 Sets the secondary audio language to be used. This will be selected if the primary audio language isn't available. More...
void ADB_SetTextLang (U32BIT country_code, U8BIT lang_id)
 Sets the primary subtitle and teletext language to be used. More...
void ADB_SetSecondaryTextLang (U32BIT country_code, U8BIT lang_id)
 Sets the secondary subtitle and teletext language to be used. This will be used if the primary language isn't available. More...
void ADB_GetNowNextEvents (void *serv_ptr, void **v_now_event, void **v_next_event)
 Makes copies of the now and/or next events (EITp/f) for the given service. The returned events should be freed using ADB_ReleaseEventData. More...
void ADB_GetEventSchedule (BOOLEAN include_old_events, void *serv_ptr, void ***elist_ptr, U16BIT *num_entries_ptr)
 Allocates and returns an array containing copies of events for the given service from the service's EIT schedule. The returned array should be freed using ADB_ReleaseEventList. More...
void ADB_GetEventScheduleByGenre (ADB_EVENT_CONTENT genre, BOOLEAN include_old_events, void *serv_ptr, void ***elist_ptr, U16BIT *num_entries_ptr)
 Creates a copy of the event schedule for the given service, but only includes events of the given genre type. More...
void ADB_ReleaseEventData (void *event_ptr)
 Frees any memory allocated for the given event and the event itself. More...
void ADB_ReleaseEventList (void **elist, U16BIT num_entries)
 Frees all teh events in the given list and all associated memory for those events. More...
void ADB_DeleteServiceEvents (void *serv_ptr, BOOLEAN delete_now_next)
 Deletes all events and event related data for the given service. More...
void ADB_DeleteAllServiceEvents (BOOLEAN delete_now_next)
 Deletes all events and event related data for all services. More...
void * ADB_GetEvent (void *serv_ptr, U16BIT event_id)
 Returns a copy of the event with the given event ID on the given service. More...
U8BIT * ADB_GetEventSIDescriptorData (void *serv_ptr, U16BIT event_id, U8BIT dtag_id, S16BIT ext_dtag_id, U16BIT *desc_len)
 Returns a copy of the raw SI descriptor data with the given descriptor tag id and, optionally, extended descriptor tag id, for the event with the given event id. The data must be freed using ADB_ReleaseEventSIDescriptorData. More...
void ADB_ReleaseEventSIDescriptorData (U8BIT *desc_data, U16BIT desc_len)
 Frees the data returned by ADB_GetEventSIDescriptorData. More...
void * ADB_EarlierEvent (void *serv_ptr, U32DHMS time)
 Returns a copy of the event preceeding the given date/time on the given service. More...
void * ADB_GetEarlierEvent (void *serv_ptr, U16BIT date, U8BIT hour, U8BIT min)
 Returns a copy of the event preceeding the given date/time on the given service. More...
void * ADB_LaterEvent (void *serv_ptr, U32DHMS time)
 Returns a copy of the event following the given date/time on the given service. More...
void * ADB_GetLaterEvent (void *serv_ptr, U16BIT date, U8BIT hour, U8BIT min)
 Returns a copy of the event following the given date/time on the given service. More...
void * ADB_FindEventFromTime (U32DHMS time, void *serv_ptr)
 Finds the event scheduled to be broadcast at the specified time on the specified service. More...
void * ADB_FindEITScheduleEventFromTime (U32DHMS time, void *serv_ptr)
 Finds the event in the event schedule to be broadcast at the specified time on the specified service. More...
U32DHMS ADB_GetEventStartDateTime (void *event_ptr)
 Returns a value representing the date and time of the start of the given event. More...
U16BIT ADB_GetEventStartDate (void *event_ptr)
 Returns the MJD date code for the start of the given event. More...
U8BIT ADB_GetEventStartHour (void *event_ptr)
 Returns the hour (0-23) value for the start of the given event. More...
U8BIT ADB_GetEventStartMin (void *event_ptr)
 Returns the minute (0-59) value for the start of the given event. More...
U8BIT ADB_GetEventStartSecs (void *event_ptr)
 Returns the seconds (0-59) value for the start of the given event. More...
U32DHMS ADB_GetEventDuration (void *event_ptr)
 Returns a value representing the duration of the given event. More...
U8BIT ADB_GetEventDurationHour (void *event_ptr)
 Returns the hour value for the duration of the given event. More...
U8BIT ADB_GetEventDurationMin (void *event_ptr)
 Returns the minute value (0-59) for the duration of the given event. More...
U8BIT ADB_GetEventDurationSecs (void *event_ptr)
 Returns the seconds value (0-59) for the duration of the given event. More...
U32DHMS ADB_GetEventEndDateTime (void *event_ptr)
 Returns a value representing the date and time of the end of the given event. More...
BOOLEAN ADB_GetEventSubtitlesAvailFlag (void *event_ptr)
 Returns whether DVB subtitles are signalled as being available for the given event. More...
ADB_EVENT_CONTENT ADB_GetEventContentDesc (void *event_ptr)
 Returns the level 1 value of the first content identifier for the given event. More...
U8BIT * ADB_GetEventContentData (void *event_ptr, U8BIT *p_len)
 Returns the level 1 and 2 values for all content identifiers for the given event. More...
U8BIT ADB_GetEventParentalAge (void *event_ptr)
 Returns the parental age value for the given event. More...
U8BIT * ADB_GetEventName (void *event_ptr)
 Returns the name of the event as a UTF-8 string in the currently selected language. The returned string should be freed using STB_ReleaseUnicodeString. More...
U8BIT * ADB_GetEventDescription (void *event_ptr)
 Returns the short event description text of the event as a UTF-8 string. The returned string should be freed using STB_ReleaseUnicodeString. More...
BOOLEAN ADB_GetEventHasExtendedDescription (void *event_ptr)
 Checks whether the given event has any extended event descriptors. More...
U8BIT * ADB_GetEventExtendedDescription (void *event_ptr)
 Returns the extended event description text of the event as a UTF-8 string. The returned string should be freed using STB_ReleaseUnicodeString. More...
ADB_EVENT_ITEMIZED_INFOADB_GetEventItemizedDescription (void *event_ptr, U16BIT *num_items_ptr)
 Returns the items of extended event descriptor as item descriptor and item itself. More...
void ADB_ReleaseEventItemizedInfo (ADB_EVENT_ITEMIZED_INFO *event_itemized_info, U16BIT num_of_items)
 Frees the memory used by event itemized data. More...
U8BIT * ADB_GetEventGuidance (void *event_ptr, void *serv_ptr, U8BIT *type, U8BIT *mode)
 Returns the guidance text for an event, either from the event itself or the event's service, as a UTF-8 string. The returned string should be freed using STB_ReleaseUnicodeString. More...
U16BIT ADB_GetEventId (void *event_ptr)
 Returns the event id for the given event. More...
BOOLEAN ADB_GetEventAudioDescriptionFlag (void *event_ptr)
 Returns whether audio description is signalled as being available for the given event. More...
BOOLEAN ADB_GetEventFreeToAir (void *event_ptr)
 Returns whether the event is signalled with none of its streams being CA scrambled. More...
BOOLEAN ADB_GetEventDoNotScramble (void *event_ptr)
 Returns the do_not_scramble flag for the event, which will have been found by looking backwards in the event, SDT, transport and NIT, until found or not. More...
BOOLEAN ADB_GetEventHDLinkageInfo (void *event_ptr, BOOLEAN verify_event, BOOLEAN only_simulcast, void **hd_serv_ptr, void **hd_event_ptr)
 Returns whether there's an HD event linked to the SD event and returns the info for it. The DVB info is checked to ensure it relates to a known service. More...
BOOLEAN ADB_IsSameEvent (void *event1_ptr, void *event2_ptr)
 Checks whether the two events are the same. Not all fields are checked, just date, time, duration and event ID. More...
U8BIT * ADB_GetEventFullProgrammeCrid (void *serv_ptr, void *event_ptr)
 Returns the full programme CRID of the given event (including IMI). The returned string should be freed using STB_AppFreeMemory. More...
BOOLEAN ADB_IsSplitProgrammeCrid (U8BIT *crid)
 Returns TRUE if the given CRID represents a split event (i.e. it contains an Instance Metadata Identifier (IMI)). More...
U8BIT * ADB_GetEventProgrammeCrid (void *serv_ptr, void *event_ptr)
 Returns the programme CRID of the given event (excluding IMI) The returned string should be freed using STB_AppFreeMemory. More...
U8BIT * ADB_GetFullCrid (void *serv_ptr, U8BIT *event_str)
 Returns the full CRID for the given CRID string The returned string should be freed using STB_AppFreeMemory. More...
U8BIT * ADB_GetEventSeriesCrid (U8BIT index, void *serv_ptr, void *event_ptr)
 Returns the full series CRID of the given event The returned string should be freed using STB_AppFreeMemory. More...
U8BIT ADB_GetEventNumSeriesCrids (void *event_ptr)
 Returns the number of series CRIDs for the given event. More...
U8BIT ADB_GetEventNumRecommendationCrids (void *event_ptr)
 Returns the number of recommendation CRIDs for the given event. More...
U8BIT * ADB_GetEventRecommendationCrid (U8BIT index, void *serv_ptr, void *event_ptr)
 Returns the full recommendation CRID of the given event The returned string should be freed using STB_AppFreeMemory. More...
U8BIT ADB_GetEventComponentList (void *event_ptr, ADB_EVENT_COMPONENT_INFO **component_list)
 Retrieves a list of components associated with the specified event, as described by component descriptors in the EIT. More...
U8BIT * ADB_GetAuthorityFromCrid (U8BIT *crid)
 Returns a copy of the authority part of the CRID string The returned string should be freed using STB_AppFreeMemory. More...
void * ADB_FindEventFromCrid (U8BIT *prog_crid, void *original_event_ptr, void **serv_ptr)
 Finds an alternative event for the given programme CRID and returns a pointer to a copy of the event and a pointer to the service. More...
void ADB_SetServiceHiddenFlag (void *s_ptr, BOOLEAN hidden)
 Sets the hidden status of the given service, which means the service would not be presented to the user in any list of available services. More...
BOOLEAN ADB_GetServiceHiddenFlag (void *s_ptr)
 Returns the hidden status of the given service. A hidden service should not be present to the user in any list of available services. More...
BOOLEAN ADB_GetServiceSelectableFlag (void *s_ptr)
 Returns the selectable status of the given service. More...
BOOLEAN ADB_GetServiceLcnEditable (void *s_ptr)
 Returns whether the LCN assigned to the given service can be changed. More...
void ADB_SetServiceDeletedFlag (void *s_ptr, BOOLEAN deleted)
 Sets the 'deleted' flag for the given service as a deleted service. If it's marked as deleted then it won't be included in any of the normal service lists. More...
void ADB_SetServiceLcn (void *s_ptr, U16BIT lcn)
 Sets the assigned logical channel number of the given service. This will override any LCN assigned when performing a service scan. More...
U8BIT ADB_GetServiceFavGroups (void *s_ptr)
 Returns the favourite group value for the given service. This is an 8-bit value that can define whether the service is in any of upto 8 favourite groups. The value is a bit flag, so 1 means it's in group 1, 2 means it's in group 2, 4 means it's in group 3, 7 means it's in groups 1, 2 and 3, etc. More...
void ADB_SetServiceFavGroups (void *s_ptr, U8BIT groups)
 Sets the favourite group value for the given service. This is an 8-bit value that can define whether the service is in any of upto 8 favourite groups. The value is a bit flag, so 1 means it's in group 1, 2 means it's in group 2, 4 means it's in group 3, 7 means it's in groups 1, 2 and 3, etc. More...
void ADB_SetReqdAudioStreamSettings (void *s_ptr, BOOLEAN valid, U32BIT lang_code, ADB_AUDIO_TYPE audio_type, ADB_STREAM_TYPE stream_type)
 Explicitly sets or clears the stream that will be used for audio on the given service. If 'valid' is TRUE then the stream is set according to the given language and types, but if FALSE then the audio stream selected for the service will be based on the default settings. More...
void ADB_SetReqdAudioStreamPID (void *s_ptr, BOOLEAN valid, U16BIT pid)
 Explicitly sets or clears the stream that will be used for audio on the given service. If 'valid' is TRUE then the stream is set according to the given PID, but if FALSE then the audio stream selected for the service will be based on the default settings. More...
void ADB_GetReqdAudioStreamSettings (void *s_ptr, BOOLEAN *valid, U32BIT *lang_code, ADB_AUDIO_TYPE *audio_type, ADB_STREAM_TYPE *stream_type)
 Returns the settings defined by ADB_SetReqdAudioStreamSettings that will be used for audio on the given service. More...
void ADB_SetReqdSubtitleStreamSettings (void *s_ptr, BOOLEAN valid, U32BIT lang_code, ADB_SUBTITLE_TYPE subtitle_type)
 Explicitly sets or clears the stream that will be used for subtitles on the given service. If 'valid' is TRUE then the stream is set according to the given language and type, but if FALSE then the stream selected for the service will be based on the default settings. More...
void ADB_GetReqdSubtitleStreamSettings (void *s_ptr, BOOLEAN *valid, U32BIT *lang_code, ADB_SUBTITLE_TYPE *subtitle_type)
 Returns the settings defined by ADB_SetReqdSubtitleStreamSettings that will be used for subtitles on the given service. More...
void ADB_SetReqdTeletextStreamSettings (void *s_ptr, BOOLEAN valid, U32BIT lang_code, ADB_TELETEXT_TYPE ttext_type)
 Explicitly sets or clears the stream that will be used for teletext on the given service. If 'valid' is TRUE then the stream is set according to the given language and type, but if FALSE then the stream selected for the service will be based on the default settings. More...
void ADB_GetReqdTeletextStreamSettings (void *s_ptr, BOOLEAN *valid, U32BIT *lang_code, ADB_TELETEXT_TYPE *ttext_type)
 Returns the settings defined by ADB_SetReqdTeletextStreamSettings that will be used for teletext on the given service. More...
void ADB_SetReqdCcStreamSettings (void *s_ptr, BOOLEAN valid, U32BIT lang_code, BOOLEAN digital_cc, U8BIT caption_service, BOOLEAN easy_reader, BOOLEAN wide_aspect_ratio)
 Explicitly sets or clears the stream that will be used for subtitles on the given service. If 'valid' is TRUE then the stream is set according to the given language and type, but if FALSE then the stream selected for the service will be based on the default settings. More...
void ADB_GetReqdCcStreamSettings (void *s_ptr, BOOLEAN *valid, U32BIT *lang_code, BOOLEAN *digital_cc, U8BIT *caption_service, BOOLEAN *easy_reader, BOOLEAN *wide_aspect_ratio)
 Returns the settings defined by ADB_SetReqdCcStreamSettings that will be used for CC on the given service. More...
void ADB_SortServicesByLcn (void)
 Sort all services in the database according to their LCNs.
void * ADB_AddCridRecord (U8BIT *crid, BOOLEAN series, BOOLEAN recommended)
 Adds a CRID record to the database; use ADB_SaveCridRecord to store it. If a CRID record with the given string already exists then a new record won't be created and the handle of the existing record will be returned. More...
void ADB_SaveCridRecord (void *c_ptr)
 Saves a CRID record to non-volatile storage. More...
void * ADB_FindCridRecord (U8BIT *crid_str)
 Searches for and returns the CRID record with the given CRID string. More...
void ADB_SetCridDateTime (void *c_ptr, U32DHMS datetime)
 Sets the date and time fields on the given CRID record. More...
void ADB_SetCridService (void *c_ptr, U16BIT serv_id)
 Sets the service ID on the given CRID record. More...
void ADB_SetCridProgrammeName (void *c_ptr, U8BIT *prog_name)
 Sets the programme name field of the given CRID record. More...
U8BIT * ADB_GetCridProgrammeName (void *c_ptr)
 Returns the programme name field of the given CRID record. The returned string should be freed using STB_AppFreeMemory. More...
void ADB_UpdateCridEitDate (void *c_ptr)
 Updates the time the CRID was last seen in the EIT. More...
BOOLEAN ADB_IsProgrammeCrid (void *c_ptr)
 Returns TRUE if the CRID record given represents a programme (split event) More...
BOOLEAN ADB_IsSeriesCrid (void *c_ptr)
 Returns TRUE if the CRID record given represents a series. More...
BOOLEAN ADB_IsRecommendationCrid (void *c_ptr)
 Returns TRUE if the CRID record given represents a recommendation. More...
void ADB_SetCridDoNotDelete (void *c_ptr, BOOLEAN do_not_delete)
 Sets the do not delete flag for the given CRID. More...
BOOLEAN ADB_GetCridDoNotDelete (void *c_ptr)
 Returns the value of the do not delete flag for the given CRID record. More...
U8BIT * ADB_GetCridString (void *c_ptr)
 Returns the CRID string from the given CRID record. The returned value should not be freed. More...
U32DHMS ADB_GetCridDateTime (void *c_ptr)
 Returns a value representing the date & time held in the given CRID record. More...
U16BIT ADB_GetCridService (void *c_ptr)
 Returns the service ID held in the given CRID record. More...
U16BIT ADB_GetCridEitDate (void *c_ptr)
 Returns the EIT update date contained in the given CRID record. More...
void ADB_DeleteCridRecord (void *c_ptr)
 Deletes the given CRID record from the database. More...
void ADB_GetCridRecordList (void ***clist_ptr, U16BIT *num_entries_ptr, BOOLEAN inc_series_crids, BOOLEAN inc_rec_crids, BOOLEAN inc_prog_crids)
 Creates an array of CRID record pointers to pass back to the caller with the number of entries in the array. The returned array should be freed using ADB_ReleaseCridRecordList. More...
void ADB_ReleaseCridRecordList (void **crid_list, U16BIT num_entries)
 Frees memory allocated for a CRID list due to a call to ADB_GetCridRecordList. More...
void * ADB_GetFullSITransport (void *n_ptr)
 Returns a transport that is signalled as containing a complete set of SI data via an NIT linkage descripter. More...
void * ADB_GetEPGService (void *n_ptr)
 Returns a service that is signalled as containing EPG data via an NIT linkage descriptor. More...
U16BIT ADB_GetNumFavouriteLists (void)
 Returns the number of favourite lists. More...
BOOLEAN ADB_AddFavouriteList (U8BIT *name, U32BIT user_data, S16BIT index, U8BIT *list_id)
 Creates a new favourite list and adds it to the existing lists, if any. More...
U8BIT ADB_GetFavouriteListIdByIndex (U16BIT index)
 Returns the list id of the favourite list defined by the given index. More...
U8BIT ADB_GetFavouriteListByUserData (U32BIT user_data)
 Returns the list id of the favourite list with the given user data. More...
U8BIT * ADB_GetFavouriteListName (U8BIT list_id)
 Returns the name of the given favourite list, as a Unicode string. More...
BOOLEAN ADB_SetFavouriteListName (U8BIT list_id, U8BIT *name)
 Set the name of the given favourite list. More...
U32BIT ADB_GetFavouriteListUserData (U8BIT list_id)
 Returns the user data of the given favourite list. More...
void ADB_SetFavouriteListUserData (U8BIT list_id, U32BIT user_data)
 Set the user data of the given favourite list. More...
BOOLEAN ADB_MoveFavouriteListTo (U8BIT list_id, S16BIT index)
 Change the order of the favourite lists by moving the given list to the given position. More...
void ADB_DeleteFavouriteList (U8BIT list_id)
 Deletes the favourite list with the given list id. More...
BOOLEAN ADB_AddServiceToFavouriteList (U8BIT list_id, void *serv_ptr, S16BIT index)
 Adds the given service to the favourite list defined by list_id, with the service being optionally added at a given position. More...
BOOLEAN ADB_MoveFavouriteListServiceTo (U8BIT list_id, void *serv_ptr, S16BIT index)
 Change the order of the services in the given favourite lists by moving it to the given position. More...
BOOLEAN ADB_MoveFavouriteListServiceFromTo (U8BIT list_id, S16BIT current_index, S16BIT new_index)
 Change the order of the services in the given favourite lists by moving it to the given position. More...
void ADB_DeleteServiceFromFavouriteList (U8BIT list_id, void *serv_ptr)
 Removes the given service from the favourite list defined by the list id. More...
void ADB_DeleteAllServicesFromFavouriteList (U8BIT list_id)
 Removes all services from the favourite list defined by list_id. More...
U8BIT * ADB_GetServicePMTData (void *s_ptr, U16BIT *data_len)
 Returns the current PMT data for the given service. More...
U16BIT ADB_GetServicePmtPid (void *s_ptr)
 Returns the current PMT PID for the given service. More...
U16BIT ADB_GetServiceAitPid (void *s_ptr)
 Returns the current AIT PID for the given service. More...
U8BIT * ADB_GetServiceFullURL (void *s_ptr, U16BIT *port)
 Returns the full URL for an IP service as a UTF-8 string, and the port. The returned string should be freed using STB_ReleaseUnicodeString. More...
E_STB_DP_FEC_LAYER ADB_GetServiceFecLayer (void *s_ptr, S_STB_DP_FEC_LAYER_INFO *fec_info)
 Returns the FEC layer used for a service. More...
U16BIT ADB_GetProfileList (void ***profile_list, U16BIT *active_profile)
 Returns an array of available profiles. The array will be allocated within the function and should be released using ADB_ReleaseProfileList. This is a CI+ feature. More...
void ADB_ReleaseProfileList (void **profile_list, U16BIT num_profiles)
 Frees a profile list acquired using ADB_GetProfileList. More...
ADB_PROFILE_TYPE ADB_GetProfileType (void *profile)
 Returns the type of the given profile. More...
ADB_SERVICE_LIST_TYPE ADB_GetServiceListTypeForCurrentProfile (void)
 Returns the default list type for the current profile. This function returns ADB_SERVICE_LIST_ALL if no CI+ profile is active, otherwise the favourite list containing the profile channels. More...
E_STB_DP_AUDIO_CODEC ADB_GetAudioCodecFromStream (ADB_STREAM_TYPE audio_stream_type)
 Derive audio codec from stream. More...
E_STB_DP_VIDEO_CODEC ADB_GetVideoCodecFromStream (ADB_STREAM_TYPE video_stream_type)
 Derive video codec from stream. More...
void * ADB_GetEventService (void *event_ptr)
 Returns the service pointer of event. More...

