DVBCore  22.3.0
Open Source DVB Engine
common.h File Reference

Definition of functions common withing externals/HBBTV. More...

#include "techtype.h"
#include "hbbtv_sif_service.h"

Go to the source code of this file.


void EXT_HbbtvGetEvent (void *event, void *service, S_HBBTV_EVENT_DETAILS *details)
 Fills in the event details structure given the event handle. More...
U32BIT EXT_HbbtvPVRGetRecID (U32BIT timer, U32BIT recording)
 Returns the recording ID associated with the specified timer handle and recording handle. More...
void EXT_HbbtvPVRInitialise (void)
 Initialises the PVR resources needed by the HbbTV external interface.
void EXT_HbbtvPVRTerminate (void)
 Releases the PVR resources allocated by the HbbTV external interface.
void EXT_HbbtvServiceInitialise (void)
 Initialises the Service resources needed by the HbbTV external interface.
void EXT_HbbtvServiceTerminate (void)
 Releases the Service resources allocated by the HbbTV external interface.

Detailed Description

Definition of functions common withing externals/HBBTV.

February 2014
Sergio Panseri

Function Documentation

void EXT_HbbtvGetEvent ( void *  event,
void *  service,

Fills in the event details structure given the event handle.

eventEvent handle
serviceService handle
detailsPointer to the structure to fill in. HBBTV_ReleaseEventDetails can be called passing the structure pointer to ensure any allocated data relative to the event is freed
U32BIT EXT_HbbtvPVRGetRecID ( U32BIT  timer,
U32BIT  recording 

Returns the recording ID associated with the specified timer handle and recording handle.

timerTimer handle
recordingRecording handle
Recording ID