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Open Source DVB Engine
Decode Path control functions. More...
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <techtype.h>
#include <dbgfuncs.h>
#include "stbhwav.h"
#include "stbdpc.h"
#include "stbheap.h"
#include "stbsic.h"
#include "stberc.h"
#include "stbpvr.h"
#include "stbpvrpr.h"
#include "stbhwtun.h"
#include "stbhwdmx.h"
#include "stbhwos.h"
#include "stbresmgr.h"
#include "stbsitab.h"
#include "ca_glue.h"
Classes | |
struct | PATH_STATUS |
struct | TUNER_STATUS |
struct | DEMUX_STATUS |
Functions | |
void | STB_DPInitialise (void) |
Initialises decode path control and sets up the structures for restricting access to resources. More... | |
U8BIT | STB_DPGetNumPaths (void) |
Returns the maximum number of decode paths. More... | |
U8BIT | STB_DPAcquireTunerPath (E_STB_DP_SIGNAL_TYPE tuner_type, void *service, void *transport, E_STB_DP_RES_OWNER owner, E_STB_DP_PRIORITY priority, BOOLEAN with_decoders, BOOLEAN for_recording) |
Acquires a decode path and all the required resources (tuner, demux, audio and video decoders). If no tuners are available for live viewing then a tuner currently being used for recording will be acquired. It's assumed that there's only one live path in existence and if there's an attempt to acquire a live path but one exists with a different tuner type then the acquire will fail, so paths must be released before a new one is acquired. More... | |
U8BIT | STB_DPAcquirePlaybackPath (void *service) |
Acquires a decode path and all the required resources (demux, audio and video decoders) for playing back a recording. More... | |
BOOLEAN | STB_DPReleasePath (U8BIT path, E_STB_DP_RES_OWNER owner) |
Releases the decode path and all resources no longer needed. The path won't be released if the path is owned by a module and the owner argument doesn't match the path's owner. More... | |
void | STB_DPReleaseDecoders (U8BIT path) |
Releases all decoders from the given path. More... | |
void | STB_DPReleaseAllPaths (void) |
Releases all decode paths and all the resources they are using. More... | |
U8BIT | STB_DPAcquireCISlotForPath (U8BIT path, U8BIT *pmt_data, U8BIT *ci_protection_desc) |
Acquire a CI slot and assign it to the given path. More... | |
BOOLEAN | STB_DPUseCISlotWithPath (U8BIT path, U8BIT slot_id) |
Use the given CI slot with the given path. More... | |
void | STB_DPReleaseCISlotFromPath (U8BIT path) |
Release the CI slot associated with the given path. More... | |
U8BIT | STB_DPGetPathCISlot (U8BIT path) |
Returns the CI slot id associated with the given path. More... | |
U8BIT | STB_DPIsCISlotInUse (U8BIT start_path, U8BIT slot_id, U8BIT ignore_path) |
Checks whether a given CI slot is in use. More... | |
BOOLEAN | STB_DPAcquireCADescramblerForPath (U8BIT path, U8BIT *pmt_data, U32BIT *ca_handle) |
Acquire a CA descrambler and assign it to the given path. More... | |
void | STB_DPReleaseCADescramblerFromPath (U8BIT path) |
Release the CA descrambler associated with the given path. More... | |
BOOLEAN | STB_DPGetPathCADescrambler (U8BIT path, U32BIT *handle) |
Get the handle of the CA descrambler associated with the given path. More... | |
U8BIT | STB_DPGetLivePath (void) |
Returns the ID of the decode path being used for live viewing. More... | |
BOOLEAN | STB_DPIsLivePath (U8BIT path) |
Is the given decode path being used for live viewing. More... | |
BOOLEAN | STB_DPIsRecordingPath (U8BIT path) |
Is the given decode path being used for recording. More... | |
BOOLEAN | STB_DPIsDecodingPath (U8BIT path) |
Is the given decode path being used for decoding. More... | |
U8BIT | STB_DPGetPlaybackPath (void) |
Returns the ID of the decode path being used for playback. More... | |
U8BIT | STB_DPPathForTuner (U8BIT start_path, U8BIT tuner_num) |
Returns the decode path that is using the given tuner ID. More... | |
U8BIT | STB_DPPathForAudioDecoder (U8BIT decoder_num) |
Returns the decode path that is using the given audio decoder. More... | |
U8BIT | STB_DPPathForADDecoder (U8BIT decoder_num) |
Returns the decode path that is using the given AD decoder. More... | |
U8BIT | STB_DPPathForVideoDecoder (U8BIT decoder_num) |
Returns the decode path that is using the given video decoder. More... | |
void | STB_DPSetTunedTransport (U8BIT path, void *transport) |
Saves the given transport with the specified decode path. More... | |
void * | STB_DPGetTunedTransport (U8BIT path) |
Returns the transport saved with the given decode path. More... | |
void | STB_DPSetTunedService (U8BIT path, void *service) |
Saves the given service with the specified decode path. More... | |
void * | STB_DPGetTunedService (U8BIT path) |
Returns the service saved with the given decode path. More... | |
U8BIT | STB_DPGetPathTuner (U8BIT path) |
Returns the tuner ID acquired by the given decode path. More... | |
E_STB_DP_SIGNAL_TYPE | STB_DPGetPathTunerType (U8BIT path) |
Returns the tuner type for the given path. More... | |
void | STB_DPEnableAllTuners (void) |
Sets the 'disabled' state of all tuners to FALSE so they can all be used by the resource manager. | |
void | STB_DPSetTunerDisabled (U8BIT path, BOOLEAN disabled) |
Disables/enables the tuner associated with this decode path. More... | |
U8BIT | STB_DPGetNumEnabledTuners (void) |
Returns the number of enabled tuners (i.e. that haven't been disabled) More... | |
BOOLEAN | STB_DPIsTunerEnabled (U8BIT tuner_num) |
Returns the 'enabled' status for the given tuner number. More... | |
U8BIT | STB_DPGetPathDemux (U8BIT path) |
Returns the demux path ID acquired by the given decode path. More... | |
U8BIT | STB_DPGetPathAudioDecoder (U8BIT path) |
Returns the audio decoder ID acquired by the given decode path. More... | |
U8BIT | STB_DPGetPathVideoDecoder (U8BIT path) |
Returns the video decoder ID acquired by the given decode path. More... | |
U8BIT | STB_DPGetPathSecondaryVideoDecoder (U8BIT path) |
Returns the secondary video decoder ID acquired by the given decode path. More... | |
U8BIT | STB_DPGetPathForService (void *service) |
Checks whether any of the paths are tuned to the given service. More... | |
BOOLEAN | STB_DPCanTuneTo (E_STB_DP_SIGNAL_TYPE tuner_type, void *service, void *transport) |
Checks whether there's a tuner available to tune to the given service or transport. More... | |
U8BIT | STB_DPGetMHEGPath (void) |
Returns the path for Cabot MHEG software to use. More... | |
void | STB_DPSetOwner (U8BIT path, E_STB_DP_RES_OWNER owner) |
Sets the owner of the given path. More... | |
BOOLEAN | STB_DPSetOwnerData (U8BIT path, void *data, U32BIT data_size) |
Saves a copy of the given data with the path. If data is passed as NULL and owner data already exists, then it will be freed. if data isn't NULL and owner data exists then the new data will replace the existing data. More... | |
BOOLEAN | STB_DPIsOwnedBy (U8BIT path, E_STB_DP_RES_OWNER owner) |
Checks whether the path is owned by the given owner. More... | |
void * | STB_DPGetOwnerData (U8BIT path, U32BIT *data_size) |
Returns the owner data saved with the path. This data should not be freed. More... | |
void | STB_DPSetDecodeSource (U8BIT path, E_STB_DP_DECODE_SOURCE source, U32BIT param) |
Sets source for specified decoder. More... | |
void | STB_DPGetDecodeSource (U8BIT path, E_STB_DP_DECODE_SOURCE *source, U32BIT *param) |
Gets source for specified decoder. More... | |
BOOLEAN | STB_DPStartRecording (U8BIT path, U32BIT param) |
Requests start of recording on specified path. More... | |
void | STB_DPStopRecording (U8BIT path) |
Requests stop of recording on specified path. More... | |
BOOLEAN | STB_DPIsRecording (U8BIT path, U32BIT *handle) |
Returns status of recording on specified path. More... | |
void | STB_DPStartTune (U8BIT path) |
Requests start of tuning process. More... | |
void | STB_DPStartScan (U8BIT path) |
Requests start of tuning signal scan process. More... | |
void | STB_DPStopTune (U8BIT path) |
Stops of tuning signal scan and unlocks. More... | |
void | STB_DPTuneOff (U8BIT path) |
Requests stop of tuning and powers down tuner. More... | |
void | STB_DPStartVideoDecoding (U8BIT path) |
Requests start of channel decoding process. More... | |
void | STB_DPStartADDecoding (U8BIT path) |
Requests start of channel decoding process. More... | |
void | STB_DPStartAudioDecoding (U8BIT path) |
Requests start of channel decoding process. More... | |
void | STB_DPStartDecoding (U8BIT path) |
Requests start of channel decoding process. More... | |
void | STB_DPStopVideoDecoding (U8BIT path) |