Detailed Description

Application database access functions.


Macro Definition Documentation


Function Documentation

void* ADB_AddCridRecord ( U8BIT *  crid,
BOOLEAN  series,
BOOLEAN  recommended 

Adds a CRID record to the database; use ADB_SaveCridRecord to store it. If a CRID record with the given string already exists then a new record won't be created and the handle of the existing record will be returned.

Adds a CRID record to the database; use ADB_SaveCridRecord to store it If a CRID record with the given string already exists then a new record won't be created and the handle of the existing record will be returned.

cridCRID string to be added
seriesTRUE if this is a series CRID
recommendedTRUE if this is a recommended programme CRID
CRID record handle, NULL if creation fails
BOOLEAN ADB_AddFavouriteList ( U8BIT *  name,
U32BIT  user_data,
S16BIT  index,
U8BIT *  list_id 

Creates a new favourite list and adds it to the existing lists, if any.

namename to be given to the list
user_datauser defined value to be stored in the list
index0 based index where the new list should be inserted in any existing list. 0 = at start, negative = at end, any other value = position
list_idused to get the unique id assigned to the list, can be NULL
TRUE if the list is created successfully, FALSE otherwise
void* ADB_AddIPService ( void *  t_ptr,
U16BIT  service_id,
U8BIT *  name,
U16BIT  lcn,
U8BIT *  url,
U16BIT  port,
E_STB_DP_FEC_LAYER  fec_layer,

Add IP service record.

dataSequence of bytes representing a system delivery descriptor as defined in EN300468 section 6.2.13
t_ptrparent transport for the new service
service_idservice ID
typetype of service
nameName of service (NULL ignored)
lcnlogical channel number (zero ignored)
urlnull-terminated URL string of the service
portvalue to be saved with the service
fec_layerForward Error Correction Layer
fec_infoFEC Layer information that overrides default values, if NULL defaults are used
service, or NULL if service not added
void* ADB_AddIPTransport ( U16BIT  onet_id,
U16BIT  tran_id,
U8BIT *  url 

Adds an IP transport record.

onet_idoriginal network ID, or ADB_INVALID_DVB_ID if not known
tran_idtransport ID, or ADB_INVALID_DVB_ID if not known
urlURL of the transport which can be NULL if not required
pointer to the new transport or NULL if not created
void* ADB_AddLNB ( ADB_LNB_SETTINGS settings)

Creates a new LNB in the database with the given settings.

settingssettings to be given to the new LNB
pointer to the new LNB, NULL if creation fails
void* ADB_AddLNBBand ( S_STB_DP_LNB_BAND band_parameters,
void *  lnb_ptr 

Creates a new LNB band in the database with the given settings.

band_parametersStructure describing the band and the expected LNB behaviour.
lnb_ptrpointer to an LNB already present in the database
pointer to new LNB band
void* ADB_AddSatellite ( U8BIT *  name_str,
U16BIT  dish_pos,
U16BIT  long_pos,
BOOLEAN  east_west,
void *  lnb_ptr 

Creates a new satellite in the database with the given settings.

name_strname to be given to the satellite, must be a DVB format string
long_poslongitudinal position of the satellite in 1/10ths degree (e.g. 19.2 would be 192)
east_westwhether the position of defined from east (TRUE) or west (FALSE)
lnb_ptrpointer to an LNB already present in the database
pointer to new satellite
BOOLEAN ADB_AddServiceToFavouriteList ( U8BIT  list_id,
void *  serv_ptr,
S16BIT  index 

Adds the given service to the favourite list defined by list_id, with the service being optionally added at a given position.

list_idfavourite list id
serv_ptrservice to be added
indexposition to add the service in the list, 0 = at start, negative = at end, any other value is the position
TRUE if the service is successfully added, FALSE otherwise
void* ADB_AddServiceUsingDsd ( U8BIT *  data,
U16BIT  service_id 

Add service record defined by the given delivery system descriptor. If the DSD defines a transport that doesn't currently exist, then one will be created, and if a service_id is given and a service with this ID doesn't exist on the transport, then one will be created, but will be marked as hidden and non-selectable so it won't appear to a user.

dataSequence of bytes representing a system delivery descriptor as defined in EN300468 section 6.2.13
service_idservice ID
service, or NULL if service not found or added
BOOLEAN ADB_AreLcnsDuplicated ( E_STB_DP_SIGNAL_TYPE  tuner_type)

Checks through all services after a service search and determines whether any of them require the same LCN. This function assumes that ADB_FinaliseDatabaseAfterSearch has already been called.

TRUE if duplicates are found, FALSE otherwise
void ADB_DeleteAllServiceEvents ( BOOLEAN  delete_now_next)

Deletes all events and event related data for all services.

delete_now_nextspecifies whether the now/next events should also be deleted
void ADB_DeleteAllServicesFromFavouriteList ( U8BIT  list_id)

Removes all services from the favourite list defined by list_id.

list_idfavourite list id
void ADB_DeleteAssociatedLNBBands ( void *  lnb_ptr)

Deletes LNB bands associated with a given LNB.

lnb_ptra pointer to an LNB record, LNB bands associated with this LNB are deleted
void ADB_DeleteCridRecord ( void *  c_ptr)

Deletes the given CRID record from the database.

c_ptrpointer to CRID record
void ADB_DeleteFavouriteList ( U8BIT  list_id)

Deletes the favourite list with the given list id.

list_idid of the favourite list to be deleted
void ADB_DeleteServiceEvents ( void *  serv_ptr,
BOOLEAN  delete_now_next 

Deletes all events and event related data for the given service.

serv_ptrservice for the event
delete_now_nextspecifies whether the now/next events should also be deleted
void ADB_DeleteServiceFromFavouriteList ( U8BIT  list_id,
void *  serv_ptr 

Removes the given service from the favourite list defined by the list id.

list_idfavourite list id
serv_ptrservice to be removed from the list
void ADB_DeleteServiceRec ( void *  s_ptr)

Deletes the given service from the database.

s_ptrservice to be deleted
void ADB_DeleteServices ( E_STB_DP_SIGNAL_TYPE  tuner_type,
void *  satellite 

Deletes all networks, transports and services related to the given type of tuner.

tuner_typetuner type
satelliteif tuner_type is SIGNAL_QPSK then only services on the given satellite will be deleted. If NULL, services on all satellite will be deleted
void* ADB_EarlierEvent ( void *  serv_ptr,
U32DHMS  time 

Returns a copy of the event preceeding the given date/time on the given service.

serv_ptrservice for the event
timeDate/time from which to start searching
pointer to a copy of the event, or NULL if an event isn't found
void ADB_FinaliseDatabaseAfterSearch ( BOOLEAN  save_changes,
E_STB_DP_SIGNAL_TYPE  tuner_type,
void *  satellite,
BOOLEAN  search_completed,
BOOLEAN  clear_new_flags,
BOOLEAN  manual_search 

Completes the database setup after a search.

