DVBCore  22.3.0
Open Source DVB Engine
Macros | Enumerations | Functions
dba.h File Reference

Database access defines, structures and public functions. More...

#include "techtype.h"

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#define DBA_FIELD_PARENT   0x0100
#define DBA_FIELD_REC_NAME   0x0101
#define DBA_FIELD_ORIG_NET_ID   0x0102
#define DBA_FIELD_NET_ID   0x0103
#define DBA_FIELD_TRANSPORT_ID   0x0104
#define DBA_FIELD_SERVICE_ID   0x0105
#define DBA_FIELD_VERSION   0x0106
#define DBA_FIELD_URL   0x0107
#define DBA_FIELD_LNB_TYPE   0x0202
#define DBA_FIELD_LNB_22K   0x0203
#define DBA_FIELD_LNB_12V   0x0204
#define DBA_FIELD_LNB_PULSEPOSN   0x0205
#define DBA_FIELD_LNB_DISPOSN   0x0206
#define DBA_FIELD_LNB_DISTONE   0x0207
#define DBA_FIELD_LNB_DISSMATV   0x020a
#define DBA_FIELD_LNB_DISREPEAT   0x020b
#define DBA_FIELD_LNB_POWER   0x020e
#define DBA_FIELD_LNB_NAME   0x020f
#define DBA_FIELD_SAT_DISH   0x0300
#define DBA_FIELD_SAT_LONGWE   0x0301
#define DBA_FIELD_SAT_LONGPOS   0x0302
#define DBA_FIELD_PROFILE_TYPE   0x0401
#define DBA_FIELD_PROFILE_CAM_ID   0x0402
#define DBA_FIELD_PROFILE_NAME   0x0403
#define DBA_FIELD_OP_SEARCH_DATE   0x0405
#define DBA_FIELD_OP_SEARCH_TIME   0x0406
#define DBA_FIELD_TRAN_FREQ   0x0500
#define DBA_FIELD_TRAN_SRATE   0x0501
#define DBA_FIELD_STRAN_POL   0x0600
#define DBA_FIELD_STRAN_FEC   0x0601
#define DBA_FIELD_STRAN_DVBS2   0x0602
#define DBA_FIELD_TTRAN_MODE   0x0700
#define DBA_FIELD_TTRAN_TERR_TYPE   0x0701
#define DBA_FIELD_TTRAN_PLP_ID   0x0702
#define DBA_FIELD_TTRAN_BWIDTH   0x0703
#define DBA_FIELD_CTRAN_MODE   0x0800
#define DBA_FIELD_SERV_ID   0x0900
#define DBA_FIELD_SERV_TYPE   0x0901
#define DBA_FIELD_SERV_LCN   0x0902
#define DBA_FIELD_SERV_REQ_LCN   0x0903
#define DBA_FIELD_SERV_HIDDEN   0x0904
#define DBA_FIELD_SERV_LOCKED   0x0906
#define DBA_FIELD_SERV_FAV_GROUPS   0x0909
#define DBA_FIELD_SERV_FREESAT_ID   0x090a
#define DBA_FIELD_SERV_REGION_ID   0x090b
#define DBA_FIELD_SERV_DELETED   0x090d
#define DBA_FIELD_SERV_PORT   0x090e
#define DBA_FIELD_SERV_FEC_LAYER   0x090f
#define DBA_FIELD_SERV_FEC_PORT1   0x0910
#define DBA_FIELD_SERV_FEC_PORT2   0x0911
#define DBA_FIELD_TIMER_HANDLE   0x0a00
#define DBA_FIELD_TIMER_TYPE   0x0a03
#define DBA_FIELD_TIMER_EVENTID   0x0a06
#define DBA_FIELD_TIMER_CRID   0x0a08
#define DBA_FIELD_TIMER_DISKID   0x0a09
#define DBA_FIELD_TIMER_MISSED   0x0a0b
#define DBA_FIELD_CRID_EIT_DATE   0x0b00
#define DBA_FIELD_CRID_SERIES   0x0b01
#define DBA_FIELD_FAVLIST_ID   0x0c00
#define DBA_FIELD_FAVLIST_INDEX   0x0c01
#define DBA_FIELD_EVENT_ID   0x0d02
#define DBA_FIELD_EVENT_CONTENT   0x0d03
#define DBA_FIELD_EVENT_FREE_TO_AIR   0x0d08
#define DBA_FIELD_EVENT_NAME   0x0d0a
#define DBA_FIELD_BAND_POLARITY   0x0e00
#define DBA_FIELD_BAND_22_KHZ   0x0e05