Requests stop of channel decoding (blanks screen). More... | |
void | STB_DPStopADDecoding (U8BIT path) |
Requests stop of channel decoding. More... | |
void | STB_DPStopAudioDecoding (U8BIT path) |
Requests stop of channel decoding. More... | |
void | STB_DPStopDecoding (U8BIT path) |
Requests stop of channel decoding (blanks screen). More... | |
void | STB_DPStartSI (U8BIT path) |
Requests start of SI engine, mode is determined by flags in general control. More... | |
void | STB_DPStopSI (U8BIT path) |
Requests stop of SI engine. More... | |
void | STB_DPRequestSIExtendedEvent (U8BIT path, U32BIT start_date, U32BIT start_hour, U32BIT start_min) |
Requests SI engine to get extended event data for specified event. More... | |
U32BIT | STB_DPGetSIRequestParam1 (U8BIT path) |
Returns parameters for previous SI request. More... | |
U32BIT | STB_DPGetSIRequestParam2 (U8BIT path) |
Returns parameters for previous SI request. More... | |
U32BIT | STB_DPGetSIRequestParam3 (U8BIT path) |
Returns parameters for previous SI request. More... | |
void | STB_DPSetTuneStatus (U8BIT path, E_STB_DP_TUNE_STATUS state) |
Writes the tuning status into decode path store. More... | |
E_STB_DP_TUNE_STATUS | STB_DPGetTuneStatus (U8BIT path) |
Reads the tuning status from decode path store. More... | |
void | STB_DPSetADEnabled (U8BIT path, BOOLEAN state) |
Writes the AD Audio into decode path store. To be set to ON or OFF. The exact ON state is depends if AD PID is present or not. More... | |
void | STB_DPSetADAudio (U8BIT path, E_STB_DP_AD_AUDIO ad_audio) |
Reads the AD audio status from decode path store. More... | |
Reads the AD audio status from decode path store. More... | |
void | STB_DPSetADStatus (U8BIT path, E_STB_DP_DECODE_STATUS state) |
Writes the AD status into decode path store. More... | |
Reads the AD status from decode path store. More... | |
void | STB_DPSetAudioStatus (U8BIT path, E_STB_DP_DECODE_STATUS state) |
Writes the audio status into decode path store. More... | |
E_STB_DP_DECODE_STATUS | STB_DPGetAudioStatus (U8BIT path) |
Reads the audio status from decode path store. More... | |
void | STB_DPSetVideoStatus (U8BIT path, E_STB_DP_DECODE_STATUS state) |
Writes the video status into decode path store. More... | |
E_STB_DP_DECODE_STATUS | STB_DPGetVideoStatus (U8BIT path) |
Reads the video status from decode path store. More... | |
void | STB_DPSetSignalType (U8BIT path, E_STB_DP_SIGNAL_TYPE sigtype) |
Writes signal type value into decode path store. More... | |
E_STB_DP_SIGNAL_TYPE | STB_DPGetSignalType (U8BIT path) |
Reads the signal type value from decode path store. More... | |
void | STB_DPSetTuneRelock (U8BIT path, BOOLEAN state) |
Writes tuner auto relock flag into decode path store. More... | |
BOOLEAN | STB_DPGetTuneRelock (U8BIT path) |
Reads the tuner auto relock flag state from decode path store. More... | |
void | STB_DPSetLockEnable (U8BIT path, BOOLEAN state) |
Writes lock enable flag into decode path store. More... | |
BOOLEAN | STB_DPGetLockEnable (U8BIT path) |
Reads the lock enable flag state from decode path store. More... | |
void | STB_DPSetSearchMode (U8BIT path, BOOLEAN state) |
Writes SI search mode flag into decode path store. More... | |
BOOLEAN | STB_DPGetSearchMode (U8BIT path) |
Reads the SI search mode flag state from decode path store. More... | |
void | STB_DPSetTVSearch (U8BIT path, BOOLEAN state) |
Writes SI TV chan search flag into decode path store. More... | |
BOOLEAN | STB_DPGetTVSearch (U8BIT path) |
Reads the SI TV chan search flag state from decode path store. More... | |
void | STB_DPSetRadioSearch (U8BIT path, BOOLEAN state) |
Writes SI radio chan search flag into decode path store. More... | |
BOOLEAN | STB_DPGetRadioSearch (U8BIT path) |
Reads the SI radio chan search flag state from decode path store. More... | |
void | STB_DPSetFTASearch (U8BIT path, BOOLEAN state) |
Writes SI FTA chan search flag into decode path store. More... | |
BOOLEAN | STB_DPGetFTASearch (U8BIT path) |
Reads the SI FTA chan search flag state from decode path store. More... | |
void | STB_DPSetScramSearch (U8BIT path, BOOLEAN state) |
Writes SI scram chan search flag into decode path store. More... | |
BOOLEAN | STB_DPGetScramSearch (U8BIT path) |
Reads the SI scram chan search flag state from decode path store. More... | |
void | STB_DPSetNetworkSearch (U8BIT path, BOOLEAN state) |
Writes SI network search flag into decode path store. More... | |
BOOLEAN | STB_DPGetNetworkSearch (U8BIT path) |
Reads the SI network search flag state from decode path store. More... | |
void | STB_DPSetOTASearchMode (U8BIT path, E_STB_OTA_SW_UPGRADE_SEARCH_MODE mode) |
Sets the 'Over The Air' Software Upgrade Search Mode for a given path. More... | |
Returns the current 'Over The Air' Software Upgrade Search Mode for the given path. More... | |
BOOLEAN | STB_DPOTASearchEnabled (U8BIT path) |
Returns TRUE if the current 'Over The Air' Software Upgrade Search Mode is manual or automatic, FALSE otherwise. More... | |
void | STB_DPSetLNBPower (U8BIT path, E_STB_DP_LNB_POWER state) |
Sets LNB power on or off and writes status into decode path store. More... | |
Reads the LNB power status from decode path store. More... | |
void | STB_DPSetLNBType (U8BIT path, E_STB_DP_LNB_TYPE type) |
Writes LNB type value into decode path store. More... | |
Reads the LNB type value from decode path store. More... | |
void | STB_DPSetUserDefinedLNBBands (U8BIT path, U8BIT number_of_bands, S_STB_DP_LNB_BAND *band_definitions) |
Stores the pointer to the array of band definitions for the user defined LNB. More... | |
void | STB_DPSetLNB22k (U8BIT path, BOOLEAN state) |
Sets LNB 22kHz on or off and writes status into decode path store. More... | |
BOOLEAN | STB_DPGetLNB22k (U8BIT path) |
Reads the status of LNB 22kHz from decode path store. More... | |
void | STB_DPSetLNB12v (U8BIT path, BOOLEAN state) |
Sets LNB 12v on or off and writes status into decode path store. More... | |
BOOLEAN | STB_DPGetLNB12v (U8BIT path) |
Reads the status of LNB 12v from decode path store. More... | |
void | STB_DPSetPulsePosition (U8BIT path, BOOLEAN state) |
Enables/disables pulse positioning and writes status into decode path store. More... | |
BOOLEAN | STB_DPGetPulsePosition (U8BIT path) |
Reads the status of pulse positioning from decode path store. More... | |
void | STB_DPSetDISEQCPosition (U8BIT path, BOOLEAN state) |
Enables/disables DiSEqC positioning and writes status into decode path store. More... | |
BOOLEAN | STB_DPGetDISEQCPosition (U8BIT path) |
Reads the status of DiSEqC positioning from decode path store. More... | |
void | STB_DPSetDISEQCCSwitch (U8BIT path, E_STB_DP_DISEQC_CSWITCH state) |
Sets DiSEqC committed switch and writes status into decode path store. More... | |
Reads the status of DiSEqC committed switch from decode path store. More... | |
void | STB_DPSetDISEQCUSwitch (U8BIT path, U8BIT state) |
Sets DiSEqC uncommitted switch and writes status into decode path store. More... | |
U8BIT | STB_DPGetDISEQCUSwitch (U8BIT path) |
Reads the status of DiSEqC uncommitted switch from decode path store. More... | |
void | STB_DPSetDISEQCTone (U8BIT path, E_STB_DP_DISEQC_TONE state) |
Sets DiSEqC tone and writes status into decode path store. More... | |
Reads the status of DiSEqC tone from decode path store. More... | |
void | STB_DPSetDISEQCSMATV (U8BIT path, BOOLEAN state) |
Enables/disables DiSEqC SMATV and writes status into decode path store. More... | |
Reads the status of DiSEqC SMATV from decode path store. More... | |
void | STB_DPSetDISEQCRepeats (U8BIT path, U8BIT count) |
Sets DiSEqC repeats and writes value into decode path store. More... | |
U8BIT | STB_DPGetDISEQCRepeats (U8BIT path) |
Reads the value of DiSEqC repeats from decode path store. More... | |
U8BIT | STB_DPGetUnicableParams (U8BIT path, U32BIT unicable_if[MAX_UNICABLE_BANKS], U32BIT *lnb_lo_freq, U32BIT *lnb_hi_freq) |
Interrogates Unicable LNB for its user and local oscillator frequencies. More... | |
void | STB_DPSetUnicablePositionB (U8BIT path, BOOLEAN position_b) |
Sets whether to use the alternate satellite position (Position B) More... | |
BOOLEAN | STB_DPGetUnicablePositionB (U8BIT path) |
Gets whether Satellite Position B is currently set. More... | |
void | STB_DPSetUnicableChannel (U8BIT path, U8BIT chan) |
Sets the current Unicable Channel (User Band). More... | |
U8BIT | STB_DPGetUnicableChannel (U8BIT path) |
Gets the currently set Unicable Channel (User Band). More... | |
void | STB_DPSetUnicableFrequency (U8BIT path, U32BIT freq) |
