112 E_STB_DP_TBWIDTH bwidth;
127 E_STB_DP_POLARITY polarity;
131 E_STB_DP_MODULATION modulation;
141 E_STB_DP_FEC_LAYER fec_layer;
161 E_STB_DP_RES_OWNER owner;
197 typedef U16BIT (*
F_GetExtraPidList)(E_ACTL_PATH_PURPOSE purpose,
void *serv_ptr, U8BIT *pmt_data,
233 #ifdef INCLUDE_OTA_SSU 247 BOOLEAN ACTL_StartOTAUpdate(U8BIT path,
void *transport, U16BIT serv_id,
248 F_SSU_VERSION_CALLBACK version_callback);
255 void ACTL_ContinueOTAUpdate(BOOLEAN do_update);
260 void ACTL_StopOTAUpdate(
271 BOOLEAN ACTL_StartSSUSearch(E_STB_DP_SIGNAL_TYPE tuner_type, F_SSU_VERSION_CALLBACK version_callback);
ACTL_StartEitSearch(E_STB_DP_SIGNAL_TYPE tuner_type, E_ACTL_EVENT_SEARCH search_type);
338 BOOLEAN start_search);
427 E_ACTL_SI_SRCH_REQD reqd_si, BOOLEAN relock_on);
443 BOOLEAN override_lock, E_ACTL_PATH_PURPOSE purpose);
542 E_ACTL_SI_SRCH_REQD reqd_si, BOOLEAN relock_on);
744 #ifdef COMMON_INTERFACE 755 void ACTL_TuneToCIService(U8BIT path,
S_ACTL_OWNER_INFO *owner_info,
void *s_ptr, E_APP_SI_MODE si_mode);
764 void ACTL_ContinueCIPLUSTune(U8BIT path, BOOLEAN continue_tuning);
896 #ifdef FREEVIEW_PLAYBACK 1051 #endif // _AP_CNTRL_H E_STB_AV_ASPECT_RATIO ACTL_GetTVAspectRatio(void)
Returns the current TV aspect ratio.
Definition: ap_cntrl.c:2434
void ACTL_SetMhegAVControl(BOOLEAN control)
Sets the MHEG5 audio volume adjust to be applied.
Definition: ap_cntrl.c:4878
BOOLEAN ACTL_HasDecodingStarted(U8BIT path)
Returns whether decoding has been started on the given path.
Definition: ap_cntrl.c:2271
BOOLEAN ACTL_CheckLiveServiceChange(void)
Checks whether the service tuned to on the live path has changed and informs the UI if it has...
Definition: ap_cntrl.c:5627
U8BIT ACTL_ChangeVolume(S8BIT volume_change)
Changes the main audio volume and returns the new volume.
Definition: ap_cntrl.c:4965
Definition: ap_cntrl.h:104
BOOLEAN ACTL_HandlePrivateTimerEvent(U32BIT timer_handle)
Handles all the private timer events.
Definition: ap_cntrl.c:1010
API interfacing the midware with Intellibyte loader library.
U16BIT(* F_ServiceGetSubtitlePid)(void *serv_ptr, ADB_SUBT_INFO *subt_info)
Function pointer definition: Determines subtitle PID and whether it is DVB or teletext, for the given service.
Definition: ap_cntrl.h:185
void ACTL_ApplyParentalControl(U8BIT path, void *s_ptr)
Checks the parental control for the current event on the given service to determine whether decoding ...
Definition: ap_cntrl.c:3288
Definition: ap_cntrl.h:145
void ACTL_StopEitSearch(void)
Function to stop the EIT search before it completes.
Definition: ap_cntrl.c:4370
void ACTL_ActionEvent(U32BIT event, void *event_data)
Actions external events.
Definition: ap_cntrl.c:520
void ACTL_SetTVAspectConversion(E_STB_AV_ASPECT_RATIO aspect_ratio, E_STB_AV_ASPECT_MODE aspect_mode)
Used to set the aspect conversion applied to the video based on the TV aspect ratio and aspect mode t...
Definition: ap_cntrl.c:2477
void ACTL_SetVolumeAdjustment(S8BIT scaling)
Sets the MHEG5 audio volume adjust to be applied.
Definition: ap_cntrl.c:4906
void ACTL_PauseSubtitles(void)
Disables the display of subtitles but processing continues.
Definition: ap_cntrl.c:3628
void ACTL_SetExtraPidListCallback(F_GetExtraPidList pidlist_callback)
Sets the callback function that will be used to get the extra PIDs to be included when a service is s...