BOOLEAN DBA_Initialise (void)
 Performs any initialisation required prior to the database being loaded. More...
void DBA_Terminate (void)
 Releases any resources acquired by initialisation and clears any currently loaded database, including a backup, if one has been created.
BOOLEAN DBA_LoadDatabase (U8BIT *pathname)
 Reads a database from non-volatile storage, creating any structures in memory that will be required to access it and the records it contains and makes this the working database. If the database is found to be invalid, or doesn't exist at all, then an empty database should be created. More...
BOOLEAN DBA_SaveDatabase (void)
 Saves any changes made to the working database to non-volatile storage. If saving to a file, the pathname used to open it will be used. More...
BOOLEAN DBA_ClearDatabase (void)
 Clears the working database of all records. Following this call, it should still be possible to access the database, but it will be empty, and new records can be added to it. More...
BOOLEAN DBA_BackupDatabase (U8BIT *pathname)
 Creates a backup copy of the working database. Whether the backup database is saved to non-volatile storage is implementation dependant and so the backup database may not survive a system reboot. More...
BOOLEAN DBA_CanRestoreDatabase (void)
 Checks whether the working database can be restored from a backup copy. More...
BOOLEAN DBA_RestoreDatabase (void)
 Restores the working database from a previously made backup copy. More...
void DBA_EraseBackupDatabase (void)
 Erases the backup copy of the database. If data was stored in non-volatile storage then this should be deleted too.
BOOLEAN DBA_ExportToXML (U8BIT *xml_pathname)
 Export the working database to an XML file. More...
BOOLEAN DBA_ImportFromXML (U8BIT *xml_pathname)
 Imports records from the given XML file into the working database. If a record already exists in the database then it will be updated, and if it doesn't then a new record will be created. More...
void DBA_LockDatabase (void)
 Locks the database to prevent access from other threads or processes.
void DBA_UnlockDatabase (void)
 Unlocks the database to allow other threads or processes to access it.
U8BIT * DBA_DatabaseVersion (void)
 Returns a version string representing the working database. More...
U32BIT DBA_DatabaseFileSize (U32BIT *max_size)
 Returns the size in bytes of the database as stored in non-volatile storage. More...
void * DBA_CreateRecord (U32BIT record_id, void *parent)
 Creates a new record of the given type, adding it to the database as a child of the given parent record, if provided. More...
void DBA_DestroyRecord (void *record)
 Destroys the given record, removing it from the database and freeing any memory associated with it. More...
void * DBA_FindRecord (U32BIT record_id, void *parent, void *last_rec)
 Finds the next record, of the given type, that comes after last_rec. last_rec must be the same type of record as the one being found. Parent is optional, but if provided, a record will only be returned if the parent of the one found is the same. More...
void DBA_SetRecordParent (void *record, void *parent)
 Set of change the parent of the given record. More...
void * DBA_GetRecordParent (void *record)
 Returns the handle to the parent of the given record. More...
void DBA_SaveRecord (void *record)
 Forces a record to be saved to non-volatile storage. Depending on the implementation, this function may not do anything if the data is updated to non-volatile storage as any records and/or fields are created or updated. More...
BOOLEAN DBA_SetFieldValue (void *record, U32BIT field_id, U32BIT value)
 Set the value of a record's field. The function will fail if the record doesn't exist, the record doesn't include the given field, or the field isn't a value field. More...
BOOLEAN DBA_SetFieldString (void *record, U32BIT field_id, U8BIT *string, U16BIT num_bytes)
 Set the string value of a record's field. The function will fail if the record doesn't exist, the record doesn't include the given field, or the field isn't a string field. The string data provided will be copied and no interpretation is made of the format of the string. More...
BOOLEAN DBA_SetFieldLangString (void *record, U32BIT field_id, U32BIT lang_code, U8BIT *string, U16BIT num_bytes)
 Set the string value of a record's field. The function will fail if the record doesn't exist, the record doesn't include the given field, or the field isn't a string field. The string data provided will be copied and no interpretation is made of the format of the string. More...
BOOLEAN DBA_SetFieldData (void *record, U32BIT field_id, U8BIT *data, U16BIT num_bytes)
 Set a variable amount of data of a record's field. The function will fail if the record doesn't exist, the record doesn't include the given field, or the field doesn't hold data. The data provided will be copied. More...
BOOLEAN DBA_GetFieldValue (void *record, U32BIT field_id, U32BIT *value)
 Gets the value of a record's field. The function will fail if the record doesn't exist, the record doesn't include the given field, or the field isn't a value field. More...
BOOLEAN DBA_GetFieldString (void *record, U32BIT field_id, U8BIT **string, U16BIT *num_bytes)
 Gets the string value of a record's field. The function will fail if the record doesn't exist, the record doesn't include the given field, or the field isn't a string field. The pointer to the string returned will be to the string data held by the database, so the data must not be changed. More...
BOOLEAN DBA_GetFieldLangString (void *record, U32BIT field_id, U32BIT lang_code, U8BIT **string, U16BIT *num_bytes)
 Gets the string value of a record's field. The function will fail if the record doesn't exist, the record doesn't include the given field, or the field isn't a string field. The pointer to the string returned will be to the string data held by the database, so the data must not be changed. More...
BOOLEAN DBA_GetFieldData (void *record, U32BIT field_id, U8BIT **data, U16BIT *num_bytes)
 Gets the data of a record's field. The function will fail if the record doesn't exist, the record doesn't include the given field, or the field isn't a data field. The pointer to the data returned will be to the data held by the database, so the data must not be changed. More...
U32BIT DBA_DataBlockSize (U32BIT data_block_id)
 Returns the number of bytes available for the given data block. More...
U32BIT DBA_DataBlockRead (U32BIT data_block_id, U8BIT *data, U32BIT max_num_bytes)
 Read a block of data from the database into the given buffer. More...
BOOLEAN DBA_DataBlockWrite (U32BIT data_block_id, U8BIT *data, U32BIT num_bytes)
 Writes a block of data into the database from the given buffer. More...

