DVBCore  22.3.0
Open Source DVB Engine
Macros | Enumerations | Functions
stbpvr.h File Reference

Header file - macros and function prototypes for public use. More...

#include "techtype.h"
#include "stbpvrpr.h"
#include "stbhwdmx.h"

Go to the source code of this file.


#define STB_PVR_NAME_LEN   255
#define STB_PVR_SERVICE_LEN   32
#define STB_PVR_MAX_CRID_LEN   65
#define STB_PVR_MAX_ADD_INFO_LEN   255




BOOLEAN STB_PVRInitialise (void)
 Initialises PVR path control. More...
void STB_PVRSetStandbyState (BOOLEAN state)
 Sets the standby state of the PVR path control. More...
BOOLEAN STB_PVRIsInitialised (void)
 Returns Initialised status. More...
void STB_PVRSetDefaultDisk (U16BIT disk_id)
 Sets the disk ID to be used as the default disk for PVR recordings. If this is set to INVALID_DISK_ID then the first mounted disk will be used. More...
U16BIT STB_PVRGetDefaultDisk (void)
 Returns the set default disk, or finds the first mounted (usable) disk if a default hasn't been set. More...
BOOLEAN STB_PVRCanDiskBeUsed (U16BIT disk_id)
 Checks whether the given disk can be used for PVR functions. More...
BOOLEAN STB_PVRFormat (U16BIT disk_id, E_STB_PVR_FORMATMODE mode, U8BIT *prog)
 Formats disk for PVR. Call this for each mode. More...
BOOLEAN STB_PVRRepair (U16BIT disk_id, E_STB_PVR_REPAIRMODE mode, U8BIT *prog)
 Repairs disk for PVR. Call this for each mode. More...
void STB_PVRUpdateRecordings (BOOLEAN force_load)
 Called when a disk is added or removed and updates the disk database and the recordings that are now available. More...
BOOLEAN STB_PVRIsValidHandle (U32BIT handle)
 Determines whether the given handle is in the recording database. More...
BOOLEAN STB_PVRCreateRecording (U16BIT disk_id, U8BIT *name, U32BIT *handle)
 Create a new recording and return the handle. More...
BOOLEAN STB_PVRDestroyRecording (U32BIT handle)
 Completely destroys a recording by deleting all files and removing it from the list of recordings. More...
void STB_PVRSaveRecording (U32BIT handle)
 Save all info on the given recording. The filename and disk should already have been setup, either when the recording is first created or when it's read from a disk. More...
U16BIT STB_PVRGetRecordingHandles (U32BIT **handle_array)
 Allocates and returns an array of all the recording handles. More...
void STB_PVRReleaseRecordingHandles (U32BIT *handle_array)
 Frees the given array of handles allocated by the preceding function. More...
BOOLEAN STB_PVRFindRecordingFromCrid (U8BIT *prog_crid, U32BIT *handle)
 Returns the handle of the recording with the given programme CRID. More...
BOOLEAN STB_PVRFindNextSplitRecording (U32BIT curr_handle, U32BIT *next_handle)
 Returns the handle of a split event recording that follows on from curr_handle. More...
U32BIT STB_PVRGetHandleForRecordingIndex (U8BIT rec_index)
 Returns the handle for the given recording index. More...
U8BIT STB_PVRGetPathForRecordingIndex (U8BIT rec_index)
 Returns the path for the given recording index. More...
void STB_PVRRecordingSetName (U32BIT handle, U8BIT *name)
 Sets the name for a recording. More...
U8BIT * STB_PVRRecordingGetName (U32BIT handle)
 Gets the name for a recording. More...
BOOLEAN STB_PVRRecordingGetDateTime (U32BIT handle, U16BIT *date, U8BIT *hours, U8BIT *mins, U8BIT *secs)
 Gets the date and time for a recording. More...
BOOLEAN STB_PVRRecordingGetLength (U32BIT handle, U8BIT *length_hours, U8BIT *length_mins, U8BIT *length_secs, U32BIT *rec_size_kb)
 Returns the length in time and size in KB of the recording with the given handle. More...
U16BIT STB_PVRRecordingGetDiskId (U32BIT handle)
 Gets the disk id for a recording. More...
void STB_PVRRecordingSetSeries (U32BIT handle)
 Sets a recording to a series recording. More...
void STB_PVRRecordingSetRecommendation (U32BIT handle)
 Sets a recording to a recommendation recording. More...
BOOLEAN STB_PVRRecordingGetRecommendation (U32BIT handle)
 Returns whether the given recording is a recommendation. More...
BOOLEAN STB_PVRRecordingGetSeries (U32BIT handle)
 Returns whether the given recording is a series. More...
void STB_PVRRecordingSetOtherCrid (U32BIT handle, U8BIT *crid)
 Sets the series/recommendation CRID for a recording and saves the database file. More...
BOOLEAN STB_PVRRecordingGetOtherCrid (U32BIT handle, U8BIT *crid, U16BIT name_len)
 Gets the series/recommendation CRID for a given recording. More...
void STB_PVRRecordingSetAdditionalInfo (U32BIT handle, U8BIT *additional_info)
 Sets the additional info string for a recording. More...
U8BIT * STB_PVRRecordingGetAdditionalInfo (U32BIT handle)
 Gets the additional info string pointer for a recording. More...
void STB_PVRRecordingSetParentalRatingAge (U32BIT handle, U32BIT parental_rating)
 Sets the parental rating age for the specified recording. More...
U32BIT STB_PVRRecordingGetParentalRating (U32BIT handle)
 Returns the parental rating age for the specified recording as set by STB_PVRRecordingSetParentalRatingAge. More...
void STB_PVRRecordingSetStartPadding (U32BIT handle, S32BIT start_padding)
 Sets the start padding value for the specified recording. More...
S32BIT STB_PVRRecordingGetStartPadding (U32BIT handle)
 Gets the start padding value for the specified recording as set by STB_PVRRecordingSetStartPadding. More...
void STB_PVRRecordingSetEndPadding (U32BIT handle, S32BIT end_padding)
 Sets the end padding value for the specified recording. More...
S32BIT STB_PVRRecordingGetEndPadding (U32BIT handle)
