50 typedef enum e_stb_pvr_start_mode
60 typedef enum e_stb_pvr_play_mode
74 E_STB_AV_VIDEO_CODEC video_codec;
75 E_STB_AV_AUDIO_CODEC audio_codec;
STB_PVRPlayStart(U16BIT disk_id, U8BIT audio_decoder, U8BIT video_decoder, U8BIT demux,
176 void STB_PVRPlayEnabled(U8BIT audio_decoder, U8BIT video_decoder, BOOLEAN *video, BOOLEAN *audio);
188 U16BIT rec_date, U8BIT rec_hour, U8BIT rec_min);
279 U8BIT *key, U8BIT *iv, U32BIT key_len);
288 void STB_PVRPlayTrickMode(U8BIT audio_decoder, U8BIT video_decoder, E_STB_PVR_PLAY_MODE mode, S16BIT speed);
360 U8BIT *elapsed_mins, U8BIT *elapsed_secs);
387 E_STB_DMX_DESC_KEY_PARITY parity, U8BIT *key, U8BIT *iv);
389 #endif // _STBPVRPR_H BOOLEAN STB_PVRIsValidRecording(U16BIT disk_id, U8BIT *basename)
Checks whether any of the files already exist that would be created by a recording with the given bas...
BOOLEAN STB_PVRDeleteRecording(U16BIT disk_id, U8BIT *basename)
Deletes any files associated with the given base filename that were created as a result of the record...
U8BIT STB_PVRInitRecording(U8BIT num_tuners)
Initialisation for recording.
void STB_PVRSetPlaybackNotifyTime(U8BIT audio_decoder, U8BIT video_decoder, U32BIT notify_time)
Sets the time the next notification event should be sent during playback. This is required for CI+...
void STB_PVRPlaySetRetentionLimit(U8BIT audio_decoder, U8BIT video_decoder, U32BIT retention_limit, U16BIT rec_date, U8BIT rec_hour, U8BIT rec_min)
Set the retention limit for the playback. This function is used for CI+.
void STB_PVRSetPlaybackDecryptionKey(U8BIT audio_decoder, U8BIT video_decoder, BOOLEAN state, U8BIT *key, U8BIT *iv, U32BIT key_len)
Enables and sets the key that will be used to decrypt an encrypted recording during playback...
void STB_PVRSetRecordEncryptionKey(U8BIT rec_index, BOOLEAN state, U8BIT *key, U8BIT *iv, U32BIT key_len)
Enables or disables encryption and sets the encryption key to be used.
void STB_PVRReleaseRecorderIndex(U8BIT rec_index)
Releases a recording index when no longer needed.
BOOLEAN STB_PVRGetRecordingSize(U16BIT disk_id, U8BIT *basename, U32BIT *rec_size_kb)
Returns the size in kilobytes of the recording defined by the given base filename.
void STB_PVRSaveFrame(U8BIT audio_decoder, U8BIT video_decoder)
Save current frame of playback.
BOOLEAN STB_PVRPlayChangeAudio(U8BIT audio_decoder, U8BIT video_decoder, U16BIT pid, U8BIT codec)
Changes the main audio PID being decoded during playback. This can be used to switch between main aud...
S16BIT STB_PVRGetPlaySpeed(U8BIT audio_decoder, U8BIT video_decoder)
Returns the current playback speed.
void STB_PVRSetRecordStartMode(U8BIT rec_index, E_STB_PVR_START_MODE mode, U32BIT param)
Sets the startup mode for a recording. This function should be called before the recording is started...
BOOLEAN STB_PVRPlayStart(U16BIT disk_id, U8BIT audio_decoder, U8BIT video_decoder, U8BIT demux, U8BIT *basename)
Starts playback.
Header file - Function prototypes for A/V control.
void STB_PVRRecordStop(U8BIT rec_index)
Stops a recording.
BOOLEAN STB_PVRCanBeUsedForRecording(U16BIT disk_id, U8BIT *basename)
Checks whether any of the files already exist that would be created by a recording with the given bas...
void STB_PVRPlayTrickMode(U8BIT audio_decoder, U8BIT video_decoder, E_STB_PVR_PLAY_MODE mode, S16BIT speed)
Sets trick mode during playback.
BOOLEAN STB_PVRRecordStart(U16BIT disk_id, U8BIT rec_index, U8BIT *basename, U16BIT num_pids, S_PVR_PID_INFO *pid_array)
Starts recording.
BOOLEAN STB_PVRRecordResume(U8BIT rec_index)
Resumes a paused recording.
U8BIT STB_PVRAcquireRecorderIndex(U8BIT tuner, U8BIT demux)
Acquires an index to be used to reference a recording.
Definition: stbpvrpr.h:68
BOOLEAN STB_PVRRecordPause(U8BIT rec_index)
Pauses a recording currently taking place.
BOOLEAN STB_PVRIsRecordStarted(U8BIT rec_index)
Returns whether recording has been started.
void STB_PVRPlayHasVideo(U8BIT audio_decoder, U8BIT video_decoder, BOOLEAN has_video)
Informs the platform whether there's video in the file to be played. Should be called before playback...
BOOLEAN STB_PVRPlaySetPosition(U8BIT audio_decoder, U8BIT video_decoder, U32BIT position_in_seconds)
Sets the playback position after playback has started (i.e. jump to bookmark)
U8BIT STB_PVRInitPlayback(U8BIT num_audio_decoders, U8BIT num_video_decoders)
Initialisation for playback.
BOOLEAN STB_PVRRecordChangePids(U8BIT rec_index, U16BIT num_pids, S_PVR_PID_INFO *pids_array)
Changes the PIDs while recording.
System Wide Global Technical Data Type Definitions.
BOOLEAN STB_PVRApplyDescramblerKey(U8BIT rec_index, E_STB_DMX_DESC_TYPE desc_type, E_STB_DMX_DESC_KEY_PARITY parity, U8BIT *key, U8BIT *iv)
Called to apply the given descrambler key to the PID data being recorded. This function may be called...
void STB_PVRRecordEnabled(U8BIT rec_index, BOOLEAN *video, BOOLEAN *audio)
Returns status of audio/video recording.
BOOLEAN STB_PVRIsPlayStarted(U8BIT audio_decoder, U8BIT video_decoder)
Returns status of playback with the given decoders.
void STB_PVRSetPlayStartMode(U8BIT audio_decoder, U8BIT video_decoder, E_STB_PVR_START_MODE mode)
Set startup mode for playback.
Header file - Function prototypes for Demux control.
void STB_PVRPlayStop(U8BIT audio_decoder, U8BIT video_decoder)
Stops playback.
void STB_PVRPlayEnabled(U8BIT audio_decoder, U8BIT video_decoder, BOOLEAN *video, BOOLEAN *audio)
Returns whether audio and video playback has been started.
BOOLEAN STB_PVRSetPlaySpeed(U8BIT audio_decoder, U8BIT video_decoder, S16BIT speed)
Set the play speed for the specified decoder.
BOOLEAN STB_PVRGetElapsedTime(U8BIT audio_decoder, U8BIT video_decoder, U8BIT *elapsed_hours, U8BIT *elapsed_mins, U8BIT *elapsed_secs)
Returns the elapsed playback time in hours, mins & secs.