Sets the Unicable (IF) frequency. More... | |
U32BIT | STB_DPGetUnicableFrequency (U8BIT path) |
Gets the currently set Unicable (IF) frequency. More... | |
void | STB_DPSetDishLimitE (U8BIT path) |
Sets current sat dish position as East limit. More... | |
void | STB_DPSetDishLimitW (U8BIT path) |
Sets current sat dish position as West limit. More... | |
void | STB_DPEnableDishLimits (U8BIT path, U16BIT ecount, U16BIT wcount) |
Enables sat dish limits. More... | |
void | STB_DPDisableDishLimits (U8BIT path) |
Disables sat dish limits. More... | |
void | STB_DPStartDishMoveE (U8BIT path, U16BIT count) |
Starts sat dish moving east. More... | |
void | STB_DPStartDishMoveW (U8BIT path, U16BIT count) |
Starts sat dish moving west. More... | |
void | STB_DPStopDishMove (U8BIT path) |
Stops sat dish moving. More... | |
void | STB_DPCentreDishMove (U8BIT path) |
Moves dish to centre. More... | |
void | STB_DPStoreDishPosition (U8BIT path, U16BIT count) |
Stores sat dish position as given DiSEqC index number, or pulse count. More... | |
void | STB_DPSetDishPosition (U8BIT path, U16BIT count) |
Writes sat dish position value into decode path store. More... | |
U16BIT | STB_DPGetDishPosition (U8BIT path) |
Reads the actual sat dish position value. More... | |
U16BIT | STB_DPGetDishRequest (U8BIT path) |
Reads the sat dish position value from decode path store. More... | |
void | STB_DPSetSkewPosition (U8BIT path, U16BIT count) |
Writes sat skew position value into decode path store. More... | |
U16BIT | STB_DPGetSkewPosition (U8BIT path) |
Reads the sat skew position value from decode path store. More... | |
void | STB_DPSetFrequency (U8BIT path, U32BIT freq) |
Writes frequency value into decode path store. More... | |
U32BIT | STB_DPGetFrequency (U8BIT path) |
Reads the frequency value from decode path store. More... | |
void | STB_DPSetPolarity (U8BIT path, E_STB_DP_POLARITY pol) |
Writes polarity value into decode path store. More... | |
E_STB_DP_POLARITY | STB_DPGetPolarity (U8BIT path) |
Reads the polarity value from decode path store. More... | |
void | STB_DPSetSymbolRate (U8BIT path, U16BIT sym) |
Writes symbol rate value into decode path store. More... | |
U16BIT | STB_DPGetSymbolRate (U8BIT path) |
Reads the symbol rate value from decode path store. More... | |
void | STB_DPSetFEC (U8BIT path, E_STB_DP_FEC fec) |
Writes FEC value into decode path store. More... | |
Reads the FEC value from decode path store. More... | |
void | STB_DPSetDVBS2 (U8BIT path, BOOLEAN dvb_s2) |
Set whether the satellite should be tuned to DVB-S/S2 for the tuner in the given decode path. More... | |
Returns whether the sat tuner is tuned to DVB-S or DVB-S2. More... | |
void | STB_DPSetModulation (U8BIT path, E_STB_DP_MODULATION modulation) |
Set the satellite modulation for the tuner in the given decode path. More... | |
E_STB_DP_MODULATION | STB_DPGetModulation (U8BIT path) |
Returns the satellite modulation type for the give decode path. More... | |
void | STB_DPSetTerrMode (U8BIT path, E_STB_DP_TMODE mode) |
Writes terrestrial tuning mode value into decode path store. More... | |
E_STB_DP_TMODE | STB_DPGetTerrMode (U8BIT path) |
Reads the terrestrial tuning mode value from decode path store. More... | |
void | STB_DPSetTerrBandwidth (U8BIT path, E_STB_DP_TBWIDTH bwidth) |
Writes terrestrial bandwidth value into decode path store. More... | |
E_STB_DP_TBWIDTH | STB_DPGetTerrBandwidth (U8BIT path) |
Reads the terrestrial frequency offset value from decode path store. More... | |
void | STB_DPSetTerrFreqOff (U8BIT path, S8BIT offset) |
Writes terrestrial frequency offset value into decode path store. More... | |
S8BIT | STB_DPGetTerrFreqOff (U8BIT path) |
Reads the terrestrial frequency offset value from decode path store. More... | |
void | STB_DPSetTerrType (U8BIT path, E_STB_DP_TTYPE type) |
Sets terrestrial tuning type into decode path store. More... | |
E_STB_DP_TTYPE | STB_DPGetTerrType (U8BIT path) |
Reads the terrestrial tuner type from decode path store. More... | |
void | STB_DPSetTerrPLP (U8BIT path, U8BIT plp_id) |
Sets terrestrial T2 PLP id into decode path store. More... | |
U8BIT | STB_DPGetTerrPLP (U8BIT path) |
Reads the terrestrial T2 PLP id from decode path store. More... | |
void | STB_DPSetCableMode (U8BIT path, E_STB_DP_CMODE mode) |
Writes cable tuning mode value into decode path store. More... | |
E_STB_DP_CMODE | STB_DPGetCableMode (U8BIT path) |
Reads the cable tuning mode value from decode path store. More... | |
void | STB_DPSetAnalogVideoType (U8BIT path, E_STB_DP_ANALOG_VIDEO_TYPE vtype) |
Writes analogue video type into decode path store. More... | |
E_STB_DP_ANALOG_VIDEO_TYPE | STB_DPGetAnalogVideoType (U8BIT path) |
Reads the analogue video type value from decode path store. More... | |
void | STB_DPSetAnalogFreqOff (U8BIT path, S8BIT offset) |
Writes analogue frequency offset value into decode path store. More... | |
S8BIT | STB_DPGetAnalogFreqOff (U8BIT path) |
Reads the analogue frequency offset value from decode path store. More... | |
void | STB_DPSetAdditionalFrequencies (U8BIT path, U8BIT num_freqs, U32BIT *frequencies) |
Sets an array of frequencies that can be tried when tuning to a transport if the tuner fails to lock using the primary frequency. More... | |
BOOLEAN | STB_DPTryAdditionalFrequency (U8BIT tuner_num) |
Checks to see if there's an additional frequency available on the given decode path that hasn't yet been tried and sets it as the next frequency for tuning. More... | |
void | STB_DPSetURL (U8BIT path, U8BIT *url, U16BIT port) |
Sets the full URL to be used to tune to an IP service. More... | |
void | STB_DPSetFecLayer (U8BIT path, E_STB_DP_FEC_LAYER fec_layer, S_STB_DP_FEC_LAYER_INFO *fec_info) |
Sets the Forward Error Correction (FEC) Layer used on the IP service to be tuned. More... | |
void | STB_DPSetPCRPID (U8BIT path, U16BIT pid) |
Writes PCR PID value into decode path store. More... | |
Reads the PCR PID value from decode path store. More... | |
void | STB_DPSetVideoPID (U8BIT path, U16BIT pid) |
Writes video PID value into decode path store. More... | |
U16BIT | STB_DPGetVideoPID (U8BIT path) |
Reads the video PID value from decode path store. More... | |
void | STB_DPSetAudioPID (U8BIT path, U16BIT pid) |
Writes audio PID value into decode path store. More... | |
U16BIT | STB_DPGetAudioPID (U8BIT path) |
Reads the audio PID value from decode path store. More... | |
void | STB_DPSetADPID (U8BIT path, U16BIT pid) |
Writes AD PID value into decode path store. More... | |
U16BIT | STB_DPGetADPID (U8BIT path) |
Reads the audio PID value from decode path store. More... | |
void | STB_DPSetTextPID (U8BIT path, U16BIT pid) |
Writes teletext PID value into decode path store. More... | |
U16BIT | STB_DPGetTextPID (U8BIT path) |
Reads the teletext PID value from decode path store. More... | |
void | STB_DPSetDataPID (U8BIT path, U16BIT pid) |
Writes data PID value into decode path store. More... | |
U16BIT | STB_DPGetDataPID (U8BIT path) |
Reads the data PID value from decode path store. More... | |
void | STB_DPSetDecodePIDs (U8BIT path, U16BIT pcr_pid, U16BIT video_pid, U16BIT audio_pid, U16BIT text_pid, U16BIT data_pid, U16BIT AD_pid) |
void | STB_DPSetADMode (U8BIT path, E_STB_DP_AUDIO_MODE mode) |
Writes AD mode value into decode path store. More... | |
Reads the AD mode value from decode path store. More... | |
void | STB_DPSetAudioMode (U8BIT path, E_STB_DP_AUDIO_MODE mode) |
Writes audio mode value into decode path store. More... | |
E_STB_DP_AUDIO_MODE | STB_DPGetAudioMode (U8BIT path) |
Reads the audio mode value from decode path store. More... | |
void | STB_DPSetLockMode (U8BIT path, BOOLEAN mode) |
Writes lock mode value into decode path store. More... | |
BOOLEAN | STB_DPGetLockMode (U8BIT path) |
Reads the lock mode value from decode path store. More... | |
BOOLEAN | STB_DPSetVideoCodec (U8BIT path, E_STB_DP_VIDEO_CODEC codec) |
Sets the type of CODEC to be used for Video decoding. More... | |
E_STB_DP_VIDEO_CODEC | STB_DPGetVideoCodec (U8BIT path) |
Returns the type of CODEC to be used for Video decoding. More... | |
Sets the type of CODEC to be used for AD decoding. More... | |
Returns the type of CODEC to be used for AD decoding. More... | |
BOOLEAN | STB_DPSetAudioCodec (U8BIT path, E_STB_DP_AUDIO_CODEC codec) |
Sets the type of CODEC to be used for Audio decoding. More... | |
E_STB_DP_AUDIO_CODEC | STB_DPGetAudioCodec (U8BIT path) |
Returns the type of CODEC to be used for Audio decoding. More... | |
Decode Path control functions.
