![]() |
Open Source DVB Engine
PVR control functions. More...
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <techtype.h>
#include <dbgfuncs.h>
#include "stbhwos.h"
#include "stbhwav.h"
#include "stbpvrpr.h"
#include "stbhwdsk.h"
#include "stbhwmem.h"
#include "stbhwcrypt.h"
#include "stbpvr.h"
#include "stbheap.h"
#include "stbgc.h"
#include "stbuni.h"
#include "stbdpc.h"
#include "stbpvrmsg.h"
#include "stberc.h"
#include "stbllist.h"
Classes | |
struct | PVR_DB_DISK |
struct | S_REC_HEADER |
struct | S_REC_INFO |
struct | s_recording |
struct | S_BOOKMARK |
Macros | |
#define | STB_PVR_PRINT(x) |
#define | DBG_CIP(x, ...) |
#define | HANDLE_BASE 0x00000001 |
#define | DB_FILENAME_LEN 32 |
#define | BASENAME_LEN 16 |
#define | DB_FILE_EXTENSION ".odb" |
#define | ODB_MAGIC_1 'O' |
#define | ODB_MAGIC_2 'd' |
#define | ODB_MAGIC_3 'B' |
#define | ODB_VERSION_1 1 |
#define | ODB_VERSION_2 2 |
#define | BOOKMARK_TOLERANCE 30 /* +/- number of seconds allowed when finding an existing bookmark */ |
#define | REC_AD_RECEIVER_MIX 0 |
#define | REC_AD_BROADCAST_MIX 1 |
#define | REC_INFO_BUFFER_SIZE ((sizeof(S_REC_INFO) + (AES128_KEY_SIZE - 1)) & ~(AES128_KEY_SIZE - 1)) |
#define | REC_LOCKED 0x0001 |
#define | REC_ENCRYPTED 0x0002 |
#define | REC_HAS_GUIDANCE 0x0004 |
#define | REC_SERIES 0x0008 |
#define | REC_RECOMMENDATION 0x0010 |
#define | REC_HAS_VIDEO 0x0020 |
#define | REC_PARENTAL_LOCK 0x0040 |
Typedefs | |
typedef struct s_recording | S_RECORDING |
Functions | |
BOOLEAN | STB_PVRInitialise (void) |
Initialises PVR path control. More... | |
void | STB_PVRSetStandbyState (BOOLEAN state) |
Sets the standby state of the PVR path control. More... | |
BOOLEAN | STB_PVRIsInitialised (void) |
Returns Initialised status. More... | |
void | STB_PVRSetDefaultDisk (U16BIT disk_id) |
Sets the disk ID to be used as the default disk for PVR recordings. If this is set to INVALID_DISK_ID then the first mounted disk will be used. More... | |
U16BIT | STB_PVRGetDefaultDisk (void) |
Returns the set default disk, or finds the first mounted (usable) disk if a default hasn't been set. More... | |
BOOLEAN | STB_PVRCanDiskBeUsed (U16BIT disk_id) |
Checks whether the given disk can be used for PVR functions. More... | |
BOOLEAN | STB_PVRFormat (U16BIT disk_id, E_STB_PVR_FORMATMODE mode, U8BIT *prog) |
Formats disk for PVR. Call this for each mode. More... | |
BOOLEAN | STB_PVRRepair (U16BIT disk_id, E_STB_PVR_REPAIRMODE mode, U8BIT *prog) |
Repairs disk for PVR. Call this for each mode. More... | |
void | STB_PVRUpdateRecordings (BOOLEAN force_load) |
Called when a disk is added or removed and updates the disk database and the recordings that are now available. More... | |
BOOLEAN | STB_PVRIsValidHandle (U32BIT handle) |
Determines whether the given handle is in the recording database. More... | |
BOOLEAN | STB_PVRCreateRecording (U16BIT disk_id, U8BIT *name, U32BIT *handle) |
Create a new recording and return the handle. More... | |
BOOLEAN | STB_PVRDestroyRecording (U32BIT handle) |
Completely destroys a recording by deleting all files and removing it from the list of recordings. More... | |
void | STB_PVRSaveRecording (U32BIT handle) |
Save all info on the given recording. The filename and disk should already have been setup, either when the recording is first created or when it's read from a disk. More... | |
U16BIT | STB_PVRGetRecordingHandles (U32BIT **handle_array) |
Allocates and returns an array of all the recording handles. More... | |
void | STB_PVRReleaseRecordingHandles (U32BIT *handle_array) |
Frees the given array of handles allocated by the preceding function. More... | |
BOOLEAN | STB_PVRFindRecordingFromCrid (U8BIT *prog_crid, U32BIT *handle) |
Returns the handle of the recording with the given programme CRID. More... | |
BOOLEAN | STB_PVRFindNextSplitRecording (U32BIT curr_handle, U32BIT *next_handle) |
Returns the handle of a split event recording that follows on from curr_handle. More... | |
U32BIT | STB_PVRGetHandleForRecordingIndex (U8BIT rec_index) |
Returns the handle for the given recording index. More... | |
U8BIT | STB_PVRGetPathForRecordingIndex (U8BIT rec_index) |
Returns the path for the given recording index. More... | |
void | STB_PVRRecordingSetName (U32BIT handle, U8BIT *name) |
Sets the name for a recording. More... | |
U8BIT * | STB_PVRRecordingGetName (U32BIT handle) |
Gets the name for a recording. More... | |
BOOLEAN | STB_PVRRecordingGetDateTime (U32BIT handle, U16BIT *date, U8BIT *hours, U8BIT *mins, U8BIT *secs) |
Gets the date and time for a recording. More... | |
BOOLEAN | STB_PVRRecordingGetLength (U32BIT handle, U8BIT *length_hours, U8BIT *length_mins, U8BIT *length_secs, U32BIT *rec_size_kb) |
Returns the length in time and size in KB of the recording with the given handle. More... | |
U16BIT | STB_PVRRecordingGetDiskId (U32BIT handle) |
Gets the disk id for a recording. More... | |
void | STB_PVRRecordingSetOtherCrid (U32BIT handle, U8BIT *crid) |
Sets the series/recommendation CRID for a recording and saves the database file. More... | |
BOOLEAN | STB_PVRRecordingGetOtherCrid (U32BIT handle, U8BIT *crid, U16BIT name_len) |