Completes the database setup after a search has completed or been stopped.

save_changes- TRUE if the updated database is to be kept, FALSE otherwise
tuner_type- type of tuner that was used for the search
satellite- satellite on which search was performed, NULL if not relevant
search_completedTRUE if the search was completed, FALSE if terminated before completion
clear_new_flagsTRUE if all new flags are to be cleared (e.g. after a full search rather than an update search)
manual_searchTRUE for manual searches, FALSE otherwise
void* ADB_FindCridRecord ( U8BIT *  crid_str)

Searches for and returns the CRID record with the given CRID string.

crid_strpointer to CRID string
pointer to the CRID record if one is found, or NULL
void* ADB_FindEITScheduleEventFromTime ( U32DHMS  time,
void *  serv_ptr 

Finds the event in the event schedule to be broadcast at the specified time on the specified service.

timedate/time when the event is scheduled for broadcast
serv_ptrhandle of the service on which the event is scheduled for broadcast
searches the complete schedule including old events
void* ADB_FindEventFromCrid ( U8BIT *  prog_crid,
void *  original_event_ptr,
void **  serv_ptr 

Finds an alternative event for the given programme CRID and returns a pointer to a copy of the event and a pointer to the service.

prog_cridprogramme CRID to search for
original_event_ptrpointer to the event for which an alternative is being sought, can be NULL
serv_ptrpointer to return the service record if an alternate event is found
pointer to a copy of the event, or NULL
void* ADB_FindEventFromTime ( U32DHMS  time,
void *  serv_ptr 

Finds the event scheduled to be broadcast at the specified time on the specified service.

timedate/time when the event is scheduled for broadcast
serv_ptrhandle of the service on which the event is scheduled for broadcast
event handler, NULL if not found. The event data must be released with ADB_ReleaseEventData.
U16BIT ADB_FindLcnInServiceList ( U16BIT  lcn,
void **  slist_ptr,
U16BIT  num_entries 

Returns the index into the given list of services of the service with the given LCN.

lcnlogical channel number to search for
slist_ptrlist of services to be searched
num_entriesnumber of services in the list
index of the service, or num_entries if service isn't found
U16BIT ADB_FindNearestLcnInServiceList ( U16BIT  lcn,
void **  slist_ptr,
U16BIT  num_entries 

Returns the index in the given list of services of the service matching the given, or preceding, LCN.

lcnlogical channel number
slist_ptrlist of services to be searched
num_entriesnumber of services in the list
index of the service, or num_entries if service isn't found
void* ADB_FindServiceByIds ( U16BIT  onet_id,
U16BIT  tid,
U16BIT  sid 

Returns a pointer to the service matching the given IDs.

onet_idoriginal network id
tidtransport id
sidservice id
service pointer, or NULL if not found
void* ADB_FindServiceByLcn ( U32BIT  list_type,
U16BIT  lcn,
BOOLEAN  show_unselectable 

Returns the service matching the given LCN and list type.

list_typedefines the types of services to be included, multiple types can be combined by ORing the values
lcnlocgical channel number
show_unselectableused by MHEG to allow it to find services that would normally not be selectable by a user
service, or NULL if not found
void* ADB_FindServiceByNearestLcn ( U32BIT  list_type,
U16BIT  lcn 

Returns the service matching the given, or preceding, LCN and list type.

list_typedefines the types of services to be included, multiple types can be combined by ORing the values
lcnlogical channel number
service, or NULL if not found
U16BIT ADB_FindServiceInList ( void *  s_ptr,
void **  slist_ptr,
U16BIT  num_entries 

Returns the index in the given list of services of the given service.

s_ptrservice to search for
slist_ptrlist of services to be searched
num_entriesnumber of services in the list
index of the service, or num_entries if service isn't found
void* ADB_GetAlternativeService ( void *  s_ptr,
U8BIT  alt_serv_type 

Searches for a replacement service of the given type for the given service.

s_ptrservice that a replacement is required for
alt_serv_typetype of replacement service to look for (e.g. CA replacement)
alternative service found, or NULL
E_STB_DP_AUDIO_CODEC ADB_GetAudioCodecFromStream ( ADB_STREAM_TYPE  audio_stream_type)

Derive audio codec from stream.

audio_stream_typefrom which to derive the audio codec
audio codec that matches audio_stream_type, AUDIO_CODEC_AUTO if no match
U32BIT ADB_GetAudioStreamLangCode ( void *  stream_ptr)

Returns the language code associated with the given audio stream.

3 char language code encoded as a 32-bit number
E_STB_DP_AUDIO_MODE ADB_GetAudioStreamMode ( void *  stream_ptr)

Returns the audio mode of the given stream.

audio mode
ADB_AUDIO_TYPE ADB_GetAudioStreamType ( void *  stream_ptr)

Returns the audio type of the given stream.

audio type
U8BIT* ADB_GetAuthorityFromCrid ( U8BIT *  crid)

Returns a copy of the authority part of the CRID string The returned string should be freed using STB_AppFreeMemory.

cridCRID string
authority string
BOOLEAN ADB_GetCaptionServiceDigitalCc ( void *  stream_ptr,
U8BIT  index 

Returns the digital_cc setting of the given stream.

indextag value to return, must be < ADB_GetStreamNumCaptionServices
digital_cc setting
BOOLEAN ADB_GetCaptionServiceEasyReader ( void *  stream_ptr,
U8BIT  index 

Returns the easy reader setting of the given stream.

indextag value to return, must be < ADB_GetStreamNumCaptionServices
Easy reader setting
U32BIT ADB_GetCaptionServiceLangCode ( void *  stream_ptr,
U8BIT  index 

Returns the 3 char language code of the given stream.

indextag value to return, must be < ADB_GetStreamNumCaptionServices
3 char language code encoded as a 32-bit number
U8BIT ADB_GetCaptionServiceNumber ( void *  stream_ptr,
U8BIT  index 

Returns the caption service number of the given stream.

indextag value to return, must be < ADB_GetStreamNumCaptionServices
caption service number, 0 if stream is invalid or is not digital CC
BOOLEAN ADB_GetCaptionServiceWideAspectRatio ( void *  stream_ptr,
U8BIT  index 

Returns the wide aspect ratio setting of the given stream.

indextag value to return, must be < ADB_GetStreamNumCaptionServices
Wide aspect ratio setting
U32DHMS ADB_GetCridDateTime ( void *  c_ptr)

Returns a value representing the date & time held in the given CRID record.

c_ptrpointer to CRID record
date/time value
BOOLEAN ADB_GetCridDoNotDelete ( void *  c_ptr)

Returns the value of the do not delete flag for the given CRID record.

c_ptrpointer to CRID record
value of the flag, FALSE if the CRID record isn't valid
U16BIT ADB_GetCridEitDate ( void *  c_ptr)

Returns the EIT update date contained in the given CRID record.

c_ptrpointer to CRID record
GMT date from the record
U8BIT* ADB_GetCridProgrammeName ( void *  c_ptr)

Returns the programme name field of the given CRID record. The returned string should be freed using STB_AppFreeMemory.

c_ptrpointer to CRID record
pointer to the programme name
void ADB_GetCridRecordList ( void ***  clist_ptr,
U16BIT *  num_entries_ptr,
BOOLEAN  inc_series_crids,
BOOLEAN  inc_rec_crids,
BOOLEAN  inc_prog_crids 

Creates an array of CRID record pointers to pass back to the caller with the number of entries in the array. The returned array should be freed using ADB_ReleaseCridRecordList.

Creates an array of CRID record pointers to pass back to the caller with the number of entries in the array. Memory is allocated from temporary memory, so will be released when the calling screen closes.

clist_ptraddress for the return of the CRID array
num_entries_ptraddress for the return of the number of entries
inc_series_cridsTRUE if returned list is to include any series CRIDs
inc_rec_cridsTRUE if returned list is to include any recommendation CRIDs
inc_prog_cridsTRUE if returned list is to include any programme CRIDs
U16BIT ADB_GetCridService ( void *  c_ptr)

Returns the service ID held in the given CRID record.

c_ptrpointer to CRID record
service id, or ADB_INVALID_DVB_ID if not valid
U8BIT* ADB_GetCridString ( void *  c_ptr)

Returns the CRID string from the given CRID record. The returned value should not be freed.

c_ptrpointer to CRID record
pointer to the CRID string
U8BIT* ADB_GetDefaultServiceProviderName ( void *  s_ptr)

Returns the default service provider name of the specified service.

provider name
U16BIT ADB_GetDeletedServiceList ( E_STB_DP_SIGNAL_TYPE  tuner_type,
void ***  slist_ptr 

Returns a list of services that have been marked as 'deleted' for the given tuner type.

tuner_typetype of tuner that will be used for the search, if SIGNAL_NONE is specified then all services marked as deleted will be returned
slist_ptrpointer to an array that will be allocated, value will be NULL on return if there are no services. The list must be freed using ADB_ReleaseServiceList
number of services in the returned list
void* ADB_GetEarlierEvent ( void *  serv_ptr,
U16BIT  date,
U8BIT  hour,
U8BIT  min 

Returns a copy of the event preceeding the given date/time on the given service.

serv_ptrservice for the event
dateMJD date code
hourhour, 0-23
minminute, 0-59
pointer to a copy of the event, or NULL if an event isn't found
void* ADB_GetEPGService ( void *  n_ptr)

Returns a service that is signalled as containing EPG data via an NIT linkage descriptor.

n_ptrNetwork pointer
pointer to service
void* ADB_GetEvent ( void *  serv_ptr,
U16BIT  event_id 

Returns a copy of the event with the given event ID on the given service.

serv_ptrservice for the event
event_idID of the event to be returned
pointer to a copy of the event, or NULL if the event isn't found
BOOLEAN ADB_GetEventAudioDescriptionFlag ( void *  event_ptr)

Returns whether audio description is signalled as being available for the given event.

TRUE if available, FALSE otherwise
U8BIT ADB_GetEventComponentList ( void *  event_ptr,
ADB_EVENT_COMPONENT_INFO **  component_list 

Retrieves a list of components associated with the specified event, as described by component descriptors in the EIT.

event_ptrPointer to the event
component_listPointer to the returned list of components. The list must be freed by calling STB_AppFreeMemory, provided the returned number of components is greater than 0.
Number of components associated with the specified event.
U8BIT* ADB_GetEventContentData ( void *  event_ptr,
U8BIT *  p_len 

Returns the level 1 and 2 values for all content identifiers for the given event.

p_lenaddress to return the number of bytes in the returned data
pointer to the content data
ADB_EVENT_CONTENT ADB_GetEventContentDesc ( void *  event_ptr)

Returns the level 1 value of the first content identifier for the given event.

event content value, ADB_EVENT_CONTENT_UNCLASSIFIED if not available
U8BIT* ADB_GetEventDescription ( void *  event_ptr)

Returns the short event description text of the event as a UTF-8 string. The returned string should be freed using STB_ReleaseUnicodeString.

pointer to UTF-8 string, NULL on error
BOOLEAN ADB_GetEventDoNotScramble ( void *  event_ptr)

Returns the do_not_scramble flag for the event, which will have been found by looking backwards in the event, SDT, transport and NIT, until found or not.

event_ptrpointer to the event to check
FALSE if the event is to be protected, TRUE otherwise
U32DHMS ADB_GetEventDuration ( void *  event_ptr)

Returns a value representing the duration of the given event.

U8BIT ADB_GetEventDurationHour ( void *  event_ptr)

Returns the hour value for the duration of the given event.

hour value
U8BIT ADB_GetEventDurationMin ( void *  event_ptr)

Returns the minute value (0-59) for the duration of the given event.

minute value (0-59)
U8BIT ADB_GetEventDurationSecs ( void *  event_ptr)

Returns the seconds value (0-59) for the duration of the given event.

seconds value (0-59)
U32DHMS ADB_GetEventEndDateTime ( void *  event_ptr)

Returns a value representing the date and time of the end of the given event.

U8BIT* ADB_GetEventExtendedDescription ( void *  event_ptr)

Returns the extended event description text of the event as a UTF-8 string. The returned string should be freed using STB_ReleaseUnicodeString.

pointer to UTF-8 string, NULL on error
BOOLEAN ADB_GetEventFreeToAir ( void *  event_ptr)

Returns whether the event is signalled with none of its streams being CA scrambled.

event_ptrpointer to the event to check
TRUE if the event all streams are free-to-air, FALSE otherwise
U8BIT* ADB_GetEventFullProgrammeCrid ( void *  serv_ptr,
void *  event_ptr 

Returns the full programme CRID of the given event (including IMI). The returned string should be freed using STB_AppFreeMemory.

serv_ptrservice for the event
event_ptrevent for which the CRID is to be returned
pointer to a string containing the CRID name, or NULL if there isn't a programme CRID
U8BIT* ADB_GetEventGuidance ( void *  event_ptr,
void *  serv_ptr,
U8BIT *  type,
U8BIT *  mode 

Returns the guidance text for an event, either from the event itself or the event's service, as a UTF-8 string. The returned string should be freed using STB_ReleaseUnicodeString.

event_ptrevent, can be NULL, in which case any guidance defined by the service will be returned
serv_ptrservice, can be NULL to just get guidance text from the event
typepointer to value to return the guidance type, valid if guidance text is returned
modepointer to value to return the guidance mode, valid if guidance text is returned
pointer to UTF-8 guidance string, NULL if there isn't any guidance text
BOOLEAN ADB_GetEventHasExtendedDescription ( void *  event_ptr)

Checks whether the given event has any extended event descriptors.

