DVBCore  22.3.0
Open Source DVB Engine
Classes | Macros | Typedefs | Enumerations | Functions
stbcicc.c File Reference

CI Content Control. More...

#include <string.h>
#include "techtype.h"
#include "dbgfuncs.h"
#include "stbhwos.h"
#include "stbhwci.h"
#include "stbci.h"
#include "stberc.h"
#include "stbhwav.h"
#include "stbheap.h"
#include "stbdpc.h"
#include "stbcicc.h"
#include "stbci_int.h"


struct  ci_protection
struct  s_slot_state


#define MAX_CICAM_BRANDS   126
#define DBG_CC(x, ...)
#define DBG_REC(x, ...)


typedef struct ci_protection S_CI_PROTECTION
typedef struct s_slot_state S_SLOT_STATE




void STB_CiCcInitialise (void)
 CI content control support initialise.
void STB_CiCcNotifyModuleInsert (U8BIT slot_id)
 Notify module insertion. More...
void STB_CINotifyModuleReady (U8BIT slot_id, BOOLEAN ci_plus, U32BIT mask)
 Notify module insertion. More...
void STB_CiCcNotifyModuleRemove (U8BIT slot_id)
 Notify module removal. More...
void STB_CiCcRemove (U8BIT slot_id)
 Handle CAM removal from slot. More...
BOOLEAN STB_CiCcIsSlotReady (U8BIT slot_id)
 Return whether CI slot is ready. More...
BOOLEAN STB_CiCcIsServiceAllowed (U8BIT slot_id, U8BIT *ci_prot_desc)
 Tell whether the service is allowed. This function checks whether the CI Protection Descriptor allows the service to be routed through the CI module. More...
BOOLEAN STB_CiCcAuthenticated (U8BIT slot_id)
 Tell whether the CI slot has been authenticated. More...
U8BIT STB_CiCcFindSlotForCicamId (U8BIT cicam_id[CIP_CICAM_ID_LEN])
 Checks CAMs in all slots to find the one with the given CAM id. More...
void STB_CiCcSetSDTAcquisitionStatus (BOOLEAN complete)
 To implement the first part of the diagram in Figure 10.2: Shunning Operation of ci-plus_specification_v1.3.2.pdf, this function passes the status of the SDT acquisition to the ci+ glue. More...
void STB_CiCcGetUsageRulesInfo (U8BIT slot_id, U16BIT service_id, U8BIT raw_uri[CIP_URI_LEN])
 Return the current URI for the given service. More...
void STB_CiCcGetDefaultUsageRulesInfo (U8BIT raw_uri[CIP_URI_LEN])
 Sets the default URI values into the given array. The URI requires HDCP. More...
U32BIT STB_CiCcGetRetentionLimit (U8BIT raw_uri[CIP_URI_LEN])
 Return the retention limit given a packed URI. More...
void STB_CiCcApplyUsageRulesInfo (U8BIT raw_uri[CIP_URI_LEN])
 Apply the given Usage Rules Information. More...
void STB_CiCcApplyUsageRulesInfoForPlayback (U8BIT *raw_uri)
 Apply the given Usage Rules Information for playback. More...
BOOLEAN STB_CiCcIsHDCPRequired (U16BIT service_id)
 Tell whether the given service requires HDCP. More...
void STB_CINotifyProgress (U8BIT slot_id, E_STB_CI_CC_STATE state, U16BIT cicam_brand_id)
 Notify content control progress. More...
void STB_CINotifyURI (U8BIT slot_id, U16BIT program_number, S_STB_CI_URI *uri)
 Handle URI (usage rules information) More...
U8BIT STB_CINotifySRM (U8BIT slot_id, E_STB_SRM_DATA_TYPE srm_type, U8BIT *data, U16BIT len)
 This function is called by the CI+ stack to send an SRM (System Renewability Message) to the host. SRM data files perform the function of blacklist for HDCP. More...
