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Open Source DVB Engine
Application database control. More...
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include "techtype.h"
#include "dbgfuncs.h"
#include "stbhwav.h"
#include "stbhwos.h"
#include "stbheap.h"
#include "stbdpc.h"
#include "stbsiflt.h"
#include "stbsitab.h"
#include "stbuni.h"
#include "stbgc.h"
#include "stbllist.h"
#include "dba.h"
#include "ap_cfg.h"
#include "ap_dbacc.h"
#include "ap_tmr.h"
#include "ap_dbdef.h"
#include "ap_cfdat.h"
#include "ap_cntrl.h"
#include "app_nvm.h"
Functions | |
CREATE_LINK_LIST_HEADER (lnb_rec_list) | |
CREATE_LINK_LIST_HEADER (satellite_rec_list) | |
CREATE_LINK_LIST_HEADER (lnb_band_rec_list) | |
CREATE_LINK_LIST_HEADER (network_rec_list) | |
CREATE_LINK_LIST_HEADER (transport_rec_list) | |
CREATE_LINK_LIST_HEADER (service_rec_list) | |
CREATE_LINK_LIST_HEADER (crid_rec_list) | |
CREATE_LINK_LIST_HEADER (favlist_list) | |
CREATE_LINK_LIST_HEADER (timer_list) | |
void | DBDEF_Initialise (void) |
Initialises the database, preparing for it to be accessed. | |
void | DBDEF_RequestAccess (void) |
Requests access to the app's database. | |
void | DBDEF_ReleaseAccess (void) |
Releases access to the app's database. | |
BOOLEAN | DBDEF_LoadDatabase (U8BIT *db_pathname) |
Loads the service database from non-volatile storage and creates the RAM version of this data that will be used by the DVB stack. More... | |
void | DBDEF_DeleteAllRecords (void) |
Deletes all records in the database. | |
void | DBDEF_DeleteRecordsForTunerType (E_STB_DP_SIGNAL_TYPE tuner_type, void *satellite) |
Deletes all network, transport and services records for the given tuner type. More... | |
void | DBDEF_DeleteServiceRec (ADB_SERVICE_REC *s_ptr) |
Deletes specified service record. More... | |
U16BIT | DBDEF_NumStreamsInList (ADB_STREAM_REC *slist) |
Returns the number of stream records in the given list. More... | |
ADB_STREAM_REC * | DBDEF_CopyStreamList (ADB_STREAM_REC *slist) |
Creates a copy of a stream list, allocating new memory as required. More... | |
void | DBDEF_DeleteStreamList (ADB_STREAM_REC *slist) |
Deletes all records in a service stream list. More... | |
ADB_EVENT_REC * | DBDEF_FindScheduleEventById (ADB_SERVICE_REC *s_ptr, U16BIT event_id) |
Find an event for a service from its event_id. More... | |
ADB_EVENT_DESC * | DBDEF_FindEventDescriptor (ADB_EVENT_DESC *start_desc, U8BIT desc_tag, U32BIT private_data_specifier) |
Searches a descriptor list for the first descriptor with the given descriptor tag. More... | |
U8BIT * | DBDEF_GetEventName (ADB_EVENT_REC *e_ptr) |
Returns the name of the event as a UTF-8 string in the currently selected language. The returned string should be freed using STB_ReleaseUnicodeString. More... | |
U8BIT * | DBDEF_GetEventDescription (ADB_EVENT_REC *e_ptr) |
Returns the short event description text of the event as a UTF-8 string. The returned string should be freed using STB_ReleaseUnicodeString. More... | |
U8BIT * | DBDEF_GetEventExtendedDescription (ADB_EVENT_REC *e_ptr) |
Returns the extended event description text of the event as a UTF-8 string. The returned string should be freed using STB_ReleaseUnicodeString. More... | |
ADB_EVENT_ITEMIZED_INFO * | DBDEF_GetEventItemizedDescription (ADB_EVENT_REC *e_ptr, U16BIT *num_items_ptr) |
Returns the items of extended event descriptor as item descriptor and item itself. More... | |
U8BIT * | DBDEF_GetEventGuidance (ADB_EVENT_REC *e_ptr, ADB_SERVICE_REC *s_ptr, U8BIT *type, U8BIT *mode) |
Returns the guidance text for an event, either from the event itself or the event's service, as a UTF-8 string. The returned string should be freed using STB_ReleaseUnicodeString. More... | |
U8BIT * | DBDEF_GetServiceGuidanceData (ADB_SERVICE_REC *s_ptr, U8BIT *type, U8BIT *mode) |
Returns the guidance text for the service, as a UTF-8 string. The returned string should be freed using STB_ReleaseUnicodeString. More... | |
U8BIT * | DBDEF_GetServiceGuidance (ADB_SERVICE_REC *s_ptr) |
Returns the guidance text for the service, as a UTF-8 string. The returned string should be freed using STB_ReleaseUnicodeString. More... | |
U8BIT | DBDEF_GetEventParentalAge (ADB_EVENT_REC *e_ptr) |
Returns the parental age value for the given event. More... | |
BOOLEAN | DBDEF_GetEventAudioDescriptionFlag (ADB_EVENT_REC *e_ptr) |
Returns whether audio description is signalled as being available for the given event. More... | |
BOOLEAN | DBDEF_GetEventHDLinkageInfo (ADB_EVENT_REC *e_ptr, BOOLEAN verify_event, BOOLEAN only_simulcast, ADB_SERVICE_REC **hd_serv_ptr, ADB_EVENT_REC **hd_event_ptr) |
Returns whether there's an HD event linked to the SD event and returns the info for it. The DVB info is checked to ensure it relates to a known service. More... | |
U8BIT | DBDEF_GetEventComponentList (ADB_EVENT_REC *e_ptr, ADB_EVENT_COMPONENT_INFO **component_list) |
Retrieves a list of components associated with the specified event, as described by component descriptors in the EIT. More... | |
BOOLEAN | DBDEF_GetEventSubtitlesAvailFlag (ADB_EVENT_REC *e_ptr) |
Returns whether DVB subtitles are signalled as being available for the given event. More... | |
U8BIT * | DBDEF_GetEventContentData (ADB_EVENT_REC *e_ptr, U8BIT *p_len) |
Returns the level 1 and 2 values for all content identifiers for the given event. More... | |
Returns the genre of an event. More... | |
U8BIT * | DBDEF_GetEventCrid (ADB_SERVICE_REC *serv_ptr, ADB_EVENT_REC *e_ptr, U8BIT crid_type, U8BIT index) |
Returns the full CRID of the type given for the given event. More... | |
U8BIT | DBDEF_NumberOfCridsOfType (ADB_EVENT_REC *e_ptr, U8BIT crid_type) |
Returns the number of CRIDs of the given type for the event. More... | |
U8BIT * | DBDEF_GetFullCrid (ADB_SERVICE_REC *serv_ptr, U8BIT *event_str) |
Returns the full CRID for the given CRID string The returned string should be freed using STB_AppFreeMemory. More... | |
U8BIT * | DBDEF_GetServiceDefaultAuthority (ADB_SERVICE_REC *s_ptr) |
Returns a copy of the default authority CRID string for the given service. This string will be returned as broadcast and should be freed using STB_AppFreMemory. More... | |
void | DBDEF_DeleteEventList (ADB_EVENT_REC *elist) |
Deletes all events in the given list. More... | |
void | DBDEF_DeleteAltServList (ADB_ALT_SERV_REC *aslist) |
Deletes all records in a service alternate service list. More... | |
void | DBDEF_DeleteRCTLinks (ADB_RCT_LINK_INFO *links) |
Frees the given list of RCT links. More... | |
void | DBDEF_DeleteImageIcons (ADB_IMAGE_ICON *icon_list) |
Frees given list of image icons and any associated memory. More... | |
ADB_STRING * | DBDEF_MakeString (U32BIT lang_code, U8BIT *str_ptr, U16BIT nbytes) |
Creates an ADB_STRING, copying the given data into it. If the string passed in is NULL or the number of bytes is 0, then no string will be created. More... | |
ADB_STRING * | DBDEF_CopyString (ADB_STRING *src_str) |
Creates a copy of the given ADB_STRING. More... | |
ADB_STRING * | DBDEF_ConcatSIString (ADB_STRING *str1, SI_STRING_DESC *str2) |
Concatenates an SI_STRING_DESC string to the end of an ADB_STRING string, removing any terminating '\0' chars from the first string, and returns a new string. More... | |
void | DBDEF_ReleaseString (ADB_STRING *string) |
Releases an ADB_STRING. More... | |
U16BIT | DBDEF_GetNumLNBs (void) |
Returns the number of LNB records in the database. More... | |
Add an LNB record to the database. More... | |
Sets the LNB power setting. More... | |
Sets the LNB 22k setting. More... | |
Sets the LNB 12V setting. More... | |
BOOLEAN | DBDEF_SetLNBPulsePosition (ADB_LNB_REC *lnb, BOOLEAN is_pulse_posn) |
Sets the LNB pulse position setting. More... | |
BOOLEAN | DBDEF_SetLNBDiSEqCPosition (ADB_LNB_REC *lnb, BOOLEAN is_diseqc_posn) |
Sets the LNB DiSEqC position setting. More... | |
Sets the LNB DiSEqC tone setting. More... | |
Sets the LNB committed switch setting. More... | |
BOOLEAN | DBDEF_SetLNBUSwitch (ADB_LNB_REC *lnb, U8BIT uswitch) |
Sets the LNB uncommitted switch setting. More... | |
BOOLEAN | DBDEF_SetLNBSmatv (ADB_LNB_REC *lnb, BOOLEAN is_smatv) |
Sets the LNB SMATV setting. More... | |
BOOLEAN | DBDEF_SetLNBRepeats (ADB_LNB_REC *lnb, U8BIT repeats) |
Sets the LNB message repeat setting in the range 0 to 3. More... | |
BOOLEAN | DBDEF_SetLNBUnicable (ADB_LNB_REC *lnb, U32BIT inter_freq, U8BIT chan) |
Sets the LNB Unicable settings. More... | |
ADB_LNB_REC * | DBDEF_GetNextLNBRec (ADB_LNB_REC *lnb_ptr) |
Returns the next LNB record after the one given. If the argument is NULL then the first record is returned. More... | |
U16BIT | DBDEF_GetNumSatellites (void) |
Returns the number of satellite records in the database. More... | |
ADB_SATELLITE_REC * | DBDEF_AddSatelliteRec (ADB_STRING *name_str, U16BIT dish_pos, U16BIT long_pos, BOOLEAN east_west, ADB_LNB_REC *associated_lnb) |
Add a satellite record to the database. More... | |
ADB_SATELLITE_REC * | DBDEF_GetNextSatelliteRec (ADB_SATELLITE_REC *sat_ptr) |
Returns the next satellite record after the one given. If the argument is NULL then the first record is returned. More... | |
U16BIT | DBDEF_GetNumLNBBands (void) |
Returns the number of LNB band records in the database. More... | |
ADB_LNB_BAND_REC * | DBDEF_AddLNBBandRec (S_STB_DP_LNB_BAND *band_parameters, ADB_LNB_REC *associated_lnb) |
Add an LNB band record to the database. More... | |
Returns the next LNB band record after the one given. If the argument is NULL then the first record is returned. More... | |
void | DBDEF_DeleteLNBBandRec (ADB_LNB_BAND_REC *band_ptr) |
Deletes an LNB band record from the database. More... | |
U16BIT | DBDEF_GetNumNetworks (void) |
Returns the number of networks in ther service database. More... | |
ADB_NETWORK_REC * | DBDEF_AddNetworkRec (U16BIT net_id, ADB_SATELLITE_REC *satellite) |
Adds a new network record to the database with the given network ID. More... | |
void | DBDEF_DeleteNetworkRec (ADB_NETWORK_REC *n_ptr) |
Deletes specified network record. More... | |
void | DBDEF_SetNetworkName (ADB_NETWORK_REC *n_ptr, U8BIT *name) |
Set or change the name of the given network. More... | |
ADB_NETWORK_REC * | DBDEF_FindNetworkRec (U16BIT net_id, ADB_SATELLITE_REC *satellite) |
Finds the network with the given network ID. More... | |
ADB_NETWORK_REC * | DBDEF_GetNextNetworkRec (ADB_NETWORK_REC *n_ptr) |