Definition: ap_cntrl.c:5784
void ACTL_ReleaseLivePathForService(void *s_ptr, E_STB_DP_RES_OWNER owner)
Finds the path being used to view the given service and releases it.
Definition: ap_cntrl.c:5102
void ACTL_StopTotSearch(void)
Function to stop the TOT search before it completes.
Definition: ap_cntrl.c:4228
U32BIT ACTL_GetRfChanFreqHz(E_STB_DP_SIGNAL_TYPE tuner_type, U16BIT id)
Returns a pointer to the channel name.
Definition: ap_cntrl.c:1304
Header file - macros and function prototypes for public use.
void ACTL_TuneOff(U8BIT path)
Stops tuning on the given path.
Definition: ap_cntrl.c:2155
U8BIT * ACTL_GetRfNameFromFreq(E_STB_DP_SIGNAL_TYPE tuner_type, U32BIT freq_hz)
Returns the rf name appropriate to the frequency specified.
Definition: ap_cntrl.c:1355
BOOLEAN ACTL_StartStartupSearch(void)
Function to start the startup search when booting from cold. This search checks the validity of the s...
Definition: ap_cntrl.c:4060
BOOLEAN ACTL_IsAudioDescriptionOn(void)
Returns whether audio description has been turned on.
Definition: ap_cntrl.c:2784
void ACTL_ReleaseChannelLock(void)
Releases the lock on a channel after decoding has been blocked due to the service being parental lock...
Definition: ap_cntrl.c:2204
U8BIT * ACTL_GetRfChanName(E_STB_DP_SIGNAL_TYPE tuner_type, U16BIT id)
Returns a pointer to the channel name.
Definition: ap_cntrl.c:1181
void ACTL_AllowAnalogVideo(BOOLEAN allow_analog_video)
Enables or disables analog video display.
Definition: ap_cntrl.c:2761
BOOLEAN ACTL_AreSubtitlesDisplayed(void)
Returns whether subtitles are being displayed.
Definition: ap_cntrl.c:3762
BOOLEAN ACTL_StartTotSearch(E_STB_DP_SIGNAL_TYPE tuner_type)
Function to start a TOT search which is required to set the system clock when starting from power off...
Definition: ap_cntrl.c:4172
U8BIT ACTL_GetParentalControlAge(void)
Returns the current age set for parental control. 0 will be returned if parental control is disabled ...
Definition: ap_cntrl.c:3265
void ACTL_ResumeSubtitles(void)
Resumes the display of subtitles after they've been paused.
Definition: ap_cntrl.c:3663
void ACTL_InitialiseAppControl(void)
Control system initialisation.
Definition: ap_cntrl.c:454
BOOLEAN ACTL_TuneToRfChanArrayAnalogEntry(U8BIT path, U16BIT id)
Tunes to the specified rf channel array entry in analogue mode.
Definition: ap_cntrl.c:1524
Definition: ap_common.h:63
Returns the terrestrial type (T or T2) for the given channel id.
Definition: ap_cntrl.c:1423
void ACTL_SetStandbyVCRActive(void)
Reports standby state to the a/v output control state machine.
Definition: ap_cntrl.c:2337
BOOLEAN ACTL_IsHDMIConnected(void)
Returns whether the HDMI is connected or not.
Definition: ap_cntrl.c:3095
Header file - Function prototypes for A/V control.
BOOLEAN ACTL_CanServiceBeViewed(void *s_ptr)
Checks whether there's a tuner available to view the given service. This takes into account whether t...
Definition: ap_cntrl.c:5230
void ACTL_StopAudioDescription(U8BIT path)
Stops AD decoding.
Definition: ap_cntrl.c:2848
BOOLEAN ACTL_StartSubtitles(void)
Starts subtitle processing and display if the current service has valid subtitle data. If DVB subtitles aren't available, teletext will be used if available.
Definition: ap_cntrl.c:3575
E_STB_AV_VIDEO_FORMAT ACTL_GetActualVideoMode(U16BIT *width, U16BIT *height)
Reads the saved video format and returns the best mode available if it's set to AUTO or is invalid fo...
Definition: ap_cntrl.c:2887
BOOLEAN ACTL_SuppressSubtitles(BOOLEAN suppress)
Stops subtitles being displayed if another OSD requires them to be hidden, such as CI+...