#define IS_LIVE_PATH | ( | path | ) |
#define IS_PLAYBACK_PATH | ( | path | ) |
#define IS_RECORDING_PATH | ( | path | ) |
BOOLEAN STB_DPAcquireCADescramblerForPath | ( | U8BIT | path, |
U8BIT * | pmt_data, | ||
U32BIT * | ca_handle | ||
) |
Acquire a CA descrambler and assign it to the given path.
path | - decode path wanting the CI slot resource |
pmt_data | - pmt section data for the present service on the path |
ca_handle | - pointer in which the CA descrambler handle is returned |
U8BIT STB_DPAcquireCISlotForPath | ( | U8BIT | path, |
U8BIT * | pmt_data, | ||
U8BIT * | ci_protection_desc | ||
) |
Acquire a CI slot and assign it to the given path.
path | - decode path wanting the CI slot resource |
U8BIT STB_DPAcquirePlaybackPath | ( | void * | service | ) |
Acquires a decode path and all the required resources (demux, audio and video decoders) for playing back a recording.
void | *service - service pointer associated to the playback |
U8BIT STB_DPAcquireTunerPath | ( | E_STB_DP_SIGNAL_TYPE | tuner_type, |
void * | service, | ||
void * | transport, | ||
E_STB_DP_RES_OWNER | owner, | ||
E_STB_DP_PRIORITY | priority, | ||
BOOLEAN | with_decoders, | ||
BOOLEAN | for_recording | ||
) |
Acquires a decode path and all the required resources (tuner, demux, audio and video decoders). If no tuners are available for live viewing then a tuner currently being used for recording will be acquired. It's assumed that there's only one live path in existence and if there's an attempt to acquire a live path but one exists with a different tuner type then the acquire will fail, so paths must be released before a new one is acquired.
tuner_type | - type of tuner to be acquired |
service | - the service that the path will be tuned to, can be NULL |
transport | - the transport that the path will be tuned to, can be NULL |
owner | - module that's acquiring ownership of the path |
priority | - used to control acquisition of a tuner; high priority may result in a tuner that's already in use by a lower priority path being acquired, but low priority will never reuse a tuner if the tuner isn't already tuned to the correct transport. |
with_decoders | - TRUE if decoding resources are to be acquired |
for_recording | - TRUE if the path will be used for recording |
BOOLEAN STB_DPCanTuneTo | ( | E_STB_DP_SIGNAL_TYPE | tuner_type, |
void * | service, | ||
void * | transport | ||
) |
Checks whether there's a tuner available to tune to the given service or transport.
service | service to be tuned to, can be NULL |
transport | transport to be tuned to |
void STB_DPCentreDishMove | ( | U8BIT | path | ) |
Moves dish to centre.
U8BIT | path - the ID of the decode path to use |
void STB_DPDisableDishLimits | ( | U8BIT | path | ) |
Disables sat dish limits.
U8BIT | path - the ID of the decode path to use |
void STB_DPEnableDishLimits | ( | U8BIT | path, |
U16BIT | ecount, | ||
U16BIT | wcount | ||
) |
Enables sat dish limits.
U8BIT | path - the ID of the decode path to use |
U8BIT | ecount - east limit count (ignored for DiSEqC) |
U8BIT | wcount - west limit count (ignored for DiSEqC) |
E_STB_DP_AD_AUDIO STB_DPGetADAudio | ( | U8BIT | path | ) |
Reads the AD audio status from decode path store.
U8BIT | decoder - the ID of the decode path to use |
E_STB_DP_AUDIO_CODEC STB_DPGetADCodec | ( | U8BIT | path | ) |
Returns the type of CODEC to be used for AD decoding.
U8BIT | path - the ID of the decode path to use |
E_STB_DP_AUDIO_MODE STB_DPGetADMode | ( | U8BIT | path | ) |
Reads the AD mode value from decode path store.
U8BIT | path - the ID of the decode path to use |
U16BIT STB_DPGetADPID | ( | U8BIT | path | ) |
Reads the audio PID value from decode path store.
U8BIT | path - the ID of the decode path to use |
E_STB_DP_DECODE_STATUS STB_DPGetADStatus | ( | U8BIT | path | ) |
Reads the AD status from decode path store.
U8BIT | decoder - the ID of the decode path to use |
S8BIT STB_DPGetAnalogFreqOff | ( | U8BIT | path | ) |
Reads the analogue frequency offset value from decode path store.
path | - the ID of the decode path to use |
E_STB_DP_ANALOG_VIDEO_TYPE STB_DPGetAnalogVideoType | ( | U8BIT | path | ) |
Reads the analogue video type value from decode path store.
path | - the ID of the decode path to use |
E_STB_DP_AUDIO_CODEC STB_DPGetAudioCodec | ( | U8BIT | path | ) |
Returns the type of CODEC to be used for Audio decoding.
U8BIT | path - the ID of the decode path to use |
E_STB_DP_AUDIO_MODE STB_DPGetAudioMode | ( | U8BIT | path | ) |
Reads the audio mode value from decode path store.
U8BIT | path - the ID of the decode path to use |
U16BIT STB_DPGetAudioPID | ( | U8BIT | path | ) |
Reads the audio PID value from decode path store.
U8BIT | path - the ID of the decode path to use |
E_STB_DP_DECODE_STATUS STB_DPGetAudioStatus | ( | U8BIT | path | ) |
Reads the audio status from decode path store.
U8BIT | decoder - the ID of the decode path to use |
E_STB_DP_CMODE STB_DPGetCableMode | ( | U8BIT | path | ) |
Reads the cable tuning mode value from decode path store.
U8BIT | path - the ID of the decode path to use |
U16BIT STB_DPGetDataPID | ( | U8BIT | path | ) |
Reads the data PID value from decode path store.
U8BIT | path - the ID of the decode path to use |
void STB_DPGetDecodeSource | ( | U8BIT | path, |
E_STB_DP_DECODE_SOURCE * | source, | ||
U32BIT * | param | ||
) |
Gets source for specified decoder.
U8BIT | decoder - the ID of the decode path to use |
E_STB_DP_DECODE_SOURCE* | source - returns the source type |
U32BIT* | param - returns the parameter of the source type |
Reads the status of DiSEqC committed switch from decode path store.
U8BIT | path - the ID of the decode path to use |
BOOLEAN STB_DPGetDISEQCPosition | ( | U8BIT | path | ) |
Reads the status of DiSEqC positioning from decode path store.
U8BIT | path - the ID of the decode path to use |
U8BIT STB_DPGetDISEQCRepeats | ( | U8BIT | path | ) |
Reads the value of DiSEqC repeats from decode path store.
U8BIT | path - the ID of the decode path to use |
Reads the status of DiSEqC SMATV from decode path store.
U8BIT | path - the ID of the decode path to use |
Reads the status of DiSEqC tone from decode path store.
U8BIT | path - the ID of the decode path to use |
U8BIT STB_DPGetDISEQCUSwitch | ( | U8BIT | path | ) |
Reads the status of DiSEqC uncommitted switch from decode path store.
U8BIT | path - the ID of the decode path to use |
U16BIT STB_DPGetDishPosition | ( | U8BIT | path | ) |
Reads the actual sat dish position value.
U8BIT | path - the ID of the decode path to use |
U16BIT STB_DPGetDishRequest | ( | U8BIT | path | ) |
Reads the sat dish position value from decode path store.
U8BIT | path - the ID of the decode path to use |
BOOLEAN STB_DPGetDVBS2 | ( | U8BIT | path | ) |
Returns whether the sat tuner is tuned to DVB-S or DVB-S2.
path | - decode path |
E_STB_DP_FEC STB_DPGetFEC | ( | U8BIT | path | ) |
Reads the FEC value from decode path store.
U8BIT | path - the ID of the decode path to use |
U32BIT STB_DPGetFrequency | ( | U8BIT | path | ) |
Reads the frequency value from decode path store.
U8BIT | path - the ID of the decode path to use |
BOOLEAN STB_DPGetFTASearch | ( | U8BIT | path | ) |
Reads the SI FTA chan search flag state from decode path store.
