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Open Source DVB Engine
Application configuration functions. More...
#include <string.h>
#include "techtype.h"
#include "dbgfuncs.h"
#include "stbheap.h"
#include "stbdpc.h"
#include "stbsiflt.h"
#include "stbsitab.h"
#include "stbllist.h"
#include "app.h"
#include "ap_cfg.h"
#include "app_nvm.h"
#include "ap_tmr.h"
#include "ap_dbacc.h"
#include "ap_dbdef.h"
#include "ap_cfdat.h"
Macros | |
#define | NUM_COUNTRIES (sizeof(country_data_table) / sizeof(ACFG_COUNTRY_CONFIG)) |
Functions | |
U8BIT | ACFG_GetNumCountries (void) |
Returns the number of country configurations included in the DVB stack. More... | |
U32BIT | ACFG_GetCountry (void) |
Returns the country code the DVB is configured for. More... | |
U8BIT | ACFG_GetCountryIndex (U32BIT country_code) |
Returns the index in the list of countries known by the DVB, of the given country. More... | |
U8BIT | ACFG_GetRegionId (void) |
Returns the internal ID of the region the DVB is configured for. More... | |
U8BIT | ACFG_GetPrimaryAudioLangId (void) |
Returns the primary audio language ID. More... | |
U8BIT | ACFG_GetSecondaryAudioLangId (void) |
Returns the secondary audio language ID. More... | |
U8BIT | ACFG_GetPrimaryTextLangId (void) |
Returns the primary DVB subtitle/teletext language ID. More... | |
U8BIT | ACFG_GetSecondaryTextLangId (void) |
Returns the secondary DVB subtitle/teletext language ID. More... | |
BOOLEAN | ACFG_SetCountry (U32BIT country_code) |
Sets the current country and sets default values for region and language. More... | |
void | ACFG_SetCountryIds (U32BIT country_code, U8BIT region_id, U8BIT audio_lang_id, U8BIT sub_lang_id) |
Saves the configured country and changes settings related to the country. More... | |
void | ACFG_SetPrimaryAudioLangId (U8BIT lang_id) |
Sets the primary language id to be used for audio. This is the language that will be chosen first, if available. More... | |
void | ACFG_SetSecondaryAudioLangId (U8BIT lang_id) |
Sets the secondary language id to be used for audio. More... | |
void | ACFG_SetPrimaryTextLangId (U8BIT lang_id) |
Sets the primary language id to be used for teletext/subtitles. More... | |
void | ACFG_SetSecondaryTextLangId (U8BIT lang_id) |
Sets the secondary language id to be used for teletext/subtitles. More... | |
void | ACFG_GetCountryList (U8BIT ***str_array_ptr, U8BIT *num_countries_ptr) |
Returns an array containing the names of all the countries included in the DVB. The index into this array is referred to as the country_id. The returned array should be freed using ACFG_ReleaseCountryList. More... | |
void | ACFG_ReleaseCountryList (U8BIT **str_array, U8BIT num_countries) |
Frees a country list previously acquired using ACFG_GetCountryList. More... | |
BOOLEAN | ACFG_GetCountryConfig (U32BIT country_code, ACFG_COUNTRY_CONFIG *config) |
Copies the country configuration for the given country into the provided structure. None of the included arrays should be freed. More... | |
BOOLEAN | ACFG_SetCountryConfig (U32BIT country_code, ACFG_COUNTRY_CONFIG *config) |
Sets the country configuration settings that will be used for given country. This could be used to override the built-in configuration for a country but would more normally be used to set the configuration for the user defined country, if it's been included. If the config is set for the current country then ACFG_SetCountryIds will be called to ensure any country settings are changed if necessary. More... | |
U8BIT | ACFG_GetNumRegions (U32BIT country_code) |
Returns the number of regions in the given country. More... | |
U8BIT | ACFG_GetNumDbLanguages (U32BIT country_code) |
Returns the number of languages defined for the given country that can be used for audio and subtitles/teletext. More... | |
BOOLEAN | ACFG_GetRegionList (U32BIT country_code, U8BIT ***str_array_ptr, U8BIT *num_regions_ptr) |
Returns an array of pointers to strings containing the region names for the given country. The index into this array is the region_id. The array is allocated by this function and should be freed using ACFG_ReleaseRegionList. More... | |
void | ACFG_ReleaseRegionList (U8BIT **str_array, U8BIT num_regions) |