Definition: ap_cntrl.c:3557
U8BIT ACTL_GetServiceSearchPath(void)
Returns path used buy currently running search. This works for any of the available types of searches...
Definition: ap_cntrl.c:4513
Header file - Function prototypes for A/V control.
void ACTL_ReTuneSubtitles(void)
Stops and restarts subtitle decoding on the live path. This may be required due to a change in langua...
Definition: ap_cntrl.c:2250
void ACTL_SetMute(BOOLEAN mute)
Sets the audio mute state.
Definition: ap_cntrl.c:5012
BOOLEAN ACTL_IsSearchComplete(void)
Returns TRUE if current search has finished. This works for any of the available types of searches...
Definition: ap_cntrl.c:4395
BOOLEAN ACTL_IsTargetRegionRequired(void)
When the search has completed, this function should be called to see whether the target region UI sho...
Definition: ap_cntrl.c:4019
void ACTL_EnterStandby(void)
Puts DVB into standby mode. It will continue to monitor SI for recordings, SSU updates, etc., unless it goes into low power standby.
Definition: ap_cntrl.c:5267
void ACTL_SetStandbyState(BOOLEAN state)
Reports the standby state to the A/V output controller.
Definition: ap_cntrl.c:2312
U8BIT ACTL_AcquirePathForService(void *s_ptr, E_ACTL_PATH_PURPOSE purpose, S_ACTL_OWNER_INFO *owner)
Acquires a decode path suitable for tuning to the given service.
Definition: ap_cntrl.c:5070
Definition: ap_cntrl.h:134
BOOLEAN ACTL_ParentalControlEnabled(void)
Returns whether parental control is enabled. This will also return TRUE if parental control has been ...
Definition: ap_cntrl.c:3216
BOOLEAN ACTL_StartAudioDescription(U8BIT path)
Starts decoding an audio description stream, if available, on the given path. If AD isn't currently a...
Definition: ap_cntrl.c:2798
void ACTL_SetParentalControl(BOOLEAN enabled)
Enables or disables parental control. This enables or disables locking on a per channel basis...
Definition: ap_cntrl.c:3185
BOOLEAN ACTL_TuneToUserDefinedParams(U8BIT path, S_MANUAL_TUNING_PARAMS *tuning_params, E_ACTL_SI_SRCH_REQD reqd_si, BOOLEAN relock_on)
Tunes to the given set of tuning parameters.
Definition: ap_cntrl.c:1571
void ACTL_SetAnalogChanIdString(U8BIT *str_ptr)
sends string to be displayed via pixelworks if it has changed (Must not send message to PixelWorks if...
Definition: ap_cntrl.c:2696
void ACTL_ApplyHDCP(void *s_ptr)
Checks content protection requirements for the current event on the given service to determine whethe...
Definition: ap_cntrl.c:3412
Start a service search on, or just tune to, the transport defined by the given tuning parameters...
Definition: ap_cntrl.c:4594
U16BIT ACTL_GetHDMIResolutions(E_STB_AV_VIDEO_FORMAT **video_formats, U16BIT *current_index)
Returns an array of valid HDMI resolutions and the index of the currently selected format...
Definition: ap_cntrl.c:3112
BOOLEAN ACTL_IsDecodingLocked(U8BIT path)
Returns whether decoding is locked, due to parental locking, on the given path.
Definition: ap_cntrl.c:2292
U8BIT ACTL_GetSearchProgress(void)
Returns search progress as a percentage. This works for any of the available types of searches...
Definition: ap_cntrl.c:4409
Definition: ap_cntrl.h:124
void ACTL_SetMhegSubtitlePidFunc(F_ServiceGetSubtitlePid func)
Sets function retrieve Subtitle PID and info. Allows external MHEG5 module to override the default fu...
Definition: ap_cntrl.c:4890
void ACTL_FinishManualSearch(void)
Function to be called when a manual service search has completed, or is being stopped.
Definition: ap_cntrl.c:4696
Entry point for starting a service search for a full retune or to update the existing service lineup...
Definition: ap_cntrl.c:3833
void ACTL_LeaveStandby(void *s_ptr, BOOLEAN tune_to_service)
Brings the DVB out of standby mode.
Definition: ap_cntrl.c:5435
BOOLEAN ACTL_AreSubtitlesStarted(void)
Returns whether subtitles have been started, even if they aren't being displayed. ...
Definition: ap_cntrl.c:3772
BOOLEAN ACTL_ReleasePath(U8BIT path)
Releases the decode path and all resources no longer needed. The path may not be released if the path...