void STB_CINotifyPinCaps (U8BIT slot_id, E_STB_CI_PIN_CAPS capability, S_STB_CI_DATE *pin_date, S_STB_CI_TIME *pin_time, U8BIT rating)
BOOLEAN STB_CiCcSendPin (U8BIT slot_id, U8BIT *pin_data)
 Called by the host to check whether a CAM pin is valid. An STB_EVENT_CI_PIN_STATUS event will be sent to notify the host of the validity, or otherwise, of the pin. More...
void STB_CINotifyPinReply (U8BIT slot_id, E_STB_CI_PIN_STATUS status)
void STB_CINotifyPinEvent (U8BIT slot_id, U16BIT program_number, E_STB_CI_PIN_STATUS status, U8BIT rating, S_STB_CI_DATE *event_date, S_STB_CI_TIME *event_time, U8BIT private_data[CIP_PIN_PRIVATE_DATA_SIZE])
BOOLEAN STB_CiCcGetRecordingPinInfo (U8BIT slot_id, U8BIT *status, U8BIT *age_rating, U8BIT **private_data, U16BIT *date_code, U8BIT *hour, U8BIT *min, U8BIT *sec)
 Returns the information to be stored with a pin event when recording. More...
BOOLEAN STB_CiCcSendPinPlayback (U8BIT slot_id, U8BIT age_rating, U8BIT *private_data)
 Sends a pin event to the CAM during playback. More...
void STB_CiCcSetRecordOperatingMode (U8BIT slot_id, U32BIT mode, U16BIT service_id)
 Sets the record operating mode for the given slot id. More...
BOOLEAN STB_CiCcSendRecordStart (U8BIT slot_id, U16BIT program_number, U8BIT *pin_string)
 Called by the app when a recording is to be started on a CA protected service. More...
void STB_CINotifyRecordStartStatus (U8BIT slot_id, U8BIT status)
void STB_CINotifyRecordingLicense (U8BIT slot_id, U16BIT program_number, U8BIT licence_status, S_STB_CI_URI *uri, U8BIT *licence, U16BIT licence_len)
U8BIT * STB_CiCcGetRecordingLicence (U8BIT slot_id, U8BIT *licence_status, U16BIT *licence_len, U8BIT raw_uri[CIP_URI_LEN])
 Returns the last licence received from the CAM when recording. More...
BOOLEAN STB_CiCcSendPlaybackLicence (U8BIT slot_id, U16BIT program_number, U8BIT *licence, U16BIT licence_len)
 Sends a CICAM licence to a module during playback, which will result in a modified licence being notified through STB_CINotifyCicamLicence. More...
void STB_CINotifyPlaybackLicense (U8BIT slot_id, U16BIT program_number, U8BIT licence_status, S_STB_CI_URI *uri, U8BIT *licence, U16BIT licence_len)
U8BIT * STB_CiCcGetPlaybackLicence (U8BIT slot_id, U8BIT *licence_status, U16BIT *licence_len, U8BIT raw_uri[CIP_URI_LEN])
 Returns the last licence received from the CAM during playback. More...
void STB_CINotifyLicenseStatus (U8BIT slot_id, U8BIT licence_status, U8BIT play_count)
void STB_CINotifyModeChangeStatus (U8BIT slot_id, U8BIT status)
BOOLEAN STB_CiCcSendRecordStop (U8BIT slot_id)
 Called by the app when a recording is stopped or completes. More...
void STB_CINotifyRecordStopStatus (U8BIT slot_id, U8BIT status)

Detailed Description

CI Content Control.

28 November 2016
Adam Sturtridge

Function Documentation

void STB_CiCcApplyUsageRulesInfo ( U8BIT  raw_uri[CIP_URI_LEN])

Apply the given Usage Rules Information.

uri- Usage Rules Information
void STB_CiCcApplyUsageRulesInfoForPlayback ( U8BIT *  raw_uri)

Apply the given Usage Rules Information for playback.

uri- Usage Rules Information
BOOLEAN STB_CiCcAuthenticated ( U8BIT  slot_id)

Tell whether the CI slot has been authenticated.