Returns the network following the one given. If the argument is NULL then the first network will be returned. More... | |
U16BIT | DBDEF_GetNumTransports (void) |
Returns the number of transports in ther service database. More... | |
Returns the transport following the one given. If the argument is NULL then the first transport will be returned. More... | |
ADB_TRANSPORT_REC * | DBDEF_AddTerrestrialTransportRec (U32BIT freq_hz, U8BIT plp_id, ADB_NETWORK_REC *network) |
Adds a terrestrial transport record with the given frequency and PLP id. More... | |
ADB_TRANSPORT_REC * | DBDEF_FindTerrestrialTransportRec (U32BIT freq_hz, U8BIT plp_id) |
Find the terrestrial transport record in the database matching the given params. More... | |
ADB_TRANSPORT_REC * | DBDEF_AddCableTransportRec (U32BIT freq_hz, U32BIT symbol_rate, ADB_NETWORK_REC *network) |
Adds a cable transport record with the given frequency and symbol rate. More... | |
ADB_TRANSPORT_REC * | DBDEF_FindCableTransportRec (U32BIT freq_hz, U32BIT symbol_rate) |
Find the cable transport record in the database matching the given params. More... | |
void | DBDEF_SetCableTransportSymbolRate (ADB_TRANSPORT_REC *t_ptr, U16BIT symbol_rate) |
void | DBDEF_SetCableTransportMode (ADB_TRANSPORT_REC *t_ptr, E_STB_DP_CMODE cmode) |
ADB_TRANSPORT_REC * | DBDEF_AddSatTransportRec (U32BIT freq_hz, U16BIT symbol_rate, E_STB_DP_POLARITY polarity, BOOLEAN dvb_s2, E_STB_DP_MODULATION modulation, ADB_NETWORK_REC *network) |
Adds a satellite transport record with the given frequency, symbol rate and polarity. More... | |
ADB_TRANSPORT_REC * | DBDEF_FindSatTransportRec (U32BIT freq_hz, U16BIT symbol_rate, E_STB_DP_POLARITY polarity, BOOLEAN dvb_s2, E_STB_DP_MODULATION modulation, void *satellite) |
Find the satellite transport record in the database matching the given params. More... | |
void | DBDEF_SetSatTransportTuningParams (ADB_TRANSPORT_REC *t_ptr, U32BIT freq_hz, U16BIT symbol_rate, E_STB_DP_POLARITY polarity, BOOLEAN dvb_s2, E_STB_DP_MODULATION modulation, ADB_NETWORK_REC *network) |
Sets the tuning parameters for an existing satellite transport. More... | |
ADB_TRANSPORT_REC * | DBDEF_AddIPTransportRec (U16BIT onet_id, U16BIT tran_id, U8BIT *url) |
Adds an IP transport record. More... | |
ADB_TRANSPORT_REC * | DBDEF_FindTransportRecByIds (ADB_TRANSPORT_REC *transp, U32BIT net_id, U32BIT onet_id, U32BIT tran_id) |
Find a transport record matching the given set of IDs, starting from the given transport. More... | |
void | DBDEF_SetTransportTransportId (ADB_TRANSPORT_REC *t_ptr, U16BIT tran_id) |
Sets the transport ID of the given transport. More... | |
void | DBDEF_SetTransportOrigNetworkId (ADB_TRANSPORT_REC *t_ptr, U16BIT orig_net_id) |
Sets the original network ID of the given transport. More... | |
void | DBDEF_GetTransportAdditionalFrequencies (ADB_TRANSPORT_REC *t_ptr, U8BIT *num_freqs, U32BIT **freqs) |
Returns the additional frequencies associated with a transport. The returned array should not be modified or freed. More... | |
void | DBDEF_DeleteTransportRec (ADB_TRANSPORT_REC *t_ptr) |
Deletes the given transport from the service database, deleting any service records that it's the parent of beforehand. More... | |
void | DBDEF_ClearTableVersionHistory (ADB_TRANSPORT_REC *t_ptr) |
Clears the version histories stored in the transport records. | |
U16BIT | DBDEF_GetNumServices (void) |
Returns the total number of services. More... | |
ADB_SERVICE_REC * | DBDEF_GetNextServiceRec (ADB_SERVICE_REC *s_ptr) |
Returns the service after the one given. If NULL is passed then the first service in the list is returned. More... | |
ADB_SERVICE_REC * | DBDEF_GetPrevServiceRec (ADB_SERVICE_REC *s_ptr) |
Returns the service before the one given. If NULL is passed then the last service in the list is returned. More... | |
ADB_SERVICE_REC * | DBDEF_AddServiceRec (U16BIT serv_id, ADB_TRANSPORT_REC *t_ptr) |
Adds a new service record to the service database with the given service ID and parent transport. More... | |
ADB_SERVICE_REC * | DBDEF_CopyServiceRec (ADB_SERVICE_REC *orig_serv) |
Creates a copy of the given service, copying the service's attributes, e.g. service name, scrambled, locked, hidden, etc, but not the runtime specific data such as the stream list or event schedule data. More... | |
BOOLEAN | DBDEF_SetServiceName (ADB_SERVICE_REC *s_ptr, U8BIT *name) |
Set or change the name of a service. More... | |
BOOLEAN | DBDEF_SetServiceShortName (ADB_SERVICE_REC *s_ptr, U8BIT *name) |
Set or change the short name of a service. More... | |
BOOLEAN | DBDEF_SetServiceProviderName (ADB_SERVICE_REC *s_ptr, U8BIT *name) |
Set or change the name of a service's provider. More... | |
BOOLEAN | DBDEF_SetServiceType (ADB_SERVICE_REC *s_ptr, ADB_SERVICE_TYPE serv_type) |
Sets the service type for the given service record. More... | |
void | DBDEF_SaveServiceEventSchedule (ADB_SERVICE_REC *s_ptr) |
Saves the event schedule of a service to the service database. More... | |
ADB_SERVICE_REC * | DBDEF_GetNextServiceOnTransport (ADB_SERVICE_REC *s_ptr, ADB_TRANSPORT_REC *t_ptr) |
Find the next service following the given service that's on the given transport. More... | |
ADB_SERVICE_REC * | DBDEF_FindServiceRec (U16BIT serv_id, ADB_TRANSPORT_REC *t_ptr) |
Search for the service with the given service ID on the given transport. More... | |
ADB_SERVICE_REC * | DBDEF_FindServiceRecByIds (ADB_SERVICE_REC *servp, U32BIT net_id, U32BIT onet_id, U32BIT tran_id, U32BIT serv_id) |
Search for a service with the given IDs. More... | |
ADB_SERVICE_REC * | DBDEF_FindServiceRecByLcn (U16BIT lcn, ADB_TRANSPORT_REC *t_ptr, BOOLEAN allocated_lcn) |
Find the service with the given LCN, and optionally on the given transport. More... | |
ADB_SERVICE_REC * | DBDEF_FindServiceRecByFreesatId (ADB_SERVICE_REC *servp, U16BIT freesat_id) |
Search for a service with the given Freesat ID. More... | |
U16BIT | DBDEF_GetReqdAudioPid (ADB_SERVICE_REC *s_ptr, E_STB_DP_AUDIO_MODE *audio_mode, ADB_STREAM_TYPE *audio_type) |
Gets the appropriate audio pid - looks first for the pid matching exactly the required audio settings in the database, then for the pid matching the default language, then the first audip pid in the stream list. If no pid found the returned pid value will be 0. More... | |
U16BIT | DBDEF_GetReqdADPid (ADB_SERVICE_REC *s_ptr, E_STB_DP_AUDIO_MODE *ad_mode, ADB_STREAM_TYPE *ad_type, BOOLEAN *broadcast_mix) |
Gets the appropriate audio description pid - looks first for the pid matching exactly the required audio settings in the database, then for the pid matching the default language, then the first audip pid in the stream list. If no pid found the returned pid value will be 0. More... | |
E_STREAM_MATCH_TYPE | DBDEF_GetReqdTtextPid (ADB_SERVICE_REC *s_ptr, BOOLEAN for_subtitles, U16BIT *pid_ptr, U8BIT *magazine, U8BIT *page) |
Gets the appropriate teletext pid - looks first for the params matching exactly the required teletext settings in the database, then for the pid matching the default language, then the first teletext stream in the stream list. If no teletext found the returned pid will be 0. More... | |
E_STREAM_MATCH_TYPE | DBDEF_GetReqdSubtitleParams (ADB_SERVICE_REC *s_ptr, U16BIT *pid_ptr, U16BIT *cpage_ptr, U16BIT *apage_ptr) |
Gets the appropriate subtitle pid and page ids - looks first for the params matching exactly the required subtitle settings in the database, then for the pid matching the default language, then the first subtitle stream in the stream list. If no subtitles found the returned pid will be 0. More... | |
E_STREAM_MATCH_TYPE | DBDEF_GetReqdCcParams (ADB_SERVICE_REC *s_ptr, U16BIT *pid_ptr, BOOLEAN *digital_cc, U8BIT *caption_service_number, S8BIT *cc_index) |
Gets the appropriate caption service - looks first for the params matching exactly the required subtitle settings in the database, then for the pid matching the default language, then the first subtitle stream in the stream list. If no subtitles found the returned match will be STREAM_MATCH_NONE. More... | |
U16BIT | DBDEF_GetReqdVideoPid (ADB_SERVICE_REC *s_ptr, ADB_STREAM_TYPE *video_type) |
Returns the video pid and type that should be used for the given service from the list of video streams available. The "best one" is based on HD being better than SD and uses the priorities from the Nordig spec. More... | |
ADB_STRING * | DBDEF_GetServiceName (ADB_SERVICE_REC *s_ptr, BOOLEAN short_name, BOOLEAN pref_name) |
Returns a pointer to the service name, taking into account perferred names and short names, if available. More... | |
ADB_STRING * | DBDEF_GetServiceProviderName (ADB_SERVICE_REC *s_ptr) |
Returns a pointer to the service provider name. More... | |
void | DBDEF_SetServiceDeletedFlag (ADB_SERVICE_REC *s_ptr, BOOLEAN deleted) |
Marks whether a service is deleted or not. More... | |
U16BIT | DBDEF_GetNumDeletedServices (E_STB_DP_SIGNAL_TYPE tuner_type) |
Returns the number of services that are marked as deleted for the given tuner type. More... | |
U16BIT | DBDEF_GetDeletedServiceList (E_STB_DP_SIGNAL_TYPE tuner_type, void ***slist_ptr) |
BOOLEAN | DBDEF_SetServiceURL (ADB_SERVICE_REC *s_ptr, U8BIT *url) |
Set or change the URL for accessing an IP service. More... | |
Gets the URL for an IP service. More... | |
void | DBDEF_SetServicePort (ADB_SERVICE_REC *s_ptr, U16BIT port) |
Set the port for a service. More... | |
void | DBDEF_SetServiceFecLayer (ADB_SERVICE_REC *s_ptr, E_STB_DP_FEC_LAYER fec_layer, S_STB_DP_FEC_LAYER_INFO *fec_info) |
Set the port for a service. More... | |
Set the port for a service. More... | |
BOOLEAN | DBDEF_AddAnalogService (void) |
Adds an analogue service, transport and, if necessary, network to the database based on the current tuning parameters in the decode path. More... | |
void | DBDEF_SetAnalogServiceName (ADB_SERVICE_REC *s_ptr, U8BIT *new_name, U8BIT new_len) |
Updates analog service names - ASSUMES NORMAL ASCII CODED. More... | |
void | DBDEF_SetServicePmtPid (ADB_SERVICE_REC *s_ptr, U16BIT pmt_pid) |
Updates the pmt pid. More... | |
U16BIT | DBDEF_GetServicePmtPid (ADB_SERVICE_REC *s_ptr) |
gets the PMT PID associated with the service More... | |
void | DBDEF_SetServiceFavGroups (ADB_SERVICE_REC *s_ptr, U8BIT groups) |
Sets the favourite groups for a service. More... | |
void | DBDEF_SortServicesByLcn (void) |