Gets the series/recommendation CRID for a given recording. More... | |
void | STB_PVRRecordingSetAdditionalInfo (U32BIT handle, U8BIT *additional_info) |
Sets the additional info string for a recording. More... | |
U8BIT * | STB_PVRRecordingGetAdditionalInfo (U32BIT handle) |
Gets the additional info string pointer for a recording. More... | |
void | STB_PVRRecordingSetParentalRatingAge (U32BIT handle, U32BIT parental_rating) |
Sets the parental rating age for the specified recording. More... | |
U32BIT | STB_PVRRecordingGetParentalRating (U32BIT handle) |
Returns the parental rating age for the specified recording as set by STB_PVRRecordingSetParentalRatingAge. More... | |
void | STB_PVRRecordingSetStartPadding (U32BIT handle, S32BIT start_padding) |
Sets the start padding value for the specified recording. More... | |
S32BIT | STB_PVRRecordingGetStartPadding (U32BIT handle) |
Gets the start padding value for the specified recording as set by STB_PVRRecordingSetStartPadding. More... | |
void | STB_PVRRecordingSetEndPadding (U32BIT handle, S32BIT end_padding) |
Sets the end padding value for the specified recording. More... | |
S32BIT | STB_PVRRecordingGetEndPadding (U32BIT handle) |
Gets the end padding value for the specified recording as set by STB_PVRRecordingSetEndPadding. More... | |
void | STB_PVRRecordingSetServiceName (U32BIT handle, U8BIT *service_name) |
Sets the service name for a recording and saves the database file. More... | |
BOOLEAN | STB_PVRRecordingGetServiceName (U32BIT handle, U8BIT *service_name, U16BIT name_len) |
Gets the service name for a given recording. More... | |
void | STB_PVRRecordingSetDescription (U32BIT handle, U8BIT *description) |
Sets the short description for a recorded programme. More... | |
BOOLEAN | STB_PVRRecordingGetDescription (U32BIT handle, U8BIT *description, U16BIT desc_len) |
Gets the short description for a given recording. More... | |
U16BIT | STB_PVRRecordingGetDescriptionLen (U32BIT handle) |
Gets the length of the short description for a given recording. More... | |
void | STB_PVRRecordingSetExtendedDescription (U32BIT handle, U8BIT *description) |
Sets the extended description for a recorded programme. More... | |
BOOLEAN | STB_PVRRecordingGetExtendedDescription (U32BIT handle, U8BIT *description, U16BIT desc_len) |
Gets the extended description for a given recording. More... | |
U16BIT | STB_PVRRecordingGetExtendedDescriptionLen (U32BIT handle) |
Gets the length of the extended description for a given recording. More... | |
void | STB_PVRRecordingSetCrid (U32BIT handle, U8BIT *crid) |
Sets the programme CRID for a recording and saves the database file. More... | |
BOOLEAN | STB_PVRRecordingGetCrid (U32BIT handle, U8BIT *crid, U16BIT name_len) |
Gets the programme CRID for a given recording. More... | |
BOOLEAN | STB_PVRIsBeingRecorded (U32BIT handle) |
Returns whether the recording with the given handle is currently being recorded. More... | |
void | STB_PVRRecordingSetSeries (U32BIT handle) |
Sets a recording to a series recording. More... | |
void | STB_PVRRecordingSetRecommendation (U32BIT handle) |
Sets a recording to a recommendation recording. More... | |
BOOLEAN | STB_PVRRecordingGetSeries (U32BIT handle) |
Returns whether the given recording is a series. More... | |
BOOLEAN | STB_PVRRecordingGetRecommendation (U32BIT handle) |
Returns whether the given recording is a recommendation. More... | |
BOOLEAN | STB_PVRRecordingSetLocked (U32BIT handle, BOOLEAN state) |
Sets the locked state of a recording. More... | |
BOOLEAN | STB_PVRRecordingGetLocked (U32BIT handle) |
Returns whether the given recording is locked. More... | |
BOOLEAN | STB_PVRRecordingSetSelected (U32BIT handle, BOOLEAN state) |
Sets the selected state of a recording. More... | |
BOOLEAN | STB_PVRRecordingGetSelected (U32BIT handle) |
Returns whether the given recording is selected. More... | |
BOOLEAN | STB_PVRRecordingIsEncrypted (U32BIT handle) |
Returns whether the given recording is encrypted. More... | |
BOOLEAN | STB_PVRRecordingSetParentalLock (U32BIT handle, BOOLEAN state) |
Sets the parental lock state of a recording. More... | |
BOOLEAN | STB_PVRRecordingGetParentalLock (U32BIT handle) |
Returns the parental lock state of the given recording. More... | |
BOOLEAN | STB_PVRRecordingSetGuidance (U32BIT handle, U8BIT *text) |
Sets the guidance text of a recording. More... | |
BOOLEAN | STB_PVRRecordingHasGuidance (U32BIT handle) |
Returns whether the given recording has guidance. More... | |
BOOLEAN | STB_PVRRecordingGetGuidance (U32BIT handle, U8BIT *text, U16BIT text_len) |
Returns the whether a recording has guidance and the guidance text if available. More... | |
U16BIT | STB_PVRRecordingGetGuidanceLen (U32BIT handle) |
Gets the length of the guidance text for a given recording. More... | |
BOOLEAN | STB_PVRRecordingSetStatus (U32BIT handle, E_PVR_RECORDING_STATUS status) |
Set the status to be saved with the recording. More... | |
BOOLEAN | STB_PVRRecordingGetStatus (U32BIT handle, E_PVR_RECORDING_STATUS *status) |
Returns the status saved with the given recording. More... | |
U32BIT | STB_PVRGetTimeOfAllRecordings (U16BIT disk_id) |
Calculates the total disk space used in minutes. More... | |
