DVBCore  22.3.0
Open Source DVB Engine
inc Directory Reference


file  osdtype.h [code]
 Header file - Function prototypes for A/V control.
file  stbhwav.h [code]
 Header file - Function prototypes for A/V control.
file  stbhwc.h [code]
 Function prototypes for HW control.
file  stbhwdmx.h [code]
 Header file - Function prototypes for Demux control.
file  stbhwdsk.h [code]
 Function prototypes for disk functions.
file  stbhwfp.h [code]
 Header file - Function prototypes for front panel control.
file  stbhwini.h [code]
 Header file - Function prototype for init function.
file  stbhwip.h [code]
 macros and function prototypes for public use
file  stbhwmediaplayer.h [code]
 Media player API.
file  stbhwmem.h [code]
 Header file - Function prototypes for NVM and Heap.
file  stbhwnet.h [code]
 Socket functions.
file  stbhwos.h [code]
 Header file - Function prototypes for operating system.
file  stbhwosd.h [code]
 Header file - Function prototypes for OSD control.
file  stbhwtun.h [code]
 Header file - Function prototypes for tuner control.
file  stbhwupg.h [code]
 Functions for writing upgrade modules to non volatile memory.
file  stbpvrpr.h [code]
 Header file - macros and function prototypes for public use.
file  stbver.h [code]
 Header file - Function prototypes for version numbers.