Detailed Description

Database access defines, structures and public functions.

Ocean Blue

Function Documentation

BOOLEAN DBA_BackupDatabase ( U8BIT *  pathname)

Creates a backup copy of the working database. Whether the backup database is saved to non-volatile storage is implementation dependant and so the backup database may not survive a system reboot.

pathnamefull pathname of the file to save the backup to if this is supported by the database implementation.
TRUE if a backup is created, FALSE otherwise
BOOLEAN DBA_CanRestoreDatabase ( void  )

Checks whether the working database can be restored from a backup copy.

TRUE if there is a backup copy and it can be restored, FALSE otherwise
BOOLEAN DBA_ClearDatabase ( void  )

Clears the working database of all records. Following this call, it should still be possible to access the database, but it will be empty, and new records can be added to it.

TRUE if the database is cleared, FALSE otherwise
void* DBA_CreateRecord ( U32BIT  record_id,
void *  parent 

Creates a new record of the given type, adding it to the database as a child of the given parent record, if provided.

record_idtype of record to be created
parentcreate a record that is a child of this parent, can be passed as NULL
handle of new record, or NULL if creation fails
U32BIT DBA_DatabaseFileSize ( U32BIT *  max_size)

Returns the size in bytes of the database as stored in non-volatile storage.

max_sizereturns the maximum size in bytes that the database can grow to. This value may be returned as 0 if this can't be determined.
current size of the working database in bytes
U8BIT* DBA_DatabaseVersion ( void  )

Returns a version string representing the working database.

'\0' terminated string in UTF-8 format
U32BIT DBA_DataBlockRead ( U32BIT  data_block_id,
U8BIT *  data,
U32BIT  max_num_bytes 

Read a block of data from the database into the given buffer.

data_block_idid of the data block to be read
datapointer to the buffer into which the data will be read
max_num_bytesthe maximum number of bytes to be read
number of bytes read into the buffer
data_block_idid of the data block to be read
datapointer to the buffer into which the data will be read
num_bytesthe number of bytes to be read
number of bytes read into the buffer
U32BIT DBA_DataBlockSize ( U32BIT  data_block_id)

Returns the number of bytes available for the given data block.

data_block_idthe data block whose size is to be returned
size of bytes of the data block, or 0 if block not found
BOOLEAN DBA_DataBlockWrite ( U32BIT  data_block_id,
U8BIT *  data,
U32BIT  num_bytes 

Writes a block of data into the database from the given buffer.