U8BIT | path - the ID of the decode path to use |
U8BIT STB_DPGetLivePath | ( | void | ) |
Returns the ID of the decode path being used for live viewing.
BOOLEAN STB_DPGetLNB12v | ( | U8BIT | path | ) |
Reads the status of LNB 12v from decode path store.
U8BIT | path - the ID of the decode path to use |
BOOLEAN STB_DPGetLNB22k | ( | U8BIT | path | ) |
Reads the status of LNB 22kHz from decode path store.
U8BIT | path - the ID of the decode path to use |
E_STB_DP_LNB_POWER STB_DPGetLNBPower | ( | U8BIT | path | ) |
Reads the LNB power status from decode path store.
U8BIT | path - the ID of the decode path to use |
E_STB_DP_LNB_TYPE STB_DPGetLNBType | ( | U8BIT | path | ) |
Reads the LNB type value from decode path store.
U8BIT | path - the ID of the decode path to use |
BOOLEAN STB_DPGetLockEnable | ( | U8BIT | path | ) |
Reads the lock enable flag state from decode path store.
U8BIT | path - the ID of the decode path to use |
BOOLEAN STB_DPGetLockMode | ( | U8BIT | path | ) |
Reads the lock mode value from decode path store.
U8BIT | path - the ID of the decode path to use |
U8BIT STB_DPGetMHEGPath | ( | void | ) |
Returns the path for Cabot MHEG software to use.
E_STB_DP_MODULATION STB_DPGetModulation | ( | U8BIT | path | ) |
Returns the satellite modulation type for the give decode path.
path | - decode path |
BOOLEAN STB_DPGetNetworkSearch | ( | U8BIT | path | ) |
Reads the SI network search flag state from decode path store.
U8BIT | path - the ID of the decode path to use |
U8BIT STB_DPGetNumEnabledTuners | ( | void | ) |
Returns the number of enabled tuners (i.e. that haven't been disabled)
U8BIT STB_DPGetNumPaths | ( | void | ) |
Returns the maximum number of decode paths.
None |
Returns the current 'Over The Air' Software Upgrade Search Mode for the given path.
U8BIT | path - the ID of the decode path to use |
void* STB_DPGetOwnerData | ( | U8BIT | path, |
U32BIT * | data_size | ||
) |
Returns the owner data saved with the path. This data should not be freed.
path | - decode path |
data_size | - size of the returned data, 0 if return is NULL |
U8BIT STB_DPGetPathAudioDecoder | ( | U8BIT | path | ) |
Returns the audio decoder ID acquired by the given decode path.
path | - ID of decode path |
BOOLEAN STB_DPGetPathCADescrambler | ( | U8BIT | path, |
U32BIT * | handle | ||
) |
Get the handle of the CA descrambler associated with the given path.
path | - decode path |
handle | - pointer in which the CA descrambler handle will be returned |
U8BIT STB_DPGetPathCISlot | ( | U8BIT | path | ) |
Returns the CI slot id associated with the given path.
U8BIT STB_DPGetPathDemux | ( | U8BIT | path | ) |
Returns the demux path ID acquired by the given decode path.
path | - ID of decode path |
U8BIT STB_DPGetPathForService | ( | void * | service | ) |
Checks whether any of the paths are tuned to the given service.
service | - service to look for |
U8BIT STB_DPGetPathSecondaryVideoDecoder | ( | U8BIT | path | ) |
Returns the secondary video decoder ID acquired by the given decode path.
path | - ID of decode path |
U8BIT STB_DPGetPathTuner | ( | U8BIT | path | ) |
Returns the tuner ID acquired by the given decode path.
path | - ID of decode path |
E_STB_DP_SIGNAL_TYPE STB_DPGetPathTunerType | ( | U8BIT | path | ) |
Returns the tuner type for the given path.
path | - ID of decode path |
U8BIT STB_DPGetPathVideoDecoder | ( | U8BIT | path | ) |
Returns the video decoder ID acquired by the given decode path.
path | - ID of decode path |
U16BIT STB_DPGetPCRPID | ( | U8BIT | path | ) |
Reads the PCR PID value from decode path store.
U8BIT | path - the ID of the decode path to use |
U8BIT STB_DPGetPlaybackPath | ( | void | ) |
Returns the ID of the decode path being used for playback.
None |
E_STB_DP_POLARITY STB_DPGetPolarity | ( | U8BIT | path | ) |
Reads the polarity value from decode path store.
U8BIT | path - the ID of the decode path to use |
BOOLEAN STB_DPGetPulsePosition | ( | U8BIT | path | ) |
Reads the status of pulse positioning from decode path store.
U8BIT | path - the ID of the decode path to use |
BOOLEAN STB_DPGetRadioSearch | ( | U8BIT | path | ) |
Reads the SI radio chan search flag state from decode path store.
U8BIT | path - the ID of the decode path to use |
BOOLEAN STB_DPGetScramSearch | ( | U8BIT | path | ) |
Reads the SI scram chan search flag state from decode path store.
U8BIT | path - the ID of the decode path to use |
BOOLEAN STB_DPGetSearchMode | ( | U8BIT | path | ) |
Reads the SI search mode flag state from decode path store.
U8BIT | path - the ID of the decode path to use |
E_STB_DP_SIGNAL_TYPE STB_DPGetSignalType | ( | U8BIT | path | ) |
Reads the signal type value from decode path store.
U8BIT | path - the ID of the decode path to use |
U32BIT STB_DPGetSIRequestParam1 | ( | U8BIT | path | ) |
Returns parameters for previous SI request.
U8BIT | path - the ID of the decode path to use |
U32BIT STB_DPGetSIRequestParam2 | ( | U8BIT | path | ) |
Returns parameters for previous SI request.
U8BIT | path - the ID of the decode path to use |
U32BIT STB_DPGetSIRequestParam3 | ( | U8BIT | path | ) |
Returns parameters for previous SI request.
U8BIT | path - the ID of the decode path to use |
U16BIT STB_DPGetSkewPosition | ( | U8BIT | path | ) |
Reads the sat skew position value from decode path store.
U8BIT | path - the ID of the decode path to use |
U16BIT STB_DPGetSymbolRate | ( | U8BIT | path | ) |
Reads the symbol rate value from decode path store.
U8BIT | path - the ID of the decode path to use |
E_STB_DP_TBWIDTH STB_DPGetTerrBandwidth | ( | U8BIT | path | ) |
Reads the terrestrial frequency offset value from decode path store.
path | - the ID of the decode path to use |
S8BIT STB_DPGetTerrFreqOff | ( | U8BIT | path | ) |
Reads the terrestrial frequency offset value from decode path store.
path | - the ID of the decode path to use |
E_STB_DP_TMODE STB_DPGetTerrMode | ( | U8BIT | path | ) |
Reads the terrestrial tuning mode value from decode path store.
U8BIT | path - the ID of the decode path to use |
U8BIT STB_DPGetTerrPLP | ( | U8BIT | path | ) |
Reads the terrestrial T2 PLP id from decode path store.
path | - the ID of the decode path to use |
E_STB_DP_TTYPE STB_DPGetTerrType | ( | U8BIT | path | ) |
Reads the terrestrial tuner type from decode path store.
path | - the ID of the decode path to use |
U16BIT STB_DPGetTextPID | ( | U8BIT | path | ) |
Reads the teletext PID value from decode path store.
U8BIT | path - the ID of the decode path to use |
void* STB_DPGetTunedService | ( | U8BIT | path | ) |
Returns the service saved with the given decode path.
path | - ID of decode path |
void* STB_DPGetTunedTransport | ( | U8BIT | path | ) |
Returns the transport saved with the given decode path.
path | - ID of decode path |
BOOLEAN STB_DPGetTuneRelock | ( | U8BIT | path | ) |
Reads the tuner auto relock flag state from decode path store.
U8BIT | path - the ID of the decode path to use |
E_STB_DP_TUNE_STATUS STB_DPGetTuneStatus | ( | U8BIT | path | ) |
Reads the tuning status from decode path store.
U8BIT | path - the ID of the decode path to use |
BOOLEAN STB_DPGetTVSearch | ( | U8BIT | path | ) |
Reads the SI TV chan search flag state from decode path store.
U8BIT | path - the ID of the decode path to use |
U8BIT STB_DPGetUnicableChannel | ( | U8BIT | path | ) |
Gets the currently set Unicable Channel (User Band).
U8BIT | path |
U32BIT STB_DPGetUnicableFrequency | ( | U8BIT | path | ) |
Gets the currently set Unicable (IF) frequency.
U8BIT | path |
U8BIT STB_DPGetUnicableParams | ( | U8BIT | path, |
U32BIT | unicable_if[MAX_UNICABLE_BANKS], | ||
U32BIT * | lnb_lo_freq, | ||
U32BIT * | lnb_hi_freq | ||
) |
Interrogates Unicable LNB for its user and local oscillator frequencies.
U8BIT | path |
U32BIT | unicable_if - caller's array to hold up to 8 bank IF frequencies |
U32BIT* | lnb_lo_freq - caller's variable to hold returned low LO frequency |
U32BIT* | lnb_hi_freq - caller's variable to hold returned high LO frequency |
BOOLEAN STB_DPGetUnicablePositionB | ( | U8BIT | path | ) |
Gets whether Satellite Position B is currently set.