Tell whether authenticated CI+ module is in the slot.

slot_idslot ID (0, 1, ...)
BOOLEAN - TRUE if authenticated
U8BIT STB_CiCcFindSlotForCicamId ( U8BIT  cicam_id[CIP_CICAM_ID_LEN])

Checks CAMs in all slots to find the one with the given CAM id.

cicam_id- CAM id to look for
slot id if found, INVALID_RES_ID if not found
void STB_CiCcGetDefaultUsageRulesInfo ( U8BIT  raw_uri[CIP_URI_LEN])

Sets the default URI values into the given array. The URI requires HDCP.

raw_uri- returns with the default URI settings
U8BIT* STB_CiCcGetPlaybackLicence ( U8BIT  slot_id,
U8BIT *  licence_status,
U16BIT *  licence_len,
U8BIT  raw_uri[CIP_URI_LEN] 

Returns the last licence received from the CAM during playback.

slot_id- slot
licence_status- status value associated with the licence
licence_len- pointer to return the licence length in bytes
raw_uri- returns with the packed URI data associated with the licence
pointer to the licence data, mustn't be freed. NULL if no licence
U8BIT* STB_CiCcGetRecordingLicence ( U8BIT  slot_id,
U8BIT *  licence_status,
U16BIT *  licence_len,
U8BIT  raw_uri[CIP_URI_LEN] 

Returns the last licence received from the CAM when recording.

slot_id- slot
licence_status- status value associated with the licence
licence_len- pointer to return the licence length in bytes
raw_uri- returns with the packed URI data associated with the licence
pointer to the licence data, mustn't be freed. NULL if no licence
BOOLEAN STB_CiCcGetRecordingPinInfo ( U8BIT  slot_id,
U8BIT *  status,
U8BIT *  age_rating,
U8BIT **  private_data,
U16BIT *  date_code,
U8BIT *  hour,
U8BIT *  min,
U8BIT *  sec 

Returns the information to be stored with a pin event when recording.

slot_id- slot being used for the recording
status- pin status code
age_rating- returns the age rating supplied with the pin event
private_data- returns a pointer to the private data to be saved - don't free
date_code- MJD UTC date code when the pin is to be applied
hour- UTC hour when the pin is to be applied
min- UTC minute when the pin is to be applied
sec- UTC second when the pin is to be applied
TRUE if the info is returned, FALSE otherwise
U32BIT STB_CiCcGetRetentionLimit ( U8BIT  raw_uri[CIP_URI_LEN])

Return the retention limit given a packed URI.

uri- Usage Rules Information
Retention limit in minutes (0 = no limit)
void STB_CiCcGetUsageRulesInfo ( U8BIT  slot_id,
U16BIT  service_id,
U8BIT  raw_uri[CIP_URI_LEN] 

Return the current URI for the given service.

slot_id- slot ID
service_id- service ID
uri- the URI for the service
URI for the service if available or "empty" URI otherwise
BOOLEAN STB_CiCcIsHDCPRequired ( U16BIT  service_id)

Tell whether the given service requires HDCP.

service_id- Service ID
BOOLEAN STB_CiCcIsServiceAllowed ( U8BIT  slot_id,
U8BIT *  ci_prot_desc 

Tell whether the service is allowed. This function checks whether the CI Protection Descriptor allows the service to be routed through the CI module.

slot_idslot ID (0, 1, ...)
ci_prot_descCI Protection Descriptor for the service
BOOLEAN - TRUE if allowed
BOOLEAN STB_CiCcIsSlotReady ( U8BIT  slot_id)

Return whether CI slot is ready.

