104 void STB_OSDDrawBitmap(U16BIT x, U16BIT y, U16BIT width, U16BIT height, U8BIT bits, U8BIT *data);
115 void STB_OSDReadBitmap(U16BIT x, U16BIT y, U16BIT width, U16BIT height, U8BIT bits, U8BIT *data);
162 U8BIT thick, BOOLEAN fill);
218 void STB_OSDResize(BOOLEAN scaling, U16BIT width, U16BIT height, U16BIT x_offset, U16BIT y_offset);
283 void STB_OSDDrawBitmapInRegion(
void *handle, U16BIT x, U16BIT y, U16BIT w, U16BIT h, U8BIT *bitmap, BOOLEAN non_modifying_colour);
308 void STB_OSDRegionFillRect(
void *handle, U16BIT left, U16BIT top, U16BIT width, U16BIT height, U8BIT colour);
322 #endif // _STBHWOSD_H Header file - Function prototypes for A/V control.
void STB_OSDDrawVLine(U16BIT x, U16BIT y, U16BIT height, U32BIT colour)
Draw a vertical line in the UI composition buffer.
void STB_OSDInitialise(U8BIT num_max_regions)
Initialised the OSD hardware layer functions.
void STB_OSDUpdateRegions(void)
Updates the display of all subtitle regions.
void STB_OSDFillRegion(void *handle, U8BIT colour)
Fill a region with a colour.
void STB_OSDFill(U32BIT colour, E_BLIT_OP bflg)
Clear the user interface layer to the given colour using the given blit op.
void STB_OSDSetRGBPalette(void *handle, U32BIT *trgb)
Sets the RGB palette for the given region. This function is used for Teletext.
BOOLEAN STB_OSDDisableUIRegion(void)
Disables (makes invisible) the OSD. This function needs to be implemented on platforms that cannot di...
void STB_OSDRefreshDisplayCallback(void)
Can be called by anyone to force redraw of the OSD by the UI. This function will cause the platform c...
void STB_OSDDrawRectangle(U16BIT x, U16BIT y, U16BIT width, U16BIT height, U32BIT colour, U8BIT thick, BOOLEAN fill)
Draw a rectangle in the UI composition buffer.
void STB_OSDShowRegion(void *handle)
Makes a region visible.
void STB_OSDUpdate(void)
Commit invisible UI buffer to visible surface and copy back.
U32BIT * STB_OSDGetCurrentPalette(void)
Returns a pointer to the current TRGB palette (clut). This function is used for 8 bit colour depth on...
void STB_OSDSetYCrCbPalette(void *region_handle, U32BIT *tycrcb)
Sets a regions entire palette to a T,Y,CR,CB clut.
void STB_OSDDrawBitmapInRegion(void *handle, U16BIT x, U16BIT y, U16BIT w, U16BIT h, U8BIT *bitmap, BOOLEAN non_modifying_colour)
Draw a bitmap in a specified region.
void STB_OSDReadPixel(U16BIT x, U16BIT y, U32BIT *colour)
Read a single pixel from the UI composition buffer.
void STB_OSDSetTransparency(U8BIT trans)
Sets the UI transparency level (0-100%)
void STB_OSDGetSize(U16BIT *width, U16BIT *height)
Returns the current width and height of the OSD.
Enable/Disable the OSD.
void STB_OSDDrawBitmap(U16BIT x, U16BIT y, U16BIT width, U16BIT height, U8BIT bits, U8BIT *data)
Draw a bitmap into the UI composition (invisible) buffer.
void STB_OSDSetPalette(U16BIT index, U16BIT num, U32BIT *trgb)
Sets a range of palette entries to Trans/Red/Grn/Blue levels. This function is used for 8 bit colour ...
void STB_OSDMoveRegion(void *handle, U16BIT x, U16BIT y)
Move a region to new coordinates.
void STB_OSDResize(BOOLEAN scaling, U16BIT width, U16BIT height, U16BIT x_offset, U16BIT y_offset)
Reconifugres the OSD for a new screen size.
System Wide Global Technical Data Type Definitions.
U8BIT STB_OSDGetTransparency(void)
Returns the current UI transparency level.
void STB_OSDDrawHLine(U16BIT x, U16BIT y, U16BIT width, U32BIT colour)
Draw a horizontal line in the UI composition buffer.
void * STB_OSDCreateRegion(U16BIT width, U16BIT height, U8BIT depth)
Creates a new OSD region (for subtitling)
void STB_OSDRegisterRefreshHandler(void(*func)(void))
Register app fn that can be used by the platform code OSD module to notify the application when the U...
void STB_OSDDrawPixel(U16BIT x, U16BIT y, U32BIT colour)
Draw a single pixel in the UI composition buffer.
void STB_OSDSetRegionDisplaySize(U16BIT width, U16BIT height)
Should be called to set the size of the display so that SD subtitles can be scaled correctly for an H...
void STB_OSDRegisterInUseCallback(U8BIT(*func)(void))
App registered callback to indicate if OSD is in use.
void STB_OSDHideRegion(void *handle)
Makes a region invisible.
void STB_OSDRegionFillRect(void *handle, U16BIT left, U16BIT top, U16BIT width, U16BIT height, U8BIT colour)
Fill the rectangle within the given region with the given colour.
void STB_OSDClear(U32BIT colour)
Clear the entire UI composition buffer to a single colour.
void STB_OSDDestroyRegion(void *handle)
Destroys (free the resources used by) a region.
void STB_OSDReadBitmap(U16BIT x, U16BIT y, U16BIT width, U16BIT height, U8BIT bits, U8BIT *data)
Read a bitmap from the UI composition (invisible) buffer.
BOOLEAN STB_OSDEnableUIRegion(void)
Disables (makes invisible) the OSD. This function needs to be implemented on platforms that cannot di...
void STB_OSDRegionToRegionCopy(void *handle_new, void *handle_orig)
Copy a region to another region, including palette.