U8BIT | path |
E_STB_DP_VIDEO_CODEC STB_DPGetVideoCodec | ( | U8BIT | path | ) |
Returns the type of CODEC to be used for Video decoding.
U8BIT | path - the ID of the decode path to use |
U16BIT STB_DPGetVideoPID | ( | U8BIT | path | ) |
Reads the video PID value from decode path store.
U8BIT | path - the ID of the decode path to use |
E_STB_DP_DECODE_STATUS STB_DPGetVideoStatus | ( | U8BIT | path | ) |
Reads the video status from decode path store.
U8BIT | decoder - the ID of the decode path to use |
void STB_DPInitialise | ( | void | ) |
Initialises decode path control and sets up the structures for restricting access to resources.
U8BIT STB_DPIsCISlotInUse | ( | U8BIT | start_path, |
U8BIT | slot_id, | ||
U8BIT | ignore_path | ||
) |
Checks whether a given CI slot is in use.
start_path | - path id to start the search with. Use INVALID_RES_ID to start from first path |
slot_id | - CI slot to be checked |
ignore_path | - decode path to be ignored (i.e. don't check if current path is using a slot). This can be INVALID_RES_ID to check all paths |
BOOLEAN STB_DPIsDecodingPath | ( | U8BIT | path | ) |
Is the given decode path being used for decoding.
path | - ID of decode path |
BOOLEAN STB_DPIsLivePath | ( | U8BIT | path | ) |
Is the given decode path being used for live viewing.
path | - ID of decode path |
BOOLEAN STB_DPIsOwnedBy | ( | U8BIT | path, |
E_STB_DP_RES_OWNER | owner | ||
) |
Checks whether the path is owned by the given owner.
path | - decode path |
owner | - is path owned by this module |
BOOLEAN STB_DPIsRecording | ( | U8BIT | path, |
U32BIT * | handle | ||
) |
Returns status of recording on specified path.
U8BIT | path - the ID of the decode path to use |
U32BIT* | handle - returns handle in use |
BOOLEAN STB_DPIsRecordingPath | ( | U8BIT | path | ) |
Is the given decode path being used for recording.
path | - ID of decode path |
BOOLEAN STB_DPIsTunerEnabled | ( | U8BIT | tuner_num | ) |
Returns the 'enabled' status for the given tuner number.
tuner_num | number of the tuner to be checked |
BOOLEAN STB_DPOTASearchEnabled | ( | U8BIT | path | ) |
Returns TRUE if the current 'Over The Air' Software Upgrade Search Mode is manual or automatic, FALSE otherwise.
U8BIT | path - the ID of the decode path to use |
U8BIT STB_DPPathForADDecoder | ( | U8BIT | decoder_num | ) |
Returns the decode path that is using the given AD decoder.
decoder_num | - ID of the AD decoder |
U8BIT STB_DPPathForAudioDecoder | ( | U8BIT | decoder_num | ) |
Returns the decode path that is using the given audio decoder.
decoder_num | - ID of the audio decoder |
U8BIT STB_DPPathForTuner | ( | U8BIT | start_path, |
U8BIT | tuner_num | ||
) |
Returns the decode path that is using the given tuner ID.
start_path | - path to start searching from, use INVALID_RES_ID to start from 0 |
tuner_num | - ID of tuner |
U8BIT STB_DPPathForVideoDecoder | ( | U8BIT | decoder_num | ) |
Returns the decode path that is using the given video decoder.
decoder_num | - ID of the video decoder |
void STB_DPReleaseAllPaths | ( | void | ) |
Releases all decode paths and all the resources they are using.
void STB_DPReleaseCADescramblerFromPath | ( | U8BIT | path | ) |
Release the CA descrambler associated with the given path.
path | - decode path from which the CA descrambler is to be released |
void STB_DPReleaseCISlotFromPath | ( | U8BIT | path | ) |
Release the CI slot associated with the given path.
path | - decode path using the CI slot |
void STB_DPReleaseDecoders | ( | U8BIT | path | ) |
Releases all decoders from the given path.
BOOLEAN STB_DPReleasePath | ( | U8BIT | path, |
E_STB_DP_RES_OWNER | owner | ||
) |
Releases the decode path and all resources no longer needed. The path won't be released if the path is owned by a module and the owner argument doesn't match the path's owner.
path | - decode path |
owner | - module releasing the path |
void STB_DPRequestSIExtendedEvent | ( | U8BIT | path, |
U32BIT | start_date, | ||
U32BIT | start_hour, | ||
U32BIT | start_min | ||
) |
Requests SI engine to get extended event data for specified event.
U8BIT | path - the ID of the decode path to use |
U32BIT | start_date - starting date |
U32BIT | start_hour - and time |
U32BIT | start_min - for requested event |
void STB_DPSetADAudio | ( | U8BIT | path, |
E_STB_DP_AD_AUDIO | ad_audio | ||
) |
Reads the AD audio status from decode path store.
U8BIT | decoder - the ID of the decode path to use |
BOOLEAN STB_DPSetADCodec | ( | U8BIT | path, |
E_STB_DP_AUDIO_CODEC | codec | ||
) |
Sets the type of CODEC to be used for AD decoding.
U8BIT | path - the ID of the decode path to use |
E_STB_DP_AUDIO_CODEC | - the codec to be used |
void STB_DPSetAdditionalFrequencies | ( | U8BIT | path, |
U8BIT | num_freqs, | ||
U32BIT * | frequencies | ||
) |
Sets an array of frequencies that can be tried when tuning to a transport if the tuner fails to lock using the primary frequency.
path | decode path that will be used to tune |
num_freqs | number of additional frequencies in the array |
frequencies | array of additional frequencies; this array will be copied |
void STB_DPSetADEnabled | ( | U8BIT | path, |
BOOLEAN | state | ||
) |
Writes the AD Audio into decode path store. To be set to ON or OFF. The exact ON state is depends if AD PID is present or not.
U8BIT | decoder - the ID of the decode path to use |
BOOLEAN | - Note this should only be True for ON, False for OFF |
void STB_DPSetADMode | ( | U8BIT | path, |
E_STB_DP_AUDIO_MODE | mode | ||
) |
Writes AD mode value into decode path store.
U8BIT | path - the ID of the decode path to use |
E_STB_DP_AUDIO_MODE | mode - audio mode |
void STB_DPSetADPID | ( | U8BIT | path, |
U16BIT | pid | ||
) |
Writes AD PID value into decode path store.
U8BIT | path - the ID of the decode path to use |
U16BIT | pid - the value of AD PID |
void STB_DPSetADStatus | ( | U8BIT | path, |
) |
Writes the AD status into decode path store.
U8BIT | decoder - the ID of the decode path to use |
E_STB_DP_DECODE_STATUS | state - new status |
void STB_DPSetAnalogFreqOff | ( | U8BIT | path, |
S8BIT | offset | ||
) |
Writes analogue frequency offset value into decode path store.
path | - the ID of the decode path to use |
offset | - the value of offset |
void STB_DPSetAnalogVideoType | ( | U8BIT | path, |
) |
Writes analogue video type into decode path store.
path | - the ID of the decode path to use |
vtype | - the value of video type |
BOOLEAN STB_DPSetAudioCodec | ( | U8BIT | path, |
E_STB_DP_AUDIO_CODEC | codec | ||
) |
Sets the type of CODEC to be used for Audio decoding.
U8BIT | path - the ID of the decode path to use |
E_STB_DP_AUDIO_CODEC | - the codec to be used |
void STB_DPSetAudioMode | ( | U8BIT | path, |
E_STB_DP_AUDIO_MODE | mode | ||
) |
Writes audio mode value into decode path store.
U8BIT | path - the ID of the decode path to use |
E_STB_DP_AUDIO_MODE | mode - audio mode |
void STB_DPSetAudioPID | ( | U8BIT | path, |
U16BIT | pid | ||
) |
Writes audio PID value into decode path store.
U8BIT | path - the ID of the decode path to use |
U16BIT | pid - the value of audio PID |
void STB_DPSetAudioStatus | ( | U8BIT | path, |
) |
Writes the audio status into decode path store.
U8BIT | decoder - the ID of the decode path to use |
E_STB_DP_DECODE_STATUS | state - new status |
void STB_DPSetCableMode | ( | U8BIT | path, |
E_STB_DP_CMODE | mode | ||
) |
Writes cable tuning mode value into decode path store.
U8BIT | path - the ID of the decode path to use |
E_STB_DP_CMODE | mode - the value of mode |
void STB_DPSetDataPID | ( | U8BIT | path, |
U16BIT | pid | ||
) |
Writes data PID value into decode path store.
U8BIT | path - the ID of the decode path to use |
U16BIT | pid - the value of data PID |
void STB_DPSetDecodePIDs | ( | U8BIT | path, |
U16BIT | pcr_pid, | ||
U16BIT | video_pid, | ||
U16BIT | audio_pid, | ||
U16BIT | text_pid, | ||
U16BIT | data_pid, | ||
U16BIT | AD_pid | ||
) |
void STB_DPSetDecodeSource | ( | U8BIT | path, |
E_STB_DP_DECODE_SOURCE | source, | ||
U32BIT | param | ||
) |
Sets source for specified decoder.
