39 typedef void (*F_NOTIFY_VIDEO_AR)(E_ASPECT_RATIO ar);
Header file - Function prototypes for A/V control.
void STB_VTSetMhegVideoAlignment(E_VIDEO_ASPECT_MODE mode)
Set MHEG5 widescreen alignment.
Definition: stbvtc.c:307
void STB_VTSetVideoPrefChangedCallback(void(*callback)(void *), void *user_data)
Set video preferences change callback.
Definition: stbvtc.c:372
E_ASPECT_RATIO STB_VTGetDisplayAspectRatio(void)
Get display aspect ratio.
Definition: stbvtc.c:243
Callback used by the VTC module to determine what format conversion needs to be applied when the aspe...
Definition: vtctype.h:69
void STB_VTSetMhegEnable(BOOLEAN enable)
Turn on or off MHEG5 scaling calculation.
Definition: stbvtc.c:181
void STB_VTCSetCustomModeCallback(F_VT_CUSTOM_MODE_CALLBACK callback)
Sets the callback used to control the format conversion when the aspect mode set by STB_VTSetVideoAli...
Definition: stbvtc.c:130
void STB_VTSetHbbtvVideoWindow(S_RECTANGLE *rect)
Set video scaling by HBBTV.
Definition: stbvtc.c:347
void STB_VTSetMhegScalingResolution(U16BIT width, U16BIT height)
Set MHEG5 scaling resolution for video.
Definition: stbvtc.c:201
void STB_VTSetHbbtvEnable(BOOLEAN enable)
Turn on or off HBBTV scaling calculation.
Definition: stbvtc.c:328
Header file - Function prototypes for A/V control.
void STB_VTSetMhegAspectRatio(E_ASPECT_RATIO aspect_ratio)
Set scene aspect ratio (MHEG-5 specific)
Definition: stbvtc.c:286
void STB_VTSetVideoAlignmentPref(E_VIDEO_ASPECT_MODE pref)
Set video alignment preference.
Definition: stbvtc.c:110
void STB_VTSetVideoRatioCallback(F_NOTIFY_VIDEO_AR ar)
Set video preferences change callback.
Definition: stbvtc.c:399
void STB_VTSetMhegVideoScaling(S_RECTANGLE *scaling)
Set video scaling by MHEG5.
Definition: stbvtc.c:222
E_ASPECT_RATIO STB_VTGetVideoAspectRatio(void)
Return the current video aspect ratio.
Definition: stbvtc.c:458
System Wide Global Technical Data Type Definitions.
void STB_VTGetVideoResolution(U16BIT *width, U16BIT *height)
Return the current video resolution.
Definition: stbvtc.c:435
void STB_VTSetVideoOutput(S_RECTANGLE *output)
DVBCore application output window for entire video.
Definition: stbvtc.c:150
E_FORMAT_CONVERSION STB_VTGetDecoderFormatConversion(void)
Return the current decoder format conversion.
Definition: stbvtc.c:412
void STB_VTInitialise(void)
Initialise the VTC module.
Definition: stbvtc.c:84
void STB_VTSetDisplayAspectRatio(E_ASPECT_RATIO aspect_ratio)
Set display aspect ratio.
Definition: stbvtc.c:265