 Gets the end padding value for the specified recording as set by STB_PVRRecordingSetEndPadding. More...
void STB_PVRRecordingSetServiceName (U32BIT handle, U8BIT *service_name)
 Sets the service name for a recording and saves the database file. More...
BOOLEAN STB_PVRRecordingGetServiceName (U32BIT handle, U8BIT *service_name, U16BIT name_len)
 Gets the service name for a given recording. More...
void STB_PVRRecordingSetDescription (U32BIT handle, U8BIT *description)
 Sets the short description for a recorded programme. More...
BOOLEAN STB_PVRRecordingGetDescription (U32BIT handle, U8BIT *description, U16BIT desc_len)
 Gets the short description for a given recording. More...
U16BIT STB_PVRRecordingGetDescriptionLen (U32BIT handle)
 Gets the length of the short description for a given recording. More...
void STB_PVRRecordingSetExtendedDescription (U32BIT handle, U8BIT *description)
 Sets the extended description for a recorded programme. More...
BOOLEAN STB_PVRRecordingGetExtendedDescription (U32BIT handle, U8BIT *description, U16BIT desc_len)
 Gets the extended description for a given recording. More...
U16BIT STB_PVRRecordingGetExtendedDescriptionLen (U32BIT handle)
 Gets the length of the extended description for a given recording. More...
void STB_PVRRecordingSetCrid (U32BIT handle, U8BIT *crid)
 Sets the programme CRID for a recording and saves the database file. More...
BOOLEAN STB_PVRRecordingGetCrid (U32BIT handle, U8BIT *crid, U16BIT name_len)
 Gets the programme CRID for a given recording. More...
BOOLEAN STB_PVRRecordingSetLocked (U32BIT handle, BOOLEAN state)
 Sets the locked state of a recording. More...
BOOLEAN STB_PVRRecordingGetLocked (U32BIT handle)
 Returns whether the given recording is locked. More...
BOOLEAN STB_PVRRecordingSetSelected (U32BIT handle, BOOLEAN state)
 Sets the selected state of a recording. More...
BOOLEAN STB_PVRRecordingGetSelected (U32BIT handle)
 Returns whether the given recording is selected. More...
BOOLEAN STB_PVRRecordingIsEncrypted (U32BIT handle)
 Returns whether the given recording is encrypted. More...
BOOLEAN STB_PVRRecordingSetParentalLock (U32BIT handle, BOOLEAN state)
 Sets the parental lock state of a recording. More...
BOOLEAN STB_PVRRecordingGetParentalLock (U32BIT handle)
 Returns the parental lock state of the given recording. More...
BOOLEAN STB_PVRRecordingSetGuidance (U32BIT handle, U8BIT *text)
 Sets the guidance text of a recording. More...
BOOLEAN STB_PVRRecordingHasGuidance (U32BIT handle)
 Returns whether the given recording has guidance. More...
BOOLEAN STB_PVRRecordingGetGuidance (U32BIT handle, U8BIT *text, U16BIT text_len)
 Returns the whether a recording has guidance and the guidance text if available. More...
U16BIT STB_PVRRecordingGetGuidanceLen (U32BIT handle)
 Gets the length of the guidance text for a given recording. More...
BOOLEAN STB_PVRRecordingSetStatus (U32BIT handle, E_PVR_RECORDING_STATUS status)
 Set the status to be saved with the recording. More...
BOOLEAN STB_PVRRecordingGetStatus (U32BIT handle, E_PVR_RECORDING_STATUS *status)
 Returns the status saved with the given recording. More...
BOOLEAN STB_PVRRecordingSetCicamId (U32BIT handle, U8BIT *cicam_id, U8BIT id_len)
BOOLEAN STB_PVRRecordingGetCicamId (U32BIT handle, U8BIT *cicam_id, U8BIT id_len)
BOOLEAN STB_PVRRecordingAddURI (U32BIT handle, U8BIT *uri)
BOOLEAN STB_PVRRecordingUpdateURI (U32BIT handle, U8BIT *uri)
BOOLEAN STB_PVRRecordingAddLicence (U32BIT handle, U8BIT *licence, U16BIT licence_len)
BOOLEAN STB_PVRRecordingUpdateLicence (U32BIT handle, U8BIT *licence, U16BIT licence_len)
BOOLEAN STB_PVRRecordingAddPin (U32BIT handle, U8BIT age_rating, U8BIT *private_data, U16BIT date_code, U8BIT hour, U8BIT min, U8BIT secs)
BOOLEAN STB_PVRIsBeingRecorded (U32BIT handle)
 Returns whether the recording with the given handle is currently being recorded. More...
U32BIT STB_PVRGetTimeOfAllRecordings (U16BIT disk_id)
 Calculates the total disk space used in minutes. More...
U32BIT STB_PVRGetSizeOfAllRecordings (U16BIT disk_id)
 Calculates the total disk space used in KB for all recordings. More...
BOOLEAN STB_PVRToggleBookmark (U8BIT path)
 Creates or deletes a bookmark at the current position during playback. If there's a bookmark within a defined number of seconds of the current position then the bookmark is deleted, otherwise one is created. More...
BOOLEAN STB_PVRGotoNextBookmark (U8BIT path)
 Jumps playback to the position of the bookmark after the current play position. More...
U16BIT STB_PVRGetBookmarks (U8BIT path, void ***bookmarks)
 Allocates and returns an array containing the handles of the bookmarks for the recording currently being played. More...
U16BIT STB_PVRGetBookmarksForRecording (U32BIT handle, void ***bookmarks)
 Allocates and returns an array containing the handles of the bookmarks for the recording specified by the given handle. More...
void STB_PVRReleaseBookmarks (void **bookmarks, U16BIT num)
 Frees a previously allocated array of bookmark handles. More...
void STB_PVRPlaybackNotifyTime (U8BIT path)
 Handles the notification received from the platform code when playback reaches a set position. For CI+, this works out the next URI/licence/pin that needs to be applied, applies them and sets the next notification time. More...
BOOLEAN STB_PVRStartPlaying (U8BIT path, U32BIT handle, BOOLEAN resume)
 Start the PVR playing. More...
BOOLEAN STB_PVRIsPlaying (U8BIT path, U32BIT *handle)
 Reads the PVR play status. More...