Frees the region array previously acquired using ACFG_GetRegionList. More... | |
BOOLEAN | ACFG_SetDbLanguages (U32BIT country_code, ACFG_LANGUAGE_IDS *languages, U8BIT num_languages) |
Sets the languages that can be used for setting the default primary and secondary audio, subtitle and teletext languages. These will override any languages that are defined in the country configuration. The currently set primary and secondary audio language ids will be reset to 0 if they're greater than the number of languages in the new array. More... | |
BOOLEAN | ACFG_GetDbLangList (U32BIT country_code, U8BIT ***str_array_ptr, U8BIT *num_langs_ptr) |
Returns an array of pointers to strings containing the available language names for the given country. The index into this array is the lang_id used when getting and setting audio and text language ids. The array is allocated by this function and should be freed using ACFG_ReleaseDbLangList. More... | |
U8BIT * | ACFG_GetDbLangId (U32BIT country_code, U8BIT lang_entry) |
Returns an array of language ids for a given country and index into the language array. A language id is one of the ACFG_DB_LANG_XXXX values above and there might be more than one for a given language. For example german language has two ids associated to it: ACFG_DB_LANG_GERMAN1 and ACFG_DB_LANG_GERMAN2 because german language can have two different codes, 'deu' and 'ger'. See also functions ACFG_ConvertLangIdToCode and ACFG_ConvertLangCodeToId. The returned pointer is an internal array and must not be freed. More... | |
U8BIT | ACFG_ConvertLangCodeToId (U32BIT lang_code) |
Returns the language id for the given language code. More... | |
U32BIT | ACFG_ConvertLangIdToCode (U8BIT lang) |
Returns the language code for the given language id. More... | |
void | ACFG_ReleaseDbLangList (U8BIT **str_array, U8BIT num_langs) |
Frees the language array previously acquired using ACFG_GetDbLangList. More... | |
BOOLEAN | ACFG_GetAnaRfChannelTable (U32BIT country_code, ACFG_ANA_RF_CHANNEL_DATA **rf_chan_data_ptr, U16BIT *num_entries_ptr) |
Returns a pointer to the channel table for an analog tuner for the given country. More... | |
BOOLEAN | ACFG_GetTerRfChannelTable (U32BIT country_code, ACFG_TER_RF_CHANNEL_DATA **rf_chan_data_ptr, U16BIT *num_entries_ptr) |
Returns a pointer to the channel table for a terrestrial tuner for the given country. More... | |
BOOLEAN | ACFG_GetCabRfChannelTable (U32BIT country_code, ACFG_CAB_RF_CHANNEL_DATA **rf_chan_data_ptr, U16BIT *num_entries_ptr) |
Returns a pointer to the channel table for a cable tuner for the given country. More... | |
void | ACFG_SetCableChannelTable (ACFG_CAB_RF_CHANNEL_DATA *cable_channel_data, U16BIT number_channels) |
Replaces the cable tuning table for the current country with the one provided. More... | |
U32BIT | ACFG_GetCountryCode (U8BIT country_id) |
Returns the country code for the given country index. More... | |
U16BIT | ACFG_GetOriginalNetworkID (U32BIT country_code, E_STB_DP_SIGNAL_TYPE tuner_type) |
Returns the original network ID for the given country and tuner type. More... | |
void | ACFG_SetOriginalNetworkID (U32BIT country_code, E_STB_DP_SIGNAL_TYPE tuner_type, U16BIT onet_id) |
Sets the original network ID for the given country and tuner type, replacing any existing value defined in the country's data table. More... | |
U32BIT | ACFG_GetPrivateDataSpecifier (U32BIT country_code) |
Returns the private data specifier value for the given country. More... | |
U16BIT | ACFG_GetFirstUnallocatedLcn (U32BIT country_code, E_STB_DP_SIGNAL_TYPE tuner_type) |
Returns the first LCN that should be used when assigning LCNs to services that don't appear in an LCN descriptor, or can't be assigned their desired LCN. More... | |
U16BIT | ACFG_GetLastUnallocatedLcn (U32BIT country_code, E_STB_DP_SIGNAL_TYPE tuner_type) |
Returns the last LCN that should be used when assigning LCNs to services that don't appear in an LCN descriptor, or can't be assigned their desired LCN. More... | |
BOOLEAN | ACFG_GetWatershedTimes (U32BIT country_code, U16BIT *start_time, U16BIT *end_time) |
Get the start and end times of the watershed hours for a country. More... | |