U32BIT | STB_PVRGetSizeOfAllRecordings (U16BIT disk_id) |
Calculates the total disk space used in KB for all recordings. More... | |
BOOLEAN | STB_PVRStartPlaying (U8BIT path, U32BIT handle, BOOLEAN resume) |
Start the PVR playing. More... | |
BOOLEAN | STB_PVRIsPlaying (U8BIT path, U32BIT *handle) |
Reads the PVR play status. More... | |
void | STB_PVRSavePlayPosition (U8BIT path) |
Saves the bookmark holding the playback position. This bookmark is used to resume a playback when STB_PVRStartPlaying is called with resume = TRUE. This function should be called while decoders are still running, to be sure the position in the playback is accurate. More... | |
U32BIT | STB_PVRGetPlayPosition (U32BIT handle) |
Returns the bookmarked play position for the given recording. More... | |
void | STB_PVRStopPlaying (U8BIT path) |
Stop the PVR play back. More... | |
BOOLEAN | STB_PVRRecordingGetTriplet (U32BIT handle, U16BIT *serv_id, U16BIT *ts_id, U16BIT *orig_net_id) |
Read the DVB triplet (service id, transport id, orig net id) for a recording. More... | |
void | STB_PVRStartPlayRunning (U8BIT path) |
Set to start playback in running mode. More... | |
void | STB_PVRStartPlayPaused (U8BIT path) |
Set to start playback in paused mode. More... | |
void | STB_PVRStartPlaySync (U8BIT path) |
Set to start playback synced to AV decoder. More... | |
BOOLEAN | STB_PVRIsPlayVideo (U32BIT handle) |
Returns TRUE if play contains video data. More... | |
BOOLEAN | STB_PVRIsPlayAudio (U8BIT path) |
Returns TRUE if play contains audio data. More... | |
BOOLEAN | STB_PVRSetRecordingPids (U8BIT path, U16BIT num_pids, S_PVR_PID_INFO *pid_array) |
Saves (takes a copy of) the array of pids to be recorded. More... | |
BOOLEAN | STB_PVRUpdateRecordingPids (U8BIT path, U16BIT num_pids, S_PVR_PID_INFO *pid_array) |
Saves (takes a copy of) the array of pids to be recorded and pass them to the platform. More... | |
BOOLEAN | STB_PVRSetRecoringTriplet (U8BIT path, U16BIT serv_id, U16BIT ts_id, U16BIT orig_net_id) |
Saves the DVB triplet of the service to be recorded. More... | |
BOOLEAN | STB_PVRToggleBookmark (U8BIT path) |
Creates or deletes a bookmark at the current position during playback. If there's a bookmark within a defined number of seconds of the current position then the bookmark is deleted, otherwise one is created. More... | |
BOOLEAN | STB_PVRGotoNextBookmark (U8BIT path) |
Jumps playback to the position of the bookmark after the current play position. More... | |
U16BIT | STB_PVRGetBookmarks (U8BIT path, void ***bookmarks) |
Allocates and returns an array containing the handles of the bookmarks for the recording currently being played. More... | |
U16BIT | STB_PVRGetBookmarksForRecording (U32BIT handle, void ***bookmarks) |
Allocates and returns an array containing the handles of the bookmarks for the recording specified by the given handle. More... | |
void | STB_PVRReleaseBookmarks (void **bookmarks, U16BIT num) |
Frees a previously allocated array of bookmark handles. More... | |
U32BIT | STB_PVRGetBookmarkTime (void *bookmark_handle) |
Returns the time associated with a bookmark. More... | |
U8BIT * | STB_PVRGetBookmarkName (void *bookmark_handle) |
Allocates and returns the name associated with a bookmark. More... | |
void | STB_PVRPlaybackNotifyTime (U8BIT path) |
Handles the notification received from the platform code when playback reaches a set position. For CI+, this works out the next URI/licence/pin that needs to be applied, applies them and sets the next notification time. More... | |
BOOLEAN | STB_PVRStartRecording (U8BIT path, U32BIT handle) |
Start the PVR record tasks. More... | |
BOOLEAN | STB_PVRPauseRecording (U8BIT path) |
Pauses recording after it's been started. More... | |
BOOLEAN | STB_PVRResumeRecording (U8BIT path) |
Resumes a recording after it's been paused. More... | |
void | STB_PVRStopRecording (U8BIT path) |
Stop the PVR recording. More... | |
BOOLEAN | STB_PVRIsRecording (U8BIT path, U32BIT *handle) |
Reads the PVR record status. More... | |
void | STB_PVRStartRecordRunning (U8BIT path) |
Set to start recording in running mode. More... | |
void | STB_PVRStartRecordPaused (U8BIT path, U32BIT timeshift_seconds) |
Set to start recording in paused mode for timeshift recording. More... | |
BOOLEAN | STB_PVRIsRecordVideo (U8BIT path) |
Returns TRUE if record contains video data. More... | |
BOOLEAN | STB_PVRIsRecordAudio (U8BIT path) |
Returns TRUE if record contains audio data. More... | |
void | STB_PVREncryptRecording (U8BIT path, BOOLEAN state) |
Sets whether a recording should be encrypted. Must be set before the recording is started. More... | |
void | STB_PVRPlayNormal (U8BIT path) |
Restarts playback (no trick mode) - has no effect when decoding from demux. More... | |
BOOLEAN | STB_PVRIsPlayNormal (U8BIT path) |
Returns TRUE if play is not in trick mode. More... | |
void | STB_PVRPlayPause (U8BIT path) |
Pauses play - has no effect when decoding from demux. More... | |
BOOLEAN | STB_PVRIsPlayPause (U8BIT path) |
Returns TRUE if play is paused trick mode. More... | |
void | STB_PVRPlayForward (U8BIT path) |