void STB_PVRSavePlayPosition (U8BIT path)
 Saves the bookmark holding the playback position. This bookmark is used to resume a playback when STB_PVRStartPlaying is called with resume = TRUE. This function should be called while decoders are still running, to be sure the position in the playback is accurate. More...
U32BIT STB_PVRGetPlayPosition (U32BIT handle)
 Returns the bookmarked play position for the given recording. More...
void STB_PVRStopPlaying (U8BIT path)
 Stop the PVR play back. More...
BOOLEAN STB_PVRRecordingGetTriplet (U32BIT handle, U16BIT *serv_id, U16BIT *ts_id, U16BIT *orig_net_id)
 Read the DVB triplet (service id, transport id, orig net id) for a recording. More...
void STB_PVRStartPlayRunning (U8BIT decoder)
 Set to start playback in running mode. More...
void STB_PVRStartPlayPaused (U8BIT decoder)
 Set to start playback in paused mode. More...
void STB_PVRStartPlaySync (U8BIT decoder)
 Set to start playback synced to AV decoder. More...
BOOLEAN STB_PVRIsPlayAudio (U8BIT decoder)
 Returns TRUE if play contains audio data. More...
BOOLEAN STB_PVRIsPlayVideo (U32BIT handle)
 Returns TRUE if play contains video data. More...
BOOLEAN STB_PVRSetRecordingPids (U8BIT path, U16BIT num_pids, S_PVR_PID_INFO *pid_array)
 Saves (takes a copy of) the array of pids to be recorded. More...
BOOLEAN STB_PVRUpdateRecordingPids (U8BIT path, U16BIT num_pids, S_PVR_PID_INFO *pid_array)
 Saves (takes a copy of) the array of pids to be recorded and pass them to the platform. More...
BOOLEAN STB_PVRSetRecoringTriplet (U8BIT path, U16BIT serv_id, U16BIT ts_id, U16BIT orig_net_id)
 Saves the DVB triplet of the service to be recorded. More...
BOOLEAN STB_PVRStartRecording (U8BIT path, U32BIT handle)
 Start the PVR record tasks. More...
BOOLEAN STB_PVRPauseRecording (U8BIT path)
 Pauses recording after it's been started. More...
BOOLEAN STB_PVRResumeRecording (U8BIT path)
 Resumes a recording after it's been paused. More...
void STB_PVRStopRecording (U8BIT path)
 Stop the PVR recording. More...
BOOLEAN STB_PVRIsRecording (U8BIT path, U32BIT *handle)
 Reads the PVR record status. More...
void STB_PVRStartRecordRunning (U8BIT path)
 Set to start recording in running mode. More...
void STB_PVRStartRecordPaused (U8BIT path, U32BIT timeshift_seconds)
 Set to start recording in paused mode for timeshift recording. More...
BOOLEAN STB_PVRIsRecordVideo (U8BIT path)
 Returns TRUE if record contains video data. More...
BOOLEAN STB_PVRIsRecordAudio (U8BIT path)
 Returns TRUE if record contains audio data. More...
void STB_PVREncryptRecording (U8BIT path, BOOLEAN state)
 Sets whether a recording should be encrypted. Must be set before the recording is started. More...
void STB_PVRPlayNormal (U8BIT decoder)
 Restarts playback (no trick mode) - has no effect when decoding from demux. More...
BOOLEAN STB_PVRIsPlayNormal (U8BIT decoder)
 Returns TRUE if play is not in trick mode. More...
void STB_PVRPlayPause (U8BIT decoder)
 Pauses play - has no effect when decoding from demux. More...
BOOLEAN STB_PVRIsPlayPause (U8BIT decoder)
 Returns TRUE if play is paused trick mode. More...
void STB_PVRPlayForward (U8BIT decoder)
 Set play forwards - has no effect when decoding from demux. More...
BOOLEAN STB_PVRIsPlayForward (U8BIT decoder)
 Returns TRUE if play is forwards trick mode. More...
void STB_PVRPlayReverse (U8BIT decoder)
 Set play backwards - has no effect when decoding from demux. More...
BOOLEAN STB_PVRIsPlayReverse (U8BIT decoder)
 Returns TRUE if play is backwards trick mode. More...
void STB_PVRPlayFrameInc (U8BIT decoder)
 Increments play by one frame - has no effect when decoding from demux. More...
void STB_PVRPlayFrameDec (U8BIT decoder)
 Decrements play by one frame - has no effect when decoding from demux. More...
void STB_PVRPlayMedium (U8BIT decoder)
 Sets play speed to medium (1x) - has no effect when decoding from demux. More...
BOOLEAN STB_PVRIsPlayMedium (U8BIT decoder)
 Returns TRUE if play speed is medium (1x). More...
void STB_PVRPlaySlower (U8BIT decoder, BOOLEAN include_slow_speeds)
 Decrease play speed - has no effect when decoding from demux. More...
BOOLEAN STB_PVRIsPlaySlowest (U8BIT decoder)
 Returns TRUE if play speed is slowest possible. More...
void STB_PVRPlayFaster (U8BIT decoder, BOOLEAN include_slow_speeds)
 Increase play speed - has no effect when decoding from demux. More...
BOOLEAN STB_PVRIsPlayFastest (U8BIT decoder)
 Returns TRUE if play speed is fastest possible. More...
S16BIT STB_PVRGetMinPlaySpeed (U8BIT path)
 Reads the PVR min play speed. More...
S16BIT STB_PVRGetMaxPlaySpeed (U8BIT path)
 Reads the PVR max play speed. More...
void STB_PVRDiskUsed (U16BIT disk_id, U8BIT *hours, U8BIT *mins)
 Returns disk space used in hours and minutes. More...
void STB_PVRDiskFree (U16BIT disk_id, U8BIT *hours, U8BIT *mins)
 Returns disk space free in hours and minutes. More...
U32BIT STB_PVRDiskSize (U16BIT disk_id)
 Returns disk size in MBytes. More...
BOOLEAN STB_PVRCreateBookmark (U32BIT handle, U32BIT time, U8BIT *name)
 Creates a bookmark associated with the a recording. More...
BOOLEAN STB_PVRDeleteBookmark (U32BIT handle, U32BIT time, U8BIT *name)
 Deletes a bookmark associated with the a recording. More...
U32BIT STB_PVRGetBookmarkTime (void *bookmark_handle)
 Returns the time associated with a bookmark. More...
U8BIT * STB_PVRGetBookmarkName (void *bookmark_handle)
 Allocates and returns the name associated with a bookmark. More...