U8BIT | path - the ID of the path to use |
E_STB_DP_DECODE_SOURCE | source - the source type to use |
U32BIT | param - paramter of the source type |
void STB_DPSetDISEQCCSwitch | ( | U8BIT | path, |
) |
Sets DiSEqC committed switch and writes status into decode path store.
U8BIT | path - the ID of the decode path to use |
E_STB_DP_DISEQC_CSWITCH | state - switch state. |
void STB_DPSetDISEQCPosition | ( | U8BIT | path, |
BOOLEAN | state | ||
) |
Enables/disables DiSEqC positioning and writes status into decode path store.
U8BIT | path - the ID of the decode path to use |
BOOLEAN | state - TRUE to turn on, else FALSE. |
void STB_DPSetDISEQCRepeats | ( | U8BIT | path, |
U8BIT | count | ||
) |
Sets DiSEqC repeats and writes value into decode path store.
U8BIT | path - the ID of the decode path to use |
U8BIT | count - the value of DiSEqC repeats |
void STB_DPSetDISEQCSMATV | ( | U8BIT | path, |
BOOLEAN | state | ||
) |
Enables/disables DiSEqC SMATV and writes status into decode path store.
U8BIT | path - the ID of the decode path to use |
BOOLEAN | state - TRUE to turn on, else FALSE. |
void STB_DPSetDISEQCTone | ( | U8BIT | path, |
E_STB_DP_DISEQC_TONE | state | ||
) |
Sets DiSEqC tone and writes status into decode path store.
U8BIT | path - the ID of the decode path to use |
E_STB_DP_DISEQC_TONE | state - tone state. |
void STB_DPSetDISEQCUSwitch | ( | U8BIT | path, |
U8BIT | state | ||
) |
Sets DiSEqC uncommitted switch and writes status into decode path store.
U8BIT | path - the ID of the decode path to use |
U8BIT | state - switch state. |
void STB_DPSetDishLimitE | ( | U8BIT | path | ) |
Sets current sat dish position as East limit.
U8BIT | path - the ID of the decode path to use |
void STB_DPSetDishLimitW | ( | U8BIT | path | ) |
Sets current sat dish position as West limit.
U8BIT | path - the ID of the decode path to use |
void STB_DPSetDishPosition | ( | U8BIT | path, |
U16BIT | count | ||
) |
Writes sat dish position value into decode path store.
U8BIT | path - the ID of the decode path to use |
U16BIT | count - the value of dish position count |
void STB_DPSetDVBS2 | ( | U8BIT | path, |
BOOLEAN | dvb_s2 | ||
) |
Set whether the satellite should be tuned to DVB-S/S2 for the tuner in the given decode path.
path | - decode path |
dvb_s2 | - TRUE for DVB-S2 |
void STB_DPSetFEC | ( | U8BIT | path, |
E_STB_DP_FEC | fec | ||
) |
Writes FEC value into decode path store.
U8BIT | path - the ID of the decode path to use |
E_STB_DP_POLARITY | fec - the value of FEC |
void STB_DPSetFecLayer | ( | U8BIT | path, |
E_STB_DP_FEC_LAYER | fec_layer, | ||
S_STB_DP_FEC_LAYER_INFO * | fec_info | ||
) |
Sets the Forward Error Correction (FEC) Layer used on the IP service to be tuned.
path | decode path being used for tuning |
fec_layer | FEC Layer type - no FEC, FEC Base 1D, FEC Base 2D |
fec_info | FEC Layer information that overrides default values |
void STB_DPSetFrequency | ( | U8BIT | path, |
U32BIT | freq | ||
) |
Writes frequency value into decode path store.
U8BIT | path - the ID of the decode path to use |
U32BIT | freq - the value of frequency |
void STB_DPSetFTASearch | ( | U8BIT | path, |
BOOLEAN | state | ||
) |
Writes SI FTA chan search flag into decode path store.
U8BIT | path - the ID of the decode path to use |
BOOLEAN | state - TRUE to set, else FALSE. |
void STB_DPSetLNB12v | ( | U8BIT | path, |
BOOLEAN | state | ||
) |
Sets LNB 12v on or off and writes status into decode path store.
U8BIT | path - the ID of the decode path to use |
BOOLEAN | state - TRUE to turn on, else FALSE. |
void STB_DPSetLNB22k | ( | U8BIT | path, |
BOOLEAN | state | ||
) |
Sets LNB 22kHz on or off and writes status into decode path store.
U8BIT | path - the ID of the decode path to use |
BOOLEAN | state - TRUE to turn on, else FALSE. |
void STB_DPSetLNBPower | ( | U8BIT | path, |
E_STB_DP_LNB_POWER | state | ||
) |
Sets LNB power on or off and writes status into decode path store.
U8BIT | path - the ID of the decode path to use |
E_STB_DP_LNB_POWER | state - LNB power mode |
void STB_DPSetLNBType | ( | U8BIT | path, |
E_STB_DP_LNB_TYPE | type | ||
) |
Writes LNB type value into decode path store.
U8BIT | path - the ID of the decode path to use |
E_STB_DP_LNB_TYPE | type - the LNB type |
void STB_DPSetLockEnable | ( | U8BIT | path, |
BOOLEAN | state | ||
) |
Writes lock enable flag into decode path store.
U8BIT | path - the ID of the decode path to use |
BOOLEAN | state - TRUE to set, else FALSE. |
void STB_DPSetLockMode | ( | U8BIT | path, |
BOOLEAN | mode | ||
) |
Writes lock mode value into decode path store.
U8BIT | path - the ID of the decode path to use |
BOOLEAN | mode - lock mode |
void STB_DPSetModulation | ( | U8BIT | path, |
E_STB_DP_MODULATION | modulation | ||
) |
Set the satellite modulation for the tuner in the given decode path.
path | - decode path |
modulation | - satellite modulation type |
void STB_DPSetNetworkSearch | ( | U8BIT | path, |
BOOLEAN | state | ||
) |
Writes SI network search flag into decode path store.
U8BIT | path - the ID of the decode path to use |
BOOLEAN | state - TRUE to set, else FALSE. |
void STB_DPSetOTASearchMode | ( | U8BIT | path, |
) |
Sets the 'Over The Air' Software Upgrade Search Mode for a given path.
U8BIT | path - the ID of the decode path to use |
void STB_DPSetOwner | ( | U8BIT | path, |
E_STB_DP_RES_OWNER | owner | ||
) |
Sets the owner of the given path.
path | - decode path |
owner | - owner module |
BOOLEAN STB_DPSetOwnerData | ( | U8BIT | path, |
void * | data, | ||
U32BIT | data_size | ||
) |
Saves a copy of the given data with the path. If data is passed as NULL and owner data already exists, then it will be freed. if data isn't NULL and owner data exists then the new data will replace the existing data.
path | - decode path |
data | - data to be saved with the path, can be NULL |
data_size | - size of data, 0 if data is NULL |
void STB_DPSetPCRPID | ( | U8BIT | path, |
U16BIT | pid | ||
) |
Writes PCR PID value into decode path store.
U8BIT | path - the ID of the decode path to use |
U16BIT | pid - the value of PCR PID |
void STB_DPSetPolarity | ( | U8BIT | path, |
E_STB_DP_POLARITY | pol | ||
) |
Writes polarity value into decode path store.
U8BIT | path - the ID of the decode path to use |
E_STB_DP_POLARITY | pol - the value of polarity |
void STB_DPSetPulsePosition | ( | U8BIT | path, |
BOOLEAN | state | ||
) |
Enables/disables pulse positioning and writes status into decode path store.
U8BIT | path - the ID of the decode path to use |
BOOLEAN | state - TRUE to turn on, else FALSE. |
void STB_DPSetRadioSearch | ( | U8BIT | path, |
BOOLEAN | state | ||
) |
Writes SI radio chan search flag into decode path store.
U8BIT | path - the ID of the decode path to use |
BOOLEAN | state - TRUE to set, else FALSE. |
void STB_DPSetScramSearch | ( | U8BIT | path, |
BOOLEAN | state | ||
) |
Writes SI scram chan search flag into decode path store.
U8BIT | path - the ID of the decode path to use |
BOOLEAN | state - TRUE to set, else FALSE. |
void STB_DPSetSearchMode | ( | U8BIT | path, |
BOOLEAN | state | ||
) |
Writes SI search mode flag into decode path store.
U8BIT | path - the ID of the decode path to use |
BOOLEAN | state - TRUE to set, else FALSE. |
void STB_DPSetSignalType | ( | U8BIT | path, |
E_STB_DP_SIGNAL_TYPE | sigtype | ||
) |
Writes signal type value into decode path store.
U8BIT | path - the ID of the decode path to use |
E_STB_DP_SIGNAL_TYPE | sigtype - the signal type to use |
void STB_DPSetSkewPosition | ( | U8BIT | path, |
U16BIT | count | ||
) |
Writes sat skew position value into decode path store.
U8BIT | path - the ID of the decode path to use |
U16BIT | count - the value of skew position count |
void STB_DPSetSymbolRate | ( | U8BIT | path, |
U16BIT | sym | ||
) |
Writes symbol rate value into decode path store.