Sort the full service list into ascending logical channel number order. | |
BOOLEAN | DBDEF_AllocateLcns (E_STB_DP_SIGNAL_TYPE tuner_type, BOOLEAN assign_lcns) |
allocates lcns - expects allocated lcn for all services to be 0 More... | |
BOOLEAN | DBDEF_AllocateLcnsDefault (E_STB_DP_SIGNAL_TYPE tuner_type) |
void | DBDEF_SetTunedNetwork (U8BIT path, ADB_NETWORK_REC *n_ptr) |
sets the currently tuned network More... | |
ADB_NETWORK_REC * | DBDEF_GetTunedNetwork (U8BIT path) |
gets the currently tuned network More... | |
void | DBDEF_SetTunedTransport (U8BIT path, ADB_TRANSPORT_REC *t_ptr) |
sets the currently tuned transport More... | |
ADB_TRANSPORT_REC * | DBDEF_GetTunedTransport (U8BIT path) |
gets the currently tuned transport More... | |
void | DBDEF_SetTunedService (U8BIT path, ADB_SERVICE_REC *s_ptr) |
Sets the currently tuned service. More... | |
ADB_SERVICE_REC * | DBDEF_GetTunedService (U8BIT path) |
Returns the currently tuned service on the given path. More... | |
void | DBDEF_SetTextLang (U8BIT *lang_ids) |
sets current text lang More... | |
U8BIT * | DBDEF_GetTextLang (void) |
returns array of current text langs More... | |
void | DBDEF_SetSecondaryTextLang (U8BIT *lang_ids) |
sets secondary text lang More... | |
U8BIT * | DBDEF_GetSecondaryTextLang (void) |
returns array of secondary text langs More... | |
void | DBDEF_SetAudioLang (U8BIT *lang_ids) |
sets current audio lang More... | |
void | DBDEF_SetSecondaryAudioLang (U8BIT *lang_ids) |
sets the secondary audio lang More... | |
U8BIT * | DBDEF_GetAudioLang (void) |
returns current audio lang More... | |
U8BIT * | DBDEF_GetSecondaryAudioLang (void) |
returns current secondary audio lang More... | |
void | DBDEF_TidyDatabaseAfterSearch (E_STB_DP_SIGNAL_TYPE tuner_type, void *satellite, BOOLEAN search_completed, BOOLEAN manual) |
Calls any country and tuner type specific function to tidy up the database following a search, such as removing duplicate services, etc. More... | |
void | DBDEF_TidyDatabaseNordig (E_STB_DP_SIGNAL_TYPE tuner_type, BOOLEAN search_completed, BOOLEAN manual) |
Iterates through all the services following a search search to see whether any need to be deleted based on the rules for that country. More... | |
void | DBDEF_TidyDatabaseUK (E_STB_DP_SIGNAL_TYPE tuner_type, BOOLEAN search_completed, BOOLEAN manual) |
Iterates through all the services following a search search to see whether any need to be deleted based on the rules for that country. More... | |
void | DBDEF_TidyDatabaseSatUK (E_STB_DP_SIGNAL_TYPE tuner_type, BOOLEAN search_completed, BOOLEAN manual) |
Iterates through all the services following a search search to see whether any need to be deleted based on the rules for that country. More... | |
void | DBDEF_TidyDatabaseDefault (E_STB_DP_SIGNAL_TYPE tuner_type, BOOLEAN search_completed, BOOLEAN manual) |
Iterates through all the services following a search search to see whether any need to be deleted based on the rules for that country. More... | |
void | DBDEF_RemoveEmptyTransports (E_STB_DP_SIGNAL_TYPE tuner_type, void *satellite) |
Delete all transport records that don't have any services. More... | |
ADB_CRID_REC * | DBDEF_AddCridRecord (U8BIT *crid, BOOLEAN series, BOOLEAN recommended) |
Creates a CRID record and adds it to the database. More... | |
void | DBDEF_SetCridDateTime (ADB_CRID_REC *c_ptr, U32DHMS date_time) |
Sets the date and time fields in the crid record. More... | |
void | DBDEF_SetCridService (ADB_CRID_REC *c_ptr, U16BIT serv_id) |
Sets the service ID in the crid record. More... | |
void | DBDEF_SetCridProgrammeName (ADB_CRID_REC *c_ptr, U8BIT *prog_name) |
Sets the programme name field of the given CRID record. More... | |
void | DBDEF_SetCridDoNotDelete (ADB_CRID_REC *c_ptr, BOOLEAN do_not_delete) |
Sets the do not delete flag in the crid record. More... | |
void | DBDEF_UpdateCridEitDate (ADB_CRID_REC *c_ptr) |
Updates the stored EIT date of this CRID with the current GMT date. More... | |
void | DBDEF_DeleteCridRecord (ADB_CRID_REC *c_ptr) |
Deletes the given CRID record from the database. More... | |
U16BIT | DBDEF_GetNumCridRecords (void) |
Returns the number of CRID records in the database. More... | |
ADB_CRID_REC * | DBDEF_GetNextCridRecord (ADB_CRID_REC *c_ptr) |
Returns the next CRID record after the one specified. If the record specified is NULL then the first record is returned. More... | |
BOOLEAN | DBDEF_IsValidCridRecord (ADB_CRID_REC *c_ptr) |
Checks whether the given crid record is in the list of valid crid records. More... | |
U16BIT | DBDEF_GetNumFavouriteLists (void) |
Returns the number of favourite lists. More... | |
ADB_FAVLIST_REC * | DBDEF_AddFavouriteList (U8BIT list_id, U8BIT *name, U32BIT user_data, S16BIT index) |
Creates a new favourite list and adds it to the list of favourite lists. Creation of the new list will fail if a list_id can't be found for it, or memory allocation fails. More... | |
ADB_FAVLIST_REC * | DBDEF_GetNextFavouriteList (ADB_FAVLIST_REC *fav_list) |
Returns the favourite list following the given item. More... | |
ADB_FAVLIST_REC * | DBDEF_FindFavouriteList (U8BIT list_id) |
Return the favourite list with the given list id. More... | |
void | DBDEF_SetFavouriteListUserData (ADB_FAVLIST_REC *fav_list, U32BIT user_data) |
Saves the given user data with a favourite list. More... | |
void | DBDEF_MoveFavouriteListTo (ADB_FAVLIST_REC *fav_list, S16BIT index) |
Changes the order of the favourite lists by moving the given list to the given position. More... | |
void | DBDEF_DeleteFavouriteList (ADB_FAVLIST_REC *fav_list) |
Deletes the given favourite list. More... | |
U16BIT | DBDEF_GetNumServicesInFavouriteList (ADB_FAVLIST_REC *fav_list) |
Returns the number of services in the given favourite list. More... | |
ADB_FAVSERV_REC * | DBDEF_AddServiceToFavouriteList (ADB_FAVLIST_REC *fav_list, ADB_SERVICE_REC *serv_ptr, S16BIT index) |
Adds a new service to the given favourite list at the given position. More... | |
ADB_FAVSERV_REC * | DBDEF_FindServiceInFavouriteList (ADB_FAVLIST_REC *fav_list, void *serv_ptr) |
Returns the ADB_FAVSERV_REC from the given favourite list for the given service. More... | |
ADB_FAVSERV_REC * | DBDEF_GetNextServiceFromFavouriteList (ADB_FAVLIST_REC *fav_list, ADB_FAVSERV_REC *fav_serv) |
Returns the next favourite list service record. More... | |
ADB_FAVSERV_REC * | DBDEF_GetPrevServiceFromFavouriteList (ADB_FAVLIST_REC *fav_list, ADB_FAVSERV_REC *fav_serv) |
Returns the previous favourite list service record. More... | |
void | DBDEF_MoveFavouriteListServiceTo (ADB_FAVLIST_REC *fav_list, ADB_FAVSERV_REC *fav_serv, S16BIT index) |
Changes the order of the services in the favourite list by moving the given service to the given position. More... | |
void | DBDEF_DeleteServiceFromFavouriteList (ADB_FAVLIST_REC *fav_list, ADB_FAVSERV_REC *fav_serv) |
Delete the given service from the given favourite list. More... | |
void | DBDEF_DeleteAllServicesFromFavouriteList (ADB_FAVLIST_REC *fav_list) |
Delete the all services from the given favourite list. More... | |
void | DBDEF_SetFavouriteListName (ADB_FAVLIST_REC *f_ptr, U8BIT *name) |
Set or change the name of the given favourite list. More... | |
BOOLEAN | DBDEF_ServiceForTunerType (ADB_SERVICE_REC *s_ptr, E_STB_DP_SIGNAL_TYPE tuner_type, void *satellite) |
Checks whether the given service is a terrestrial, cable or satellite service, and optionally check whether it's on a particular satellite. More... | |
BOOLEAN | DBDEF_TransportForTunerType (ADB_TRANSPORT_REC *t_ptr, E_STB_DP_SIGNAL_TYPE tuner_type, void *satellite) |
Checks whether the given transport is a terrestrial, cable or satellite transport, and optionally check whether it's on a particular satellite. More... | |
ADB_TIMER_REC * | DBDEF_AddTimerRec (BOOLEAN store_in_nvm) |
Creates a new timer record in the database, assigning it a unique handle. More... | |
ADB_TIMER_REC * | DBDEF_FindTimerRec (U32BIT handle) |
Returns the timer record with the given timer handle. More... | |
ADB_TIMER_REC * | DBDEF_GetNextTimerRec (ADB_TIMER_REC *timer_ptr) |
Returns the next timer record after the one given. If the argument is NULL then the first record is returned. More... | |
void | DBDEF_SortTimers (BOOLEAN date_time_order) |
Sorts timer list into date/time or alphabetical order. More... | |
void | DBDEF_DeleteTimerRec (ADB_TIMER_REC *timer) |
Deletes the given timer from the database. More... | |
U16BIT | DBDEF_GetNumProfiles (void) |
Returns the number of network profiles. | |
U16BIT | DBDEF_GetProfileList (void ***profile_list, U16BIT *active_profile) |
Gets a list of the available network profiles. More... | |
void | DBDEF_ReleaseProfileList (void **profile_list, U16BIT num_profiles) |
Frees a profile list returned by DBDEF_GetProfileList. More... | |
BOOLEAN | DBDEF_IsActiveProfile (ADB_NETWORK_REC *profile) |
Is the given profile the currently active profile? More... | |
ADB_PROFILE_TYPE | DBDEF_GetCurrentProfileType (void) |
Returns the current profile type. More... | |
void | DBDEF_SelectBroadcastProfile (void) |
Sets the broadcast profile type for for all network, transport and service record accesses. | |
void | DBDEF_PushBroadcastProfile (void) |
Saves the current profile and any related data so that it can restored using DBDEF_PopProfile(), and sets the broadcast profile type for for all network, transport and service record accesses. | |
void | DBDEF_PopProfile (void) |
Restores a previously pushed profile. | |
BOOLEAN | DBDEF_ServiceInProfile (ADB_SERVICE_REC *s_ptr) |
Checks whether the given service is valid for the current profile. There may be multiple CI+ profiles and so data related to the CAM is also checked. More... | |
BOOLEAN | DBDEF_TransportInProfile (ADB_TRANSPORT_REC *t_ptr) |
Checks whether the given transport is valid for the current profile. There may be multiple CI+ profiles and so data related to the CAM is also checked. More... | |
BOOLEAN | DBDEF_NetworkInProfile (ADB_NETWORK_REC *n_ptr) |
Checks whether the given network is valid for the current profile. There may be multiple CI+ profiles and so data related to the CAM is also checked. More... | |
ADB_NETWORK_REC * | DBDEF_FindOrAddPrivateNetwork (void *satellite) |
Find or add a private network, assigning an unused private network ID. More... | |
Application database control.