Detailed Description

Header file - macros and function prototypes for public use.


Function Documentation

BOOLEAN STB_PVRCanDiskBeUsed ( U16BIT  disk_id)

Checks whether the given disk can be used for PVR functions.

U16BITdisk_id - disk to be checked
TRUE if the disk can be used, FALSE otherwise
BOOLEAN STB_PVRCreateBookmark ( U32BIT  handle,
U32BIT  time,
U8BIT *  name 

Creates a bookmark associated with the a recording.

handleRecording handle
timeTime in seconds since the beginning of the recording
nameNULL terminated string representing the bookmark name, maximum length STB_PVR_NAME_LEN. If name is NULL, a string is formed to represent the bookmark time in the format hh:mm:ss
TRUE if the bookmark was successfully created, FALSE otherwise.
BOOLEAN STB_PVRCreateRecording ( U16BIT  disk_id,
U8BIT *  name,
U32BIT *  handle 

Create a new recording and return the handle.

disk_id- ID of disk to be used for the recording
name- name of recording
handle- returned recording handle
TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise
BOOLEAN STB_PVRDeleteBookmark ( U32BIT  handle,
U32BIT  time,
U8BIT *  name 

Deletes a bookmark associated with the a recording.

handleRecording handle
timeTime in seconds since the beginning of the recording
nameNULL terminated string representing the bookmark name, maximum length STB_PVR_NAME_LEN. If name is NULL, a string is formed to represent the bookmark time in the format hh:mm:ss
TRUE if the bookmark was successfully deleted, FALSE otherwise.
BOOLEAN STB_PVRDestroyRecording ( U32BIT  handle)

Completely destroys a recording by deleting all files and removing it from the list of recordings.

handle- handle of recording to be destroyed
TRUE if recording found and deleted, FALSE otherwise
void STB_PVRDiskFree ( U16BIT  disk_id,
U8BIT *  hours,
U8BIT *  mins 

Returns disk space free in hours and minutes.

U16BITdisk_id - ID of the disk being queried
U8BIT*hours - returns num of hours
U8BIT*mins - returns num of mins
U32BIT STB_PVRDiskSize ( U16BIT  disk_id)

Returns disk size in MBytes.

U16BITdisk_id - ID of the disk being queried
U32BIT - MB.
void STB_PVRDiskUsed ( U16BIT  disk_id,
U8BIT *  hours,
U8BIT *  mins 

Returns disk space used in hours and minutes.

U8BIT*hours - returns num of hours
U8BIT*mins - returns num of mins
void STB_PVREncryptRecording ( U8BIT  path,
BOOLEAN  state 

Sets whether a recording should be encrypted. Must be set before the recording is started.

path- decode path that will be used for the recording
state- TRUE if it's to be encrypted
BOOLEAN STB_PVRFindNextSplitRecording ( U32BIT  curr_handle,
U32BIT *  next_handle 

Returns the handle of a split event recording that follows on from curr_handle.

curr_handle- handle of the recording
next_handle- handle of recording found, returned
TRUE if a recording is found, FALSE otherwise
BOOLEAN STB_PVRFindRecordingFromCrid ( U8BIT *  prog_crid,
U32BIT *  handle 

Returns the handle of the recording with the given programme CRID.

prog_crid- CRID to be searched for
handle- handle of recording found, returned
TRUE if a recording is found, FALSE otherwise
BOOLEAN STB_PVRFormat ( U16BIT  disk_id,
U8BIT *  prog 

Formats disk for PVR. Call this for each mode.