U16BIT | ACFG_GetMinSatelliteScanFreq (U32BIT country_code) |
Returns the minimum frequency to be used when performing a satellite based frequency scan in the given country. More... | |
U16BIT | ACFG_GetMaxSatelliteScanFreq (U32BIT country_code) |
Returns the maximum frequency to be used when performing a satellite based frequency scan in the given country. More... | |
U16BIT | ACFG_GetSatelliteScanFreqInc (U32BIT country_code) |
Returns the increment frequency to be used when performing a satellite based frequency scan in the given country. More... | |
U16BIT * | ACFG_GetSatelliteScanSymbolRates (U32BIT country_code) |
Returns a fixed array of symbol rates to be used when performing a satellite based frequency scan in the given country. More... | |
U8BIT | ACFG_GetSatelliteScanNumSymbolRates (U32BIT country_code) |
Returns the number of items in the fixed array of symbol rates to be used when performing a satellite based frequency scan in the given country. More... | |
BOOLEAN | ACFG_GetSatelliteScanDvbS2 (U32BIT country_code) |
Returns whether DVB-S2 should be included when performing a satellite based frequency scan in the given country. More... | |
BOOLEAN | ACFG_GetAerialPowerOptionReqd (U32BIT country_code) |
Returns whether the aerial power option is required for DVB-T/T2 for the given country. More... | |
BOOLEAN | ACFG_GetDefaultAerialPower (U32BIT country_code) |
Returns the default aerial power option setting for DVB-T/T2 for the given country. More... | |
BOOLEAN | ACFG_GetAerialTuningScreenReqd (U32BIT country_code) |
Returns whether an aerial tuning screen should be presented by the interface before performing a DVB-T/T2 scan for services for the given country. More... | |
BOOLEAN | ACFG_GetRegionCode (U32BIT country_code, U8BIT region_id, U8BIT *code_ptr) |
Returns the region code that identifies the given region. More... | |
U8BIT * | ACFG_GetEventContentTypes (U32BIT country_code) |
Returns the event content types for the given country. This defines how the content type value broadcast as part of the EIT is to be interpreted. More... | |
void | ACFG_SetBackgroundSearchTime (U16BIT start_time, U16BIT end_time) |
Sets the start and end times during which background searches are allowed run when in standby. More... | |
void | ACFG_GetBackgroundSearchTime (U16BIT *start_time, U16BIT *end_time) |
Gets the background start and end search times. More... | |
void | ACFG_SetBackgroundServiceSearch (BOOLEAN enabled) |
Enables or disables the background service search when in standby. More... | |
BOOLEAN | ACFG_GetBackgroundServiceSearch (void) |
Returns whether the background service search is enabled or not. More... | |
void | ACFG_SetBackgroundSSUSearch (BOOLEAN enabled) |
Enables or disables the background SSU search when in standby. More... | |
BOOLEAN | ACFG_GetBackgroundSSUSearch (void) |
Returns whether the background SSU search is enabled or not. More... | |
BOOLEAN | ACFG_IsNordigCountry (void) |
Returns whether the current country requires Nordig compliance for SI. More... | |
BOOLEAN | ACFG_IsNordigService (E_STB_DP_SIGNAL_TYPE tuner_type) |
Returns whether the broadcast SI data for the given tuner type is to be treated as Nordig compliant. This is in relation to the current country. More... | |
U8BIT | ACFG_GetEitSearchesPerDay (void) |
Returns the number of EIT searches that should be performed per day when the box is in standby. More... | |
U8BIT | ACFG_GetEitUpdateTime (void) |
Returns the number of minutes after which all the events should have been received during an EIT search. This is the EIT repetition time. More... | |
AllocLcnFunc | ACFG_GetTerrestrialLcnFunction (U32BIT country_code) |
Returns a pointer to a function that's used to assign LCNs following a DVB-T/T2 scan for the given country. More... | |
void | ACFG_SetTerrestrialLcnFunction (U32BIT country_code, AllocLcnFunc func_ptr) |
Overrides an existing DVB-T/T2 LCN allocation function for the given country. More... | |
AllocLcnFunc | ACFG_GetCableLcnFunction (U32BIT country_code) |
Returns a pointer to a function that's used to assign LCNs following a DVB-C scan for the given country. More... | |
