DVBCore  22.3.0
Open Source DVB Engine
Macros | Functions
conf.c File Reference

System Interface, Configuration. More...

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <techtype.h>
#include <dbgfuncs.h>
#include "stbhwtun.h"
#include "stbheap.h"
#include "stbdpc.h"
#include "stbsitab.h"
#include "ap_cfg.h"
#include "ap_cntrl.h"
#include "hbbtv_sif_types.h"
#include "hbbtv_sif_conf.h"


#define SYSTEM_FLAG_DVBT   1
#define SYSTEM_FLAG_DVBT2   2
#define SYSTEM_FLAG_DVBS   4
#define SYSTEM_FLAG_DVBS2   8
#define SYSTEM_FLAG_DVBC   16


E_HBBTV_ERR HBBTV_GetPrefAudioLang (U8BIT **lang_string, U32BIT *size)
 Retrieves a string containing a comma-separated set of languages to be used for audio playback, in order of preference. The returned string must be freed with HBBTV_ReleaseLangString. More...
E_HBBTV_ERR HBBTV_GetPrefSubtLang (U8BIT **lang_string, U32BIT *size)
 Retrieves a string containing a comma-separated set of languages to be used for subtitles, in order of preference. The returned string must be freed with HBBTV_ReleaseLangString. More...
E_HBBTV_ERR HBBTV_GetPrefCountryId (U8BIT **lang_string, U32BIT *size)
 Retrieves a string containing the three character string representing country code identifying the country in which the receiver is deployed. The returned string must be freed with HBBTV_ReleaseLangString. More...
void HBBTV_ReleaseLangString (U8BIT *lang_string)
 Frees the string obtained from HBBTV_GetPrefAudioLang, HBBTV_GetPrefSubtLang, HBBTV_GetPrefUiLang or HBBTV_GetPrefCountryId. More...
U8BIT * HBBTV_GetDeliverySystemsString (void)
 Retrieves the string describing the supported Broadcast Delivery Systems (DVB_S, DVB_C, DVB_T, DVB_C2, DVB_T2 or DVB_S2) as defined in Section 9.2, Table 15, under "UI Profile Name Fragment". the HbbTV engine will call HBBTV_ReleaseDeliverySystemsString when the string is not needed any more. More...
void HBBTV_ReleaseDeliverySystemsString (U8BIT *systems)
 Frees the Broadacast Delivery Systems string, returned by HBBTV_GetDeliverySystemsString. More...
void HBBTV_GetParentalControlSettings (BOOLEAN *enabled, U8BIT *age)
 Query whether parental control is enabled and the selected age, if applicable. The age is the actual age, so for DVB the valid values are 4 to 18, inclusive. More...

Detailed Description

System Interface, Configuration.

January 2014
Sergio Panseri

Function Documentation

U8BIT* HBBTV_GetDeliverySystemsString ( void  )

Retrieves the string describing the supported Broadcast Delivery Systems (DVB_S, DVB_C, DVB_T, DVB_C2, DVB_T2 or DVB_S2) as defined in Section 9.2, Table 15, under "UI Profile Name Fragment". the HbbTV engine will call HBBTV_ReleaseDeliverySystemsString when the string is not needed any more.

Pointer to an allocated buffer containing a string describing the list of supported broadcast deliverys systems (e.g. "+DVB_T2+DVB_T+DVB_C", note that the first '+' character is needed). The buffer will be freed by the HbbTV engine using HBBTV_ReleaseDeliverySystemsString.
void HBBTV_GetParentalControlSettings ( BOOLEAN *  enabled,
U8BIT *  age 

Query whether parental control is enabled and the selected age, if applicable. The age is the actual age, so for DVB the valid values are 4 to 18, inclusive.

enabledUsed to return a boolean defining whether parental control is enabled (TRUE), or not (FALSE).
agePointer to returned age value. Should be returned as 0 if parental control is disabled or age isn't set
E_HBBTV_ERR HBBTV_GetPrefAudioLang ( U8BIT **  lang_string,
U32BIT *  size 

Retrieves a string containing a comma-separated set of languages to be used for audio playback, in order of preference. The returned string must be freed with HBBTV_ReleaseLangString.

lang_stringPointer to the returned string
sizePointer to the number of bytes in the returned string
- HBBTV_OK on success
  • HBBTV_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER invalid parameter
  • HBBTV_ERR_ALLOCATING_MEMORYThe string couldn't be allocated
E_HBBTV_ERR HBBTV_GetPrefCountryId ( U8BIT **  lang_string,
U32BIT *  size 

Retrieves a string containing the three character string representing country code identifying the country in which the receiver is deployed. The returned string must be freed with HBBTV_ReleaseLangString.

lang_stringPointer to the returned string
sizePointer to the number of bytes in the returned string
- HBBTV_OK on success
  • HBBTV_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER invalid parameter
  • HBBTV_ERR_ALLOCATING_MEMORYThe string couldn't be allocated
E_HBBTV_ERR HBBTV_GetPrefSubtLang ( U8BIT **  lang_string,
U32BIT *  size 

Retrieves a string containing a comma-separated set of languages to be used for subtitles, in order of preference. The returned string must be freed with HBBTV_ReleaseLangString.

lang_stringPointer to the returned string
sizePointer to the number of bytes in the returned string
- HBBTV_OK on success
  • HBBTV_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER invalid parameter
  • HBBTV_ERR_ALLOCATING_MEMORYThe string couldn't be allocated
void HBBTV_ReleaseDeliverySystemsString ( U8BIT *  systems)

Frees the Broadacast Delivery Systems string, returned by HBBTV_GetDeliverySystemsString.

systemsPointer to string to be freed
void HBBTV_ReleaseLangString ( U8BIT *  lang_string)

Frees the string obtained from HBBTV_GetPrefAudioLang, HBBTV_GetPrefSubtLang, HBBTV_GetPrefUiLang or HBBTV_GetPrefCountryId.

lang_stringPointer to string to be freed