TRUE if the event has at least one extended event descriptor, FALSE otherwise
BOOLEAN ADB_GetEventHDLinkageInfo ( void *  event_ptr,
BOOLEAN  verify_event,
BOOLEAN  only_simulcast,
void **  hd_serv_ptr,
void **  hd_event_ptr 

Returns whether there's an HD event linked to the SD event and returns the info for it. The DVB info is checked to ensure it relates to a known service.

event_ptrpointer to the event to check
verify_eventTRUE, if the schedule should be checked for the target event
only_simulcastTRUE, if only an HD simulcast event should be returned
hd_serv_ptrpointer to return the service for the HD event, if found. This can be NULL if not required.
hd_event_ptrpointer to return the HD event, if found. Note that this will only be filled in if verify_event is TRUE. This can be NULL if not required.
TRUE if an event is found, FALSE otherwise
U16BIT ADB_GetEventId ( void *  event_ptr)

Returns the event id for the given event.

event id
ADB_EVENT_ITEMIZED_INFO* ADB_GetEventItemizedDescription ( void *  event_ptr,
U16BIT *  num_items_ptr 

Returns the items of extended event descriptor as item descriptor and item itself.

num_items_ptraddress in which to return the number of items
ADB_EVENT_ITEMIZED_INFO pointer to the list of items, NULL on error
U8BIT* ADB_GetEventName ( void *  event_ptr)

Returns the name of the event as a UTF-8 string in the currently selected language. The returned string should be freed using STB_ReleaseUnicodeString.

Returns the name of the event as a UTF-8 string. The returned string should be freed using STB_ReleaseUnicodeString.

pointer to UTF-8 string, NULL on error
U8BIT ADB_GetEventNumRecommendationCrids ( void *  event_ptr)

Returns the number of recommendation CRIDs for the given event.

event_ptrpointer to the event
number of recommendation CRIDs
U8BIT ADB_GetEventNumSeriesCrids ( void *  event_ptr)

Returns the number of series CRIDs for the given event.

event_ptrpointer to the event
number of series CRIDs
U8BIT ADB_GetEventParentalAge ( void *  event_ptr)

Returns the parental age value for the given event.

parental age value, 0 for invalid event
U8BIT* ADB_GetEventProgrammeCrid ( void *  serv_ptr,
void *  event_ptr 

Returns the programme CRID of the given event (excluding IMI) The returned string should be freed using STB_AppFreeMemory.

serv_ptrservice for the event
event_ptrevent for which the CRID is to be returned
pointer to a string containing the CRID name, or NULL if there isn't a programme CRID
U8BIT* ADB_GetEventRecommendationCrid ( U8BIT  index,
void *  serv_ptr,
void *  event_ptr 

Returns the full recommendation CRID of the given event The returned string should be freed using STB_AppFreeMemory.

index0 based index of recommendation CRID to be returned
serv_ptrservice for the event
event_ptrevent for which the CRID is to be returned
pointer to a string containing the CRID name, or NULL if there isn't a CRID
void ADB_GetEventSchedule ( BOOLEAN  include_old_events,
void *  serv_ptr,
void ***  elist_ptr,
U16BIT *  num_entries_ptr 

Allocates and returns an array containing copies of events for the given service from the service's EIT schedule. The returned array should be freed using ADB_ReleaseEventList.

include_old_eventsif TRUE, all events in the services schedule will be returned, but if FALSE then the first two events in the returned list will be the now/next events, followed by the remaining schedule
serv_ptrservice to get events for
elist_ptraddress in which to return a pointer to the alloctaed array of events
num_entries_ptraddress in which to return the number of events in the list
void ADB_GetEventScheduleByGenre ( ADB_EVENT_CONTENT  genre,
BOOLEAN  include_old_events,
void *  serv_ptr,
void ***  elist_ptr,
U16BIT *  num_entries_ptr 

Creates a copy of the event schedule for the given service, but only includes events of the given genre type.

genreevent genre to be matched
include_old_eventsif FALSE, the first events returned will be the now/next events, if they match the genre, otherwise events that may have expired will also be included
elist_ptrreturned with an allocated array of events
num_entries_ptrreturned with the number of entries in the returned array
U8BIT* ADB_GetEventSeriesCrid ( U8BIT  index,
void *  serv_ptr,
void *  event_ptr 

Returns the full series CRID of the given event The returned string should be freed using STB_AppFreeMemory.

index0 based index of series CRID to be returned
serv_ptrservice for the event
event_ptrevent for which the CRID is to be returned
pointer to a string containing the CRID name, or NULL if there isn't a series CRID
void* ADB_GetEventService ( void *  event_ptr)

Returns the service pointer of event.

event_ptrevent pointer
service pointer of event
U8BIT* ADB_GetEventSIDescriptorData ( void *  serv_ptr,
U16BIT  event_id,
U8BIT  dtag_id,
S16BIT  ext_dtag_id,
U16BIT *  desc_len 

Returns a copy of the raw SI descriptor data with the given descriptor tag id and, optionally, extended descriptor tag id, for the event with the given event id. The data must be freed using ADB_ReleaseEventSIDescriptorData.

serv_ptrservice for the event
event_idid of the event on the service
dtag_iddescriptor tag id
ext_dtag_idextended descriptor tag id, or negative if not to be used
desc_lennumber of bytes in the returned descriptor data
pointer to the descriptor data, or NULL if event or descriptor isn't found
U16BIT ADB_GetEventStartDate ( void *  event_ptr)

Returns the MJD date code for the start of the given event.

date code
U32DHMS ADB_GetEventStartDateTime ( void *  event_ptr)

Returns a value representing the date and time of the start of the given event.

U8BIT ADB_GetEventStartHour ( void *  event_ptr)

Returns the hour (0-23) value for the start of the given event.

hour value (0-23)
U8BIT ADB_GetEventStartMin ( void *  event_ptr)

Returns the minute (0-59) value for the start of the given event.

minute value (0-59)
U8BIT ADB_GetEventStartSecs ( void *  event_ptr)

Returns the seconds (0-59) value for the start of the given event.

seconds value (0-59)
BOOLEAN ADB_GetEventSubtitlesAvailFlag ( void *  event_ptr)

Returns whether DVB subtitles are signalled as being available for the given event.

TRUE if subtitles are available, FALSE otherwise
U8BIT ADB_GetFavouriteListByUserData ( U32BIT  user_data)

Returns the list id of the favourite list with the given user data.

Returns the list id of the favourite list with the given user data value.

user_datauser data value
list id, 0 if list isn't found
U8BIT ADB_GetFavouriteListIdByIndex ( U16BIT  index)

Returns the list id of the favourite list defined by the given index.

indexlist index
list id, 0 if list isn't found
U8BIT* ADB_GetFavouriteListName ( U8BIT  list_id)

Returns the name of the given favourite list, as a Unicode string.

list_idlist id
name of the favourite list as a unicode string, which must be released using STB_ReleaseUnicodeString
U32BIT ADB_GetFavouriteListUserData ( U8BIT  list_id)

Returns the user data of the given favourite list.

Returns the user data value of the given favourite list.

list_idlist id
user data value, will be 0 if list not found
U16BIT ADB_GetFreesatServiceId ( void *  s_ptr)

Returns Freesat service ID of the given service.

s_ptrservice handle
Freesat ID of the service, INVALID_FREESAT_SERV_ID if the service isn't a Freesat service
U8BIT* ADB_GetFullCrid ( void *  serv_ptr,
U8BIT *  event_str 

Returns the full CRID for the given CRID string The returned string should be freed using STB_AppFreeMemory.

serv_ptrservice for the event
event_strCRID string
pointer to a string containing the CRID name
void* ADB_GetFullSITransport ( void *  n_ptr)

Returns a transport that is signalled as containing a complete set of SI data via an NIT linkage descripter.

n_ptrnetwork pointer
pointer to transport
void* ADB_GetLaterEvent ( void *  serv_ptr,
U16BIT  date,
U8BIT  hour,
U8BIT  min 

Returns a copy of the event following the given date/time on the given service.

serv_ptrservice for the event
dateMJD date code
hourhour, 0-23
minminute, 0-59
pointer to a copy of the event, or NULL if an event isn't found
void* ADB_GetLNBBandLNB ( void *  band_ptr)

Returns the LNB associated with the band.

band_ptrLNB band
pointer to LNB
BOOLEAN ADB_GetLNBBandParameters ( void *  band_ptr,

Returns the structure describing the band and the expected LNB behaviour in it.

band_ptrLNB band
band_parametersStructure describing the band and the expected LNB behaviour.
TRUE if the band has been found, FALSE otherwise
BOOLEAN ADB_GetLNBSettings ( void *  lnb_ptr,

Returns the current settings for the given LNB.

settingsstructure in which the values are returned
TRUE if the LNB is valid and values are returned, FALSE otherwise
void ADB_GetLockedServiceList ( void ***  slist_ptr,
U16BIT *  num_entries_ptr 

Allocates and returns a list of all services that are marked as locked for parental control purposes.

slist_ptrpointer to an array that will be allocated, value will be NULL on return if there are no services
num_entries_ptrpointer to the number of items in the returned array, value will be 0 on return if there are no services
U16BIT ADB_GetNetworkId ( void *  n_ptr)

Returns the network id of the given network.

network id, 0 if network isn't found
void ADB_GetNetworkList ( void ***  nlist_ptr,
U16BIT *  num_entries_ptr 

Allocates and returns a list of the network records in the database.

nlist_ptrpointer to an array that will be allocated, value will be NULL on return if there are no networks
num_entries_ptrpointer to the number of items in the returned array, value will be 0 on return if there are no networks
U32BIT* ADB_GetNetworkListIds ( void **  nlist,
U16BIT  num_entries 

Allocates and returns an array of network ids for the given networks The returned array should be freed using STB_AppFreeMemory.

nlistthe array of network records
num_entriesnumber of items in the list
pointer to the network id array, NULL if no networks are provided or memory allocation fails
U8BIT** ADB_GetNetworkListNames ( void **  nlist,
U16BIT  num_entries,
BOOLEAN  short_names 

Returns a list of names, in UTF-8 format, corresponding to the given network list. The returned list should be freed using ADB_ReleaseNameList.

nlistthe array of network records
num_entriesnumber of items in the list
short_namesTRUE if the short network names should be returned
pointer to the list of name strings
U8BIT* ADB_GetNetworkName ( void *  n_ptr)

Returns the name, in UTF-8 format, of the given network. The returned name should be freed using STB_ReleaseUnicodeString.

UTF-8 format string, NULL on failure
U8BIT* ADB_GetNetworkNameByLang ( void *  n_ptr,
U8BIT  lang 

Returns the name in the language defined by lang, in UTF-8 format, of the given network. The returned name should be freed using STB_ReleaseUnicodeString.

langlanguage id
UTF-8 format string, NULL on failure
U16BIT ADB_GetNetworkPrimaryTargetRegions ( U32BIT  country_code,
U8BIT **  code_array,
U8BIT ***  name_array 

Returns an array of primary region codes and names for the given country.

country_codecode of country
code_arraypointer to an array of primary region codes that will be allocated in UI temp memory.
name_arraypointer to an array of strings that represent the names of the primary regions.
Number of codes & names returned in the arrays
U16BIT ADB_GetNetworkSecondaryTargetRegions ( U32BIT  country_code,
U8BIT  primary_region,
U8BIT **  code_array,
U8BIT ***  name_array 

Returns an array of secondary region codes and names for the given country and primary region.

country_codecode of country
primary_regionprimary region code
code_arraypointer to an array of secondary region codes that will be allocated in UI temp memory.
name_arraypointer to an array of strings that represent the names of the secondary regions.
Number of codes & names returned in the arrays
void ADB_GetNetworkServiceList ( void *  n_ptr,
void ***  slist_ptr,
U16BIT *  num_entries_ptr 

Allocates and returns a list of all services in the database on all transports on the given network.

n_ptrnetwork to be queried
slist_ptrpointer to an array that will be allocated, value will be NULL on return if there are no services
num_entries_ptrpointer to the number of items in the returned array, value will be 0 on return if there are no services
U8BIT ADB_GetNetworkTargetCountries ( U32BIT **  code_array)

Returns a combined array of country codes for all discovered networks.

code_arraypointer to an array that will be allocated in UI temp memory
Number of codes returned in the array
U16BIT ADB_GetNetworkTertiaryTargetRegions ( U32BIT  country_code,
U8BIT  primary_region,
U8BIT  secondary_region,
U16BIT **  code_array,
U8BIT ***  name_array 

Returns an array of tertiary region codes and names for the given country, primary region and secondary region.

country_codecode of country
primary_regionprimary region code
secondary_regionsecondary region code
code_arraypointer to an array of tertiary region codes that will be allocated in UI temp memory.
name_arraypointer to an array of strings that represent the names of the tertiary regions.
Number of codes & names returned in the arrays
void ADB_GetNetworkTransportList ( void *  n_ptr,
void ***  tlist_ptr,
U16BIT *  num_entries_ptr 

Allocates and returns a list of all transport records in the database for the given network.

n_ptrnetwork pointer
tlist_ptrpointer to an array that will be allocated, value will be NULL on return if there are no transports
num_entries_ptrpointer to the number of items in the returned array, value will be 0 on return if there are no transports
void* ADB_GetNextLNB ( void *  lnb_ptr)

Returns the next LNB from the database.

lnb_ptrcurrent LNB pointer, NULL to get the first LNB
pointer to LNB
void* ADB_GetNextLNBBand ( void *  band_ptr)

Returns the next LNB band from the database.

band_ptrcurrent LNB band pointer, NULL to get the first LNB band
pointer to LNB band
void* ADB_GetNextRCTLink ( void *  link_ptr)

Returns the RCT link following the given link.

link_ptrpointer to an RCT link
next RCT link, or NULL
void* ADB_GetNextSatellite ( void *  sat_ptr)

Returns the next satellite from the database.

sat_ptrcurrent satellite pointer, NULL to get the first satellite
pointer to satellite
void* ADB_GetNextServiceInList ( U32BIT  list_type,
void *  serv 

Returns the next service, in LCN order, for the given list type, starting from the given service. If serv is NULL then the first service is returned.

list_typedefines the types of services to be included, multiple types can be combined by ORing the values
servstarting service, NULL to get the first service
next service, or NULL if no more services
void ADB_GetNowNextEvents ( void *  serv_ptr,
void **  v_now_event,
void **  v_next_event 

Makes copies of the now and/or next events (EITp/f) for the given service. The returned events should be freed using ADB_ReleaseEventData.

serv_ptrget the now/next events for this service
now_eventaddress in which to return a pointer to the now event This value can be NULL if the now event isn't to be returned
next_eventaddress in which to return a pointer to the next event This value can be NULL if the now event isn't to be returned
U16BIT ADB_GetNumDeletedServices ( E_STB_DP_SIGNAL_TYPE  tuner_type)

Returns the number of services marked as deleted with the given tuner type.

tuner_typetype of tuner that will be used for the search, if SIGNAL_NONE is specified then all services marked as deleted will be returned
number of services marked as deleted
U16BIT ADB_GetNumFavouriteLists ( void  )

Returns the number of favourite lists.

number of favourite lists
U16BIT ADB_GetNumLNBBands ( void  )

Returns the number of LNB bands in the database.