void | ACFG_SetCableLcnFunction (U32BIT country_code, AllocLcnFunc func_ptr) |
Overrides an existing DVB-C LCN allocation function for the given country. More... | |
AllocLcnFunc | ACFG_GetSatelliteLcnFunction (U32BIT country_code) |
Returns a pointer to a function that's used to assign LCNs following a DVB-S/S2 scan for the given country. More... | |
void | ACFG_SetSatelliteLcnFunction (U32BIT country_code, AllocLcnFunc func_ptr) |
Overrides an existing DVB-S/S2 LCN allocation function for the given country. More... | |
DBTidyFunc | ACFG_GetTerrestrialDBTidyFunction (U32BIT country_code) |
Returns a pointer to a function that's used to tidy up the database following a DVB-T/T2 scan for the given country. More... | |
DBTidyFunc | ACFG_GetCableDBTidyFunction (U32BIT country_code) |
Returns a pointer to a function that's used to tidy up the database following a DVB-C scan for the given country. More... | |
DBTidyFunc | ACFG_GetSatelliteDBTidyFunction (U32BIT country_code) |
Returns a pointer to a function that's used to tidy up the database following a DVB-S/S2 scan for the given country. More... | |
U8BIT | ACFG_GetDefaultSecondaryLangId (void) |
Returns the default secondary language for audio and subtitles as defined for the selected country. This is used for countries that don't use the secondary language, but expect a defined language to be used if the primary one isn't available. More... | |
void | ACFG_SetUndefinedLanguageBehaviour (U32BIT lang_code) |
Sets the language code to be used when the SI descriptors contain 'und', 'qaa' or don't contain any language descriptors. More... | |
U32BIT | ACFG_GetUndefinedLanguageBehaviour (void) |
Gets the language code set by ACFG_SetUndefinedLanguageBehaviour, or 'und' if that function has not been called. More... | |
void | ACFG_SetHostCountryLanguageModuleId (U32BIT module) |
Sets the host and country module for CI stack. Value zero for disable. More... | |
BOOLEAN | ACFG_GetDynamicSIUpdate (E_STB_DP_SIGNAL_TYPE signal_type, U16BIT onet_id, E_ACFG_DYNAMIC_SI_UPDATE_TYPE update_type) |
Use to check whether a dynamic SI update type is enabled for the currently configured country and given signal type and original network ID. If an array item is found with an original network ID of ADB_INVALID_DVB_ID then this item will be used. More... | |
BOOLEAN | ACFG_SetDynamicSIUpdates (E_STB_DP_SIGNAL_TYPE signal_type, ACFG_DYNAMIC_SI_UPDATES *dynamic_updates, U8BIT num_updates) |
Sets the dynamic SI updates for the given tuner type of the currently configured country. More... | |
Application configuration functions.
U8BIT ACFG_ConvertLangCodeToId | ( | U32BIT | lang_code | ) |
Returns the language id for the given language code.
lang_code | language code |
U32BIT ACFG_ConvertLangIdToCode | ( | U8BIT | lang | ) |
Returns the language code for the given language id.
lang_id | language id |
BOOLEAN ACFG_GetAerialPowerOptionReqd | ( | U32BIT | country_code | ) |
Returns whether the aerial power option is required for DVB-T/T2 for the given country.
country_code | country code |
BOOLEAN ACFG_GetAerialTuningScreenReqd | ( | U32BIT | country_code | ) |
Returns whether an aerial tuning screen should be presented by the interface before performing a DVB-T/T2 scan for services for the given country.
country_code | country code |
BOOLEAN ACFG_GetAnaRfChannelTable | ( | U32BIT | country_code, |
ACFG_ANA_RF_CHANNEL_DATA ** | rf_chan_data_ptr, | ||
U16BIT * | num_entries_ptr | ||
) |
Returns a pointer to the channel table for an analog tuner for the given country.
country_code | country whose table is to be returned |
rf_chan_data_ptr | returned pointer to the channel table |
num_entries_ptr | number of entries in the returned channel table |
void ACFG_GetBackgroundSearchTime | ( | U16BIT * | start_time, |
U16BIT * | end_time | ||
) |
Gets the background start and end search times.
start_time | return start time in minutes since midnight |
end_time | return end time in minutes |
BOOLEAN ACFG_GetBackgroundServiceSearch | ( | void | ) |
Returns whether the background service search is enabled or not.
BOOLEAN ACFG_GetBackgroundSSUSearch | ( | void | ) |
Returns whether the background SSU search is enabled or not.
