DVBCore  22.3.0
Open Source DVB Engine
src Directory Reference


file  asciimap.h [code]
 Contains character map tables for converting single byte ascii codes above 0xa0 to unicode codes.
file  fn12x10.c
 EBU Teletext driver font declaration.
file  huffman_table1.h [code]
 The data for this file is subject to the signing of a license agreement that can be obtained by contacting the DTG (www.dtg.org.uk) who will then provide the tables in electronic form.
file  huffman_table2.h [code]
 The data for this file is subject to the signing of a license agreement that can be obtained by contacting the DTG (www.dtg.org.uk) who will then provide the tables in electronic form.
file  stbcc.c
 Closed caption subtitle control, processing and rendering.
file  stbci_int.h [code]
 CI Content Control support - internal header.
file  stbcicc.c
 CI Content Control.
file  stbcikeys.c
 CI Content Control - descrambler keys.
file  stbdpc.c
 Decode Path control functions.
file  stbds.h [code]
 Header file - Function prototypes for DVB subtitles.
file  stbdsc.c
 DVB subtitle control tasks.
file  stbdsdis.c
 DVB subtitle display functions.
file  stbdsfn.c
 DVB subtitle control processing functions.
file  stbebutt.c
 EBU Teletext driver.
file  stberc.c
 Event reporting control functions.
file  stbgc.c
 General control functions.
file  stbheap.c
 Heap memory management routines.
file  stbhuffman.c
 STB midware Huffman decompression routines defined by the BBC.
file  stbhuffman.h [code]
 STB midware Huffman decompression routines defined by the BBC.
file  stbinit.c
 STB layer initialisation routine.
file  stbllist.c
 Linked list routines.
file  stbpes.c
 PES collection task, pieces together PES fragments to form completed packet and place in an appropriate queue.
file  stbpvr.c
 PVR control functions.
file  stbpvrmsg.c
 PVR message database access functions.
file  stbresmgr.c
 STB middleware resource management module source file.
file  stbresmgr.h [code]
 STB middleware resource management module header file.
file  stbsic.h [code]
 Header file - macros and function prototypes for public use.
file  stbsiflt.c
 STB layer SI filter handling.
file  stbsitab.c
 STB layer SI table parsing.
file  stbuni.c
 Contains Unicode string handling functions for STB usage.
file  stbvbi.c
 Registers and unregisters callback function for processing EBU teletext from PES data field into the VBI.
file  stbvbi.h [code]
 Header file for the function prototypes for registering callback function to process Teletext into the VBI.
file  stbvtc.c
 Video Transformations functions.
file  version.h [code]
 Header file - library version number.
file  vtc.c
 Video Transformation Calculator.
file  vtc.h [code]
 Blank description.