Number of LNB bands
U16BIT ADB_GetNumLNBs ( void  )

Returns the number of LNBs in the database.

Number of LNBs
U16BIT ADB_GetNumNetworks ( void  )

Returns the number of network records in the database.

Number of networks
U16BIT ADB_GetNumSatellites ( void  )

Returns the number of satellites in the database.

Number of satellites
U16BIT ADB_GetNumServices ( void  )

Returns the total number of services in the database.

number of services
U16BIT ADB_GetNumServicesInList ( U32BIT  list_type,
BOOLEAN  inc_hidden 

Returns the number of services in the database that would be returned with the given list type.

list_typedefines the types of services to be included, multiple types can be combined by ORing the values
inc_hiddenTRUE if hidden services should be included in the returned count
number of services
U16BIT ADB_GetNumStreams ( void *  serv_ptr,
ADB_STREAM_LIST_TYPE  stream_list_type 

Returns the number of streams of the given type for the given service.

stream_list_typetype of stream
Number of streams
U16BIT ADB_GetNumTransports ( void  )

Returns the number of transports in the database.

Number of transports
void* ADB_GetPrevServiceInList ( U32BIT  list_type,
void *  serv 

Returns the previous service, in LCN order, for the given list type, starting from the given service. If serv is NULL then the last service is returned.

list_typedefines the types of services to be included, multiple types can be combined by ORing the values
servstarting service, NULL to get the last service
previous service, or NULL if no more services
U16BIT ADB_GetProfileList ( void ***  profile_list,
U16BIT *  active_profile 

Returns an array of available profiles. The array will be allocated within the function and should be released using ADB_ReleaseProfileList. This is a CI+ feature.

profile_listpointer to the returned array of profiles. Value isn't valid if 0 is returned
active_profilepointer to return the index of the currently active profile
Number of profiles
ADB_PROFILE_TYPE ADB_GetProfileType ( void *  profile)

Returns the type of the given profile.

profileprofile handle
profile type
U8BIT* ADB_GetRCTLinkName ( void *  link_ptr)

Returns the name of the given RCT link.

link_ptrpointer to an RCT link
pointer to the link's name - NOTE: this shouldn't be changed or freed!
U8BIT* ADB_GetRCTLinkPromoText ( void *  link_ptr)

Returns the RCT link's promotional text based on the default language.

linkpointer to link
Pointer to promotional link string
U8BIT* ADB_GetRCTLinkUriString ( void *  link_ptr)

Returns the uri string of the given RCT link.

link_ptrpointer to an RCT link
pointer to the link's uri - NOTE: this shouldn't be changed or freed!
void ADB_GetReqdAudioStreamSettings ( void *  s_ptr,
BOOLEAN *  valid,
U32BIT *  lang_code,
ADB_AUDIO_TYPE *  audio_type,
ADB_STREAM_TYPE *  stream_type 

Returns the settings defined by ADB_SetReqdAudioStreamSettings that will be used for audio on the given service.

validreturn for the valid flag state
lang_codereturns the set audio language code
audio_typereturns the set audio type
stream_typereturns the set stream type
void ADB_GetReqdCcStreamSettings ( void *  s_ptr,
BOOLEAN *  valid,
U32BIT *  lang_code,
BOOLEAN *  digital_cc,
U8BIT *  caption_service,
BOOLEAN *  easy_reader,
BOOLEAN *  wide_aspect_ratio 

Returns the settings defined by ADB_SetReqdCcStreamSettings that will be used for CC on the given service.

validreturn for the valid flag state
lang_codereturns the set language code
digital_ccreturns the set digital_cc setting
caption_servicereturns the set caption service number
easy_readerreturns the set easy reader setting
wide_aspect_ratioreturns the set wide aspect ratio setting
void ADB_GetReqdSubtitleStreamSettings ( void *  s_ptr,
BOOLEAN *  valid,
U32BIT *  lang_code,
ADB_SUBTITLE_TYPE *  subtitle_type 

Returns the settings defined by ADB_SetReqdSubtitleStreamSettings that will be used for subtitles on the given service.

validreturn for the valid flag state
lang_codereturns the set language code
subt_typereturns the set subtitle type
void ADB_GetReqdTeletextStreamSettings ( void *  s_ptr,
BOOLEAN *  valid,
U32BIT *  lang_code,
ADB_TELETEXT_TYPE *  ttext_type 

Returns the settings defined by ADB_SetReqdTeletextStreamSettings that will be used for teletext on the given service.

validreturn for the valid flag state
lang_codereturns the set language code
ttext_typereturns the set teletext type
U16BIT ADB_GetRequiredADPid ( void *  s_ptr,
BOOLEAN *  broadcast_mix 

Returns the PID to be used for audio description for the given service based on language settings, output format, etc.

broadcast_mixreturned as TRUE if the selected AD is broadcast mix
PID value, or 0 if not known or invalid service
E_STB_DP_AUDIO_MODE ADB_GetRequiredAudioMode ( void *  s_ptr)

Returns the mode to be used for audio for the given service based on language settings, output format, etc.

mode, default is AUDIO_STEREO
U16BIT ADB_GetRequiredAudioPid ( void *  s_ptr)

Returns the audio PID to be used for the given service based on language settings, output format, etc.

PID value, or 0 if not known or invalid service
U16BIT ADB_GetRequiredSubtitleParams ( void *  s_ptr,
U16BIT *  cpage_ptr,
U16BIT *  apage_ptr 

Returns the PID to be used for DVB subtitles for the given service based on language settings.

cpage_ptrreturns the composition page number
apage_ptrreturns the ancilliary page number
PID value, 0 if not found
U16BIT ADB_GetRequiredTtextPid ( void *  s_ptr,
BOOLEAN  for_subtitles,
U8BIT *  magazine,
U8BIT *  page 

Returns the PID to be used for teletext for the given service based on language settings.

for_subtitlesfind the teletext service marked as being subtitles
magazinereturns the magazine part of the teletext page number
pagereturns the page number part of the teletext page number
PID value, or 0 if not known or invalid service
BOOLEAN ADB_GetSatelliteDirection ( void *  sat_ptr)

Returns the position direction of the given satellite.

TRUE=east, FALSE=west
void* ADB_GetSatelliteLNB ( void *  sat_ptr)

Returns the LNB associated with the given satellite.

pointer to LNB
U16BIT ADB_GetSatelliteLongitude ( void *  sat_ptr)

Returns the longitudinal position of the given satellite in 1/10ths degree.

satellite position in 1/10ths degree
U8BIT* ADB_GetSatelliteName ( void *  sat_ptr)

Returns the pointer to the name of the satellite.

pointer to satellite name
U16BIT ADB_GetServiceAitPid ( void *  s_ptr)

Returns the current AIT PID for the given service.

s_ptrservice pointer
AIT PID; zero PID means AIT table not present
U16BIT ADB_GetServiceAudioPid ( void *  s_ptr)

Returns the audio PID for the given service. This will be the one chosen based on the settings for language, etc, or the one explicitly set (e.g. due to user selection).

PID value, or 0 if not known or invalid service
ADB_STREAM_TYPE ADB_GetServiceAudioType ( void *  s_ptr)

Returns the audio type being used by the given service.

Audio type, defaults to ADB_AUDIO_STREAM (MPEG1)
U8BIT ADB_GetServiceContentProtectionLevel ( void *  s_ptr)

Returns the content protection level value for the service that will have been set by the Nordig content protection descriptor in the PMT.

Value of the content protection level
U8BIT* ADB_GetServiceDefaultAuthority ( void *  serv_ptr)

Returns a copy of the default authority CRID string for the given service. This string will be returned as broadcast and should be freed using STB_AppFreMemory.

c_ptrpointer to CRID record
pointer to a copy of the CRID string, or NULL
BOOLEAN ADB_GetServiceDoNotScramble ( void *  s_ptr)

Returns the do_not_scramble flag for the service which is based on the presence of an FTA descriptor. The value returned will be found by looking backwards from the service to the transport, etc.

s_ptrpointer to the service
FALSE if the service is to be protected, TRUE otherwise
U8BIT ADB_GetServiceFavGroups ( void *  s_ptr)

Returns the favourite group value for the given service. This is an 8-bit value that can define whether the service is in any of upto 8 favourite groups. The value is a bit flag, so 1 means it's in group 1, 2 means it's in group 2, 4 means it's in group 3, 7 means it's in groups 1, 2 and 3, etc.

favourite group bit value
E_STB_DP_FEC_LAYER ADB_GetServiceFecLayer ( void *  s_ptr,

Returns the FEC layer used for a service.

s_ptrservice pointer
fec_infoPointer to hold FEC Layer information that overrides default values
FEC Layer type - no FEC, FEC Base 1D, FEC Base 2D
U8BIT* ADB_GetServiceFullName ( void *  s_ptr,
BOOLEAN  use_pref_name 

Returns the full name of the given service as a UTF-8 string. The returned string should be freed using STB_ReleaseUnicodeString.

use_pref_nameTRUE if the preferred name should be returned
pointer to UTF-8 string, or NULL
U8BIT* ADB_GetServiceFullNameByLangAndPrefId ( void *  s_ptr,
U8BIT  lang,
U8BIT  pref_name_id 

Returns the full name of the given service as a UTF-8 string using the given language and preferred name id, rather than the defaults. The returned string should be freed using STB_ReleaseUnicodeString.

langlanguage id
pref_name_idpreferred name id
pointer to UTF-8 string, or NULL
U8BIT* ADB_GetServiceFullURL ( void *  s_ptr,
U16BIT *  port 

Returns the full URL for an IP service as a UTF-8 string, and the port. The returned string should be freed using STB_ReleaseUnicodeString.

s_ptrservice pointer
portpointer to a value that will contain the port number if the URL is returned, can be NULL if the port isn't needed.
pointer to the UTF-8 string, or NULL if the service isn't valid or doesn't have a URL
BOOLEAN ADB_GetServiceHasCaDesc ( void *  s_ptr)

Used to query whether the given service has a CA descriptor.

TRUE if the service has a CA descriptor, FALSE otherwise
BOOLEAN ADB_GetServiceHiddenFlag ( void *  s_ptr)

Returns the hidden status of the given service. A hidden service should not be present to the user in any list of available services.

Returns the hidden status of the given service. A hidden service should not be present to teh user in any list of available services.

TRUE if the service is hidden or doesn't exist, FALSE if it's visible
U16BIT ADB_GetServiceId ( void *  s_ptr)

Returns the signalled service id of the given service.

service id
void ADB_GetServiceIds ( void *  s_ptr,
U16BIT *  onet_id,
U16BIT *  trans_id,
U16BIT *  serv_id 

Returns the original network id, transport id and service id for the given service.

s_ptrservice handle
onet_idpointer for the return of the original network id
trans_idpointer for the return of the transport id
serv_idpointer for the return of the service id
BOOLEAN ADB_GetServiceIsHd ( void *  s_ptr)

Returns whether the service is signalled as an HD service.

TRUE if it can be determined that the service is HD, FALSE otherwise
U16BIT ADB_GetServiceLcn ( void *  s_ptr)

Returns the logical channel number assigned to the given service.

logical channel number
BOOLEAN ADB_GetServiceLcnEditable ( void *  s_ptr)

Returns whether the LCN assigned to the given service can be changed.

TRUE if the service is valid and its LCN can be edited, FALSE otherwise
void ADB_GetServiceList ( U32BIT  list_type,
void ***  slist_ptr,
U16BIT *  num_entries_ptr 

Allocates and returns a list of all services in the database for the given list type.

list_typedefines the types of services to be included, multiple types can be combined by ORing the values
slist_ptrpointer to an array that will be allocated, value will be NULL on return if there are no services
num_entries_ptrpointer to the number of items in the returned array, value will be 0 on return if there are no services
U8BIT** ADB_GetServiceListFullNames ( void **  slist,
U16BIT  num_entries,
BOOLEAN  use_pref_names 

Allocates and returns a list of the fullnames for all the services in the given service list. The returned list should be freed using ADB_ReleaseNameList.

slistlist of services
num_entriesnumber of services in the list
use_pref_nameTRUE if the preferred names are to be returned.
allocated array of service names as UTF-8 strings
U32BIT* ADB_GetServiceListHdFlag ( void **  slist,
U16BIT  num_entries 

Allocates and returns an array indicating whether each service in the given service list is an HD service. A value of TRUE means the service is signalled as being HD and FALSE means it's SD. The returned list should be freed using STB_AppFreeMemory.

slistlist of services
num_entriesnumber of services in the list
allocated array of flags, NULL if list is empty or memory allocation fails
U32BIT* ADB_GetServiceListHiddenFlag ( void **  slist,
U16BIT  num_entries 

Allocates and returns an array indicating whether each service in the given service list is signalled as being hidden or not. A value of TRUE means the service is hidden and FALSE means it's visible. The returned list should be freed using STB_AppFreeMemory.

slistlist of services
num_entriesnumber of services in the list
allocated array of flags, NULL if list is empty or memory allocation fails
void ADB_GetServiceListIncludingHidden ( U32BIT  list_type,
void ***  slist_ptr,
U16BIT *  num_entries_ptr,
BOOLEAN  ignore_selectable 

Allocates and returns a list of all services in the database for the given list type, including hidden services.

list_typedefines the types of services to be included, multiple types can be combined by ORing the values
slist_ptrpointer to an array that will be allocated, value will be NULL on return if there are no services
num_entries_ptrpointer to the number of items in the returned array, value will be 0 on return if there are no services
ignore_selectabledefines whether the returned service list should include services that are signalled as being unselectable. Use TRUE to ignore a service's selectable flag
U16BIT* ADB_GetServiceListLcns ( void **  slist,
U16BIT  num_entries 

Allocates and returns an array of the logical channel numbers that have been assigned to all the services in the given service list. The returned list should be freed using STB_AppFreeMemory.

slistlist of services
num_entriesnumber of services in the list
allocated array of LCNs, NULL if list is empty or memory allocation fails
U32BIT* ADB_GetServiceListLockedFlag ( void **  slist,
U16BIT  num_entries 

Allocates and returns an array of the 'locked' flags for each of the services in the given service list. A service is marked as 'locked' due to setup of parental control. A value of TRUE means the service is locked, FALSE otherwise. The returned list should be freed using STB_AppFreeMemory.