DBTidyFunc ACFG_GetCableDBTidyFunction | ( | U32BIT | country_code | ) |
Returns a pointer to a function that's used to tidy up the database following a DVB-C scan for the given country.
country_code | country code |
AllocLcnFunc ACFG_GetCableLcnFunction | ( | U32BIT | country_code | ) |
Returns a pointer to a function that's used to assign LCNs following a DVB-C scan for the given country.
country_code | country code |
BOOLEAN ACFG_GetCabRfChannelTable | ( | U32BIT | country_code, |
ACFG_CAB_RF_CHANNEL_DATA ** | rf_chan_data_ptr, | ||
U16BIT * | num_entries_ptr | ||
) |
Returns a pointer to the channel table for a cable tuner for the given country.
country_code | country whose table is to be returned |
rf_chan_data_ptr | returned pointer to the channel table |
num_entries_ptr | number of entries in the returned channel table |
U32BIT ACFG_GetCountry | ( | void | ) |
Returns the country code the DVB is configured for.
U32BIT ACFG_GetCountryCode | ( | U8BIT | country_id | ) |
Returns the country code for the given country index.
country_id | country index |
BOOLEAN ACFG_GetCountryConfig | ( | U32BIT | country_code, |
ACFG_COUNTRY_CONFIG * | config | ||
) |
Copies the country configuration for the given country into the provided structure. None of the included arrays should be freed.
country_code | 3 character country code |
config | structure into which the configuration data will be copied |
U8BIT ACFG_GetCountryIndex | ( | U32BIT | country_code | ) |
Returns the index in the list of countries known by the DVB, of the given country.
country_code | country code |
void ACFG_GetCountryList | ( | U8BIT *** | str_array_ptr, |
U8BIT * | num_countries_ptr | ||
) |
Returns an array containing the names of all the countries included in the DVB. The index into this array is referred to as the country_id. The returned array should be freed using ACFG_ReleaseCountryList.
str_array_ptr | pointer to an allocated array of static UTF-8 strings |
num_countries_ptr | pointer to the number of countries in the returned array |
U8BIT* ACFG_GetDbLangId | ( | U32BIT | country_code, |
U8BIT | lang_entry | ||
) |
Returns an array of language ids for a given country and index into the language array. A language id is one of the ACFG_DB_LANG_XXXX values above and there might be more than one for a given language. For example german language has two ids associated to it: ACFG_DB_LANG_GERMAN1 and ACFG_DB_LANG_GERMAN2 because german language can have two different codes, 'deu' and 'ger'. See also functions ACFG_ConvertLangIdToCode and ACFG_ConvertLangCodeToId. The returned pointer is an internal array and must not be freed.
country_code | country code |
lang_entry | index into the language array |
BOOLEAN ACFG_GetDbLangList | ( | U32BIT | country_code, |
U8BIT *** | str_array_ptr, | ||
U8BIT * | num_langs_ptr | ||
) |
Returns an array of pointers to strings containing the available language names for the given country. The index into this array is the lang_id used when getting and setting audio and text language ids. The array is allocated by this function and should be freed using ACFG_ReleaseDbLangList.
country_code | country code |
str_array_ptr | pointer to an allocated array of static UTF-8 strings |
num_langs_ptr | pointer to the number of languages in the returned array |
BOOLEAN ACFG_GetDefaultAerialPower | ( | U32BIT | country_code | ) |
Returns the default aerial power option setting for DVB-T/T2 for the given country.
country_code | country code |
U8BIT ACFG_GetDefaultSecondaryLangId | ( | void | ) |
Returns the default secondary language for audio and subtitles as defined for the selected country. This is used for countries that don't use the secondary language, but expect a defined language to be used if the primary one isn't available.
BOOLEAN ACFG_GetDynamicSIUpdate | ( | E_STB_DP_SIGNAL_TYPE | signal_type, |
U16BIT | onet_id, | ||
E_ACFG_DYNAMIC_SI_UPDATE_TYPE | update_type | ||
) |
Use to check whether a dynamic SI update type is enabled for the currently configured country and given signal type and original network ID. If an array item is found with an original network ID of ADB_INVALID_DVB_ID then this item will be used.
Use to check whether a dynamic SI update is enabled for the currently configured country and given signal type and original network ID. If an array item is found with an original network ID of ADB_INVALID_DVB_ID then this item will be used.
signal_type | terrestrial, satellite or cable |
onet_id | original network ID to be checked |
update_type | see whether this type of update is enabled |
U8BIT ACFG_GetEitSearchesPerDay | ( | void | ) |
Returns the number of EIT searches that should be performed per day when the box is in standby.
U8BIT ACFG_GetEitUpdateTime | ( | void | ) |
Returns the number of minutes after which all the events should have been received during an EIT search. This is the EIT repetition time.