BOOLEAN DBDEF_AddAnalogService | ( | void | ) |
Adds an analogue service, transport and, if necessary, network to the database based on the current tuning parameters in the decode path.
ADB_TRANSPORT_REC* DBDEF_AddCableTransportRec | ( | U32BIT | freq_hz, |
U32BIT | symbol_rate, | ||
ADB_NETWORK_REC * | network | ||
) |
Adds a cable transport record with the given frequency and symbol rate.
freq_hz | frequency in Hz |
symbol_rate | symbol rate |
network | network the transport is on |
ADB_CRID_REC* DBDEF_AddCridRecord | ( | U8BIT * | crid, |
BOOLEAN | series, | ||
BOOLEAN | recommended | ||
) |
Creates a CRID record and adds it to the database.
crid | CRID string |
series | TRUE if this is a series CRID |
recommended | TRUE if this is a recommended programme CRID |
ADB_FAVLIST_REC* DBDEF_AddFavouriteList | ( | U8BIT | list_id, |
U8BIT * | name, | ||
U32BIT | user_data, | ||
S16BIT | index | ||
) |
Creates a new favourite list and adds it to the list of favourite lists. Creation of the new list will fail if a list_id can't be found for it, or memory allocation fails.
list_id | id to be given to the list, should be passed as 0 to have an id assigned. If an id is supplied and a list already exists with that id then no list will be created. |
name | name to be given to the list, call be NULL |
user_data | user defined value to be stored in the list, |
index | where to add the new list into the existing lists, 0 = at start, negative = at end, else 0 based index |
ADB_TRANSPORT_REC* DBDEF_AddIPTransportRec | ( | U16BIT | onet_id, |
U16BIT | tran_id, | ||
U8BIT * | url | ||
) |
Adds an IP transport record.
onet_id | original network ID, or ADB_INVALID_DVB_ID if not known |
tran_id | transport ID, or ADB_INVALID_DVB_ID if not known |
url | URL of the transport which can be NULL if not required |
ADB_STRING * | name | ||
) |
Add an LNB record to the database.
type | single, universal, unicable or used defined |
name | LNB name, NULL for no name |
ADB_LNB_BAND_REC* DBDEF_AddLNBBandRec | ( | S_STB_DP_LNB_BAND * | band_parameters, |
ADB_LNB_REC * | associated_lnb | ||
) |
Add an LNB band record to the database.
band_parameters | Structure describing the band and the expected LNB behaviour. |
associated_lnb | LNB record the band record is associated with. |
ADB_NETWORK_REC* DBDEF_AddNetworkRec | ( | U16BIT | net_id, |
ADB_SATELLITE_REC * | satellite | ||
) |
Adds a new network record to the database with the given network ID.
net_id | network ID |
satellite | satellite that contains the network, can be NULL |
ADB_SATELLITE_REC* DBDEF_AddSatelliteRec | ( | ADB_STRING * | name_str, |
U16BIT | dish_pos, | ||
U16BIT | long_pos, | ||
BOOLEAN | east_west, | ||
ADB_LNB_REC * | associated_lnb | ||
) |
Add a satellite record to the database.
name_str | satellite name |
dish_pos | |
long_pos | position in 1/10ths of a degree |
east_west | TRUE=east, FALSE=west |
associated_lnb | LNB record the satellite record is associated with |
ADB_TRANSPORT_REC* DBDEF_AddSatTransportRec | ( | U32BIT | freq_hz, |
U16BIT | symbol_rate, | ||
E_STB_DP_POLARITY | polarity, | ||
BOOLEAN | dvb_s2, | ||
E_STB_DP_MODULATION | modulation, | ||
ADB_NETWORK_REC * | network | ||
) |
Adds a satellite transport record with the given frequency, symbol rate and polarity.
freq_hz | frequency in Hz |
symbol_rate | symbol rate |
polarity | polarity |
dvb_s2 | TRUE for DVB-S2 |
modulation | modulation type |
network | network the transport is on |
ADB_SERVICE_REC* DBDEF_AddServiceRec | ( | U16BIT | serv_id, |
ADB_TRANSPORT_REC * | t_ptr | ||
) |
Adds a new service record to the service database with the given service ID and parent transport.
serv_id | service ID for the new service |
t_ptr | parent transport for the new service |
ADB_FAVSERV_REC* DBDEF_AddServiceToFavouriteList | ( | ADB_FAVLIST_REC * | fav_list, |
ADB_SERVICE_REC * | serv_ptr, | ||
S16BIT | index | ||
) |
Adds a new service to the given favourite list at the given position.
fav_list | list service is to be added to |
serv_ptr | service to be added to the list |
index | position to add the service in the list, 0 = at start, negative = at end, any other value is the position |
ADB_TRANSPORT_REC* DBDEF_AddTerrestrialTransportRec | ( | U32BIT | freq_hz, |
U8BIT | plp_id, | ||
ADB_NETWORK_REC * | network | ||
) |
Adds a terrestrial transport record with the given frequency and PLP id.
freq_hz | frequency in Hz |
plp_id | PLP id for T2, pass 0 for T |
network | network the transport is on |
ADB_TIMER_REC* DBDEF_AddTimerRec | ( | BOOLEAN | store_in_nvm | ) |
Creates a new timer record in the database, assigning it a unique handle.
store_in_nvm | save the timer in non-volatile memory |
BOOLEAN DBDEF_AllocateLcns | ( | E_STB_DP_SIGNAL_TYPE | tuner_type, |
BOOLEAN | assign_lcns | ||
) |
allocates lcns - expects allocated lcn for all services to be 0
assign_lcns | - if set to FALSE the LCNs assigned to the services as a result of running this function will be reset at the end. |
use_target_region | - TRUE if the target region info is to be used when services with duplicate LCNs are encountered. |
ADB_STRING* DBDEF_ConcatSIString | ( | ADB_STRING * | str1, |
SI_STRING_DESC * | str2 | ||
) |
Concatenates an SI_STRING_DESC string to the end of an ADB_STRING string, removing any terminating '\0' chars from the first string, and returns a new string.
str1 | string 1 |
str2 | string 2 |
ADB_SERVICE_REC* DBDEF_CopyServiceRec | ( | ADB_SERVICE_REC * | orig_serv | ) |
Creates a copy of the given service, copying the service's attributes, e.g. service name, scrambled, locked, hidden, etc, but not the runtime specific data such as the stream list or event schedule data.
Creates a copy of the given service, copying the service's attributes, e.g. service name, scrambled, locked, hidde, etc, but not the runtime specific data such as the stream list or event schedule data.
orig_serv | service to be copied |
ADB_STREAM_REC* DBDEF_CopyStreamList | ( | ADB_STREAM_REC * | slist | ) |
Creates a copy of a stream list, allocating new memory as required.
slist | list of stream recs to be copied |
ADB_STRING* DBDEF_CopyString | ( | ADB_STRING * | src_str | ) |
Creates a copy of the given ADB_STRING.
src_str | string to be copied |
void DBDEF_DeleteAllServicesFromFavouriteList | ( | ADB_FAVLIST_REC * | fav_list | ) |
Delete the all services from the given favourite list.
fav_list | favourite list |
void DBDEF_DeleteAltServList | ( | ADB_ALT_SERV_REC * | aslist | ) |
Deletes all records in a service alternate service list.
aslist | - the first alt serv record in the list |
void DBDEF_DeleteCridRecord | ( | ADB_CRID_REC * | c_ptr | ) |
Deletes the given CRID record from the database.
c_ptr | pointer to CRID record to be deleted |
void DBDEF_DeleteEventList | ( | ADB_EVENT_REC * | elist | ) |
Deletes all events in the given list.
elist | list of events to be deleted |
void DBDEF_DeleteFavouriteList | ( | ADB_FAVLIST_REC * | fav_list | ) |
Deletes the given favourite list.
fav_list | favourite list to be deleted |
void DBDEF_DeleteImageIcons | ( | ADB_IMAGE_ICON * | icon_list | ) |
Frees given list of image icons and any associated memory.
icon_list | icon list to be freed |
void DBDEF_DeleteLNBBandRec | ( | ADB_LNB_BAND_REC * | band_ptr | ) |
Deletes an LNB band record from the database.