slistlist of services
num_entriesnumber of services in the list
allocated array of flags, NULL if list is empty or memory allocation fails
void ADB_GetServiceListLockedSubset ( void **  slist,
U16BIT  num_entries,
void ***  locked_slist_ptr,
U16BIT *  locked_num_entries_ptr 

Creates a subset of locked services from the supplied service list. Memory is allocated as TempMemory so will be released when the calling screen closes.

slistpointer to an array of service record pointers
num_entriesnumber of entries in the list
locked_slist_ptraddress for the return of the locked slist
locked_num_entries_ptraddress for the return of the number of entries in the locked list
U8BIT** ADB_GetServiceListNetworkNames ( void **  slist,
U16BIT  num_entries 

Allocates and returns a list of network names for all the services in the given service list. The returned list should be freed using ADB_ReleaseNameList.

slistlist of services
num_entriesnumber of services in the list
allocated array of service names as UTF-8 strings
U32BIT* ADB_GetServiceListNewFlag ( void **  slist,
U16BIT  num_entries 

Allocates and returns an array of the 'new' flags for each of the services in the given service list. A service is marked as 'new' when it's added to the service database following an update service scan. A value of TRUE means the service is new, FALSE otherwise. The returned list should be freed using STB_AppFreeMemory.

slistlist of services
num_entriesnumber of services in the list
allocated array of flags, NULL if list is empty or memory allocation fails
U16BIT* ADB_GetServiceListOrigLcns ( void **  slist,
U16BIT  num_entries 

Allocates and returns an array of the logical channel numbers that each of the services in the given service list originally requested. The returned list should be freed using STB_AppFreeMemory.

slistlist of services
num_entriesnumber of services in the list
allocated array of LCNs, NULL if list is empty or memory allocation fails
U32BIT* ADB_GetServiceListScrambledFlag ( void **  slist,
U16BIT  num_entries 

Allocates and returns an array of the scrambled flags for each of the services in the given service list. A value of TRUE means the service is signalled as scrambled and FALSE means it's free-to-air. The returned list should be freed using STB_AppFreeMemory.

slistlist of services
num_entriesnumber of services in the list
allocated array of flags, NULL if list is empty or memory allocation fails
U8BIT** ADB_GetServiceListShortNames ( void **  slist,
U16BIT  num_entries,
BOOLEAN  use_pref_names 

Allocates and returns a list of the short names for all the services in the given service list. The returned list should be freed using ADB_ReleaseNameList.

slistlist of services
num_entriesnumber of services in the list
use_pref_nameTRUE if the preferred names are to be returned.
allocated array of service names as UTF-8 strings
U8BIT** ADB_GetServiceListTransportNames ( void **  slist,
U16BIT  num_entries 

Allocates and returns a list of transport names for all the services in the given service list. The returned list should be freed using ADB_ReleaseNameList.

slistlist of services
num_entriesnumber of services in the list
allocated array of service names as UTF-8 strings
U32BIT* ADB_GetServiceListTransportStrengths ( void **  slist,
U16BIT  num_entries 

Allocates and returns an array of the signal strengths of the transports containing the given list of services. The returned list should be freed using STB_AppFreeMemory.

slistlist of services
num_entriesnumber of services in the list
allocated array of flags, NULL if list is empty or memory allocation fails
ADB_SERVICE_LIST_TYPE ADB_GetServiceListTypeForCurrentProfile ( void  )

Returns the default list type for the current profile. This function returns ADB_SERVICE_LIST_ALL if no CI+ profile is active, otherwise the favourite list containing the profile channels.

Default service list type fot the current profile.
U32BIT* ADB_GetServiceListUnavailableFlag ( void **  slist,
U16BIT  num_entries 

Allocates and returns an array of the unavailable flags for each of the services in the given service list. A value of TRUE means the service is unavailable, FALSE otherwise. The returned list should be freed using STB_AppFreeMemory.

slistlist of services
num_entriesnumber of services in the list
allocated array of flags, NULL if list is empty or memory allocation fails
BOOLEAN ADB_GetServiceLockedFlag ( void *  s_ptr)

Returns the status of the 'locked' flag of the given service, which is used by the parental control.

TRUE if the service is locked, FALSE otherwise
BOOLEAN ADB_GetServiceNewFlag ( void *  s_ptr)

Returns the status of the 'new' flag of the given service. This flag indicates whether a service has been added to the service lineup following a service scan.

TRUE if the service is new, FALSE otherwise
BOOLEAN ADB_GetServiceNotRunningFlag ( void *  s_ptr)

Returns the status of the 'not running' flag of the given service. This flag indicates whether a service is signalled as not running in the SDT, or is removed from the PAT.

TRUE if the service is not running, FALSE otherwise
BOOLEAN ADB_GetServiceNowNextState ( void *  s_ptr)

Returns whether the EIT now/next data is being held in memory for the service.

TRUE if data is being held, FALSE otherwise
U8BIT ADB_GetServiceNumRCTLinks ( void *  serv_ptr)

Returns the number of RCT links for the given service.

serv_ptrservice from which links are to be cleared
Number of RCT links
U16BIT ADB_GetServiceOrigLcn ( void *  s_ptr)

Returns the logical channel number originally requested by the given service.

logical channel number
U16BIT ADB_GetServicePCRPid ( void *  s_ptr)

Returns the PCR PID for the given service.

PID value, or 0 if not known or invalid service
U8BIT* ADB_GetServicePMTData ( void *  s_ptr,
U16BIT *  data_len 

Returns the current PMT data for the given service.

s_ptrservice pointer
data_lenpointer to return the size of the PMT data, only valid return value isn't NULL
PMT data or NULL if not available
U16BIT ADB_GetServicePmtPid ( void *  s_ptr)

Returns the current PMT PID for the given service.

s_ptrservice pointer
U8BIT* ADB_GetServiceProviderName ( void *  s_ptr)

Returns the provider name, as a UTF-8 string, using the default language, of the given service. The returned string should be freed using STB_ReleaseUnicodeString.

UTF-8 provider name, or NULL
U8BIT* ADB_GetServiceProviderNameByLang ( void *  s_ptr,
U8BIT  lang 

Returns the provider name, as a UTF-8 string, using the given language, of the given service. The returned string should be freed using STB_ReleaseUnicodeString.

langlanguage identifier, one of the ACFG_DB_LANG_ values defined in ap_cfg.h
UTF-8 provider name, or NULL
void* ADB_GetServiceRCTLinks ( void *  serv_ptr,
U8BIT *  num_links 

Returns a copy of the RCT links for the given service. The returned list should be freed using ADB_ReleaseRCTLinks.

serv_ptrservice from which links are to be copied
num_linkspointer to return the number of links
Copy of links, or NULL
U8BIT ADB_GetServiceRunningStatus ( void *  s_ptr)

Returns the running status of the given service as reported by the SDT.

running status will be 0 if service isn't valid or SDT hasn't been parsed yet
BOOLEAN ADB_GetServiceScheduleState ( void *  s_ptr)

Returns whether the EIT schedule events are being held in memory for the service.

TRUE if data is being held, FALSE otherwise
BOOLEAN ADB_GetServiceScrambledFlag ( void *  s_ptr)

Returns the status of the 'scrambled' flag of the given service. This flag is set depending on the scrambled state of all the streams that makeup the service being marked as free-to-air.

TRUE if the service is scrambled, FALSE otherwise
BOOLEAN ADB_GetServiceSelectableFlag ( void *  s_ptr)

Returns the selectable status of the given service.

TRUE if the service is valid and is selectable, FALSE otherwise
U8BIT* ADB_GetServiceShortName ( void *  s_ptr,
BOOLEAN  use_pref_name 

Returns the short name of the given service as a UTF-8 string. The returned string should be freed using STB_ReleaseUnicodeString.

use_pref_nameTRUE if the preferred name should be returned
pointer to UTF-8 string, or NULL
U8BIT* ADB_GetServiceShortNameByLangAndPrefId ( void *  s_ptr,
U8BIT  lang,
U8BIT  pref_name_id 

Returns the short name of the given service as a UTF-8 string using the given language and preferred name id, rather than the defaults. The returned string should be freed using STB_ReleaseUnicodeString.

langlanguage id
pref_name_idpreferred name id
pointer to UTF-8 string, or NULL
E_STB_DP_SIGNAL_TYPE ADB_GetServiceSignalType ( void *  s_ptr,
BOOLEAN *  is_sig2 

Returns the signal type for transport of given service. It also indicates the mode - i.e. whether it is T2, S2 or C2.

Returns the signal type for transport of given service. It also indicates the mode (T2, S2 or C2)

is_sig2return signal mode, TRUE means T2, S2 or C2 (depending on signal type)
signal type
U16BIT ADB_GetServiceTextPid ( void *  s_ptr)

Returns the PID being used for DVB subtitles and/or teletext for the given service. This will be the one chosen based on the settings for language, etc, or the one explicitly set (e.g. due to user selection).

PID value, or 0 if not known or invalid service
void* ADB_GetServiceTransportPtr ( void *  s_ptr)

Returns a pointer to the service's parent transport record.

s_ptrpointer to the service
transport, or NULL
ADB_SERVICE_TYPE ADB_GetServiceType ( void *  s_ptr)

Returns the signalled type of the given service.

service type, returns 0 if unknown
BOOLEAN ADB_GetServiceUnavailableFlag ( void *  s_ptr)

Returns the status of the unavailable flag of the given service. This flag indicates whether a service is no longer signalled in the SDT.

TRUE if the service is unavailable, FALSE otherwise
U16BIT ADB_GetServiceVideoPid ( void *  s_ptr)

Returns the video PID for the given service.

PID value, or 0 if not known or invalid service
ADB_STREAM_TYPE ADB_GetServiceVideoType ( void *  s_ptr)

Returns the video type being used by the given service.

Video type, defaults to ADB_VIDEO_STREAM (MPEG2)
S8BIT ADB_GetStreamCcInUse ( void *  stream_ptr)

Returns the index of the caption service being used for subtitles.

-1 if CC is not in use, the index otherwise
U8BIT ADB_GetStreamComponentType ( void *  stream_ptr)

Returns the component type as defined in the EITp/f's component descriptor for the given stream.

component type
BOOLEAN ADB_GetStreamHasCaDesc ( void *  stream_ptr)

Returns whether the given stream has a CA descriptor.

TRUE if stream has a CA descriptor, FALSE otherwise
BOOLEAN ADB_GetStreamInUse ( void *  stream_ptr)

Returns whether the given stream is marked as being 'in use', which means it will be the stream being decoded for video, audio, etc.

TRUE if stream is in use, FALSE otherwise
void ADB_GetStreamList ( void *  serv_ptr,
ADB_STREAM_LIST_TYPE  stream_list_type,
void ***  streamlist_ptr,
U16BIT *  num_entries_ptr 

Allocates and returns an array of the streams of the given type and for the given service. The returned array should be freed using ADB_ReleaseStreamList.

stream_list_typetype of streams to be returned
streamlist_ptrpointer to array that will be allocated
num_entries_ptrpointer to number of items returned in the array
U8BIT ADB_GetStreamNumCaptionServices ( void *  stream_ptr)

Returns the number of caption services values defined for the given stream.

number of caption services values
U8BIT ADB_GetStreamNumTags ( void *  stream_ptr)

Returns the number of tag values defined for the given stream.

number of tag values
U16BIT ADB_GetStreamPID ( void *  stream_ptr)

Returns the PID for the given stream.

U8BIT ADB_GetStreamTag ( void *  stream_ptr,
U8BIT  index 

Returns the requested tag value of the given stream.

indextag value to return, must be < ADB_GetStreamNumTags
tag value
U16BIT ADB_GetStreamTagContentType ( void *  stream_ptr,
U8BIT  index 

For the given stream and index into component tag array for stream, return stream content and component type as defined in the EITp/f's component descriptor See EN300468, sec 6.2.8 and table 26 for meaning of return values.

indextag value to return, must be < ADB_GetStreamNumTags
bits 15..12 - stream_content_ext, bits 11..8 - stream_content, bits 7..0 - component type
ADB_STREAM_TYPE ADB_GetStreamType ( void *  stream_ptr)

Returns the type of the given stream.

stream type
U16BIT ADB_GetSubtitleStreamAncillaryPage ( void *  stream_ptr)

Returns the ancillary page value of the given subtitle stream.

ancillary page value
U16BIT ADB_GetSubtitleStreamCompositionPage ( void *  stream_ptr)

Returns the composition page value of the given subtitle stream.

composition page value
U32BIT ADB_GetSubtitleStreamLangCode ( void *  stream_ptr)

Returns the 3 char language code of the given subtitle stream.

3 char language code encoded as a 32-bit number
ADB_SUBTITLE_TYPE ADB_GetSubtitleStreamType ( void *  stream_ptr)

Returns the type, as defined in the PMT, of the given subtitle stream.

subtitle stream type
void ADB_GetTransportAnalogTuningParams ( void *  t_ptr,
U32BIT *  freq_hz,
S8BIT *  offset,

Returns the settings to tune to the given terrestrial analog transport.

t_ptrtransport to get the tuning parameters for
freq_hzpointer to return the tuning frequency in Hz, 0 on error
offsetpointer to return offset value, 0 on error
vtypepointer to return the video type
U8BIT ADB_GetTransportBwidth ( void *  t_ptr)

Returns the bandwidth value of the given DVB-T/T2 transport.

bandwidth, return value is undefined if transport isn't DVB-T/T2
E_STB_DP_CMODE ADB_GetTransportCableMode ( void *  t_ptr)

Returns the QAM mode of the given cable transport.

t_ptrcable transport
QAM mode, returns MODE_QAM_AUTO if transport isn't DVB-C
U16BIT ADB_GetTransportCableSymbolRate ( void *  t_ptr)

Returns the symbol rate of the given cable transport.

t_ptrcable transport
symbol rate, returns 0 if transport isn't DVB-C
void ADB_GetTransportCableTuningParams ( void *  t_ptr,
U32BIT *  freq_hz,
E_STB_DP_CMODE *  mode,
U16BIT *  symrate 

Returns the parameters needed to tune a cable tuner to a transport.

t_ptrtransport to tune to
freq_hzpointer to the returned freq of the transport
modepointer to the returned cable mode of the transport
symratepointer to the returned symbol rate of the transport
E_STB_TUNE_TCONST ADB_GetTransportConstellation ( void *  t_ptr)

Returns the constellation of the given DVB-T/T2 transport.

constellation, returns TUNE_TCONST_UNDEFINED if transport isn't DVB-T/T2
U32BIT ADB_GetTransportFreqHz ( void *  t_ptr)

Returns the frequency, in Hz for DVB-T/T2 and DVB-C, and MHz for DVB-S/S2, of the given transport.

frequency, 0 if transport not found
void* ADB_GetTransportFromIds ( U16BIT  net_id,
U16BIT  onet_id,
U16BIT  tran_id 

Finds the transport with the given ids.

net_idnetwork id, can be ADB_INVALID_DVB_ID
onet_idoriginal network id
tran_idtransport id
transport, or NULL if not found
E_STB_TUNE_TGUARDINT ADB_GetTransportGuardInt ( void *  t_ptr)

Returns the guard interval of the given DVB-T/T2 transport.

guard interval, returns TUNE_TGUARDINT_UNDEFINED if transport isn't DVB-T/T2
E_STB_TUNE_THIERARCHY ADB_GetTransportHierarchy ( void *  t_ptr)

Returns the hierarchy of the given DVB-T/T2 transport.

hierarchy, returns TUNE_THIERARCHY_UNDEFINED if transport isn't DVB-T/T2
E_STB_TUNE_TCODERATE ADB_GetTransportHpCodeRate ( void *  t_ptr)

Returns the HP coderate of the given DVB-T/T2 transport.

constellation, returns TUNE_TCODERATE_UNDEFINED if transport isn't DVB-T/T2
void ADB_GetTransportList ( void ***  tlist_ptr,
U16BIT *  num_entries_ptr 

Allocates and returns a list of all transport records in the database.

tlist_ptrpointer to an array that will be allocated, value will be NULL on return if there are no transports
num_entries_ptrpointer to the number of items in the returned array, value will be 0 on return if there are no transports
U32BIT* ADB_GetTransportListBwidths ( void **  tlist,
U16BIT  num_entries 

Returns the transport bwidth_array.