U8BIT* ACFG_GetEventContentTypes | ( | U32BIT | country_code | ) |
Returns the event content types for the given country. This defines how the content type value broadcast as part of the EIT is to be interpreted.
country_code | country code |
U16BIT ACFG_GetFirstUnallocatedLcn | ( | U32BIT | country_code, |
E_STB_DP_SIGNAL_TYPE | tuner_type | ||
) |
Returns the first LCN that should be used when assigning LCNs to services that don't appear in an LCN descriptor, or can't be assigned their desired LCN.
country_code | country code |
tuner_type | tuner type of the value to be returned |
U16BIT ACFG_GetLastUnallocatedLcn | ( | U32BIT | country_code, |
E_STB_DP_SIGNAL_TYPE | tuner_type | ||
) |
Returns the last LCN that should be used when assigning LCNs to services that don't appear in an LCN descriptor, or can't be assigned their desired LCN.
country_code | country code |
tuner_type | tuner type of the value to be returned |
U16BIT ACFG_GetMaxSatelliteScanFreq | ( | U32BIT | country_code | ) |
Returns the maximum frequency to be used when performing a satellite based frequency scan in the given country.
country_code | country code |
U16BIT ACFG_GetMinSatelliteScanFreq | ( | U32BIT | country_code | ) |
Returns the minimum frequency to be used when performing a satellite based frequency scan in the given country.
country_code | country code |
U8BIT ACFG_GetNumCountries | ( | void | ) |
Returns the number of country configurations included in the DVB stack.
U8BIT ACFG_GetNumDbLanguages | ( | U32BIT | country_code | ) |
Returns the number of languages defined for the given country that can be used for audio and subtitles/teletext.
country_code | country code |
U8BIT ACFG_GetNumRegions | ( | U32BIT | country_code | ) |
Returns the number of regions in the given country.
country_code | country code |
U16BIT ACFG_GetOriginalNetworkID | ( | U32BIT | country_code, |
E_STB_DP_SIGNAL_TYPE | tuner_type | ||
) |
Returns the original network ID for the given country and tuner type.
country_code | country code |
tuner_type | defines the original network ID value to be returned |
U8BIT ACFG_GetPrimaryAudioLangId | ( | void | ) |
Returns the primary audio language ID.
U8BIT ACFG_GetPrimaryTextLangId | ( | void | ) |
Returns the primary DVB subtitle/teletext language ID.
U32BIT ACFG_GetPrivateDataSpecifier | ( | U32BIT | country_code | ) |
Returns the private data specifier value for the given country.
country_code | coutry code |
BOOLEAN ACFG_GetRegionCode | ( | U32BIT | country_code, |
U8BIT | region_id, | ||
U8BIT * | code_ptr | ||
) |
Returns the region code that identifies the given region.
country_code | country code |
region_id | region index |
code_ptr | pointer to value in which the code will be returned |
U8BIT ACFG_GetRegionId | ( | void | ) |
Returns the internal ID of the region the DVB is configured for.
BOOLEAN ACFG_GetRegionList | ( | U32BIT | country_code, |
U8BIT *** | str_array_ptr, | ||
U8BIT * | num_regions_ptr | ||
) |
Returns an array of pointers to strings containing the region names for the given country. The index into this array is the region_id. The array is allocated by this function and should be freed using ACFG_ReleaseRegionList.
country_code | country code |
str_array_ptr | pointer to an allocated array of static UTF-8 strings |
num_regions_ptr | pointer to the number of regions in the returned array |
DBTidyFunc ACFG_GetSatelliteDBTidyFunction | ( | U32BIT | country_code | ) |
Returns a pointer to a function that's used to tidy up the database following a DVB-S/S2 scan for the given country.
country_code | country code |
AllocLcnFunc ACFG_GetSatelliteLcnFunction | ( | U32BIT | country_code | ) |
Returns a pointer to a function that's used to assign LCNs following a DVB-S/S2 scan for the given country.
country_code | country code |
BOOLEAN ACFG_GetSatelliteScanDvbS2 | ( | U32BIT | country_code | ) |
Returns whether DVB-S2 should be included when performing a satellite based frequency scan in the given country.
country_code | country code |
U16BIT ACFG_GetSatelliteScanFreqInc | ( | U32BIT | country_code | ) |
Returns the increment frequency to be used when performing a satellite based frequency scan in the given country.
country_code | country code |
U8BIT ACFG_GetSatelliteScanNumSymbolRates | ( | U32BIT | country_code | ) |
Returns the number of items in the fixed array of symbol rates to be used when performing a satellite based frequency scan in the given country.
country_code | country code |
U16BIT* ACFG_GetSatelliteScanSymbolRates | ( | U32BIT | country_code | ) |
Returns a fixed array of symbol rates to be used when performing a satellite based frequency scan in the given country.
country_code | country code |
U8BIT ACFG_GetSecondaryAudioLangId | ( | void | ) |
Returns the secondary audio language ID.