band_ptr | pointer to record to be deleted |
void DBDEF_DeleteNetworkRec | ( | ADB_NETWORK_REC * | n_ptr | ) |
Deletes specified network record.
n_ptr | Pointer to network record |
void DBDEF_DeleteRCTLinks | ( | ADB_RCT_LINK_INFO * | links | ) |
Frees the given list of RCT links.
links | links to be freed |
void DBDEF_DeleteRecordsForTunerType | ( | E_STB_DP_SIGNAL_TYPE | tuner_type, |
void * | satellite | ||
) |
Deletes all network, transport and services records for the given tuner type.
tuner_type | tuner type |
satellite | only used when tuner_type == SIGNAL_QPSK to specify the satellite from which services should be deleted. If tuner_type is SIGNAL_QPSK and satellite is NULL then all DVB-S services will be deleted. |
void DBDEF_DeleteServiceFromFavouriteList | ( | ADB_FAVLIST_REC * | fav_list, |
ADB_FAVSERV_REC * | fav_serv | ||
) |
Delete the given service from the given favourite list.
fav_list | favourite list to delete service from |
fav_serv | service to be deleted from the favourite list |
void DBDEF_DeleteServiceRec | ( | ADB_SERVICE_REC * | s_ptr | ) |
Deletes specified service record.
s_ptr | - pointer to service record |
void DBDEF_DeleteStreamList | ( | ADB_STREAM_REC * | slist | ) |
Deletes all records in a service stream list.
slist | - the first stream record in the stream list |
void DBDEF_DeleteTimerRec | ( | ADB_TIMER_REC * | timer | ) |
Deletes the given timer from the database.
timer | timer to be deleted |
void DBDEF_DeleteTransportRec | ( | ADB_TRANSPORT_REC * | t_ptr | ) |
Deletes the given transport from the service database, deleting any service records that it's the parent of beforehand.
Deletes the given transport from the service database.
t_ptr | pointer to transport to be deleted |
ADB_TRANSPORT_REC* DBDEF_FindCableTransportRec | ( | U32BIT | freq_hz, |
U32BIT | symbol_rate | ||
) |
Find the cable transport record in the database matching the given params.
freq_hz | frequency in Hz |
symbol_rate | symbol rate |
ADB_EVENT_DESC* DBDEF_FindEventDescriptor | ( | ADB_EVENT_DESC * | start_desc, |
U8BIT | desc_tag, | ||
U32BIT | private_data_specifier | ||
) |
Searches a descriptor list for the first descriptor with the given descriptor tag.
start_desc | descriptor where the search should start |
desc_tag | descriptor tag to be found |
private_data_specifier | the value of the private data specifier that must precede the descriptor being searched for. Use 0 if it isn't required. |
ADB_FAVLIST_REC* DBDEF_FindFavouriteList | ( | U8BIT | list_id | ) |
Return the favourite list with the given list id.
list_id | favourite list id to find |
ADB_NETWORK_REC* DBDEF_FindNetworkRec | ( | U16BIT | net_id, |
ADB_SATELLITE_REC * | satellite | ||
) |
Finds the network with the given network ID.
net_id | network ID to be found |
satellite | satellite the network is on, can be NULL |
ADB_NETWORK_REC* DBDEF_FindOrAddPrivateNetwork | ( | void * | satellite | ) |
Find or add a private network, assigning an unused private network ID.
satellite | optional satellite, can be NULL |
ADB_TRANSPORT_REC* DBDEF_FindSatTransportRec | ( | U32BIT | freq_hz, |
U16BIT | symbol_rate, | ||
E_STB_DP_POLARITY | polarity, | ||
BOOLEAN | dvb_s2, | ||
E_STB_DP_MODULATION | modulation, | ||
void * | satellite | ||
) |
Find the satellite transport record in the database matching the given params.
freq_hz | frequency in Hz |
symbol_rate | symbol rate |
dvb_s2 | TRUE if DVB-S2 |
modulation | modulation type |
ADB_EVENT_REC* DBDEF_FindScheduleEventById | ( | ADB_SERVICE_REC * | s_ptr, |
U16BIT | event_id | ||
) |
Find an event for a service from its event_id.
s_ptr | service to be searched |
event_id | ID of the event to be found |
ADB_FAVSERV_REC* DBDEF_FindServiceInFavouriteList | ( | ADB_FAVLIST_REC * | fav_list, |
void * | serv_ptr | ||
) |
Returns the ADB_FAVSERV_REC from the given favourite list for the given service.
fav_list | favourite list to be searched |
serv_ptr | service to be searched for |
ADB_SERVICE_REC* DBDEF_FindServiceRec | ( | U16BIT | serv_id, |
ADB_TRANSPORT_REC * | t_ptr | ||
) |
Search for the service with the given service ID on the given transport.
serv_id | service ID |
t_ptr | transport to be searched |
ADB_SERVICE_REC* DBDEF_FindServiceRecByFreesatId | ( | ADB_SERVICE_REC * | servp, |
U16BIT | freesat_id | ||
) |
Search for a service with the given Freesat ID.
servp | start searching from this service, NULL to start from first service |
freesat_id | Freesat service ID |
ADB_SERVICE_REC* DBDEF_FindServiceRecByIds | ( | ADB_SERVICE_REC * | servp, |
U32BIT | net_id, | ||
U32BIT | onet_id, | ||
U32BIT | tran_id, | ||
U32BIT | serv_id | ||
) |
Search for a service with the given IDs.
servp | start searching from this service, NULL to start from first service |
net_id | network ID, use ADB_INVALID_DVB_ID if not to be used |
onet_id | original network ID, use ADB_INVALID_DVB_ID if not to be used |
tran_id | transport ID, use ADB_INVALID_DVB_ID if not to be used |
serv_id | service ID, use ADB_INVALID_DVB_ID if not to be used |
ADB_SERVICE_REC* DBDEF_FindServiceRecByLcn | ( | U16BIT | lcn, |
ADB_TRANSPORT_REC * | t_ptr, | ||
BOOLEAN | allocated_lcn | ||
) |
Find the service with the given LCN, and optionally on the given transport.
lcn | LCN |
t_ptr | transport the service must be on, use NULL for any transport |
allocated_lcn | TRUE if the search should be based on the LCN a service has been allocated rather than the one it requested (its service LCN) |
ADB_TRANSPORT_REC* DBDEF_FindTerrestrialTransportRec | ( | U32BIT | freq_hz, |
U8BIT | plp_id | ||
) |
Find the terrestrial transport record in the database matching the given params.
freq_hz | frequency in Hz |
plp_id | PLP id for T2, pass 0 to T |
ADB_TIMER_REC* DBDEF_FindTimerRec | ( | U32BIT | handle | ) |
Returns the timer record with the given timer handle.
handle | timer handle |
ADB_TRANSPORT_REC* DBDEF_FindTransportRecByIds | ( | ADB_TRANSPORT_REC * | transp, |
U32BIT | net_id, | ||
U32BIT | onet_id, | ||
U32BIT | tran_id | ||
) |
Find a transport record matching the given set of IDs, starting from the given transport.
transp | start search from this transport, use NULL to start from the first transport |
net_id | network ID, use ADB_INVALID_DVB_ID to ignore this value |
onet_id | original network ID, use ADB_INVALID_DVB_ID to ignore this value |
tran_id | transport ID, use ADB_INVALID_DVB_ID to ignore this value |
U8BIT* DBDEF_GetAudioLang | ( | void | ) |
returns current audio lang
ADB_PROFILE_TYPE DBDEF_GetCurrentProfileType | ( | void | ) |
Returns the current profile type.
U16BIT DBDEF_GetDeletedServiceList | ( | E_STB_DP_SIGNAL_TYPE | tuner_type, |
void *** | slist_ptr | ||
) |
tuner_type | type of tuner that will be used for the search, if SIGNAL_NONE is specified then all services marked as deleted will be returned |
slist_ptr | pointer to an array that will be allocated, value will be NULL on return if there are no services. The list must be freed using STB_AppFreeMemory |
BOOLEAN DBDEF_GetEventAudioDescriptionFlag | ( | ADB_EVENT_REC * | e_ptr | ) |
Returns whether audio description is signalled as being available for the given event.
e_ptr | event |
U8BIT DBDEF_GetEventComponentList | ( | ADB_EVENT_REC * | e_ptr, |
ADB_EVENT_COMPONENT_INFO ** | component_list | ||
) |
Retrieves a list of components associated with the specified event, as described by component descriptors in the EIT.
e_ptr | Pointer to the event |
component_list | Pointer to the returned list of components. The list must be freed by calling STB_AppFreeMemory, provided the returned number of components is greater than 0. |
U8BIT* DBDEF_GetEventContentData | ( | ADB_EVENT_REC * | e_ptr, |
U8BIT * | p_len | ||
) |
Returns the level 1 and 2 values for all content identifiers for the given event.
event_ptr | event |
p_len | address to return the number of bytes in the returned data |
U8BIT* DBDEF_GetEventCrid | ( | ADB_SERVICE_REC * | serv_ptr, |
ADB_EVENT_REC * | e_ptr, | ||
U8BIT | crid_type, | ||
U8BIT | index | ||
) |
Returns the full CRID of the type given for the given event.
serv_ptr | service for the event |
event_ptr | event CRID to be returned |
crid_type | CRID type to be returned |
index | the index of the CRID to be returned (only valid for series CRIDs) |
U8BIT* DBDEF_GetEventDescription | ( | ADB_EVENT_REC * | e_ptr | ) |
Returns the short event description text of the event as a UTF-8 string. The returned string should be freed using STB_ReleaseUnicodeString.
e_ptr | event |
U8BIT* DBDEF_GetEventExtendedDescription | ( | ADB_EVENT_REC * | e_ptr | ) |
Returns the extended event description text of the event as a UTF-8 string. The returned string should be freed using STB_ReleaseUnicodeString.
e_ptr | event |
ADB_EVENT_CONTENT DBDEF_GetEventGenre | ( | ADB_EVENT_REC * | e_ptr, |
ADB_SERVICE_REC * | s_ptr | ||
) |
Returns the genre of an event.
e_ptr | event |
s_ptr | service containing the event |
U8BIT* DBDEF_GetEventGuidance | ( | ADB_EVENT_REC * | e_ptr, |
ADB_SERVICE_REC * | s_ptr, | ||
U8BIT * | type, | ||
U8BIT * | mode | ||
) |
Returns the guidance text for an event, either from the event itself or the event's service, as a UTF-8 string. The returned string should be freed using STB_ReleaseUnicodeString.
e_ptr | event, can be NULL, in which case any guidance defined by the service will be returned |
s_ptr | service, can be NULL to just get guidance text from the event |
type | pointer to value to return the guidance type, valid if guidance text is returned |
mode | pointer to value to return the guidance mode, valid if guidance text is returned |
BOOLEAN DBDEF_GetEventHDLinkageInfo | ( | ADB_EVENT_REC * | e_ptr, |
BOOLEAN | verify_event, | ||
BOOLEAN | only_simulcast, | ||
ADB_SERVICE_REC ** | hd_serv_ptr, | ||
ADB_EVENT_REC ** | hd_event_ptr | ||
) |
Returns whether there's an HD event linked to the SD event and returns the info for it. The DVB info is checked to ensure it relates to a known service.