U16BITdisk_id - ID of the disk to be, or being, formatted
E_STB_PVR_FORMATMODEmode - format mode
U8BIT*prog - returns progress (0-100%).
TRUE if successful, else FALSE
U8BIT* STB_PVRGetBookmarkName ( void *  bookmark_handle)

Allocates and returns the name associated with a bookmark.

bookmark_handleBookmark handle
Pointer to the name string. This pointer must freed with STB_FreeMemory
U16BIT STB_PVRGetBookmarks ( U8BIT  path,
void ***  bookmarks 

Allocates and returns an array containing the handles of the bookmarks for the recording currently being played.

pathPlayback decode path
bookmarksPointer to array of returned bookmark handles
The number of handles in the allocated array. If this is 0 then array will be NULL.
U16BIT STB_PVRGetBookmarksForRecording ( U32BIT  handle,
void ***  bookmarks 

Allocates and returns an array containing the handles of the bookmarks for the recording specified by the given handle.

handleRecording handle
bookmarksPointer to array of returned bookmark handles
The number of handles in the allocated array. If this is 0 then array will be NULL.
U32BIT STB_PVRGetBookmarkTime ( void *  bookmark_handle)

Returns the time associated with a bookmark.

bookmark_handleBookmark handle
Bookmark time
U16BIT STB_PVRGetDefaultDisk ( void  )

Returns the set default disk, or finds the first mounted (usable) disk if a default hasn't been set.

ID of the disk, or INVALID_DISK_ID if none found
U32BIT STB_PVRGetHandleForRecordingIndex ( U8BIT  rec_index)

Returns the handle for the given recording index.

rec_index- recording index
handle, or 0 if recording isn't found
S16BIT STB_PVRGetMaxPlaySpeed ( U8BIT  path)

Reads the PVR max play speed.

U8BITpath - player number
S8BIT - speed.
S16BIT STB_PVRGetMinPlaySpeed ( U8BIT  path)

Reads the PVR min play speed.

U8BITpath - player number
S8BIT - speed.
U8BIT STB_PVRGetPathForRecordingIndex ( U8BIT  rec_index)

Returns the path for the given recording index.

rec_index- recording index
path, or INVALID_RES_ID if recording isn't found
U32BIT STB_PVRGetPlayPosition ( U32BIT  handle)

Returns the bookmarked play position for the given recording.

handlehandle of recording
play position in seconds; will be 0 if the recording hasn't been played yet
U16BIT STB_PVRGetRecordingHandles ( U32BIT **  handle_array)

Allocates and returns an array of all the recording handles.

handle_array- pointer to array of handles, must be freed using STB_PVRReleaseRecordingHandles
Number of handles returned in the array
U32BIT STB_PVRGetSizeOfAllRecordings ( U16BIT  disk_id)

Calculates the total disk space used in KB for all recordings.

disk_id- disk to be used
Total size of all recordings in KB
U32BIT STB_PVRGetTimeOfAllRecordings ( U16BIT  disk_id)

Calculates the total disk space used in minutes.

disk_id- disk to be used
Total size of all recordings in minutes
BOOLEAN STB_PVRGotoNextBookmark ( U8BIT  path)

Jumps playback to the position of the bookmark after the current play position.

path- playback decode path
TRUE if a bookmark exists and play position is changed, FALSE otherwise
BOOLEAN STB_PVRInitialise ( void  )

Initialises PVR path control.

TRUE if initialised, else FALSE
BOOLEAN STB_PVRIsBeingRecorded ( U32BIT  handle)

Returns whether the recording with the given handle is currently being recorded.

handle- recording being queried
TRUE if recording, FALSE otherwise
BOOLEAN STB_PVRIsInitialised ( void  )

Returns Initialised status.

TRUE if initialised, else FALSE
BOOLEAN STB_PVRIsPlayAudio ( U8BIT  path)

Returns TRUE if play contains audio data.

U8BITpath - the ID of the decode path to use
BOOLEAN STB_PVRIsPlayFastest ( U8BIT  path)

Returns TRUE if play speed is fastest possible.

U8BITpath - the ID of the decode path to use
BOOLEAN STB_PVRIsPlayForward ( U8BIT  path)

Returns TRUE if play is forwards trick mode.

U8BITpath - the ID of the decode path to use
BOOLEAN STB_PVRIsPlaying ( U8BIT  path,
U32BIT *  handle 

Reads the PVR play status.

U8BITpath - player number
U32BIT*handle - returns handle in use
BOOLEAN - TRUE if playing, else FALSE.
BOOLEAN STB_PVRIsPlayMedium ( U8BIT  path)

Returns TRUE if play speed is medium (1x).

U8BITpath - the ID of the decode path to use
BOOLEAN STB_PVRIsPlayNormal ( U8BIT  path)

Returns TRUE if play is not in trick mode.

U8BITpath - the ID of the decode path to use
BOOLEAN STB_PVRIsPlayPause ( U8BIT  path)

Returns TRUE if play is paused trick mode.

U8BITpath - the ID of the decode path to use
BOOLEAN STB_PVRIsPlayReverse ( U8BIT  path)

Returns TRUE if play is backwards trick mode.

U8BITpath - the ID of the decode path to use
BOOLEAN STB_PVRIsPlaySlowest ( U8BIT  path)

Returns TRUE if play speed is slowest possible.

U8BITpath - the ID of the decode path to use
BOOLEAN STB_PVRIsPlayVideo ( U32BIT  handle)

Returns TRUE if play contains video data.

U32BIThandle - the ID of the decode path to use
BOOLEAN STB_PVRIsRecordAudio ( U8BIT  path)

Returns TRUE if record contains audio data.

U8BITpath - the ID of the decode path to use
BOOLEAN STB_PVRIsRecording ( U8BIT  path,
U32BIT *  handle 

Reads the PVR record status.

U8BITpath - decoder number
U32BIT*handle - returns handle in use
BOOLEAN - TRUE if playing, else FALSE.
BOOLEAN STB_PVRIsRecordVideo ( U8BIT  path)

Returns TRUE if record contains video data.