Set play forwards - has no effect when decoding from demux. More... | |
BOOLEAN | STB_PVRIsPlayForward (U8BIT path) |
Returns TRUE if play is forwards trick mode. More... | |
void | STB_PVRPlayReverse (U8BIT path) |
Set play backwards - has no effect when decoding from demux. More... | |
BOOLEAN | STB_PVRIsPlayReverse (U8BIT path) |
Returns TRUE if play is backwards trick mode. More... | |
void | STB_PVRPlayFrameInc (U8BIT path) |
Increments play by one frame - has no effect when decoding from demux. More... | |
void | STB_PVRPlayFrameDec (U8BIT path) |
Decrements play by one frame - has no effect when decoding from demux. More... | |
void | STB_PVRPlayMedium (U8BIT path) |
Sets play speed to medium (1x) - has no effect when decoding from demux. More... | |
BOOLEAN | STB_PVRIsPlayMedium (U8BIT path) |
Returns TRUE if play speed is medium (1x). More... | |
void | STB_PVRPlaySlower (U8BIT path, BOOLEAN include_slow_speeds) |
Decrease play speed - has no effect when decoding from demux. More... | |
BOOLEAN | STB_PVRIsPlaySlowest (U8BIT path) |
Returns TRUE if play speed is slowest possible. More... | |
void | STB_PVRPlayFaster (U8BIT path, BOOLEAN include_slow_speeds) |
Increase play speed - has no effect when decoding from demux. More... | |
BOOLEAN | STB_PVRIsPlayFastest (U8BIT path) |
Returns TRUE if play speed is fastest possible. More... | |
S16BIT | STB_PVRGetMinPlaySpeed (U8BIT path) |
Reads the PVR min play speed. More... | |
S16BIT | STB_PVRGetMaxPlaySpeed (U8BIT path) |
Reads the PVR max play speed. More... | |
void | STB_PVRDiskUsed (U16BIT disk_id, U8BIT *hours, U8BIT *mins) |
Returns disk space used in hours and minutes. More... | |
void | STB_PVRDiskFree (U16BIT disk_id, U8BIT *hours, U8BIT *mins) |
Returns disk space free in hours and minutes. More... | |
U32BIT | STB_PVRDiskSize (U16BIT disk_id) |
Returns disk size in MBytes. More... | |
BOOLEAN | STB_PVRCreateBookmark (U32BIT handle, U32BIT time, U8BIT *name) |
Creates a bookmark associated with the a recording. More... | |
BOOLEAN | STB_PVRDeleteBookmark (U32BIT handle, U32BIT time, U8BIT *name) |
Deletes a bookmark associated with the a recording. More... | |
PVR control functions.
BOOLEAN STB_PVRCanDiskBeUsed | ( | U16BIT | disk_id | ) |
Checks whether the given disk can be used for PVR functions.
U16BIT | disk_id - disk to be checked |
BOOLEAN STB_PVRCreateBookmark | ( | U32BIT | handle, |
U32BIT | time, | ||
U8BIT * | name | ||
) |
Creates a bookmark associated with the a recording.
handle | Recording handle |
time | Time in seconds since the beginning of the recording |
name | NULL terminated string representing the bookmark name, maximum length STB_PVR_NAME_LEN. If name is NULL, a string is formed to represent the bookmark time in the format hh:mm:ss |
BOOLEAN STB_PVRCreateRecording | ( | U16BIT | disk_id, |
U8BIT * | name, | ||
U32BIT * | handle | ||
) |
Create a new recording and return the handle.
disk_id | - ID of disk to be used for the recording |
name | - name of recording |
handle | - returned recording handle |
BOOLEAN STB_PVRDeleteBookmark | ( | U32BIT | handle, |
U32BIT | time, | ||
U8BIT * | name | ||
) |
Deletes a bookmark associated with the a recording.
handle | Recording handle |
time | Time in seconds since the beginning of the recording |
name | NULL terminated string representing the bookmark name, maximum length STB_PVR_NAME_LEN. If name is NULL, a string is formed to represent the bookmark time in the format hh:mm:ss |
BOOLEAN STB_PVRDestroyRecording | ( | U32BIT | handle | ) |
Completely destroys a recording by deleting all files and removing it from the list of recordings.
handle | - handle of recording to be destroyed |
void STB_PVRDiskFree | ( | U16BIT | disk_id, |
U8BIT * | hours, | ||
U8BIT * | mins | ||
) |
Returns disk space free in hours and minutes.
U16BIT | disk_id - ID of the disk being queried |
U8BIT* | hours - returns num of hours |
U8BIT* | mins - returns num of mins |
U32BIT STB_PVRDiskSize | ( | U16BIT | disk_id | ) |
Returns disk size in MBytes.
U16BIT | disk_id - ID of the disk being queried |
void STB_PVRDiskUsed | ( | U16BIT | disk_id, |
U8BIT * | hours, | ||
U8BIT * | mins | ||
) |
Returns disk space used in hours and minutes.
U8BIT* | hours - returns num of hours |
U8BIT* | mins - returns num of mins |
void STB_PVREncryptRecording | ( | U8BIT | path, |
BOOLEAN | state | ||
) |
Sets whether a recording should be encrypted. Must be set before the recording is started.
path | - decode path that will be used for the recording |
state | - TRUE if it's to be encrypted |
BOOLEAN STB_PVRFindNextSplitRecording | ( | U32BIT | curr_handle, |
U32BIT * | next_handle | ||
) |
Returns the handle of a split event recording that follows on from curr_handle.
curr_handle | - handle of the recording |
next_handle | - handle of recording found, returned |
BOOLEAN STB_PVRFindRecordingFromCrid | ( | U8BIT * | prog_crid, |
U32BIT * | handle | ||
) |
Returns the handle of the recording with the given programme CRID.
prog_crid | - CRID to be searched for |
handle | - handle of recording found, returned |
BOOLEAN STB_PVRFormat | ( | U16BIT | disk_id, |
U8BIT * | prog | ||
) |
Formats disk for PVR. Call this for each mode.
