DVBCore  22.3.0
Open Source DVB Engine
Classes | Macros | Functions
stberc.c File Reference

Event reporting control functions. More...

#include <stdio.h>
#include <techtype.h>
#include <dbgfuncs.h>
#include "stberc.h"
#include "stbpvr.h"
#include "stbdpc.h"
#include "stbhwos.h"


struct  ER_STATUS
struct  ER_LATCHED


#define EVENT_LATCHED_MAX   10
#define INTERACTION_TASK_PRIORITY   8 /* Not a critical task so can have a low priority */


void STB_ERInitialise (void)
 Initialises STB layer Event Reporting control.
void STB_ERRegisterHandler (BOOLEAN(*func)(BOOLEAN latched, BOOLEAN repeat, U16BIT class, U16BIT type, void *data, U32BIT data_size))
 Called by app to register callback function for events. More...
void STB_ERNotifyEvent (U8BIT event_class, U16BIT event_type)
 Called by app to notify consumption of latched event. More...
void STB_ERSendEvent (BOOLEAN latched, BOOLEAN repeat, U16BIT path_class, U16BIT type, void *data, U32BIT data_size)
 Sends an event to event reporting control module. More...
void STB_ERSetUserInteractionTimeout (U32BIT timeout)
 Sets the time, in seconds, after which the STB_EVENT_USER_INTERACTION_TIMEOUT event will be sent to indicate that there hasn't been any user interaction for the set period of time. More...

Detailed Description

Event reporting control functions.


Function Documentation

void STB_ERNotifyEvent ( U8BIT  event_class,
U16BIT  event_type 

Called by app to notify consumption of latched event.

U8BITclass - event class
U16BITtype - event type
void STB_ERRegisterHandler ( BOOLEAN(*)(BOOLEAN latched, BOOLEAN repeat, U16BIT class, U16BIT type, void *data, U32BIT data_size)  func)

Called by app to register callback function for events.

callbackfunction pointer
void STB_ERSendEvent ( BOOLEAN  latched,
BOOLEAN  repeat,
U16BIT  path_class,
U16BIT  type,
void *  data,
U32BIT  data_size 

Sends an event to event reporting control module.

BOOLEANlatched - TRUE if event is to be latched
BOOLEANrepeat - TRUE for handset repeat codes
U8BITclass - event class
U16BITtype - event type
void STB_ERSetUserInteractionTimeout ( U32BIT  timeout)

Sets the time, in seconds, after which the STB_EVENT_USER_INTERACTION_TIMEOUT event will be sent to indicate that there hasn't been any user interaction for the set period of time.

timeouttime in seconds after which an event will be sent