Definition: ap_cntrl.c:5127
void ACTL_SetStandbyGracePeriod(U16BIT num_seconds)
Sets a grace period during which a system will enter active standby before going into passive or low ...
Definition: ap_cntrl.c:5256
void ACTL_StartPlayback(void *s_ptr)
Start streaming the specified service.
Definition: ap_cntrl.c:2097
BOOLEAN ACTL_IsMuted(void)
Returns the muted state of the audio.
Definition: ap_cntrl.c:5056
BOOLEAN ACTL_GetDecodePausedState(U8BIT path)
Gets user paused flag value.
Definition: ap_cntrl.c:2677
U16BIT ACTL_GetRfSymbolRate(E_STB_DP_SIGNAL_TYPE tuner_type, U16BIT id)
Returns the channel symbol rate.
Definition: ap_cntrl.c:1232
BOOLEAN ACTL_StartEitSearch(E_STB_DP_SIGNAL_TYPE tuner_type, E_ACTL_EVENT_SEARCH search_type)
Entry point for starting an EIT search.
Definition: ap_cntrl.c:4253
Returns whether the given path is currently tuned.
Definition: ap_cntrl.c:2049
application level SI task
BOOLEAN ACTL_IsTrailerBookingAvailable(void *serv_ptr)
Returns whether trailer booking is available based on whether it's enabled and the number of links cu...
Definition: ap_cntrl.c:3785
void ACTL_SetupPlayback(void)
Starts the SI to acquire the PMT and fill the ip service in.
Definition: ap_cntrl.c:2070
void ACTL_DisableCiModule(void)
Disables CI module.
Definition: ap_cntrl.c:2652
U8BIT ACTL_TuneToTransport(U8BIT path, S_ACTL_OWNER_INFO *owner_info, void *t_ptr, E_ACTL_SI_SRCH_REQD reqd_si, BOOLEAN relock_on)
Tunes to the given transport and sets the type of SI monitoring that will be started when the tuning ...
Definition: ap_cntrl.c:1634
Definition: ap_cntrl.h:159
System Wide Global Technical Data Type Definitions.
void ACTL_SetTVAspectMode(E_STB_AV_ASPECT_MODE aspect_mode)
Used to set the TV aspect mode which defines how the video will be displayed based on the aspect rati...
Definition: ap_cntrl.c:2447
void ACTL_SetVideoWindow(S16BIT win_x, S16BIT win_y, U16BIT win_width, U16BIT win_height)
Sets the video window to the size specified. Coordinates are relative to the screen resolution...
Definition: ap_cntrl.c:2387
BOOLEAN ACTL_ToggleMute(void)
Toggles the current mute state and returns the new mute setting.
Definition: ap_cntrl.c:5033
BOOLEAN ACTL_ReleasePathOwnership(U8BIT path, E_STB_DP_RES_OWNER owner)
Releases ownership of the path, and frees any associated data, if the given owner is the path's owner...
Definition: ap_cntrl.c:5197
void ACTL_HDMIDisconnected(void)
Sets flag to indicate HDMI is now disconnected. This function is called by the event task when the HD...
Definition: ap_cntrl.c:3083
U8BIT ACTL_SetVolume(U8BIT volume)
Sets the main audio volume and returns the new volume.
Definition: ap_cntrl.c:4938
Definition: ap_cntrl.h:118
void ACTL_ReTuneAudio(void)
Stops and restarts audio decoding on the live path. This may be required due to a change in language ...
Definition: ap_cntrl.c:2230
BOOLEAN ACTL_IsCiUiRequired(void)
Returns state of ci_ui_required flag.
Definition: ap_cntrl.c:2665
E_ACTL_AV_MODE ACTL_GetAvModeStatus(void)
Returns av_mode.
Definition: ap_cntrl.c:2501
void ACTL_StopSubtitles(void)
Stops subtitles from being displayed and processed.
Definition: ap_cntrl.c:3712
void ACTL_SetParentalControlAge(U8BIT age)
Sets the age (valid values 4-18) at which parental control will be will be applied. If the age is invalid, no change will be made to the current setting.
Definition: ap_cntrl.c:3242
Definition: stbsitab.h:517
void ACTL_UpdateVideoMode(E_STB_AV_ASPECT_RATIO aspect, BOOLEAN force)
Update video mode sets Voyager resolution as well as platform Also, stops subtitles during the operat...