U16BIT | disk_id - ID of the disk to be, or being, formatted |
E_STB_PVR_FORMATMODE | mode - format mode |
U8BIT* | prog - returns progress (0-100%). |
U8BIT* STB_PVRGetBookmarkName | ( | void * | bookmark_handle | ) |
Allocates and returns the name associated with a bookmark.
bookmark_handle | Bookmark handle |
U16BIT STB_PVRGetBookmarks | ( | U8BIT | path, |
void *** | bookmarks | ||
) |
Allocates and returns an array containing the handles of the bookmarks for the recording currently being played.
path | Playback decode path |
bookmarks | Pointer to array of returned bookmark handles |
U16BIT STB_PVRGetBookmarksForRecording | ( | U32BIT | handle, |
void *** | bookmarks | ||
) |
Allocates and returns an array containing the handles of the bookmarks for the recording specified by the given handle.
handle | Recording handle |
bookmarks | Pointer to array of returned bookmark handles |
U32BIT STB_PVRGetBookmarkTime | ( | void * | bookmark_handle | ) |
Returns the time associated with a bookmark.
bookmark_handle | Bookmark handle |
U16BIT STB_PVRGetDefaultDisk | ( | void | ) |
Returns the set default disk, or finds the first mounted (usable) disk if a default hasn't been set.
U32BIT STB_PVRGetHandleForRecordingIndex | ( | U8BIT | rec_index | ) |
Returns the handle for the given recording index.
rec_index | - recording index |
S16BIT STB_PVRGetMaxPlaySpeed | ( | U8BIT | path | ) |
Reads the PVR max play speed.
U8BIT | path - player number |
S16BIT STB_PVRGetMinPlaySpeed | ( | U8BIT | path | ) |
Reads the PVR min play speed.
U8BIT | path - player number |
U8BIT STB_PVRGetPathForRecordingIndex | ( | U8BIT | rec_index | ) |
Returns the path for the given recording index.
rec_index | - recording index |
U32BIT STB_PVRGetPlayPosition | ( | U32BIT | handle | ) |
Returns the bookmarked play position for the given recording.
handle | handle of recording |
U16BIT STB_PVRGetRecordingHandles | ( | U32BIT ** | handle_array | ) |
Allocates and returns an array of all the recording handles.
handle_array | - pointer to array of handles, must be freed using STB_PVRReleaseRecordingHandles |
U32BIT STB_PVRGetSizeOfAllRecordings | ( | U16BIT | disk_id | ) |
Calculates the total disk space used in KB for all recordings.
disk_id | - disk to be used |
U32BIT STB_PVRGetTimeOfAllRecordings | ( | U16BIT | disk_id | ) |
Calculates the total disk space used in minutes.
disk_id | - disk to be used |
BOOLEAN STB_PVRGotoNextBookmark | ( | U8BIT | path | ) |
Jumps playback to the position of the bookmark after the current play position.
path | - playback decode path |
BOOLEAN STB_PVRInitialise | ( | void | ) |
Initialises PVR path control.
BOOLEAN STB_PVRIsBeingRecorded | ( | U32BIT | handle | ) |
Returns whether the recording with the given handle is currently being recorded.
handle | - recording being queried |
BOOLEAN STB_PVRIsInitialised | ( | void | ) |
Returns Initialised status.
BOOLEAN STB_PVRIsPlayAudio | ( | U8BIT | path | ) |
Returns TRUE if play contains audio data.
U8BIT | path - the ID of the decode path to use |
BOOLEAN STB_PVRIsPlayFastest | ( | U8BIT | path | ) |
Returns TRUE if play speed is fastest possible.
U8BIT | path - the ID of the decode path to use |
BOOLEAN STB_PVRIsPlayForward | ( | U8BIT | path | ) |
Returns TRUE if play is forwards trick mode.
U8BIT | path - the ID of the decode path to use |
BOOLEAN STB_PVRIsPlaying | ( | U8BIT | path, |
U32BIT * | handle | ||
) |
Reads the PVR play status.
U8BIT | path - player number |
U32BIT* | handle - returns handle in use |
BOOLEAN STB_PVRIsPlayMedium | ( | U8BIT | path | ) |
Returns TRUE if play speed is medium (1x).
U8BIT | path - the ID of the decode path to use |
BOOLEAN STB_PVRIsPlayNormal | ( | U8BIT | path | ) |
Returns TRUE if play is not in trick mode.
U8BIT | path - the ID of the decode path to use |
BOOLEAN STB_PVRIsPlayPause | ( | U8BIT | path | ) |
Returns TRUE if play is paused trick mode.
U8BIT | path - the ID of the decode path to use |
BOOLEAN STB_PVRIsPlayReverse | ( | U8BIT | path | ) |
Returns TRUE if play is backwards trick mode.
U8BIT | path - the ID of the decode path to use |
BOOLEAN STB_PVRIsPlaySlowest | ( | U8BIT | path | ) |
Returns TRUE if play speed is slowest possible.
U8BIT | path - the ID of the decode path to use |
BOOLEAN STB_PVRIsPlayVideo | ( | U32BIT | handle | ) |
Returns TRUE if play contains video data.
U32BIT | handle - the ID of the decode path to use |
BOOLEAN STB_PVRIsRecordAudio | ( | U8BIT | path | ) |
Returns TRUE if record contains audio data.
U8BIT | path - the ID of the decode path to use |
BOOLEAN STB_PVRIsRecording | ( | U8BIT | path, |
U32BIT * | handle | ||
) |
Reads the PVR record status.