data_block_idid of the data block being written
datapointer to the data to be written
num_bytesnumber of bytes of data to be written
TRUE if the data is written, FALSE otherwise
void DBA_DestroyRecord ( void *  record)

Destroys the given record, removing it from the database and freeing any memory associated with it.

recorddatabase record to be deleted
BOOLEAN DBA_ExportToXML ( U8BIT *  xml_pathname)

Export the working database to an XML file.

xml_pathnamefull pathname of the file to export to
TRUE if the database is exported successfully, FALSE otherwise
void* DBA_FindRecord ( U32BIT  record_id,
void *  parent,
void *  last_rec 

Finds the next record, of the given type, that comes after last_rec. last_rec must be the same type of record as the one being found. Parent is optional, but if provided, a record will only be returned if the parent of the one found is the same.

record_idtype of record to look for
parentif not NULL, this must be the parent of the record found for it to be returned
last_recprevious record of the type being looked for, if NULL then the first record will be returned.
handle of the record, or NULL if none found
record_id- type of record to look for
parentif not NULL, this must be the parent of the record found for it to be returned
last_recprevious record of the type being looked for, if NULL then the first record will be returned.
handle of the record, or NULL if none found
BOOLEAN DBA_GetFieldData ( void *  record,
U32BIT  field_id,
U8BIT **  data,
U16BIT *  num_bytes 

Gets the data of a record's field. The function will fail if the record doesn't exist, the record doesn't include the given field, or the field isn't a data field. The pointer to the data returned will be to the data held by the database, so the data must not be changed.

recordhandle of the record being queried
field_idfield within the record being queried
datapointer to the returned data in the field
num_bytesnumber of bytes of data
TRUE if data is returned, FALSE otherwise
BOOLEAN DBA_GetFieldLangString ( void *  record,
U32BIT  field_id,
U32BIT  lang_code,
U8BIT **  string,
U16BIT *  num_bytes 

Gets the string value of a record's field. The function will fail if the record doesn't exist, the record doesn't include the given field, or the field isn't a string field. The pointer to the string returned will be to the string data held by the database, so the data must not be changed.

recordhandle of the record being queried
field_idfield within the record being queried
lang_codelanguage code of the string to be returned
stringpointer to the returned string value in the field
num_bytesnumber of bytes in the string
TRUE if a string is returned, FALSE otherwise

Gets the string value of a record's field. The function will fail if the record doesn't exist, the record doesn't include the given field, or the field isn't a string field. The pointer to the string returned will be to the string data held by the database, so the data must not be changed.

recordhandle of the record being queried
field_idfield within the record being queried
lang_codelanguage code of the string to be returned
stringpointer to the returned string value in the field
num_bytesnumber of bytes in the string
TRUE if a string is returned, FALSE otherwise
BOOLEAN DBA_GetFieldString ( void *  record,
U32BIT  field_id,
U8BIT **  string,
U16BIT *  num_bytes 

Gets the string value of a record's field. The function will fail if the record doesn't exist, the record doesn't include the given field, or the field isn't a string field. The pointer to the string returned will be to the string data held by the database, so the data must not be changed.

recordhandle of the record being queried
field_idfield within the record being queried
stringpointer to the returned string value in the field
num_bytesnumber of bytes in the string
TRUE if a string is returned, FALSE otherwise

Gets the string value of a record's field. The function will fail if the record doesn't exist, the record doesn't include the given field, or the field isn't a string field. The pointer to the string returned will be to the string data held by the database, so the data must not be changed.

recordhandle of the record being queried
field_idfield within the record being queried
stringpointer to the returned string value in the field
num_bytesnumber of bytes in the string
TRUE if a string is returned, FALSE otherwise
BOOLEAN DBA_GetFieldValue ( void *  record,
U32BIT  field_id,
U32BIT *  value 

Gets the value of a record's field. The function will fail if the record doesn't exist, the record doesn't include the given field, or the field isn't a value field.

recordhandle of the record being queried
field_idfield within the record being queried
valuepointer to the returned value if function returns TRUE
TRUE if a value is returned, FALSE otherwise

Gets the value of a record's field. The function will fail if the record doesn't exist, the record doesn't include the given field, or the field isn't a value field.

recordhandle of the record being queried
field_idfield within the record being queried
valuepointer to the returned value if function returns TRUE
TRUE if a value is returned, FALSE otherwise
void* DBA_GetRecordParent ( void *  record)

Returns the handle to the parent of the given record.

recordhandle of record whose parent is to be returned
handle of the record's parent
BOOLEAN DBA_ImportFromXML ( U8BIT *  xml_pathname)

Imports records from the given XML file into the working database. If a record already exists in the database then it will be updated, and if it doesn't then a new record will be created.

xml_pathnamefull pathname of the file to be imported
TRUE if the file is imported successfully, FALSE otherwise
BOOLEAN DBA_Initialise ( void  )

Performs any initialisation required prior to the database being loaded.