Definition: ap_cntrl.c:2985
BOOLEAN ACTL_StartManualSearchById(E_STB_DP_SIGNAL_TYPE tuner_type, U16BIT chan_id, BOOLEAN start_search)
Start a service search on, or just tune to, a transport, using chan_id as an index into the country's...
Definition: ap_cntrl.c:4526
U16BIT ACTL_GetNumRfChanArrayEntries(E_STB_DP_SIGNAL_TYPE tuner_type)
Returns the number of entries in the rf channel table.
Definition: ap_cntrl.c:1143
void ACTL_HDMIConnected(void)
Checks that the selected HDMI resolution mode is supported and, if not, chooses the best one availabl...
Definition: ap_cntrl.c:3036
application level common header
void ACTL_EnableCiModule(void)
Enables CI module.
Definition: ap_cntrl.c:2640
BOOLEAN ACTL_TuneToRfChanArrayEntry(U8BIT path, U16BIT id, E_ACTL_SI_SRCH_REQD reqd_si, BOOLEAN relock_on)
Tunes to the specified rf channel array entry for DVB-T and DVB-C.
Definition: ap_cntrl.c:1453
void ACTL_StartDecoding(U8BIT path, void *s_ptr)
Sets up and starts decoding for the given service. This is used for PVR playback, but could also be u...
Definition: ap_cntrl.c:2134
U8BIT ACTL_GetActivePath(void)
Returns the active path (live, playback, etc...), i.e. the one using the decoders.
Definition: ap_cntrl.c:3809
Definition: ap_cntrl.h:110
U8BIT ACTL_GetVolume(void)
Returns the current audio volume.
Definition: ap_cntrl.c:4926
Starts the process of tuning to a given transport or service that's defined by the given delivery sys...
Definition: ap_cntrl.c:1941
void ACTL_DecodeOff(U8BIT path)
Stops decoding on the given path.
Definition: ap_cntrl.c:2182
U8BIT ACTL_TuneToService(U8BIT path, S_ACTL_OWNER_INFO *owner_info, void *s_ptr, BOOLEAN override_lock, E_ACTL_PATH_PURPOSE purpose)
Starts the process of tuning to the specified service. If the service is to be tuned on the live path...
Definition: ap_cntrl.c:1702
void ACTL_StopServiceSearch(void)
Function to stop the service search before it completes.
Definition: ap_cntrl.c:4044
Header file - Function prototypes for Demux control.
E_ACTL_DECODE_CHANGE ACTL_SetupAudioDecoding(U8BIT path, void *s_ptr)
Setup default audio decoding params on current tuned service Can be used by external module (e...
Definition: ap_cntrl.c:5724
BOOLEAN ACTL_AcquirePathOwnership(U8BIT path, S_ACTL_OWNER_INFO *owner_info)
Attempts to take ownership of the given path (used by CI+)
Definition: ap_cntrl.c:5164
void ACTL_SetADVolume(U8BIT volume)
Sets the AD volume.
Definition: ap_cntrl.c:2869
void ACTL_SetTVAspectRatio(E_STB_AV_ASPECT_RATIO aspect_ratio)
Used to set the TV aspect ratio.
Definition: ap_cntrl.c:2413
Definition: stbhwdmx.h:104
void * ACTL_GetCurrentSatellite(U8BIT path)
Returns the current satellite being used by the given decode path.
Definition: ap_cntrl.c:1118
U8BIT ACTL_GetRfModulation(E_STB_DP_SIGNAL_TYPE tuner_type, U16BIT id)
Returns the modulation mode.
Definition: ap_cntrl.c:1268
U16BIT(* F_GetExtraPidList)(E_ACTL_PATH_PURPOSE purpose, void *serv_ptr, U8BIT *pmt_data, U16BIT pmt_length, S_DMX_PID_INFO **pid_array)
Prototype for a function that's called to return an array of PIDs that need to be included for a serv...
Definition: ap_cntrl.h:197
void(* DSM_FILE_CALLBACK)(void *user_data, U8BIT *file_data, U32BIT data_size)
Prototype for function that's called when a file requested from a DSM-CC carousel is received...
Definition: ap_cntrl.h:176
Returns the current TV aspect mode.
Definition: ap_cntrl.c:2463
BOOLEAN ACTL_SetActiveProfile(void *profile)
Sets the current profile. (CI+ only) If the profile is being set to CI+ profile and the necessary CAM...
Definition: ap_cntrl.c:5666