slot_id- slot ID (0, 1, ...)
BOOLEAN - TRUE if ready
void STB_CiCcNotifyModuleInsert ( U8BIT  slot_id)

Notify module insertion.

slot_id- slot ID for module
void STB_CiCcNotifyModuleRemove ( U8BIT  slot_id)

Notify module removal.

slot_id- slot ID for module
void STB_CiCcRemove ( U8BIT  slot_id)

Handle CAM removal from slot.

slot_idzero-based CI slot identifier (0, 1, ...)
BOOLEAN STB_CiCcSendPin ( U8BIT  slot_id,
U8BIT *  pin_data 

Called by the host to check whether a CAM pin is valid. An STB_EVENT_CI_PIN_STATUS event will be sent to notify the host of the validity, or otherwise, of the pin.

slot_id- slot
pin_data- ASCII encoded pin data, null terminated
TRUE if the pin was sent successfully, FALSE otherwise
BOOLEAN STB_CiCcSendPinPlayback ( U8BIT  slot_id,
U8BIT  age_rating,
U8BIT *  private_data 

Sends a pin event to the CAM during playback.

slot_id- slot
age_rating- rating as provided by the pin event during recording
private_data- pin private data as provided by the pin event during recording
TRUE on success, FALSE otherwise
BOOLEAN STB_CiCcSendPlaybackLicence ( U8BIT  slot_id,
U16BIT  program_number,
U8BIT *  licence,
U16BIT  licence_len 

Sends a CICAM licence to a module during playback, which will result in a modified licence being notified through STB_CINotifyCicamLicence.

slot_id- slot
program_number- program number being played back
licence- CICAM licence
licence_len- licence length in bytes
TRUE if operation succeeded, FALSE otherwise
BOOLEAN STB_CiCcSendRecordStart ( U8BIT  slot_id,
U16BIT  program_number,
U8BIT *  pin_string 

Called by the app when a recording is to be started on a CA protected service.

slot_id- slot being used for the recording
program_number- service ID
pin_string- pin as a null terminated ascii string
TRUE on success, but this doesn't mean the recording can start, FALSE otherwise
BOOLEAN STB_CiCcSendRecordStop ( U8BIT  slot_id)

Called by the app when a recording is stopped or completes.

slot_id- slot being used for the recording
TRUE on success, FALSE otherwise
void STB_CiCcSetRecordOperatingMode ( U8BIT  slot_id,
U32BIT  mode,
U16BIT  service_id 

Sets the record operating mode for the given slot id.

slot_id- slot to be used for the recording
mode- mode in which the host is in
void STB_CiCcSetSDTAcquisitionStatus ( BOOLEAN  complete)

To implement the first part of the diagram in Figure 10.2: Shunning Operation of ci-plus_specification_v1.3.2.pdf, this function passes the status of the SDT acquisition to the ci+ glue.

To implement the first part of the diagram in "Figure 10.2: Shunning Operation" of ci-plus_specification_v1.3.2.pdf, this function passes the status of the SDT acquisition to the ci+ glue.

sdt_acquisition_statusTRUE if the SDT acquisition is completed (either successfully if the table has been received, or unsuccessfully if the SDT timeout has expired), FALSE if the DVB engine is waiting for an SDT.
void STB_CINotifyLicenseStatus ( U8BIT  slot_id,
U8BIT  licence_status,
U8BIT  play_count 

Function Name: STB_CINotifyLicenseStatus

Description: This function is called by the CI+ stack to send the licence status and the remaining number of plays that the user is entitled to.

The function should be called in response to a call to CIP_RequestLicenceCheck.

Parameters: slot_id - zero-based CI slot identifier (0, 1, ...) licence_status - the licence status play_count - number of plays remaining

Returns: Nothing

void STB_CINotifyModeChangeStatus ( U8BIT  slot_id,
U8BIT  status 

Function Name: STB_CINotifyModeChangeStatus

Description: This function is called by the CI+ stack to send the mode change status to the host. This function should be called in response to CIP_ChangeOperatingMode.