e_ptr | pointer to the event to check |
verify_event | TRUE, if the schedule should be checked for the target event |
only_simulcast | TRUE, if only an HD simulcast event should be returned |
hd_serv_ptr | pointer to return the service for the HD event, if found. This can be NULL if not required. |
hd_event_ptr | pointer to return the HD event, if found. Note that this will only be filled in if verify_event is TRUE. This can be NULL if not required. |
ADB_EVENT_ITEMIZED_INFO* DBDEF_GetEventItemizedDescription | ( | ADB_EVENT_REC * | e_ptr, |
U16BIT * | num_items_ptr | ||
) |
Returns the items of extended event descriptor as item descriptor and item itself.
e_ptr | event |
num_items_ptr | address in which to return the number of items |
U8BIT* DBDEF_GetEventName | ( | ADB_EVENT_REC * | e_ptr | ) |
Returns the name of the event as a UTF-8 string in the currently selected language. The returned string should be freed using STB_ReleaseUnicodeString.
e_ptr | event |
U8BIT DBDEF_GetEventParentalAge | ( | ADB_EVENT_REC * | e_ptr | ) |
Returns the parental age value for the given event.
e_ptr | event |
BOOLEAN DBDEF_GetEventSubtitlesAvailFlag | ( | ADB_EVENT_REC * | e_ptr | ) |
Returns whether DVB subtitles are signalled as being available for the given event.
e_ptr | event |
U8BIT* DBDEF_GetFullCrid | ( | ADB_SERVICE_REC * | serv_ptr, |
U8BIT * | event_str | ||
) |
Returns the full CRID for the given CRID string The returned string should be freed using STB_AppFreeMemory.
serv_ptr | service for the event |
event_str | CRID string |
ADB_CRID_REC* DBDEF_GetNextCridRecord | ( | ADB_CRID_REC * | c_ptr | ) |
Returns the next CRID record after the one specified. If the record specified is NULL then the first record is returned.
c_ptr | CRID record pointer, NULL if first record is required |
ADB_FAVLIST_REC* DBDEF_GetNextFavouriteList | ( | ADB_FAVLIST_REC * | fav_list | ) |
Returns the favourite list following the given item.
fav_list | return the item after this one, if NULL, returns the first item |
ADB_LNB_BAND_REC* DBDEF_GetNextLNBBandRec | ( | ADB_LNB_BAND_REC * | band_ptr | ) |
Returns the next LNB band record after the one given. If the argument is NULL then the first record is returned.
band_ptr | LNB band record pointer, NULL if first record is required |
ADB_LNB_REC* DBDEF_GetNextLNBRec | ( | ADB_LNB_REC * | lnb_ptr | ) |
Returns the next LNB record after the one given. If the argument is NULL then the first record is returned.
lnb_ptr | LNB record pointer, NULL if first record is required |
ADB_NETWORK_REC* DBDEF_GetNextNetworkRec | ( | ADB_NETWORK_REC * | n_ptr | ) |
Returns the network following the one given. If the argument is NULL then the first network will be returned.
n_ptr | network record, NULL if first network is required |
ADB_SATELLITE_REC* DBDEF_GetNextSatelliteRec | ( | ADB_SATELLITE_REC * | sat_ptr | ) |
Returns the next satellite record after the one given. If the argument is NULL then the first record is returned.
sat_ptr | satellite record pointer, NULL if first record is required |
ADB_FAVSERV_REC* DBDEF_GetNextServiceFromFavouriteList | ( | ADB_FAVLIST_REC * | fav_list, |
ADB_FAVSERV_REC * | fav_serv | ||
) |
Returns the next favourite list service record.
fav_list | favourite list |
fav_serv | current service, or NULL if first service to be returned |
ADB_SERVICE_REC* DBDEF_GetNextServiceOnTransport | ( | ADB_SERVICE_REC * | s_ptr, |
ADB_TRANSPORT_REC * | t_ptr | ||
) |
Find the next service following the given service that's on the given transport.
s_ptr | find the service after this one, use NULL to get the first service |
t_ptr | transport the service is on |
ADB_SERVICE_REC* DBDEF_GetNextServiceRec | ( | ADB_SERVICE_REC * | s_ptr | ) |
Returns the service after the one given. If NULL is passed then the first service in the list is returned.
s_ptr | pointer to service, NULL if first service is to be returned |
ADB_TIMER_REC* DBDEF_GetNextTimerRec | ( | ADB_TIMER_REC * | timer_ptr | ) |
Returns the next timer record after the one given. If the argument is NULL then the first record is returned.
timer_ptr | timer record pointer, NULL if first record is required |
ADB_TRANSPORT_REC* DBDEF_GetNextTransportRec | ( | ADB_TRANSPORT_REC * | t_ptr | ) |
Returns the transport following the one given. If the argument is NULL then the first transport will be returned.
t_ptr | transport record, NULL if first transport is required |
U16BIT DBDEF_GetNumCridRecords | ( | void | ) |
Returns the number of CRID records in the database.
U16BIT DBDEF_GetNumDeletedServices | ( | E_STB_DP_SIGNAL_TYPE | tuner_type | ) |
Returns the number of services that are marked as deleted for the given tuner type.
tuner_type | type of tuner that will be used for the search, if SIGNAL_NONE is specified then all services marked as deleted will be returned |
U16BIT DBDEF_GetNumFavouriteLists | ( | void | ) |
Returns the number of favourite lists.
U16BIT DBDEF_GetNumLNBBands | ( | void | ) |
Returns the number of LNB band records in the database.
U16BIT DBDEF_GetNumLNBs | ( | void | ) |
Returns the number of LNB records in the database.
U16BIT DBDEF_GetNumNetworks | ( | void | ) |
Returns the number of networks in ther service database.
U16BIT DBDEF_GetNumSatellites | ( | void | ) |
Returns the number of satellite records in the database.
U16BIT DBDEF_GetNumServices | ( | void | ) |
Returns the total number of services.
U16BIT DBDEF_GetNumServicesInFavouriteList | ( | ADB_FAVLIST_REC * | fav_list | ) |
Returns the number of services in the given favourite list.
fav_list | favourite list |
U16BIT DBDEF_GetNumTransports | ( | void | ) |
Returns the number of transports in ther service database.
ADB_FAVSERV_REC* DBDEF_GetPrevServiceFromFavouriteList | ( | ADB_FAVLIST_REC * | fav_list, |
ADB_FAVSERV_REC * | fav_serv | ||
) |
Returns the previous favourite list service record.
fav_list | favourite list |
fav_serv | current service, or NULL if last service to be returned |
ADB_SERVICE_REC* DBDEF_GetPrevServiceRec | ( | ADB_SERVICE_REC * | s_ptr | ) |
Returns the service before the one given. If NULL is passed then the last service in the list is returned.
s_ptr | pointer to service, NULL if last service is to be returned |
U16BIT DBDEF_GetProfileList | ( | void *** | profile_list, |
U16BIT * | active_profile | ||
) |
Gets a list of the available network profiles.
profile_list | address of pointer to an array that will be allocated by this function that will contain the profiles |
active_profile | pointer to return the index of the currently active profile |
U16BIT DBDEF_GetReqdADPid | ( | ADB_SERVICE_REC * | s_ptr, |
E_STB_DP_AUDIO_MODE * | ad_mode, | ||
ADB_STREAM_TYPE * | ad_type, | ||
BOOLEAN * | broadcast_mix | ||
) |
Gets the appropriate audio description pid - looks first for the pid matching exactly the required audio settings in the database, then for the pid matching the default language, then the first audip pid in the stream list. If no pid found the returned pid value will be 0.
s_ptr | - service record ptr |
ad_mode | - pointer to the returned channel setting (mono) |
ad_type | - pointer to the returned stream type (codec) |
broadcast_mix | - pointer to the returned boolean indicator of broadcast mix audio |
U16BIT DBDEF_GetReqdAudioPid | ( | ADB_SERVICE_REC * | s_ptr, |
E_STB_DP_AUDIO_MODE * | audio_mode, | ||
ADB_STREAM_TYPE * | audio_type | ||
) |
Gets the appropriate audio pid - looks first for the pid matching exactly the required audio settings in the database, then for the pid matching the default language, then the first audip pid in the stream list. If no pid found the returned pid value will be 0.
s_ptr | - service record ptr |
audio_mode | - pointer to the returned channel setting (mono, stereo, left, right) |
audio_type | - pointer to the returned stream type (codec) |
E_STREAM_MATCH_TYPE DBDEF_GetReqdCcParams | ( | ADB_SERVICE_REC * | s_ptr, |
U16BIT * | pid_ptr, | ||
BOOLEAN * | digital_cc, | ||
U8BIT * | caption_service_number, | ||
S8BIT * | cc_index | ||
) |
Gets the appropriate caption service - looks first for the params matching exactly the required subtitle settings in the database, then for the pid matching the default language, then the first subtitle stream in the stream list. If no subtitles found the returned match will be STREAM_MATCH_NONE.
s_ptr | Service record ptr |
pid_ptr | Pointer for the return of the pid |
digital_cc | Pointer for return of whether the selected CC stream is 708 digital CC, or 608 |
caption_service_number | Pointer for return of the caption service number for digital CC |
cc_index | Index of the caption service |
E_STREAM_MATCH_TYPE DBDEF_GetReqdSubtitleParams | ( | ADB_SERVICE_REC * | s_ptr, |
U16BIT * | pid_ptr, | ||
U16BIT * | cpage_ptr, | ||
U16BIT * | apage_ptr | ||
) |
Gets the appropriate subtitle pid and page ids - looks first for the params matching exactly the required subtitle settings in the database, then for the pid matching the default language, then the first subtitle stream in the stream list. If no subtitles found the returned pid will be 0.
s_ptr | - service record ptr |
pid_ptr | - pointer for the return of the pid |
cpage_ptr | - pointer for the return of the composition page |
apage_ptr | - pointer for the return of the ancilliary page |
E_STREAM_MATCH_TYPE DBDEF_GetReqdTtextPid | ( | ADB_SERVICE_REC * | s_ptr, |
BOOLEAN | for_subtitles, | ||
U16BIT * | pid_ptr, | ||
U8BIT * | magazine, | ||
U8BIT * | page | ||
) |
Gets the appropriate teletext pid - looks first for the params matching exactly the required teletext settings in the database, then for the pid matching the default language, then the first teletext stream in the stream list. If no teletext found the returned pid will be 0.
s_ptr | - service record ptr |
for_subtitles | - TRUE if subtitle stream is to be selected |
magazine | - returns the magazine defined in the stream |
page | - returns the defined page in the stream |
U16BIT DBDEF_GetReqdVideoPid | ( | ADB_SERVICE_REC * | s_ptr, |
ADB_STREAM_TYPE * | video_type | ||
) |
Returns the video pid and type that should be used for the given service from the list of video streams available. The "best one" is based on HD being better than SD and uses the priorities from the Nordig spec.