U8BIT ACFG_GetSecondaryTextLangId | ( | void | ) |
Returns the secondary DVB subtitle/teletext language ID.
DBTidyFunc ACFG_GetTerrestrialDBTidyFunction | ( | U32BIT | country_code | ) |
Returns a pointer to a function that's used to tidy up the database following a DVB-T/T2 scan for the given country.
country_code | country code |
AllocLcnFunc ACFG_GetTerrestrialLcnFunction | ( | U32BIT | country_code | ) |
Returns a pointer to a function that's used to assign LCNs following a DVB-T/T2 scan for the given country.
country_code | country code |
BOOLEAN ACFG_GetTerRfChannelTable | ( | U32BIT | country_code, |
ACFG_TER_RF_CHANNEL_DATA ** | rf_chan_data_ptr, | ||
U16BIT * | num_entries_ptr | ||
) |
Returns a pointer to the channel table for a terrestrial tuner for the given country.
country_code | country whose table is to be returned |
rf_chan_data_ptr | returned pointer to the channel table |
num_entries_ptr | number of entries in the returned channel table |
U32BIT ACFG_GetUndefinedLanguageBehaviour | ( | void | ) |
Gets the language code set by ACFG_SetUndefinedLanguageBehaviour, or 'und' if that function has not been called.
BOOLEAN ACFG_GetWatershedTimes | ( | U32BIT | country_code, |
U16BIT * | start_time, | ||
U16BIT * | end_time | ||
) |
Get the start and end times of the watershed hours for a country.
country_code | country code |
start_time | returns the start time in minutes since midnight |
end_time | returns the end time in minutes since midnight |
BOOLEAN ACFG_IsNordigCountry | ( | void | ) |
Returns whether the current country requires Nordig compliance for SI.
BOOLEAN ACFG_IsNordigService | ( | E_STB_DP_SIGNAL_TYPE | tuner_type | ) |
Returns whether the broadcast SI data for the given tuner type is to be treated as Nordig compliant. This is in relation to the current country.
tuner_type | tuner type to be checked; SIGNAL_NONE is not a valid argument |
void ACFG_ReleaseCountryList | ( | U8BIT ** | str_array, |
U8BIT | num_countries | ||
) |
Frees a country list previously acquired using ACFG_GetCountryList.
str_array | array to be freed |
num_countries | number of items in the array |
void ACFG_ReleaseDbLangList | ( | U8BIT ** | str_array, |
U8BIT | num_langs | ||
) |
Frees the language array previously acquired using ACFG_GetDbLangList.
str_array | array of lang names to be freed |
num_langs | number of names in the array |
void ACFG_ReleaseRegionList | ( | U8BIT ** | str_array, |
U8BIT | num_regions | ||
) |
Frees the region array previously acquired using ACFG_GetRegionList.
str_array | array to be freed |
num_regions | number of items in the array |
void ACFG_SetBackgroundSearchTime | ( | U16BIT | start_time, |
U16BIT | end_time | ||
) |
Sets the start and end times during which background searches are allowed run when in standby.
start_time | start time in minutes since midnight |
end_time | end time in minutes |
void ACFG_SetBackgroundServiceSearch | ( | BOOLEAN | enabled | ) |
Enables or disables the background service search when in standby.
enabled | TRUE to enable, FALSE to disable |
void ACFG_SetBackgroundSSUSearch | ( | BOOLEAN | enabled | ) |
Enables or disables the background SSU search when in standby.
enabled | TRUE to enable, FALSE to disable |
void ACFG_SetCableChannelTable | ( | ACFG_CAB_RF_CHANNEL_DATA * | cable_channel_data, |
U16BIT | number_channels | ||
) |
Replaces the cable tuning table for the current country with the one provided.
cable_channel_data | pointer to the new table to point |
number_channels | number of entries in the channel table |
void ACFG_SetCableLcnFunction | ( | U32BIT | country_code, |
AllocLcnFunc | func_ptr | ||
) |
Overrides an existing DVB-C LCN allocation function for the given country.
country_code | country code |
pointer | to function, can be NULL if no function is to be called |
BOOLEAN ACFG_SetCountry | ( | U32BIT | country_code | ) |
Sets the current country and sets default values for region and language.