U8BITpath - the ID of the decode path to use
BOOLEAN STB_PVRIsValidHandle ( U32BIT  handle)

Determines whether the given handle is in the recording database.

handle- recording handle to be checked
TRUE if the handle is found, FALSE otherwise
BOOLEAN STB_PVRPauseRecording ( U8BIT  path)

Pauses recording after it's been started.

path- decode path of the recording
TRUE if recording is paused or is already paused, FALSE otherwise
void STB_PVRPlaybackNotifyTime ( U8BIT  path)

Handles the notification received from the platform code when playback reaches a set position. For CI+, this works out the next URI/licence/pin that needs to be applied, applies them and sets the next notification time.

path- decode path
void STB_PVRPlayFaster ( U8BIT  path,
BOOLEAN  include_slow_speeds 

Increase play speed - has no effect when decoding from demux.

path- ID of the decode path to use
include_slow_speeds- selects whether slow motion speeds, >-100% and <100%, are included
void STB_PVRPlayForward ( U8BIT  path)

Set play forwards - has no effect when decoding from demux.

U8BITpath - the ID of the decode path to use
void STB_PVRPlayFrameDec ( U8BIT  path)

Decrements play by one frame - has no effect when decoding from demux.

U8BITpath - the ID of the decode path to use
void STB_PVRPlayFrameInc ( U8BIT  path)

Increments play by one frame - has no effect when decoding from demux.

U8BITpath - the ID of the decode path to use
void STB_PVRPlayMedium ( U8BIT  path)

Sets play speed to medium (1x) - has no effect when decoding from demux.

U8BITpath - the ID of the decode path to use
void STB_PVRPlayNormal ( U8BIT  path)

Restarts playback (no trick mode) - has no effect when decoding from demux.

U8BITpath - the ID of the decode path to use
void STB_PVRPlayPause ( U8BIT  path)

Pauses play - has no effect when decoding from demux.

U8BITpath - the ID of the decode path to use
void STB_PVRPlayReverse ( U8BIT  path)

Set play backwards - has no effect when decoding from demux.

U8BITpath - the ID of the decode path to use
void STB_PVRPlaySlower ( U8BIT  path,
BOOLEAN  include_slow_speeds 

Decrease play speed - has no effect when decoding from demux.

path- ID of the decode path to use
include_slow_speeds- selects whether slow motion speeds, >-100% and <100%, are included
U8BIT* STB_PVRRecordingGetAdditionalInfo ( U32BIT  handle)

Gets the additional info string pointer for a recording.

handle- recording handle
Pointer to the additional info
handlerecording handle
Pointer to the additional info
BOOLEAN STB_PVRRecordingGetCrid ( U32BIT  handle,
U8BIT *  crid,
U16BIT  name_len 

Gets the programme CRID for a given recording.

crid- array into which the crid will be copied
name_len- size of the crid array
TRUE if the recording is found and the crid copied
BOOLEAN STB_PVRRecordingGetDateTime ( U32BIT  handle,
U16BIT *  date,
U8BIT *  hours,
U8BIT *  mins,
U8BIT *  secs 

Gets the date and time for a recording.

handle- recording handle
date- returned date value
hours- returned time in hours
mins- returned time in minutes
secs- returned time in seconds
TRUE if the recording is found
BOOLEAN STB_PVRRecordingGetDescription ( U32BIT  handle,
U8BIT *  description,
U16BIT  desc_len 

Gets the short description for a given recording.

handle- recording handle
description- array into which the description is copied
desc_len- size of the description array
U16BIT STB_PVRRecordingGetDescriptionLen ( U32BIT  handle)

Gets the length of the short description for a given recording.

handle- recording handle
length of the short description text, or 0 if none available
U16BIT STB_PVRRecordingGetDiskId ( U32BIT  handle)

Gets the disk id for a recording.

handle- recording handle
Disk id
S32BIT STB_PVRRecordingGetEndPadding ( U32BIT  handle)

Gets the end padding value for the specified recording as set by STB_PVRRecordingSetEndPadding.

handlerecording handle
End padding value
BOOLEAN STB_PVRRecordingGetExtendedDescription ( U32BIT  handle,
U8BIT *  description,
U16BIT  desc_len 

Gets the extended description for a given recording.

handle- recording handle
description- array into which the description is copied
desc_len- size of the description array
U16BIT STB_PVRRecordingGetExtendedDescriptionLen ( U32BIT  handle)

Gets the length of the extended description for a given recording.

handle- recording handle
length of the extended description text, or 0 if none available
BOOLEAN STB_PVRRecordingGetGuidance ( U32BIT  handle,
U8BIT *  text,
U16BIT  text_len 

Returns the whether a recording has guidance and the guidance text if available.

handle- recording handle
text- array into which the guidance text is copied, can be NULL if text isn't required
text_len- size of the array passed in, ignored if text is NULL
TRUE if recording has guidance, FALSE otherwise
U16BIT STB_PVRRecordingGetGuidanceLen ( U32BIT  handle)

Gets the length of the guidance text for a given recording.

handle- recording handle
length of the guidance text, or 0 if none available
BOOLEAN STB_PVRRecordingGetLength ( U32BIT  handle,
U8BIT *  length_hours,
U8BIT *  length_mins,
U8BIT *  length_secs,
U32BIT *  rec_size_kb 

Returns the length in time and size in KB of the recording with the given handle.

handle- handle of recording being queried
length_hours- length of the recording in hours, returned
length_mins- length of the recording in minutes, returned
length_secs- length of the recording in seconds, returned
rec_size_kb- size of the recording in KB, returned
TRUE if the length and size are being returned, FALSE otherwise
BOOLEAN STB_PVRRecordingGetLocked ( U32BIT  handle)

Returns whether the given recording is locked.

handle- recording handle
TRUE if recording is locked, FALSE otherwise
U8BIT* STB_PVRRecordingGetName ( U32BIT  handle)