U8BIT** ADB_GetTransportListConstellationStrings ( void **  tlist,
U16BIT  num_entries 

Returns the transport constellation string array.

void ADB_GetTransportListForTunerType ( E_STB_DP_SIGNAL_TYPE  tuner_type,
void ***  tlist_ptr,
U16BIT *  num_entries_ptr 

Allocates and returns a list of all transport records in the database for the given type of tuner.

tuner_typetransports of this tuner type will be returned; if SIGNAL_NONE is given then all transports will be returned
tlist_ptrpointer to an array that will be allocated, value will be NULL on return if there are no transports
num_entries_ptrpointer to the number of items in the returned array, value will be 0 on return if there are no transports
U32BIT* ADB_GetTransportListFreqs ( void **  tlist,
U16BIT  num_entries 

Allocates and returns an array of tuning frequencies for each transport in the given list. The returned array should be freed using STB_AppFreeMemory.

tlistthe array of transport records
num_entriesnumber of items in the list
pointer to the array of frequencies, NULL if no transports are provided or memory allocation fails
U8BIT** ADB_GetTransportListHierarchyStrings ( void **  tlist,
U16BIT  num_entries 

Returns the transport hierarchy string array.

U8BIT** ADB_GetTransportListNames ( void **  tlist,
U16BIT  num_entries 

Returns a list of names, in UTF-8 format, corresponding to the given transport list. The returned list should be freed using ADB_ReleaseNameList.

tlistthe array of transport records
num_entriesnumber of items in the list
pointer to the list of name strings
U32BIT* ADB_GetTransportListOffsets ( void **  tlist,
U16BIT  num_entries 

Returns the transport offset array.

U32BIT* ADB_GetTransportListOriginalNetworkIds ( void **  tlist,
U16BIT  num_entries 

Allocates and returns an array of original network ids for each transport in the given list was tuned to. The returned array should be freed using STB_AppFreeMemory.

tlistthe array of transport records
num_entriesnumber of items in the list
pointer to the array of original network ids, NULL if no transports are provided or memory allocation fails
U32BIT* ADB_GetTransportListTids ( void **  tlist,
U16BIT  num_entries 

Allocates and returns an array of transport ids for the given transports. The returned array should be freed using STB_AppFreeMemory.

tlistthe array of transport records
num_entriesnumber of items in the list
pointer to the transport id array, NULL if no transports are provided or memory allocation fails
U32BIT* ADB_GetTransportListTunedStrengths ( void **  tlist,
U16BIT  num_entries 

Allocates and returns an array of percentage values representing the signal strength when each transport in the given list was tuned to. The returned array should be freed using STB_AppFreeMemory.

tlistthe array of transport records
num_entriesnumber of items in the list
pointer to the signal strength array, NULL if no transports are provided or memory allocation fails
E_STB_TUNE_TCODERATE ADB_GetTransportLpCodeRate ( void *  t_ptr)

Returns the LP coderate of the given DVB-T/T2 transport.

constellation, returns TUNE_TCODERATE_UNDEFINED if transport isn't DVB-T/T2
U8BIT* ADB_GetTransportName ( void *  t_ptr)

Returns the name, in UTF-8 format, of the given transport. The returned name should be freed using STB_ReleaseUnicodeString.

UTF-8 format string, NULL on failure
void* ADB_GetTransportNetworkPtr ( void *  t_ptr)

Returns the network of the given transport.

pointer to the network, possibly NULL no NIT was found for the transport
S8BIT ADB_GetTransportOffset ( void *  t_ptr)

Returns the tuning offset of the given DVB-T/T2 transport.

bandwidth, return value is undefined if transport isn't DVB-T/T2
U16BIT ADB_GetTransportOriginalNetworkId ( void *  t_ptr)

Returns the original network id of the given transport.

original network id, 0 if transport isn't found
void* ADB_GetTransportSatellite ( void *  t_ptr)

Returns the parent satellite for the given transport.

pointer to satellite
U16BIT ADB_GetTransportSatelliteSymbolRate ( void *  t_ptr)

Returns the symbol rate of the given satellite transponder.

t_ptrsatellite transponder
symbol rate, 0 if transport isn't DVB-S
void ADB_GetTransportSatTuningParams ( void *  t_ptr,
U32BIT *  freq_hz,
E_STB_DP_POLARITY *  polarity,
U16BIT *  symrate,
E_STB_DP_FEC *  fec,
BOOLEAN *  dvb_s2,
E_STB_DP_MODULATION *  modulation 

Returns the parameters needed to tune a satellite tuner to a transport.

t_ptrtransport to tune to
freq_hzpointer to the returned freq of the transport
polaritypointer to the returned polarity of the transport
symratepointer to the returned symbol rate of the transport
fecpointer to the returned FEC of the transport
dvb_s2returned as TRUE if a DVB_S2 transport
modulationpointer to returned modulation used by the transport
BOOLEAN ADB_GetTransportSearchFlag ( void *  t_ptr)

Returns whether a transport has been used during a service scan operation.

TRUE if the transport has been used, FALSE otherwise
void ADB_GetTransportServiceList ( void *  t_ptr,
void ***  slist_ptr,
U16BIT *  num_entries_ptr 

Allocates and returns a list of all services in the database on the given transport.

t_ptrtransport to be queried
slist_ptrpointer to an array that will be allocated, value will be NULL on return if there are no services
num_entries_ptrpointer to the number of items in the returned array, value will be 0 on return if there are no services
E_STB_DP_SIGNAL_TYPE ADB_GetTransportSignalType ( void *  t_ptr)

Returns the signal type for the given transport.

signal type
void ADB_GetTransportTerrestrialTuningParams ( void *  t_ptr,
E_STB_DP_TTYPE *  terr_type,
U32BIT *  freq_hz,
E_STB_DP_TMODE *  mode,
E_STB_DP_TBWIDTH *  bwidth,
U8BIT *  plp_id 

Returns the settings to tune to the given DVB-T/T2 transport.

t_ptrtransport to get the tuning parameters for
terr_typepointer to return the terrestrial type, TERR_TYPE_UNKNOWN on error
freq_hzpointer to return the tuning frequency in Hz, 0 on error
modepointer to return the terrestrial mode, MODE_COFDM_UNDEFINED on error
bwidthpointer to return the bandwidth
plp_idpointer to return the PLP value for DVB-T2, will be 0 for DVB-T
E_STB_DP_TMODE ADB_GetTransportTerrMode ( void *  t_ptr)

Returns the terrestrial mode of the given DVB-T/T2 transport.

mode, returns MODE_COFDM_UNDEFINED if transport isn't DVB-T/T2
U16BIT ADB_GetTransportTid ( void *  t_ptr)

Returns the transport id of the given transport.

transport id, 0 if transport isn't found
U8BIT ADB_GetTransportTunedQuality ( void *  t_ptr)

Returns the signal quality, as a percentage, of the tuned transport.

t_ptrcable transport
signal quality as a percentage
U8BIT ADB_GetTransportTunedStrength ( void *  t_ptr)

Returns the signal strength, as a percentage, of the tuned transport.

t_ptrcable transport
signal strength as a percentage
U32BIT ADB_GetTtextStreamLangCode ( void *  stream_ptr)

Returns the 3 char language code of the given teletext stream.

3 char language code encoded as a 32-bit number
U8BIT ADB_GetTtextStreamMagazine ( void *  stream_ptr)

Returns the magazine value of the given teletext stream.

magazine value
U8BIT ADB_GetTtextStreamPage ( void *  stream_ptr)

Returns the page value of the given teletext stream.

page value
U8BIT ADB_GetTtextStreamType ( void *  stream_ptr)

Returns the type, as defined in the PMT, of the given teletext stream.

teletext stream type (ADB_TELETEXT_TYPE)
void* ADB_GetTunedNetwork ( U8BIT  path)

Returns the network currently tuned to on the given decode path.

pathdecode path
network pointer, or NULL if invalid path of not tuned
void* ADB_GetTunedService ( U8BIT  path)

Returns the tuned service for the given decode path.

pathdecode path
tuned service, or NULL
void* ADB_GetTunedTransport ( U8BIT  path)

Returns the transport that's tuned to on the given decode path.

pathdecode path
transport, NULL if not tuned
void ADB_GetUnavailableServiceList ( void ***  slist_ptr,
U16BIT *  num_entries_ptr 

Allocates and returns a list of all services that are marked as being unavailable. A service becomes unavailable when it disappears from the SDT.

slist_ptrpointer to an array that will be allocated, value will be NULL on return if there are no services
num_entries_ptrpointer to the number of items in the returned array, value will be 0 on return if there are no services
E_STB_DP_VIDEO_CODEC ADB_GetVideoCodecFromStream ( ADB_STREAM_TYPE  video_stream_type)

Derive video codec from stream.

video_stream_typefrom which to derive the video codec
video codec that matches video_stream_type, VIDEO_CODEC_AUTO if no match
BOOLEAN ADB_IsFreesatService ( void *  s_ptr)

Returns a value indicating whether the given service is a Freesat service.

s_ptrservice handle
TRUE if service is a Freesat service, FALSE otherwise
BOOLEAN ADB_IsProgrammeCrid ( void *  c_ptr)

Returns TRUE if the CRID record given represents a programme (split event)

c_ptrpointer to CRID record
TRUE if the CRID record is for a programme
BOOLEAN ADB_IsRCTLinkGroupTrailer ( void *  link_ptr)

Returns whether the given link is for a group trailer.

link_ptrpointer to an RCT link
Link's is_group_trailer flag
BOOLEAN ADB_IsRecommendationCrid ( void *  c_ptr)

Returns TRUE if the CRID record given represents a recommendation.

c_ptrpointer to CRID record
TRUE if the CRID record is for a recommended event/series
BOOLEAN ADB_IsSameEvent ( void *  event1_ptr,
void *  event2_ptr 

Checks whether the two events are the same. Not all fields are checked, just date, time, duration and event ID.

event1_ptrpointer to the first of the events to check
event2_ptrpointer to the second of the events to check
TRUE if the two events are the same, FALSE otherwise
BOOLEAN ADB_IsSeriesCrid ( void *  c_ptr)

Returns TRUE if the CRID record given represents a series.

c_ptrpointer to CRID record
TRUE if the CRID record is for a series
BOOLEAN ADB_IsSplitProgrammeCrid ( U8BIT *  crid)

Returns TRUE if the given CRID represents a split event (i.e. it contains an Instance Metadata Identifier (IMI)).

cridCRID string
TRUE if an IMI is found
BOOLEAN ADB_IsValidService ( void *  serv_ptr)

Checks whether the given service is in the current service list.

serv_ptrservice to be checked
TRUE if the service is found, FALSE otherwise
void* ADB_LaterEvent ( void *  serv_ptr,
U32DHMS  time 

Returns a copy of the event following the given date/time on the given service.

serv_ptrservice for the event
timeDate/time from which to start searching
pointer to a copy of the event, or NULL if an event isn't found
BOOLEAN ADB_MoveFavouriteListServiceFromTo ( U8BIT  list_id,
S16BIT  current_index,
S16BIT  new_index 

Change the order of the services in the given favourite lists by moving it to the given position.

list_idfavourite list to be moved
current_indexindex of the service to be moved
new_indexposition in the list to move the service to, negative value will move service to the end of the list
TRUE if the service is moved successfully, FALSE otherwise
BOOLEAN ADB_MoveFavouriteListServiceTo ( U8BIT  list_id,
void *  serv_ptr,
S16BIT  index 

Change the order of the services in the given favourite lists by moving it to the given position.

list_idfavourite list to be moved
serv_ptrservice to be moved
indexposition in the list to move the service to, negative value will move service to the end of the list
TRUE if the service is moved successfully, FALSE otherwise
BOOLEAN ADB_MoveFavouriteListTo ( U8BIT  list_id,
S16BIT  index 

Change the order of the favourite lists by moving the given list to the given position.

list_idfavourite list to be moved
indexposition to move the list to, negative value will move the list to the end
TRUE if the list is moved successfully, FALSE otherwise
void ADB_PrepareDatabaseForSearch ( E_STB_DP_SIGNAL_TYPE  tuner_type,
void *  satellite,
BOOLEAN  retune,
BOOLEAN  manual_search 

Sets up the database for a search.

tuner_type- type of tuner that will be used for the search
satellite- satellite on which search is being performed, NULL if not relevant
retune- TRUE if a retune is to be performed, FALSE otherwise
manual_search- TRUE for manual search, FALSE otherwise
void ADB_ReleaseCridRecordList ( void **  crid_list,
U16BIT  num_entries 

Frees memory allocated for a CRID list due to a call to ADB_GetCridRecordList.