TRUE if initialisation is successful, FALSE otherwise
BOOLEAN DBA_LoadDatabase ( U8BIT *  pathname)

Reads a database from non-volatile storage, creating any structures in memory that will be required to access it and the records it contains and makes this the working database. If the database is found to be invalid, or doesn't exist at all, then an empty database should be created.

pathnamefull pathname of the file to be loaded containing the database. This argument is only relevant where the system being used is file based.
TRUE if a database is loaded successfully, FALSE otherwise
BOOLEAN DBA_RestoreDatabase ( void  )

Restores the working database from a previously made backup copy.

TRUE if the working database is restored from the backup, FALSE otherwise
BOOLEAN DBA_SaveDatabase ( void  )

Saves any changes made to the working database to non-volatile storage. If saving to a file, the pathname used to open it will be used.

TRUE if the database is saved successfully, FALSE otherwise
void DBA_SaveRecord ( void *  record)

Forces a record to be saved to non-volatile storage. Depending on the implementation, this function may not do anything if the data is updated to non-volatile storage as any records and/or fields are created or updated.

recordhandle of record to be saved
BOOLEAN DBA_SetFieldData ( void *  record,
U32BIT  field_id,
U8BIT *  data,
U16BIT  num_bytes 

Set a variable amount of data of a record's field. The function will fail if the record doesn't exist, the record doesn't include the given field, or the field doesn't hold data. The data provided will be copied.

recordhandle of the record to be changed
field_idfield within the record to be changed
datadata to be stored in the field
num_bytesnumber of bytes of data
TRUE if the data is set, FALSE otherwise
BOOLEAN DBA_SetFieldLangString ( void *  record,
U32BIT  field_id,
U32BIT  lang_code,
U8BIT *  string,
U16BIT  num_bytes 

Set the string value of a record's field. The function will fail if the record doesn't exist, the record doesn't include the given field, or the field isn't a string field. The string data provided will be copied and no interpretation is made of the format of the string.

recordhandle of the record to be changed
field_idfield within the record to be changed
lang_codelanguage code of the string
stringstring value of the field
num_bytesnumber of bytes in the string, should include null terminator if present
TRUE if the string is set, FALSE otherwise
BOOLEAN DBA_SetFieldString ( void *  record,
U32BIT  field_id,
U8BIT *  string,
U16BIT  num_bytes 

Set the string value of a record's field. The function will fail if the record doesn't exist, the record doesn't include the given field, or the field isn't a string field. The string data provided will be copied and no interpretation is made of the format of the string.

recordhandle of the record to be changed
field_idfield within the record to be changed
stringstring value of the field
num_bytesnumber of bytes in the string, should include null terminator if present
TRUE if the string is set, FALSE otherwise

Set the string value of a record's field. The function will fail if the record doesn't exist, the record doesn't include the given field, or the field isn't a string field. The string data provided will be copied and no interpretation is made of the format of the string.

recordhandle of the record to be changed
field_idfield within the record to be changed
stringstring value of the field
num_bytesnumber of bytes in the string, should include null terminator if present
TRUE if the string is set, FALSE otherwise
BOOLEAN DBA_SetFieldValue ( void *  record,
U32BIT  field_id,
U32BIT  value 

Set the value of a record's field. The function will fail if the record doesn't exist, the record doesn't include the given field, or the field isn't a value field.

recordhandle of the record to be changed
field_idfield within the record to be changed
valuenew value of the field
TRUE if the value is set, FALSE otherwise

Set the value of a record's field. The function will fail if the record doesn't exist, the record doesn't include the given field, or the field isn't a value field.

recordhandle of the record to be changed
field_idfield within the record to be changed
valuenew value of the field
TRUE if the value is set, FALSE otherwise
void DBA_SetRecordParent ( void *  record,
void *  parent 

Set of change the parent of the given record.

recordhandle of the record whose parent is to be changed
parenthandle of the new parent record, can be NULL