U8BIT | path - the ID of the decode path to use |
U16BIT | sym - the value of symbol rate |
void STB_DPSetTerrBandwidth | ( | U8BIT | path, |
E_STB_DP_TBWIDTH | bwidth | ||
) |
Writes terrestrial bandwidth value into decode path store.
path | - the ID of the decode path to use |
bwidth | - the value of bandwidth |
void STB_DPSetTerrFreqOff | ( | U8BIT | path, |
S8BIT | offset | ||
) |
Writes terrestrial frequency offset value into decode path store.
path | - the ID of the decode path to use |
offset | - the value of offset |
void STB_DPSetTerrMode | ( | U8BIT | path, |
E_STB_DP_TMODE | mode | ||
) |
Writes terrestrial tuning mode value into decode path store.
U8BIT | path - the ID of the decode path to use |
E_STB_DP_TMODE | mode - the value of mode |
void STB_DPSetTerrPLP | ( | U8BIT | path, |
U8BIT | plp_id | ||
) |
Sets terrestrial T2 PLP id into decode path store.
path | - the ID of the decode path to use |
plp_id | - |
void STB_DPSetTerrType | ( | U8BIT | path, |
E_STB_DP_TTYPE | type | ||
) |
Sets terrestrial tuning type into decode path store.
path | - the ID of the decode path to use |
type | - tune type |
void STB_DPSetTextPID | ( | U8BIT | path, |
U16BIT | pid | ||
) |
Writes teletext PID value into decode path store.
U8BIT | path - the ID of the decode path to use |
U16BIT | pid - the value of teletext PID |
void STB_DPSetTunedService | ( | U8BIT | path, |
void * | service | ||
) |
Saves the given service with the specified decode path.
path | - ID of decode path |
service | - pointer to service to be saved |
void STB_DPSetTunedTransport | ( | U8BIT | path, |
void * | transport | ||
) |
Saves the given transport with the specified decode path.
path | - ID of decode path |
transport | - pointer to transport to be saved |
void STB_DPSetTunerDisabled | ( | U8BIT | path, |
BOOLEAN | disabled | ||
) |
Disables/enables the tuner associated with this decode path.
path | decode path |
disabled | TRUE if the tuner is to be disabled, FALSE otherwise |
void STB_DPSetTuneRelock | ( | U8BIT | path, |
BOOLEAN | state | ||
) |
Writes tuner auto relock flag into decode path store.
U8BIT | path - the ID of the decode path to use |
BOOLEAN | state - TRUE to set, else FALSE. |
void STB_DPSetTuneStatus | ( | U8BIT | path, |
E_STB_DP_TUNE_STATUS | state | ||
) |
Writes the tuning status into decode path store.
U8BIT | path - the ID of the decode path to use |
E_STB_DP_TUNE_STATUS | state - new status |
void STB_DPSetTVSearch | ( | U8BIT | path, |
BOOLEAN | state | ||
) |
Writes SI TV chan search flag into decode path store.
U8BIT | path - the ID of the decode path to use |
BOOLEAN | state - TRUE to set, else FALSE. |
void STB_DPSetUnicableChannel | ( | U8BIT | path, |
U8BIT | chan | ||
) |
Sets the current Unicable Channel (User Band).
U8BIT | path |
U8BIT | chan - The Unicable Channel to use |
void STB_DPSetUnicableFrequency | ( | U8BIT | path, |
U32BIT | freq | ||
) |
Sets the Unicable (IF) frequency.
U8BIT | path |
U32BIT | freq - the IF in KHz |
void STB_DPSetUnicablePositionB | ( | U8BIT | path, |
BOOLEAN | position_b | ||
) |
Sets whether to use the alternate satellite position (Position B)
U8BIT | path |
BOOLEAN | position_b - TRUE if position B to be used |
void STB_DPSetURL | ( | U8BIT | path, |
U8BIT * | url, | ||
U16BIT | port | ||
) |
Sets the full URL to be used to tune to an IP service.
path | decode path being used for tuning |
url | URL as a null-terminated string. The URL is copied. |
port | port to be used, 0 if not required |
void STB_DPSetUserDefinedLNBBands | ( | U8BIT | path, |
U8BIT | number_of_bands, | ||
S_STB_DP_LNB_BAND * | band_definitions | ||
) |
Stores the pointer to the array of band definitions for the user defined LNB.
path | ID of the decode path to use |
number_of_bands | Number of bands in the array |
band_definitions | Array containing the definition of the behaviour of user defined LNB for for each band. A band is defined as the combination of a frequency range and a polarity. It is responsibility of the caller to ensure that the pointer remains valid until this function is called passing a different one. |
BOOLEAN STB_DPSetVideoCodec | ( | U8BIT | path, |
E_STB_DP_VIDEO_CODEC | codec | ||
) |
Sets the type of CODEC to be used for Video decoding.
U8BIT | path - the ID of the decode path to use |
E_STB_DP_VIDEO_CODEC | - the codec to be used |
void STB_DPSetVideoPID | ( | U8BIT | path, |
U16BIT | pid | ||
) |
Writes video PID value into decode path store.
U8BIT | path - the ID of the decode path to use |
U16BIT | pid - the value of video PID |
void STB_DPSetVideoStatus | ( | U8BIT | path, |
) |
Writes the video status into decode path store.
U8BIT | decoder - the ID of the decode path to use |
E_STB_DP_DECODE_STATUS | state - new status |
void STB_DPStartADDecoding | ( | U8BIT | path | ) |
Requests start of channel decoding process.
U8BIT | decoder - the ID of the decode path to use |
void STB_DPStartAudioDecoding | ( | U8BIT | path | ) |
Requests start of channel decoding process.
U8BIT | decoder - the ID of the decode path to use |
void STB_DPStartDecoding | ( | U8BIT | path | ) |
Requests start of channel decoding process.
U8BIT | decoder - the ID of the decode path to use |
void STB_DPStartDishMoveE | ( | U8BIT | path, |
U16BIT | count | ||
) |
Starts sat dish moving east.
U8BIT | path - the ID of the decode path to use |
U16BIT | count - step count (0 = continuous) |
void STB_DPStartDishMoveW | ( | U8BIT | path, |
U16BIT | count | ||
) |
Starts sat dish moving west.
U8BIT | path - the ID of the decode path to use |
U16BIT | count - step count (0 = continuous) |
BOOLEAN STB_DPStartRecording | ( | U8BIT | path, |
U32BIT | param | ||
) |
Requests start of recording on specified path.
U8BIT | path - the ID of the decode path to use |
U32BIT | param - file handle for recording |
void STB_DPStartScan | ( | U8BIT | path | ) |
Requests start of tuning signal scan process.
U8BIT | path - the ID of the decode path to use |
void STB_DPStartSI | ( | U8BIT | path | ) |
Requests start of SI engine, mode is determined by flags in general control.
U8BIT | path - the ID of the decode path to use |
void STB_DPStartTune | ( | U8BIT | path | ) |
Requests start of tuning process.
U8BIT | path - the ID of the decode path to use |
void STB_DPStartVideoDecoding | ( | U8BIT | path | ) |
Requests start of channel decoding process.
U8BIT | path - the ID of the decode path to use |
void STB_DPStopADDecoding | ( | U8BIT | path | ) |
Requests stop of channel decoding.
U8BIT | decoder - the ID of the decode path to use |
void STB_DPStopAudioDecoding | ( | U8BIT | path | ) |
Requests stop of channel decoding.
U8BIT | decoder - the ID of the decode path to use |
void STB_DPStopDecoding | ( | U8BIT | path | ) |
Requests stop of channel decoding (blanks screen).
U8BIT | decoder - the ID of the decode path to use |
void STB_DPStopDishMove | ( | U8BIT | path | ) |
Stops sat dish moving.
U8BIT | path - the ID of the decode path to use |
void STB_DPStopRecording | ( | U8BIT | path | ) |
Requests stop of recording on specified path.
U8BIT | path - the ID of the decode path to use |
void STB_DPStopSI | ( | U8BIT | path | ) |
Requests stop of SI engine.
U8BIT | path - the ID of the decode path to use |
void STB_DPStopTune | ( | U8BIT | path | ) |
Stops of tuning signal scan and unlocks.
U8BIT | path - the ID of the decode path to use |
void STB_DPStopVideoDecoding | ( | U8BIT | path | ) |
Requests stop of channel decoding (blanks screen).
U8BIT | decoder - the ID of the decode path to use |
void STB_DPStoreDishPosition | ( | U8BIT | path, |
U16BIT | count | ||
) |
Stores sat dish position as given DiSEqC index number, or pulse count.
U8BIT | path - the ID of the decode path to use |
U16BIT | count - the index or pulse count to store |
BOOLEAN STB_DPTryAdditionalFrequency | ( | U8BIT | tuner_num | ) |
Checks to see if there's an additional frequency available on the given decode path that hasn't yet been tried and sets it as the next frequency for tuning.
tuner_num | tuner to be checked for an additional frequency |
void STB_DPTuneOff | ( | U8BIT | path | ) |
Requests stop of tuning and powers down tuner.
U8BIT | path - the ID of the decode path to use |
BOOLEAN STB_DPUseCISlotWithPath | ( | U8BIT | path, |
U8BIT | slot_id | ||
) |
Use the given CI slot with the given path.
path | - decode path |
slot_id | - CI slot id |