U8BIT | path - decoder number |
U32BIT* | handle - returns handle in use |
BOOLEAN STB_PVRIsRecordVideo | ( | U8BIT | path | ) |
Returns TRUE if record contains video data.
U8BIT | path - the ID of the decode path to use |
BOOLEAN STB_PVRIsValidHandle | ( | U32BIT | handle | ) |
Determines whether the given handle is in the recording database.
handle | - recording handle to be checked |
BOOLEAN STB_PVRPauseRecording | ( | U8BIT | path | ) |
Pauses recording after it's been started.
path | - decode path of the recording |
void STB_PVRPlaybackNotifyTime | ( | U8BIT | path | ) |
Handles the notification received from the platform code when playback reaches a set position. For CI+, this works out the next URI/licence/pin that needs to be applied, applies them and sets the next notification time.
path | - decode path |
void STB_PVRPlayFaster | ( | U8BIT | path, |
BOOLEAN | include_slow_speeds | ||
) |
Increase play speed - has no effect when decoding from demux.
path | - ID of the decode path to use |
include_slow_speeds | - selects whether slow motion speeds, >-100% and <100%, are included |
void STB_PVRPlayForward | ( | U8BIT | path | ) |
Set play forwards - has no effect when decoding from demux.
U8BIT | path - the ID of the decode path to use |
void STB_PVRPlayFrameDec | ( | U8BIT | path | ) |
Decrements play by one frame - has no effect when decoding from demux.
U8BIT | path - the ID of the decode path to use |
void STB_PVRPlayFrameInc | ( | U8BIT | path | ) |
Increments play by one frame - has no effect when decoding from demux.
U8BIT | path - the ID of the decode path to use |
void STB_PVRPlayMedium | ( | U8BIT | path | ) |
Sets play speed to medium (1x) - has no effect when decoding from demux.
U8BIT | path - the ID of the decode path to use |
void STB_PVRPlayNormal | ( | U8BIT | path | ) |
Restarts playback (no trick mode) - has no effect when decoding from demux.
U8BIT | path - the ID of the decode path to use |
void STB_PVRPlayPause | ( | U8BIT | path | ) |
Pauses play - has no effect when decoding from demux.
U8BIT | path - the ID of the decode path to use |
void STB_PVRPlayReverse | ( | U8BIT | path | ) |
Set play backwards - has no effect when decoding from demux.
U8BIT | path - the ID of the decode path to use |
void STB_PVRPlaySlower | ( | U8BIT | path, |
BOOLEAN | include_slow_speeds | ||
) |
Decrease play speed - has no effect when decoding from demux.
path | - ID of the decode path to use |
include_slow_speeds | - selects whether slow motion speeds, >-100% and <100%, are included |
U8BIT* STB_PVRRecordingGetAdditionalInfo | ( | U32BIT | handle | ) |
Gets the additional info string pointer for a recording.
handle | recording handle |
BOOLEAN STB_PVRRecordingGetCrid | ( | U32BIT | handle, |
U8BIT * | crid, | ||
U16BIT | name_len | ||
) |
Gets the programme CRID for a given recording.
crid | - array into which the crid will be copied |
name_len | - size of the crid array |
BOOLEAN STB_PVRRecordingGetDateTime | ( | U32BIT | handle, |
U16BIT * | date, | ||
U8BIT * | hours, | ||
U8BIT * | mins, | ||
U8BIT * | secs | ||
) |
Gets the date and time for a recording.
handle | - recording handle |
date | - returned date value |
hours | - returned time in hours |
mins | - returned time in minutes |
secs | - returned time in seconds |
BOOLEAN STB_PVRRecordingGetDescription | ( | U32BIT | handle, |
U8BIT * | description, | ||
U16BIT | desc_len | ||
) |
Gets the short description for a given recording.
handle | - recording handle |
description | - array into which the description is copied |
desc_len | - size of the description array |
U16BIT STB_PVRRecordingGetDescriptionLen | ( | U32BIT | handle | ) |
Gets the length of the short description for a given recording.
handle | - recording handle |
U16BIT STB_PVRRecordingGetDiskId | ( | U32BIT | handle | ) |
Gets the disk id for a recording.
handle | - recording handle |
S32BIT STB_PVRRecordingGetEndPadding | ( | U32BIT | handle | ) |
Gets the end padding value for the specified recording as set by STB_PVRRecordingSetEndPadding.
handle | recording handle |
BOOLEAN STB_PVRRecordingGetExtendedDescription | ( | U32BIT | handle, |
U8BIT * | description, | ||
U16BIT | desc_len | ||
) |
Gets the extended description for a given recording.
handle | - recording handle |
description | - array into which the description is copied |
desc_len | - size of the description array |
U16BIT STB_PVRRecordingGetExtendedDescriptionLen | ( | U32BIT | handle | ) |
Gets the length of the extended description for a given recording.
handle | - recording handle |
BOOLEAN STB_PVRRecordingGetGuidance | ( | U32BIT | handle, |
U8BIT * | text, | ||
U16BIT | text_len | ||
) |
Returns the whether a recording has guidance and the guidance text if available.
handle | - recording handle |
text | - array into which the guidance text is copied, can be NULL if text isn't required |
text_len | - size of the array passed in, ignored if text is NULL |
U16BIT STB_PVRRecordingGetGuidanceLen | ( | U32BIT | handle | ) |
Gets the length of the guidance text for a given recording.
handle | - recording handle |
BOOLEAN STB_PVRRecordingGetLength | ( | U32BIT | handle, |
U8BIT * | length_hours, | ||
U8BIT * | length_mins, | ||
U8BIT * | length_secs, | ||
U32BIT * | rec_size_kb | ||
) |
Returns the length in time and size in KB of the recording with the given handle.
handle | - handle of recording being queried |
length_hours | - length of the recording in hours, returned |
length_mins | - length of the recording in minutes, returned |
length_secs | - length of the recording in seconds, returned |
rec_size_kb | - size of the recording in KB, returned |
BOOLEAN STB_PVRRecordingGetLocked | ( | U32BIT | handle | ) |
Returns whether the given recording is locked.