Gets the name for a recording.

handle- recording handle
Pointer to the name
BOOLEAN STB_PVRRecordingGetOtherCrid ( U32BIT  handle,
U8BIT *  crid,
U16BIT  name_len 

Gets the series/recommendation CRID for a given recording.

crid- array into which the crid will be copied
name_len- size of the crid array
TRUE if the recording is found and the crid copied
BOOLEAN STB_PVRRecordingGetParentalLock ( U32BIT  handle)

Returns the parental lock state of the given recording.

handle- recording handle
TRUE if recording is locked, FALSE otherwise
U32BIT STB_PVRRecordingGetParentalRating ( U32BIT  handle)

Returns the parental rating age for the specified recording as set by STB_PVRRecordingSetParentalRatingAge.

handlerecording handle
Parental rating age
BOOLEAN STB_PVRRecordingGetRecommendation ( U32BIT  handle)

Returns whether the given recording is a recommendation.

handle- recording handle
TRUE if recording is a recommendation, FALSE otherwise
BOOLEAN STB_PVRRecordingGetSelected ( U32BIT  handle)

Returns whether the given recording is selected.

handle- recording handle
TRUE if recording is selected, FALSE otherwise
BOOLEAN STB_PVRRecordingGetSeries ( U32BIT  handle)

Returns whether the given recording is a series.

handle- recording handle
TRUE if recording is part of a series, FALSE otherwise
BOOLEAN STB_PVRRecordingGetServiceName ( U32BIT  handle,
U8BIT *  service_name,
U16BIT  name_len 

Gets the service name for a given recording.

service_name- array into which the name will be copied
name_len- size of the name array
TRUE if the recording is found and it's database file is successfully opened
S32BIT STB_PVRRecordingGetStartPadding ( U32BIT  handle)

Gets the start padding value for the specified recording as set by STB_PVRRecordingSetStartPadding.

handlerecording handle
Start padding value
BOOLEAN STB_PVRRecordingGetStatus ( U32BIT  handle,

Returns the status saved with the given recording.

handlerecording handle
statuspointer to recording status if read successfully
TRUE if status is returned, FALSE otherwise
BOOLEAN STB_PVRRecordingGetTriplet ( U32BIT  handle,
U16BIT *  serv_id,
U16BIT *  ts_id,
U16BIT *  orig_net_id 

Read the DVB triplet (service id, transport id, orig net id) for a recording.

handle- handle of recording
serv_id- pointer to return service id
ts_id- pointer to return transport id
orig_net_id- pointer to return original network id
TRUE if values are returned
BOOLEAN STB_PVRRecordingHasGuidance ( U32BIT  handle)

Returns whether the given recording has guidance.

handle- recording handle
TRUE if recording has guidance, FALSE otherwise
BOOLEAN STB_PVRRecordingIsEncrypted ( U32BIT  handle)

Returns whether the given recording is encrypted.

handle- recording handle
TRUE if recording is encrypted, FALSE otherwise
void STB_PVRRecordingSetAdditionalInfo ( U32BIT  handle,
U8BIT *  additional_info 

Sets the additional info string for a recording.

handlerecording handle
additional_infoadditional info to be set
void STB_PVRRecordingSetCrid ( U32BIT  handle,
U8BIT *  crid 

Sets the programme CRID for a recording and saves the database file.

handle- recording handle
crid- programme crid string
void STB_PVRRecordingSetDescription ( U32BIT  handle,
U8BIT *  description 

Sets the short description for a recorded programme.

handle- recording handle
description- text string
void STB_PVRRecordingSetEndPadding ( U32BIT  handle,
S32BIT  end_padding 

Sets the end padding value for the specified recording.

handlerecording handle
start_paddingend padding value
void STB_PVRRecordingSetExtendedDescription ( U32BIT  handle,
U8BIT *  description 

Sets the extended description for a recorded programme.

handle- recording handle
description- text string
BOOLEAN STB_PVRRecordingSetGuidance ( U32BIT  handle,
U8BIT *  text 

Sets the guidance text of a recording.

handle- recording handle
text- guidance text
TRUE if recording is valid, FALSE otherwise
BOOLEAN STB_PVRRecordingSetLocked ( U32BIT  handle,
BOOLEAN  state 

Sets the locked state of a recording.

handle- recording handle
state- TRUE for locked, FALSE for unlocked
TRUE if recording is valid, FALSE otherwise
void STB_PVRRecordingSetName ( U32BIT  handle,
U8BIT *  name 

Sets the name for a recording.

handle- recording handle
name- name to be set
void STB_PVRRecordingSetOtherCrid ( U32BIT  handle,
U8BIT *  crid 

Sets the series/recommendation CRID for a recording and saves the database file.

handle- recording handle
crid- crid string
BOOLEAN STB_PVRRecordingSetParentalLock ( U32BIT  handle,
BOOLEAN  state 

Sets the parental lock state of a recording.

handle- recording handle
state- TRUE for locked, FALSE for unlocked
TRUE if recording is valid, FALSE otherwise
void STB_PVRRecordingSetParentalRatingAge ( U32BIT  handle,
U32BIT  parental_rating 

Sets the parental rating age for the specified recording.

handlerecording handle
parental_ratingparental rating age
void STB_PVRRecordingSetRecommendation ( U32BIT  handle)

Sets a recording to a recommendation recording.

handle- recording handle
crid- crid string
BOOLEAN STB_PVRRecordingSetSelected ( U32BIT  handle,
BOOLEAN  state 

Sets the selected state of a recording.

handle- recording handle
state- TRUE for selected, FALSE for unselected
TRUE if recording is valid, FALSE otherwise
void STB_PVRRecordingSetSeries ( U32BIT  handle)

Sets a recording to a series recording.