Parameters: slot_id - zero-based CI slot identifier (0, 1, ...) status - mode change status

Returns: Nothing

void STB_CINotifyModuleReady ( U8BIT  slot_id,
BOOLEAN  ci_plus,
U32BIT  mask 

Notify module insertion.

slot_id- slot ID for module
ci_plus- TRUE if the module claims to be a CI+ module
mask- a bit mask indicating which features are supported
void STB_CINotifyPlaybackLicense ( U8BIT  slot_id,
U16BIT  program_number,
U8BIT  licence_status,
S_STB_CI_URI *  uri,
U8BIT *  licence,
U16BIT  licence_len 

Function Name: STB_CINotifyPlaybackLicense

Description: This function is called by the CI+ stack to send the licence status, the URI and the optional licence data to the host.

The function is called in response to a playback start message from the host (sent using STB_CISendPlaybackLicence).

The licence and URI replace the ones that were stored with the recording. If the licence was updated, the new licence will have the same size as the original licence.

Parameters: slot_id - zero-based CI slot identifier (0, 1, ...) program_number - the program number licence_status - licence status uri - usage rules structure for the recording licence - the CICAM licence (or NULL if not required) licence_len - licence length in bytes

Returns: Nothing

void STB_CINotifyProgress ( U8BIT  slot_id,
U16BIT  cicam_brand_id 

Notify content control progress.

module- module ID
state- content control state
cicam_brand_id- CICAM brand identifier
void STB_CINotifyRecordingLicense ( U8BIT  slot_id,
U16BIT  program_number,
U8BIT  licence_status,
S_STB_CI_URI *  uri,
U8BIT *  licence,
U16BIT  licence_len 

Function Name: STB_CINotifyRecordingLicence

Description: This function is called by the CI+ stack to send the licence status, the URI and the optional licence data to the host.

This function may be called during a recording (after a call to STB_CISendRecordStart and before a call to STB_CISendRecordStop).

The licence must be stored on the host and sent during playback to the module using CIP_SendCicamLicence.

Parameters: slot_id - zero-based CI slot identifier (0, 1, ...) program_number - the program number licence_status - licence status uri - usage rules structure for the recording licence - the CICAM licence (or NULL if not required) licence_len - licence length in bytes

Returns: Nothing

void STB_CINotifyRecordStartStatus ( U8BIT  slot_id,
U8BIT  status 

Function Name: STB_CINotifyRecordStartStatus

Description: This function is called by the CI+ stack to send the record start status to the host. This function should be called in response to STB_CISendRecordStart.

Parameters: slot_id - zero-based CI slot identifier (0, 1, ...) status - record start status

Returns: Nothing

void STB_CINotifyRecordStopStatus ( U8BIT  slot_id,
U8BIT  status 

Function Name: STB_CINotifyRecordStopStatus

Description: This function is called by the CI+ stack to send the record stop status to the host. This function should be called in response to STB_CISendRecordStop.

Parameters: slot_id - zero-based CI slot identifier (0, 1, ...) status - record stop status

Returns: Nothing

U8BIT STB_CINotifySRM ( U8BIT  slot_id,
E_STB_SRM_DATA_TYPE  srm_type,
U8BIT *  data,
U16BIT  len 

This function is called by the CI+ stack to send an SRM (System Renewability Message) to the host. SRM data files perform the function of blacklist for HDCP.

slot_idzero-based CI slot identifier (0, 1, ...)
srm_typethe type of data in data field, for example DHCP or DTCP
dataSRM data
lensize of SRM data in bytes
void STB_CINotifyURI ( U8BIT  slot_id,
U16BIT  program_number,
S_STB_CI_URI *  uri 

Handle URI (usage rules information)

slot_id- slot ID
program_number- program number
uri- the URI