handle | - recording handle |
U8BIT* STB_PVRRecordingGetName | ( | U32BIT | handle | ) |
Gets the name for a recording.
handle | - recording handle |
BOOLEAN STB_PVRRecordingGetOtherCrid | ( | U32BIT | handle, |
U8BIT * | crid, | ||
U16BIT | name_len | ||
) |
Gets the series/recommendation CRID for a given recording.
crid | - array into which the crid will be copied |
name_len | - size of the crid array |
BOOLEAN STB_PVRRecordingGetParentalLock | ( | U32BIT | handle | ) |
Returns the parental lock state of the given recording.
handle | - recording handle |
U32BIT STB_PVRRecordingGetParentalRating | ( | U32BIT | handle | ) |
Returns the parental rating age for the specified recording as set by STB_PVRRecordingSetParentalRatingAge.
handle | recording handle |
BOOLEAN STB_PVRRecordingGetRecommendation | ( | U32BIT | handle | ) |
Returns whether the given recording is a recommendation.
handle | - recording handle |
BOOLEAN STB_PVRRecordingGetSelected | ( | U32BIT | handle | ) |
Returns whether the given recording is selected.
handle | - recording handle |
BOOLEAN STB_PVRRecordingGetSeries | ( | U32BIT | handle | ) |
Returns whether the given recording is a series.
handle | - recording handle |
BOOLEAN STB_PVRRecordingGetServiceName | ( | U32BIT | handle, |
U8BIT * | service_name, | ||
U16BIT | name_len | ||
) |
Gets the service name for a given recording.
service_name | - array into which the name will be copied |
name_len | - size of the name array |
S32BIT STB_PVRRecordingGetStartPadding | ( | U32BIT | handle | ) |
Gets the start padding value for the specified recording as set by STB_PVRRecordingSetStartPadding.
handle | recording handle |
BOOLEAN STB_PVRRecordingGetStatus | ( | U32BIT | handle, |
E_PVR_RECORDING_STATUS * | status | ||
) |
Returns the status saved with the given recording.
handle | recording handle |
status | pointer to recording status if read successfully |
BOOLEAN STB_PVRRecordingGetTriplet | ( | U32BIT | handle, |
U16BIT * | serv_id, | ||
U16BIT * | ts_id, | ||
U16BIT * | orig_net_id | ||
) |
Read the DVB triplet (service id, transport id, orig net id) for a recording.
handle | - handle of recording |
serv_id | - pointer to return service id |
ts_id | - pointer to return transport id |
orig_net_id | - pointer to return original network id |
BOOLEAN STB_PVRRecordingHasGuidance | ( | U32BIT | handle | ) |
Returns whether the given recording has guidance.
handle | - recording handle |
BOOLEAN STB_PVRRecordingIsEncrypted | ( | U32BIT | handle | ) |
Returns whether the given recording is encrypted.
handle | - recording handle |
void STB_PVRRecordingSetAdditionalInfo | ( | U32BIT | handle, |
U8BIT * | additional_info | ||
) |
Sets the additional info string for a recording.
handle | recording handle |
additional_info | additional info to be set |
void STB_PVRRecordingSetCrid | ( | U32BIT | handle, |
U8BIT * | crid | ||
) |
Sets the programme CRID for a recording and saves the database file.
handle | - recording handle |
crid | - programme crid string |
void STB_PVRRecordingSetDescription | ( | U32BIT | handle, |
U8BIT * | description | ||
) |
Sets the short description for a recorded programme.
handle | - recording handle |
description | - text string |
void STB_PVRRecordingSetEndPadding | ( | U32BIT | handle, |
S32BIT | end_padding | ||
) |
Sets the end padding value for the specified recording.
handle | recording handle |
start_padding | end padding value |
void STB_PVRRecordingSetExtendedDescription | ( | U32BIT | handle, |
U8BIT * | description | ||
) |
Sets the extended description for a recorded programme.
handle | - recording handle |
description | - text string |
BOOLEAN STB_PVRRecordingSetGuidance | ( | U32BIT | handle, |
U8BIT * | text | ||
) |
Sets the guidance text of a recording.
handle | - recording handle |
text | - guidance text |
BOOLEAN STB_PVRRecordingSetLocked | ( | U32BIT | handle, |
BOOLEAN | state | ||
) |
Sets the locked state of a recording.
handle | - recording handle |
state | - TRUE for locked, FALSE for unlocked |
void STB_PVRRecordingSetName | ( | U32BIT | handle, |
U8BIT * | name | ||
) |
Sets the name for a recording.
handle | - recording handle |
name | - name to be set |
void STB_PVRRecordingSetOtherCrid | ( | U32BIT | handle, |
U8BIT * | crid | ||
) |
Sets the series/recommendation CRID for a recording and saves the database file.
handle | - recording handle |
crid | - crid string |
BOOLEAN STB_PVRRecordingSetParentalLock | ( | U32BIT | handle, |
BOOLEAN | state | ||
) |
Sets the parental lock state of a recording.
handle | - recording handle |
state | - TRUE for locked, FALSE for unlocked |
void STB_PVRRecordingSetParentalRatingAge | ( | U32BIT | handle, |
U32BIT | parental_rating | ||
) |
Sets the parental rating age for the specified recording.
handle | recording handle |
parental_rating | parental rating age |
void STB_PVRRecordingSetRecommendation | ( | U32BIT | handle | ) |
Sets a recording to a recommendation recording.
handle | - recording handle |
crid | - crid string |
BOOLEAN STB_PVRRecordingSetSelected | ( | U32BIT | handle, |
BOOLEAN | state | ||
) |
Sets the selected state of a recording.
handle | - recording handle |
state | - TRUE for selected, FALSE for unselected |
void STB_PVRRecordingSetSeries | ( | U32BIT | handle | ) |
Sets a recording to a series recording.