s_ptr | service |
video_type | pointer used to return the type of the video selected |
U8BIT* DBDEF_GetSecondaryAudioLang | ( | void | ) |
returns current secondary audio lang
U8BIT* DBDEF_GetSecondaryTextLang | ( | void | ) |
returns array of secondary text langs
U8BIT* DBDEF_GetServiceDefaultAuthority | ( | ADB_SERVICE_REC * | s_ptr | ) |
Returns a copy of the default authority CRID string for the given service. This string will be returned as broadcast and should be freed using STB_AppFreMemory.
c_ptr | pointer to CRID record |
E_STB_DP_FEC_LAYER DBDEF_GetServiceFecLayer | ( | ADB_SERVICE_REC * | s_ptr, |
S_STB_DP_FEC_LAYER_INFO * | fec_info | ||
) |
Set the port for a service.
s_ptr | service |
fec_info | FEC Layer information that overrides default values |
U8BIT* DBDEF_GetServiceGuidance | ( | ADB_SERVICE_REC * | s_ptr | ) |
Returns the guidance text for the service, as a UTF-8 string. The returned string should be freed using STB_ReleaseUnicodeString.
s_ptr | service |
U8BIT* DBDEF_GetServiceGuidanceData | ( | ADB_SERVICE_REC * | s_ptr, |
U8BIT * | type, | ||
U8BIT * | mode | ||
) |
Returns the guidance text for the service, as a UTF-8 string. The returned string should be freed using STB_ReleaseUnicodeString.
s_ptr | service |
type | pointer to value to return the guidance type, valid if guidance text is returned |
mode | pointer to value to return the guidance mode, valid if guidance text is returned |
ADB_STRING* DBDEF_GetServiceName | ( | ADB_SERVICE_REC * | s_ptr, |
BOOLEAN | short_name, | ||
BOOLEAN | pref_name | ||
) |
Returns a pointer to the service name, taking into account perferred names and short names, if available.
s_ptr | service |
short_name | TRUE if short name is to be returned, if available |
pref_name | TRUE if preferred name is to be returned, if available |
U16BIT DBDEF_GetServicePmtPid | ( | ADB_SERVICE_REC * | s_ptr | ) |
gets the PMT PID associated with the service
s_ptr | pointer to the service |
ADB_STRING* DBDEF_GetServiceProviderName | ( | ADB_SERVICE_REC * | s_ptr | ) |
Returns a pointer to the service provider name.
s_ptr | service |
ADB_STRING* DBDEF_GetServiceURL | ( | ADB_SERVICE_REC * | s_ptr | ) |
Gets the URL for an IP service.
s_ptr | service |
U8BIT* DBDEF_GetTextLang | ( | void | ) |
returns array of current text langs
void DBDEF_GetTransportAdditionalFrequencies | ( | ADB_TRANSPORT_REC * | t_ptr, |
U8BIT * | num_freqs, | ||
U32BIT ** | freqs | ||
) |
Returns the additional frequencies associated with a transport. The returned array should not be modified or freed.
t_ptr | transport being queried |
num_freqs | pointer to a value that returns the number of additional frequencies in the array |
freqs | pointer to an array that contains the additional frequencies |
ADB_NETWORK_REC* DBDEF_GetTunedNetwork | ( | U8BIT | path | ) |
gets the currently tuned network
ADB_SERVICE_REC* DBDEF_GetTunedService | ( | U8BIT | path | ) |
Returns the currently tuned service on the given path.
path | decode path |
ADB_TRANSPORT_REC* DBDEF_GetTunedTransport | ( | U8BIT | path | ) |
gets the currently tuned transport
BOOLEAN DBDEF_IsActiveProfile | ( | ADB_NETWORK_REC * | profile | ) |
Is the given profile the currently active profile?
profile | profile |
BOOLEAN DBDEF_IsValidCridRecord | ( | ADB_CRID_REC * | c_ptr | ) |
Checks whether the given crid record is in the list of valid crid records.
c_ptr | crid record to look for |
BOOLEAN DBDEF_LoadDatabase | ( | U8BIT * | db_pathname | ) |
Loads the service database from non-volatile storage and creates the RAM version of this data that will be used by the DVB stack.
db_pathname | pathname of the database file to be loaded, may be NULL or ignored if not relevant for the type of storage being used. |
ADB_STRING* DBDEF_MakeString | ( | U32BIT | lang_code, |
U8BIT * | str_ptr, | ||
U16BIT | nbytes | ||
) |
Creates an ADB_STRING, copying the given data into it. If the string passed in is NULL or the number of bytes is 0, then no string will be created.
lang_code | ISO 639-2 3 char language code |
str_ptr | pointer to string data to be copied into the ADB_STRING |
nbytes | number of bytes of string data |
void DBDEF_MoveFavouriteListServiceTo | ( | ADB_FAVLIST_REC * | fav_list, |
ADB_FAVSERV_REC * | fav_serv, | ||
S16BIT | index | ||
) |
Changes the order of the services in the favourite list by moving the given service to the given position.
fav_list | favourite list |
fav_serv | service to be moved |
index | position to move the service to |
void DBDEF_MoveFavouriteListTo | ( | ADB_FAVLIST_REC * | fav_list, |
S16BIT | index | ||
) |
Changes the order of the favourite lists by moving the given list to the given position.
fav_list | favourite list to be moved |
index | position to move the list to |
BOOLEAN DBDEF_NetworkInProfile | ( | ADB_NETWORK_REC * | n_ptr | ) |
Checks whether the given network is valid for the current profile. There may be multiple CI+ profiles and so data related to the CAM is also checked.
n_ptr | network to be checked |
U8BIT DBDEF_NumberOfCridsOfType | ( | ADB_EVENT_REC * | e_ptr, |
U8BIT | crid_type | ||
) |
Returns the number of CRIDs of the given type for the event.
event_ptr | counting the CRIDs for this event |
crid_type | CRID type to be returned |
U16BIT DBDEF_NumStreamsInList | ( | ADB_STREAM_REC * | slist | ) |
Returns the number of stream records in the given list.
slist | list of stream recs |
void DBDEF_ReleaseProfileList | ( | void ** | profile_list, |
U16BIT | num_profiles | ||
) |
Frees a profile list returned by DBDEF_GetProfileList.
profile_list | profile list to be freed |
num_profiles | number of profiles in the list |
void DBDEF_ReleaseString | ( | ADB_STRING * | string | ) |
Releases an ADB_STRING.
string | string to be freed |
void DBDEF_RemoveEmptyTransports | ( | E_STB_DP_SIGNAL_TYPE | tuner_type, |
void * | satellite | ||
) |
Delete all transport records that don't have any services.
tuner_type | - empty transports of this signal type will be deleted |
satellite | - if the signal type is SIGNAL_QPSK then this parameter specifies the satellite the transports must be on. Ignored if tuner type isn't SIGNAL_QPSK, and can be NULL to indicate all satellites. |
void DBDEF_SaveServiceEventSchedule | ( | ADB_SERVICE_REC * | s_ptr | ) |
Saves the event schedule of a service to the service database.
s_ptr | event data to be saved for this service |
BOOLEAN DBDEF_ServiceForTunerType | ( | ADB_SERVICE_REC * | s_ptr, |
E_STB_DP_SIGNAL_TYPE | tuner_type, | ||
void * | satellite | ||
) |
Checks whether the given service is a terrestrial, cable or satellite service, and optionally check whether it's on a particular satellite.
s_ptr | service to be checked |
tuner_type | type of tuner to check |
satellite | if tuner type is SIGNAL_QPSK then check whether the service is from this satellite. This can be NULL if the satellite isn't important and is ignored for a non-satellite tuner. |
BOOLEAN DBDEF_ServiceInProfile | ( | ADB_SERVICE_REC * | s_ptr | ) |
Checks whether the given service is valid for the current profile. There may be multiple CI+ profiles and so data related to the CAM is also checked.
s_ptr | service to be checked |
void DBDEF_SetAnalogServiceName | ( | ADB_SERVICE_REC * | s_ptr, |
U8BIT * | new_name, | ||
U8BIT | new_len | ||
) |
Updates analog service names - ASSUMES NORMAL ASCII CODED.
s_ptr | - service to be changed |
new_name | - pointer to new name |
new_len | - number of bytes in new name (incl null terminator) |
void DBDEF_SetAudioLang | ( | U8BIT * | lang_ids | ) |
sets current audio lang
lang_id | - id of required language |
void DBDEF_SetCridDateTime | ( | ADB_CRID_REC * | c_ptr, |
U32DHMS | date_time | ||
) |
Sets the date and time fields in the crid record.
c_ptr | pointer to CRID record |
date_time | date & time to set in the crid |
void DBDEF_SetCridDoNotDelete | ( | ADB_CRID_REC * | c_ptr, |
BOOLEAN | do_not_delete | ||
) |
Sets the do not delete flag in the crid record.
c_ptr | pointer to CRID record |
do_not_delete | new value of the flag |
void DBDEF_SetCridProgrammeName | ( | ADB_CRID_REC * | c_ptr, |
U8BIT * | prog_name | ||
) |
Sets the programme name field of the given CRID record.
c_ptr | pointer to CRID record |
prog_name | name string to save in the CRID record |
void DBDEF_SetCridService | ( | ADB_CRID_REC * | c_ptr, |
U16BIT | serv_id | ||
) |
Sets the service ID in the crid record.
c_ptr | pointer to CRID record |
serv_id | service ID |
void DBDEF_SetFavouriteListName | ( | ADB_FAVLIST_REC * | f_ptr, |
U8BIT * | name | ||
) |
Set or change the name of the given favourite list.
f_ptr | pointer to favourite record to be updated |
name | of the favourite list |
void DBDEF_SetFavouriteListUserData | ( | ADB_FAVLIST_REC * | fav_list, |
U32BIT | user_data | ||
) |
Saves the given user data with a favourite list.
fav_list | favourite list |
user_data | data to be stored with the list |
BOOLEAN DBDEF_SetLNB12V | ( | ADB_LNB_REC * | lnb, |
BOOLEAN | is_12v | ||
) |
Sets the LNB 12V setting.
lnb | pointer to LNB record |
is_12v | 12V setting |
BOOLEAN DBDEF_SetLNB22k | ( | ADB_LNB_REC * | lnb, |
BOOLEAN | is_22k | ||
) |
Sets the LNB 22k setting.
lnb | pointer to LNB record |
is_22k | 22k setting |
BOOLEAN DBDEF_SetLNBCSwitch | ( | ADB_LNB_REC * | lnb, |
E_STB_DP_DISEQC_CSWITCH | cswitch | ||
) |
Sets the LNB committed switch setting.
lnb | pointer to LNB record |
cswitch | switch setting |
BOOLEAN DBDEF_SetLNBDiSEqCPosition | ( | ADB_LNB_REC * | lnb, |
BOOLEAN | is_diseqc_posn | ||
) |
Sets the LNB DiSEqC position setting.