crid_listcrid array
num_entriesnumber of items in the array
void ADB_ReleaseEventData ( void *  event_ptr)

Frees any memory allocated for the given event and the event itself.

event_ptrevent to be freed
void ADB_ReleaseEventItemizedInfo ( ADB_EVENT_ITEMIZED_INFO event_itemized_info,
U16BIT  num_of_items 

Frees the memory used by event itemized data.

event_itemized_infopointer of info
num_of_itemsnumber of items to release
void ADB_ReleaseEventList ( void **  elist,
U16BIT  num_entries 

Frees all teh events in the given list and all associated memory for those events.

elistevent list to be freed
num_entriesnumber of events in the list
void ADB_ReleaseEventSIDescriptorData ( U8BIT *  desc_data,
U16BIT  desc_len 

Frees the data returned by ADB_GetEventSIDescriptorData.

desc_datadata to be freed
desc_lennumber of bytes
void ADB_ReleaseNameList ( U8BIT **  name_list,
U16BIT  num_names 

Frees the memory used by any of the name lists (e.g. networks, services, etc)

name_listname list to be freed
num_namesnumber of items in the name list
void ADB_ReleaseNetworkList ( void **  nlist)

Frees a network list returned by ADB_GetNetworkList.

nlistnetwork list to be freed
void ADB_ReleaseProfileList ( void **  profile_list,
U16BIT  num_profiles 

Frees a profile list acquired using ADB_GetProfileList.

profile_listpointer to the array of profiles.
num_profilesnumber of profiles in the array
void ADB_ReleaseRCTLinks ( void *  links)

Frees the given list of RCT links.

linkslinks to be freed
void ADB_ReleaseServiceList ( void **  slist,
U16BIT  num_servs 

Frees a list of services returned from one of the functions that returns a service list, such as ADB_GetServiceList.

slistservice list to be freed
num_servsnumber of services in the list
void ADB_ReleaseStreamList ( void **  streamlist_ptr,
U16BIT  num_entries 

Frees the memory allocated for a stream list using ADB_GetStreamList.

streamlist_ptrstream list to be freed
num_entriesnumber of items in the stream list
void ADB_ReleaseTransportList ( void **  tlist,
U16BIT  num_transports 

Frees a transport list returned from one of the ADB_GetTransportList functions.

tlisttransport list to be freed
num_transportsnumber of transports in the list
void ADB_ReportNoSignalDuringSearch ( void *  t_ptr)

Set the signal level to 0 and searched flag to TRUE for the given transport.

t_ptrpointer to the transport
void ADB_ResetDatabase ( void  )

Clears the service database and resets everything to default values.

Clears the service database and resets everything to defaults values.

void ADB_SaveCridRecord ( void *  c_ptr)

Saves a CRID record to non-volatile storage.

c_ptrpointer to CRID record
void ADB_SaveEventSchedule ( E_STB_DP_SIGNAL_TYPE  tuner_type,
void *  satellite 

Saves the event schedule for all services for the given type of tuner to the database. Note: the database has to support this operation.

tuner_typetuner type that the services must be on, SIGNAL_NONE will save the schedule data for all services
satelliteif tuner_type is SIGNAL_QPSK then only events for services on the given satellite will be saved. If NULL, events for services on all satellites will be saved.
BOOLEAN ADB_ServiceAddImageIcon ( void *  serv_ptr,
void *  icon_ptr 

Adds the given image icon to the end of the service's icon list. The icon id is checked and if it matches an icon already in the list then the new icon replaces the existing one.

serv_ptrservice to which link is to be added
icon_ptricon to be added
TRUE if the icon is added, FALSE otherwise
void ADB_ServiceAddRCTLink ( void *  serv_ptr,
void *  link_ptr 

Adds the given RCT link info to the end of the list of existing RCT links already defined for the given service.

serv_ptrservice to which link is to be added
link_ptrlink to be added
BOOLEAN ADB_ServiceGetRCTIcon ( void *  serv_ptr,
U8BIT **  icon_data,
U32BIT *  data_size,
BOOLEAN *  pos_valid,
U16BIT *  x_pos,
U16BIT *  y_pos,
U16BIT *  width,
U16BIT *  height,
E_ICON_COORD_SYSTEM *  coord_system 

Searches all the RCT links for a service to see if any of them define an icon to be used, and if one is found then all the data required to display the icon is returned.

icon_dataaddress of pointer to icon data. This data shouldn't be freed.
data_sizepointer to variable containing amount of data
pos_validpointer to boolean indicating whether returned x,y values are valid
x_pospointer to returned X position to display the icon
y_pospointer to returned Y position to display the icon
widthpointer to returned width of the icon
heightpointer to returned height of the icon
coord_systempointer to coord system of returned pos and size values
TRUE if icon data is returned, FALSE otherwise
U16BIT ADB_ServiceGetSubtitlePid ( void *  serv_ptr,
ADB_SUBT_INFO subt_info 

Determines subtitle PID and whether it is DVB or teletext, for the given service.

subt_infopointer to ADB_SUBT_INFO for extra info on subtitles
PID to collect subtitles data, zero if none available
BOOLEAN ADB_ServiceHasSubtitles ( void *  serv_ptr,
E_SUBTITLE_FORMAT *  subs_format 

Determines whether the given service has subtitles: DVB, teletext, or CC.

Determines whether the given service has subtitles, DVB or teletext.

dvb_subsreturned as TRUE if the subtitles are DVB, FALSE for teletext
TRUE if subtitles are available
BOOLEAN ADB_ServiceRCTCanUseDefaultIcon ( void *  serv_ptr)

Checks all the RCT links for the given service to determine whether any of them specify that the default icon can be used.

serv_ptrservice containing the RCT links
TRUE if default icon can be used, FALSE otherwise
void ADB_ServiceReleaseRCTLinks ( void *  serv_ptr)

Frees all RCT link info for the given service.

serv_ptrservice from which links are to be cleared
void ADB_SetAudioLang ( U32BIT  country_code,
U8BIT  db_lang_id 

Sets the primary audio language to be used.

country_codecurrent country code
db_lang_idlanguage id
void ADB_SetCridDateTime ( void *  c_ptr,
U32DHMS  datetime 

Sets the date and time fields on the given CRID record.

c_ptrpointer to CRID record
datetimedate and time to be saved in the record
void ADB_SetCridDoNotDelete ( void *  c_ptr,
BOOLEAN  do_not_delete 

Sets the do not delete flag for the given CRID.

c_ptrpointer to CRID record
do_not_deletevalue to set the flag to
void ADB_SetCridProgrammeName ( void *  c_ptr,
U8BIT *  prog_name 

Sets the programme name field of the given CRID record.

c_ptrpointer to CRID record
prog_namepointer to name string, the name is copied
void ADB_SetCridService ( void *  c_ptr,
U16BIT  serv_id 

Sets the service ID on the given CRID record.

c_ptrpointer to CRID record
serv_idservice id
BOOLEAN ADB_SetFavouriteListName ( U8BIT  list_id,
U8BIT *  name 

Set the name of the given favourite list.

list_idlist id
nameof the favourite list
TRUE if the name is set successfully, FALSE otherwise
void ADB_SetFavouriteListUserData ( U8BIT  list_id,
U32BIT  user_data 

Set the user data of the given favourite list.

list_idlist id
void ADB_SetReqdAudioStreamPID ( void *  s_ptr,
BOOLEAN  valid,
U16BIT  pid 

Explicitly sets or clears the stream that will be used for audio on the given service. If 'valid' is TRUE then the stream is set according to the given PID, but if FALSE then the audio stream selected for the service will be based on the default settings.

validTRUE to set the stream using given values, FALSE to use defaults
pidPID to be used for the selected stream if 'valid' is TRUE
void ADB_SetReqdAudioStreamSettings ( void *  s_ptr,
BOOLEAN  valid,
U32BIT  lang_code,
ADB_AUDIO_TYPE  audio_type,
ADB_STREAM_TYPE  stream_type 

Explicitly sets or clears the stream that will be used for audio on the given service. If 'valid' is TRUE then the stream is set according to the given language and types, but if FALSE then the audio stream selected for the service will be based on the default settings.

validTRUE to set the stream using given values, FALSE to use defaults
lang_codeaudio language to be used for the selected stream if 'valid' is TRUE
audio_typeaudio type to be used for the selected stream if 'valid' is TRUE
stream_typestream type to be used for the selected stream if 'valid' is TRUE
void ADB_SetReqdCcStreamSettings ( void *  s_ptr,
BOOLEAN  valid,
U32BIT  lang_code,
BOOLEAN  digital_cc,
U8BIT  caption_service,
BOOLEAN  easy_reader,
BOOLEAN  wide_aspect_ratio 

Explicitly sets or clears the stream that will be used for subtitles on the given service. If 'valid' is TRUE then the stream is set according to the given language and type, but if FALSE then the stream selected for the service will be based on the default settings.

validTRUE to set the stream using given values, FALSE to use defaults
lang_codelanguage to be used for the selected stream if 'valid' is TRUE
digital_ccsets whether 608 (FALSE) or 708 (TRUE) closed captions are to be used
caption_serviceset the cpation service number to be used; only used when digital_cc is TRUE
easy_readereasy reader setting to be used for the selected stream; only used when digital_cc is TRUE
wide_aspect_ratiowide aspect ratio setting to be used for the selected stream; only used when digital_cc is TRUE
void ADB_SetReqdSubtitleStreamSettings ( void *  s_ptr,
BOOLEAN  valid,
U32BIT  lang_code,
ADB_SUBTITLE_TYPE  subtitle_type 

Explicitly sets or clears the stream that will be used for subtitles on the given service. If 'valid' is TRUE then the stream is set according to the given language and type, but if FALSE then the stream selected for the service will be based on the default settings.

validTRUE to set the stream using given values, FALSE to use defaults
lang_codelanguage to be used for the selected stream if 'valid' is TRUE
subt_typesubtitle type to be used for the selected stream if 'valid' is TRUE
void ADB_SetReqdTeletextStreamSettings ( void *  s_ptr,
BOOLEAN  valid,
U32BIT  lang_code,
ADB_TELETEXT_TYPE  ttext_type 

Explicitly sets or clears the stream that will be used for teletext on the given service. If 'valid' is TRUE then the stream is set according to the given language and type, but if FALSE then the stream selected for the service will be based on the default settings.

validTRUE to set the stream using given values, FALSE to use defaults
lang_codelanguage to be used for the selected stream if 'valid' is TRUE
ttext_typeteletext type to be used for the selected stream if 'valid' is TRUE
void ADB_SetSecondaryAudioLang ( U32BIT  country_code,
U8BIT  lang_id 

Sets the secondary audio language to be used. This will be selected if the primary audio language isn't available.

country_codecurrent country code
lang_idlanguage id
void ADB_SetSecondaryTextLang ( U32BIT  country_code,
U8BIT  lang_id 

Sets the secondary subtitle and teletext language to be used. This will be used if the primary language isn't available.

country_codecurrent country code
lang_idlanguage id
void ADB_SetServiceDeletedFlag ( void *  s_ptr,
BOOLEAN  deleted 

Sets the 'deleted' flag for the given service as a deleted service. If it's marked as deleted then it won't be included in any of the normal service lists.

s_ptrservice to be changed
deletedTRUE if the service is to be marked as deleted, FALSE to make it available
void ADB_SetServiceFavGroups ( void *  s_ptr,
U8BIT  groups 

Sets the favourite group value for the given service. This is an 8-bit value that can define whether the service is in any of upto 8 favourite groups. The value is a bit flag, so 1 means it's in group 1, 2 means it's in group 2, 4 means it's in group 3, 7 means it's in groups 1, 2 and 3, etc.

fav_groupsbit value, where a 1 means the service is in a group and 0 that it isn't
void ADB_SetServiceHiddenFlag ( void *  s_ptr,
BOOLEAN  hidden 

Sets the hidden status of the given service, which means the service would not be presented to the user in any list of available services.

hiddenTRUE to hide the service, FALSE to make it visible
void ADB_SetServiceLcn ( void *  s_ptr,
U16BIT  lcn 

Sets the assigned logical channel number of the given service. This will override any LCN assigned when performing a service scan.

lcnlogical channel number
void ADB_SetServiceListLockedFlag ( void **  slist,
U16BIT  num_entries,
BOOLEAN  locked 

Sets the locked state of all services in the given service list.

slistlist of services
num_entriesnumber of services in the list
lockedTRUE if the services are to be locked, or FALSE to unlock
void ADB_SetServiceLockedFlag ( void *  s_ptr,
BOOLEAN  locked 

Locks or unlocks the given service.

lockedTRUE to lock the service, FALSE to unlock
void ADB_SetServiceNowNextState ( void *  s_ptr,
BOOLEAN  state 

Sets whether the now/next EIT events for this service are held in memory. All services save now/next events by default.

stateFALSE to disable, TRUE to enable
void ADB_SetServiceScheduleState ( void *  s_ptr,
BOOLEAN  state 

Sets whether the EIT schedule events for this service are held in memory. All services hold schedule events in memory by default.

stateFALSE to disable, TRUE to enable
void ADB_SetTextLang ( U32BIT  country_code,
U8BIT  lang_id 

Sets the primary subtitle and teletext language to be used.

country_codecurrent country id
lang_idlanguage id
void ADB_SetTransportSearchFlag ( void *  t_ptr,
BOOLEAN  state 

Sets whether a transport has been used during a service scan operation.

stateset the flag to TRUE or FALSE
void ADB_SetTunedService ( U8BIT  path,
void *  s_ptr 

Sets the tuned service for the given path, together with the associated tuned transport and network. The 'new' flag for the service is aso cleared.

pathdecode path
void ADB_SetTunedTransport ( U8BIT  path,
void *  t_ptr 

Sets the given transport as the one tuned to on the given decode path. The transport's network is also set as the tuned network, if valid.

pathdecode path
void ADB_SortServiceListAlphabetically ( void **  slist,
U16BIT  num_entries,
BOOLEAN  short_name 

Sorts the given list of services into alphabetical order. Case is significant.

slistservice list to be sorted
num_entriesnumber of services in the list
short_nameTRUE if the short name for a service should be used
void ADB_ToggleServiceLockedFlag ( void *  s_ptr)

Changes the current state of the given service from locked to unlocked, or vice versa.

Changes the current state of the given service from locked to unlocked, or vide versa.

void ADB_UpdateCridEitDate ( void *  c_ptr)

Updates the time the CRID was last seen in the EIT.

c_ptrpointer to CRID record