handle- recording handle
crid- crid string
void STB_PVRRecordingSetServiceName ( U32BIT  handle,
U8BIT *  service_name 

Sets the service name for a recording and saves the database file.

handle- recording handle
service_name- service name to be set
void STB_PVRRecordingSetStartPadding ( U32BIT  handle,
S32BIT  start_padding 

Sets the start padding value for the specified recording.

handlerecording handle
start_paddingstart padding value
BOOLEAN STB_PVRRecordingSetStatus ( U32BIT  handle,

Set the status to be saved with the recording.

handlerecording handle
statusstatus of the recording
TRUE if the status is successfully saved with the given recording, FALSE otherwise
void STB_PVRReleaseBookmarks ( void **  bookmarks,
U16BIT  num 

Frees a previously allocated array of bookmark handles.

bookmarksArray of bookmark handles to be freed
numNumber of handles in the array.
void STB_PVRReleaseRecordingHandles ( U32BIT *  handle_array)

Frees the given array of handles allocated by the preceding function.

handle_array- array to be freed
BOOLEAN STB_PVRRepair ( U16BIT  disk_id,
U8BIT *  prog 

Repairs disk for PVR. Call this for each mode.

U16BITdisk_id - ID of the disk to be, or being, repaired
E_STB_PVR_REPAIRMODEmode - repair mode
U8BIT*prog - returns progress (0-100%).
TRUE if successful, else FALSE
BOOLEAN STB_PVRResumeRecording ( U8BIT  path)

Resumes a recording after it's been paused.

path- decode path of the recording
TRUE if the recording is resumed or isn't currently paused, FALSE otherwise
void STB_PVRSavePlayPosition ( U8BIT  path)

Saves the bookmark holding the playback position. This bookmark is used to resume a playback when STB_PVRStartPlaying is called with resume = TRUE. This function should be called while decoders are still running, to be sure the position in the playback is accurate.

U8BITpath Playback path
void STB_PVRSaveRecording ( U32BIT  handle)

Save all info on the given recording. The filename and disk should already have been setup, either when the recording is first created or when it's read from a disk.

handle- recording handle
void STB_PVRSetDefaultDisk ( U16BIT  disk_id)

Sets the disk ID to be used as the default disk for PVR recordings. If this is set to INVALID_DISK_ID then the first mounted disk will be used.

disk_idID of the disk to use as the default
BOOLEAN STB_PVRSetRecordingPids ( U8BIT  path,
U16BIT  num_pids,
S_PVR_PID_INFO pid_array 

Saves (takes a copy of) the array of pids to be recorded.

path- decode path that will be used for the recording
num_pids- number of pids in the array
pid_array- array of structures describing PIDs
TRUE if the PIDs are saved successfully, FALSE otherwise
BOOLEAN STB_PVRSetRecoringTriplet ( U8BIT  path,
U16BIT  serv_id,
U16BIT  ts_id,
U16BIT  orig_net_id 

Saves the DVB triplet of the service to be recorded.

path- decode path that will be used for the recording
serv_id- service id
ts_id- transport stream
orig_net_id- original network id
TRUE if the triplet is saved successfully, FALSE otherwise
void STB_PVRSetStandbyState ( BOOLEAN  state)

Sets the standby state of the PVR path control.

state- TRUE if PVR is being put into standby, FALSE otherwise
BOOLEAN STB_PVRStartPlaying ( U8BIT  path,
U32BIT  handle,
BOOLEAN  resume 

Start the PVR playing.

U8BITpath - player number
U32BIThandle - handle to use for play file
TRUE is playback starts, FALSE otherwise
void STB_PVRStartPlayPaused ( U8BIT  path)

Set to start playback in paused mode.

U8BITpath - the ID of the decode path to use
void STB_PVRStartPlayRunning ( U8BIT  path)

Set to start playback in running mode.

U8BITpath - the ID of the decode path to use
void STB_PVRStartPlaySync ( U8BIT  path)

Set to start playback synced to AV decoder.

U8BITpath - the ID of the decode path to use
BOOLEAN STB_PVRStartRecording ( U8BIT  path,
U32BIT  handle 

Start the PVR record tasks.

U8BITpath - recorder number
U32BIThandle - handle to use for play file
void STB_PVRStartRecordPaused ( U8BIT  path,
U32BIT  timeshift_seconds 

Set to start recording in paused mode for timeshift recording.

U8BITpath - the ID of the decode path to use
U32BITtimeshift_seconds - the size of the timeshift buffer in seconds
void STB_PVRStartRecordRunning ( U8BIT  path)

Set to start recording in running mode.

U8BITpath - the ID of the decode path to use
void STB_PVRStopPlaying ( U8BIT  path)

Stop the PVR play back.

U8BITpath - player number
void STB_PVRStopRecording ( U8BIT  path)

Stop the PVR recording.

U8BITpath - recorder number
BOOLEAN STB_PVRToggleBookmark ( U8BIT  path)

Creates or deletes a bookmark at the current position during playback. If there's a bookmark within a defined number of seconds of the current position then the bookmark is deleted, otherwise one is created.

path- playback decode path
TRUE if a bookmark is created or deleted, FALSE otherwise
BOOLEAN STB_PVRUpdateRecordingPids ( U8BIT  path,
U16BIT  num_pids,
S_PVR_PID_INFO pid_array 

Saves (takes a copy of) the array of pids to be recorded and pass them to the platform.

path- decode path that used for the recording
num_pids- number of pids in the array
pid_array- array of structures describing PIDs
TRUE if the PIDs are updated successfully, FALSE otherwise
void STB_PVRUpdateRecordings ( BOOLEAN  force_load)

Called when a disk is added or removed and updates the disk database and the recordings that are now available.

force_load- forces the recordings database to be updated