lnb | pointer to LNB record |
is_diseqc_posn | diseqc position setting |
E_STB_DP_DISEQC_TONE | diseqc_tone | ||
) |
Sets the LNB DiSEqC tone setting.
lnb | pointer to LNB record |
diseqc_tone | diseqc tone setting |
BOOLEAN DBDEF_SetLNBPower | ( | ADB_LNB_REC * | lnb, |
E_STB_DP_LNB_POWER | power | ||
) |
Sets the LNB power setting.
lnb | pointer to LNB record |
power | power setting |
BOOLEAN DBDEF_SetLNBPulsePosition | ( | ADB_LNB_REC * | lnb, |
BOOLEAN | is_pulse_posn | ||
) |
Sets the LNB pulse position setting.
lnb | pointer to LNB record |
is_pulse_posn | pulse position setting |
BOOLEAN DBDEF_SetLNBRepeats | ( | ADB_LNB_REC * | lnb, |
U8BIT | repeats | ||
) |
Sets the LNB message repeat setting in the range 0 to 3.
lnb | pointer to LNB record |
repeats | repeat setting |
BOOLEAN DBDEF_SetLNBSmatv | ( | ADB_LNB_REC * | lnb, |
BOOLEAN | is_smatv | ||
) |
Sets the LNB SMATV setting.
lnb | pointer to LNB record |
is_smatv | SMATV setting |
BOOLEAN DBDEF_SetLNBUnicable | ( | ADB_LNB_REC * | lnb, |
U32BIT | inter_freq, | ||
U8BIT | chan | ||
) |
Sets the LNB Unicable settings.
lnb | pointer to LNB record |
inter_freq | intermediate frequency setting |
chan | channel setting |
BOOLEAN DBDEF_SetLNBUSwitch | ( | ADB_LNB_REC * | lnb, |
U8BIT | uswitch | ||
) |
Sets the LNB uncommitted switch setting.
lnb | pointer to LNB record |
uswitch | switch setting |
void DBDEF_SetNetworkName | ( | ADB_NETWORK_REC * | n_ptr, |
U8BIT * | name | ||
) |
Set or change the name of the given network.
n_ptr | pointer to network record to be updated |
name | name to be given to the network, can be any format, or NULL to clear the network name |
void DBDEF_SetSatTransportTuningParams | ( | ADB_TRANSPORT_REC * | t_ptr, |
U32BIT | freq_hz, | ||
U16BIT | symbol_rate, | ||
E_STB_DP_POLARITY | polarity, | ||
BOOLEAN | dvb_s2, | ||
E_STB_DP_MODULATION | modulation, | ||
ADB_NETWORK_REC * | network | ||
) |
Sets the tuning parameters for an existing satellite transport.
t_ptr | satellite transport record |
freq_hz | frequency in Hz |
symbol_rate | symbol rate |
polarity | polarity |
dvb_s2 | TRUE for DVB-S2 |
modulation | modulation type |
network | network the transport is on, can be NULL |
void DBDEF_SetSecondaryAudioLang | ( | U8BIT * | lang_ids | ) |
sets the secondary audio lang
lang_ids | - ids of required language |
void DBDEF_SetSecondaryTextLang | ( | U8BIT * | lang_ids | ) |
sets secondary text lang
lang_ids | - array of required language ids |
void DBDEF_SetServiceDeletedFlag | ( | ADB_SERVICE_REC * | s_ptr, |
BOOLEAN | deleted | ||
) |
Marks whether a service is deleted or not.
s_ptr | service |
deleted | TRUE to mark the service as deleted, FALSE as available |
void DBDEF_SetServiceFavGroups | ( | ADB_SERVICE_REC * | s_ptr, |
U8BIT | groups | ||
) |
Sets the favourite groups for a service.
s_ptr | service |
groups | bitmask containing the favourite groups the service is to be in |
void DBDEF_SetServiceFecLayer | ( | ADB_SERVICE_REC * | s_ptr, |
E_STB_DP_FEC_LAYER | fec_layer, | ||
S_STB_DP_FEC_LAYER_INFO * | fec_info | ||
) |
Set the port for a service.
s_ptr | service |
fec_layer | FEC Layer type - no FEC, FEC Base 1D, FEC Base 2D |
fec_info | FEC Layer information that overrides default values, if NULL defaults are used |
BOOLEAN DBDEF_SetServiceName | ( | ADB_SERVICE_REC * | s_ptr, |
U8BIT * | name | ||
) |
Set or change the name of a service.
s_ptr | service |
name | name to be given to the service, can be any format, or NULL to clear the current name |
void DBDEF_SetServicePmtPid | ( | ADB_SERVICE_REC * | s_ptr, |
U16BIT | pmt_pid | ||
) |
Updates the pmt pid.
s_ptr | - service to be changed |
pmt_pid | - PID of the PMT associated with the service |
void DBDEF_SetServicePort | ( | ADB_SERVICE_REC * | s_ptr, |
U16BIT | port | ||
) |
Set the port for a service.
s_ptr | service |
port | value to be saved with the service |
BOOLEAN DBDEF_SetServiceProviderName | ( | ADB_SERVICE_REC * | s_ptr, |
U8BIT * | name | ||
) |
Set or change the name of a service's provider.
s_ptr | service |
name | name to be given to the service's provider, can be any format, or NULL to clear the current name |
BOOLEAN DBDEF_SetServiceShortName | ( | ADB_SERVICE_REC * | s_ptr, |
U8BIT * | name | ||
) |
Set or change the short name of a service.
s_ptr | service |
name | new short name of the service, can be any format, or NULL to clear the current name |
BOOLEAN DBDEF_SetServiceType | ( | ADB_SERVICE_REC * | s_ptr, |
ADB_SERVICE_TYPE | serv_type | ||
) |
Sets the service type for the given service record.
s_ptr | service |
serv_type | type of service |
BOOLEAN DBDEF_SetServiceURL | ( | ADB_SERVICE_REC * | s_ptr, |
U8BIT * | url | ||
) |
Set or change the URL for accessing an IP service.
s_ptr | service |
url | null-terminated URL string of the service, or NULL to clear it. The string will be copied. |
void DBDEF_SetTextLang | ( | U8BIT * | lang_ids | ) |
sets current text lang
lang_ids | - array of required language ids |
void DBDEF_SetTransportOrigNetworkId | ( | ADB_TRANSPORT_REC * | t_ptr, |
U16BIT | orig_net_id | ||
) |
Sets the original network ID of the given transport.
t_ptr | transport record the ID will be set for |
orig_net_id | original network ID to be set |
void DBDEF_SetTransportTransportId | ( | ADB_TRANSPORT_REC * | t_ptr, |
U16BIT | tran_id | ||
) |
Sets the transport ID of the given transport.
t_ptr | transport record the ID will be set for |
tran_id | transport ID to be set |
void DBDEF_SetTunedNetwork | ( | U8BIT | path, |
ADB_NETWORK_REC * | n_ptr | ||
) |
sets the currently tuned network
t_ptr | - pointer to the network |
void DBDEF_SetTunedService | ( | U8BIT | path, |
ADB_SERVICE_REC * | s_ptr | ||
) |
Sets the currently tuned service.
path | decode path |
s_ptr | service tuned to |
void DBDEF_SetTunedTransport | ( | U8BIT | path, |
ADB_TRANSPORT_REC * | t_ptr | ||
) |
sets the currently tuned transport
t_ptr | - pointer to the transport |
void DBDEF_SortTimers | ( | BOOLEAN | date_time_order | ) |
Sorts timer list into date/time or alphabetical order.
date_time_order | TRUE to sort into date/time order, FALSE for alphabetical |
void DBDEF_TidyDatabaseAfterSearch | ( | E_STB_DP_SIGNAL_TYPE | tuner_type, |
void * | satellite, | ||
BOOLEAN | search_completed, | ||
BOOLEAN | manual | ||
) |
Calls any country and tuner type specific function to tidy up the database following a search, such as removing duplicate services, etc.
tuner_type | tuner type used for the search |
satellite | satellite search was performed on for SIGNAL_QPSK, ignored otherwise |
search_completed | TRUE if the search completed, FALSE if terminated prematurely |
manual | TRUE if a manual search was performed, FALSE otherwise |
void DBDEF_TidyDatabaseDefault | ( | E_STB_DP_SIGNAL_TYPE | tuner_type, |
BOOLEAN | search_completed, | ||
BOOLEAN | manual | ||
) |
Iterates through all the services following a search search to see whether any need to be deleted based on the rules for that country.
tuner_type | tuner type used for the search |
search_completed | TRUE if the search completed, FALSE if terminated prematurely |
manual | TRUE if a manual search was performed, FALSE otherwise |
void DBDEF_TidyDatabaseNordig | ( | E_STB_DP_SIGNAL_TYPE | tuner_type, |
BOOLEAN | search_completed, | ||
BOOLEAN | manual | ||
) |
Iterates through all the services following a search search to see whether any need to be deleted based on the rules for that country.
tuner_type | tuner type used for the search |
search_completed | TRUE if the search completed, FALSE if terminated prematurely |
manual | TRUE if a manual search was performed, FALSE otherwise |
void DBDEF_TidyDatabaseSatUK | ( | E_STB_DP_SIGNAL_TYPE | tuner_type, |
BOOLEAN | search_completed, | ||
BOOLEAN | manual | ||
) |
Iterates through all the services following a search search to see whether any need to be deleted based on the rules for that country.
tuner_type | tuner type used for the search |
search_completed | TRUE if the search completed, FALSE if terminated prematurely |
manual | TRUE if a manual search was performed, FALSE otherwise |
void DBDEF_TidyDatabaseUK | ( | E_STB_DP_SIGNAL_TYPE | tuner_type, |
BOOLEAN | search_completed, | ||
BOOLEAN | manual | ||
) |
Iterates through all the services following a search search to see whether any need to be deleted based on the rules for that country.
tuner_type | tuner type used for the search |
search_completed | TRUE if the search completed, FALSE if terminated prematurely |
manual | TRUE if a manual search was performed, FALSE otherwise |
BOOLEAN DBDEF_TransportForTunerType | ( | ADB_TRANSPORT_REC * | t_ptr, |
E_STB_DP_SIGNAL_TYPE | tuner_type, | ||
void * | satellite | ||
) |
Checks whether the given transport is a terrestrial, cable or satellite transport, and optionally check whether it's on a particular satellite.
t_ptr | transport to be checked |
tuner_type | type of tuner to check |
satellite | if tuner type is SIGNAL_QPSK then check whether the transport is from this satellite. This can be NULL if the satellite isn't important and is ignored for a non-satellite tuner. |
BOOLEAN DBDEF_TransportInProfile | ( | ADB_TRANSPORT_REC * | t_ptr | ) |
Checks whether the given transport is valid for the current profile. There may be multiple CI+ profiles and so data related to the CAM is also checked.
t_ptr | transport to be checked |
void DBDEF_UpdateCridEitDate | ( | ADB_CRID_REC * | c_ptr | ) |
Updates the stored EIT date of this CRID with the current GMT date.
c_ptr | pointer to CRID record |