handle | - recording handle |
crid | - crid string |
void STB_PVRRecordingSetServiceName | ( | U32BIT | handle, |
U8BIT * | service_name | ||
) |
Sets the service name for a recording and saves the database file.
handle | - recording handle |
service_name | - service name to be set |
void STB_PVRRecordingSetStartPadding | ( | U32BIT | handle, |
S32BIT | start_padding | ||
) |
Sets the start padding value for the specified recording.
handle | recording handle |
start_padding | start padding value |
BOOLEAN STB_PVRRecordingSetStatus | ( | U32BIT | handle, |
) |
Set the status to be saved with the recording.
handle | recording handle |
status | status of the recording |
void STB_PVRReleaseBookmarks | ( | void ** | bookmarks, |
U16BIT | num | ||
) |
Frees a previously allocated array of bookmark handles.
bookmarks | Array of bookmark handles to be freed |
num | Number of handles in the array. |
void STB_PVRReleaseRecordingHandles | ( | U32BIT * | handle_array | ) |
Frees the given array of handles allocated by the preceding function.
handle_array | - array to be freed |
BOOLEAN STB_PVRRepair | ( | U16BIT | disk_id, |
U8BIT * | prog | ||
) |
Repairs disk for PVR. Call this for each mode.
U16BIT | disk_id - ID of the disk to be, or being, repaired |
E_STB_PVR_REPAIRMODE | mode - repair mode |
U8BIT* | prog - returns progress (0-100%). |
BOOLEAN STB_PVRResumeRecording | ( | U8BIT | path | ) |
Resumes a recording after it's been paused.
path | - decode path of the recording |
void STB_PVRSavePlayPosition | ( | U8BIT | path | ) |
Saves the bookmark holding the playback position. This bookmark is used to resume a playback when STB_PVRStartPlaying is called with resume = TRUE. This function should be called while decoders are still running, to be sure the position in the playback is accurate.
U8BIT | path Playback path |
void STB_PVRSaveRecording | ( | U32BIT | handle | ) |
Save all info on the given recording. The filename and disk should already have been setup, either when the recording is first created or when it's read from a disk.
handle | - recording handle |
void STB_PVRSetDefaultDisk | ( | U16BIT | disk_id | ) |
Sets the disk ID to be used as the default disk for PVR recordings. If this is set to INVALID_DISK_ID then the first mounted disk will be used.
disk_id | ID of the disk to use as the default |
BOOLEAN STB_PVRSetRecordingPids | ( | U8BIT | path, |
U16BIT | num_pids, | ||
S_PVR_PID_INFO * | pid_array | ||
) |
Saves (takes a copy of) the array of pids to be recorded.
path | - decode path that will be used for the recording |
num_pids | - number of pids in the array |
pid_array | - array of structures describing PIDs |
BOOLEAN STB_PVRSetRecoringTriplet | ( | U8BIT | path, |
U16BIT | serv_id, | ||
U16BIT | ts_id, | ||
U16BIT | orig_net_id | ||
) |
Saves the DVB triplet of the service to be recorded.
path | - decode path that will be used for the recording |
serv_id | - service id |
ts_id | - transport stream |
orig_net_id | - original network id |
void STB_PVRSetStandbyState | ( | BOOLEAN | state | ) |
Sets the standby state of the PVR path control.
state | - TRUE if PVR is being put into standby, FALSE otherwise |
BOOLEAN STB_PVRStartPlaying | ( | U8BIT | path, |
U32BIT | handle, | ||
BOOLEAN | resume | ||
) |
Start the PVR playing.
U8BIT | path - player number |
U32BIT | handle - handle to use for play file |
void STB_PVRStartPlayPaused | ( | U8BIT | path | ) |
Set to start playback in paused mode.
U8BIT | path - the ID of the decode path to use |
void STB_PVRStartPlayRunning | ( | U8BIT | path | ) |
Set to start playback in running mode.
U8BIT | path - the ID of the decode path to use |
void STB_PVRStartPlaySync | ( | U8BIT | path | ) |
Set to start playback synced to AV decoder.
U8BIT | path - the ID of the decode path to use |
BOOLEAN STB_PVRStartRecording | ( | U8BIT | path, |
U32BIT | handle | ||
) |
Start the PVR record tasks.
U8BIT | path - recorder number |
U32BIT | handle - handle to use for play file |
void STB_PVRStartRecordPaused | ( | U8BIT | path, |
U32BIT | timeshift_seconds | ||
) |
Set to start recording in paused mode for timeshift recording.
U8BIT | path - the ID of the decode path to use |
U32BIT | timeshift_seconds - the size of the timeshift buffer in seconds |
void STB_PVRStartRecordRunning | ( | U8BIT | path | ) |
Set to start recording in running mode.
U8BIT | path - the ID of the decode path to use |
void STB_PVRStopPlaying | ( | U8BIT | path | ) |
Stop the PVR play back.
U8BIT | path - player number |
void STB_PVRStopRecording | ( | U8BIT | path | ) |
Stop the PVR recording.
U8BIT | path - recorder number |
BOOLEAN STB_PVRToggleBookmark | ( | U8BIT | path | ) |
Creates or deletes a bookmark at the current position during playback. If there's a bookmark within a defined number of seconds of the current position then the bookmark is deleted, otherwise one is created.
path | - playback decode path |
BOOLEAN STB_PVRUpdateRecordingPids | ( | U8BIT | path, |
U16BIT | num_pids, | ||
S_PVR_PID_INFO * | pid_array | ||
) |
Saves (takes a copy of) the array of pids to be recorded and pass them to the platform.
path | - decode path that used for the recording |
num_pids | - number of pids in the array |
pid_array | - array of structures describing PIDs |
void STB_PVRUpdateRecordings | ( | BOOLEAN | force_load | ) |
Called when a disk is added or removed and updates the disk database and the recordings that are now available.
force_load | - forces the recordings database to be updated |