31 #ifndef INVALID_RES_ID 32 #define INVALID_RES_ID ((U8BIT)0xFF) 39 U8BIT
STB_RESAcquireTuner(E_STB_DP_SIGNAL_TYPE tuner_type,
void *transport, E_STB_DP_RES_OWNER owner,
40 BOOLEAN high_priority, BOOLEAN *tuner_taken);
87 U8BIT STB_RESAcquireCISlot(
void *service, U8BIT *pmt_data, U8BIT *ci_protection_desc);
88 BOOLEAN STB_RESUseCISlot(U8BIT slot_id);
U8BIT STB_RESAcquireAudioDecoder(void)
Acquires an audio decoder and marks it as used.
Definition: stbresmgr.c:916
U8BIT STB_RESTunerUsageCount(U8BIT tuner_id)
Returns the number of paths using the tuner.
Definition: stbresmgr.c:682
U8BIT STB_RESNumVideoDecoders(void)
Returns the number of video decoders in the system.
Definition: stbresmgr.c:976
Header file - macros and function prototypes for public use.
U8BIT STB_RESNumDemuxes(void)
Returns the number of demux paths under the control of the resource manager.
Definition: stbresmgr.c:709
U8BIT STB_RESNumTuners(void)
Returns the number of tuners.
Definition: stbresmgr.c:299
void STB_RESReleaseAudioDecoder(U8BIT decoder_id)
Releases a previously acquired audio decoder.
Definition: stbresmgr.c:953
Returns the type of the given tuner.
Definition: stbresmgr.c:574
U8BIT STB_RESNumEnabledTuners(void)
Returns the number of tuners that aren't disabled.
Definition: stbresmgr.c:526
BOOLEAN STB_RESInitialise(void)
Creates and initialises control structures for the resources to be managed.
Definition: stbresmgr.c:117
void STB_RESReleaseVideoDecoder(U8BIT decoder_id)
Releases a previously acquired video decoder.
Definition: stbresmgr.c:1025
U8BIT STB_RESGetCISlotUsageCount(U8BIT slot_id)
Returns the number of times the given slot is in use.
Definition: stbresmgr.c:1150
void STB_RESReleaseADDecoder(U8BIT decoder_id)
Releases a previously acquired AD decoder.
Definition: stbresmgr.c:895
BOOLEAN STB_RESIsTunerDisabled(U8BIT tuner_id)
Returns whether a tuner has been disabled or not.
Definition: stbresmgr.c:499
U16BIT STB_RESGetDemuxCaps(U8BIT demux_id)
Returns the capability flags for the given demux.
Definition: stbresmgr.c:825
void STB_RESSetTunerDisabled(U8BIT tuner_id, BOOLEAN disable)
Set the disable state for a tuner. When disabled, a tuner will be ignored when acquiring a new tuner ...
Definition: stbresmgr.c:477
void STB_RESReleaseDemux(U8BIT demux_id)
Releases a previously acquired demux path.
Definition: stbresmgr.c:790
System Wide Global Technical Data Type Definitions.
U8BIT STB_RESAcquireADDecoder(void)
Acquires an AD decoder and marks it as used.
Definition: stbresmgr.c:861
void STB_RESReleaseTuner(U8BIT tuner_id, BOOLEAN high_priority, E_STB_DP_RES_OWNER owner)
Releases a tuner that has previously been acquired.
Definition: stbresmgr.c:424
void STB_RESSetTunedTransport(U8BIT tuner_id, void *t_ptr)
Saves the transport pointer with the specified tuner.
Definition: stbresmgr.c:603
BOOLEAN STB_RESCanTuneToTransport(E_STB_DP_SIGNAL_TYPE tuner_type, void *transport)
Returns whether there's a tuner available to tune to the given transport.
Definition: stbresmgr.c:653
U8BIT STB_RESNumAudioDecoders(void)
Returns the number of audio decoders in the system.
Definition: stbresmgr.c:849
void * STB_RESGetTunedTransport(U8BIT tuner_id)
Returns the transport record saved with the specified tuner.
Definition: stbresmgr.c:626
void STB_RESSetTunerOwner(U8BIT tuner_id, E_STB_DP_RES_OWNER owner)
Sets the owner of the tuner.
Definition: stbresmgr.c:552
void STB_RESReleaseCISlot(U8BIT slot_id)
Releases a previously acquired CI slot.
Definition: stbresmgr.c:1177
U8BIT STB_RESNumCISlots(void)
Returns the number of CI slots under the control of the resource manager.
Definition: stbresmgr.c:1047
U8BIT STB_RESAcquireVideoDecoder(void)
Acquires a video decoder and marks it as used.
Definition: stbresmgr.c:988
U8BIT STB_RESAcquireDemux(U8BIT demux_id, U16BIT caps)
Acquires a demux path and marks it as being used.
Definition: stbresmgr.c:722
U8BIT STB_RESAcquireTuner(E_STB_DP_SIGNAL_TYPE tuner_type, void *transport, E_STB_DP_RES_OWNER owner, BOOLEAN high_priority, BOOLEAN *tuner_taken)
Acquires a tuner. Tuners will be reused if possible.
Definition: stbresmgr.c:317