country_code | country code, as defined above (see COUNTRY_CODE_* defines) |
BOOLEAN ACFG_SetCountryConfig | ( | U32BIT | country_code, |
ACFG_COUNTRY_CONFIG * | config | ||
) |
Sets the country configuration settings that will be used for given country. This could be used to override the built-in configuration for a country but would more normally be used to set the configuration for the user defined country, if it's been included. If the config is set for the current country then ACFG_SetCountryIds will be called to ensure any country settings are changed if necessary.
country_code | 3 character country code |
config | configuration settings to be used for the country |
void ACFG_SetCountryIds | ( | U32BIT | country_code, |
U8BIT | region_id, | ||
U8BIT | audio_lang_id, | ||
U8BIT | sub_lang_id | ||
) |
Saves the configured country and changes settings related to the country.
country_code | country code |
region_id | ID of region in country, if appropriate |
audio_lang_id | ID of language to be used for audio |
sub_lang_id | ID of language to be used for subtitles/teletext |
BOOLEAN ACFG_SetDbLanguages | ( | U32BIT | country_code, |
ACFG_LANGUAGE_IDS * | languages, | ||
U8BIT | num_languages | ||
) |
Sets the languages that can be used for setting the default primary and secondary audio, subtitle and teletext languages. These will override any languages that are defined in the country configuration. The currently set primary and secondary audio language ids will be reset to 0 if they're greater than the number of languages in the new array.
country_code | country code of the country whose languages are to be set |
languages | array of languages. This array will be copied. |
num_languages | number of items in the above language array |
BOOLEAN ACFG_SetDynamicSIUpdates | ( | E_STB_DP_SIGNAL_TYPE | signal_type, |
ACFG_DYNAMIC_SI_UPDATES * | dynamic_updates, | ||
U8BIT | num_updates | ||
) |
Sets the dynamic SI updates for the given tuner type of the currently configured country.
signal_type | terrestrial, satellite or cable |
dynamic_updates | array of SI update types; the content of this array isn't copied so must continue to exist after it's set. The last element of the array must be an entry with the update type of ACFG_DYNAMIC_SI_UPDATE_NONE; the original network ID for this entry will be ignored so can be any value. |
num_updates | number of SI update entries in the provided array |
void ACFG_SetHostCountryLanguageModuleId | ( | U32BIT | module | ) |
Sets the host and country module for CI stack. Value zero for disable.
module | Module Id given by CI stack |
void ACFG_SetOriginalNetworkID | ( | U32BIT | country_code, |
E_STB_DP_SIGNAL_TYPE | tuner_type, | ||
U16BIT | onet_id | ||
) |
Sets the original network ID for the given country and tuner type, replacing any existing value defined in the country's data table.
country_code | country code |
tuner_type | defines the original network ID value to be returned |
onet_id | original network ID to be used |
void ACFG_SetPrimaryAudioLangId | ( | U8BIT | lang_id | ) |
Sets the primary language id to be used for audio. This is the language that will be chosen first, if available.
lang_id | language id |
void ACFG_SetPrimaryTextLangId | ( | U8BIT | lang_id | ) |
Sets the primary language id to be used for teletext/subtitles.
lang_id | language id |
void ACFG_SetSatelliteLcnFunction | ( | U32BIT | country_code, |
AllocLcnFunc | func_ptr | ||
) |
Overrides an existing DVB-S/S2 LCN allocation function for the given country.
country_code | country code |
pointer | to function, can be NULL if no function is to be called |
void ACFG_SetSecondaryAudioLangId | ( | U8BIT | lang_id | ) |
Sets the secondary language id to be used for audio.
lang_id | language id |
void ACFG_SetSecondaryTextLangId | ( | U8BIT | lang_id | ) |
Sets the secondary language id to be used for teletext/subtitles.
lang_id | language id |
void ACFG_SetTerrestrialLcnFunction | ( | U32BIT | country_code, |
AllocLcnFunc | func_ptr | ||
) |
Overrides an existing DVB-T/T2 LCN allocation function for the given country.
country_code | country code |
pointer | to function, can be NULL if no function is to be called |
void ACFG_SetUndefinedLanguageBehaviour | ( | U32BIT | lang_code | ) |
Sets the language code to be used when the SI descriptors contain 'und', 'qaa' or don't contain any language descriptors.
lang_code | Language code to be use when the language is undefined. ILanguage codes that are not present in db_lang_list[] (defined in ap_cfdat.h), except ADB_LANG_CODE_UNDEF, will be ignored. |