28 #ifndef _HBBTV_SIF_CONF_H 30 #define _HBBTV_SIF_CONF_H void HBBTV_GetParentalControlSettings(BOOLEAN *enabled, U8BIT *age)
Query whether parental control is enabled and the selected age, if applicable. The age is the actual ...
BOOLEAN HBBTV_GetUiSubtitlesEnabled()
Retrieves if the user has enabled the subtitles, so HBBTV can know when to start subtitle components ...
void HBBTV_ReleaseDeliverySystemsString(U8BIT *systems)
Frees the Broadacast Delivery Systems string, returned by HBBTV_GetDeliverySystemsString.
E_HBBTV_ERR HBBTV_GetPrefSubtLang(U8BIT **lang_string, U32BIT *size)
Retrieves a string containing a comma-separated set of languages to be used for subtitles, in order of preference. The returned string must be freed with HBBTV_ReleaseLangString.
E_HBBTV_ERR HBBTV_GetPrefCountryId(U8BIT **lang_string, U32BIT *size)
Retrieves a string containing the three character string representing country code identifying the co...
E_HBBTV_ERR HBBTV_GetPrefAudioLang(U8BIT **lang_string, U32BIT *size)
Retrieves a string containing a comma-separated set of languages to be used for audio playback...
void HBBTV_ReleaseLangString(U8BIT *lang_string)
Frees the string obtained from HBBTV_GetPrefAudioLang, HBBTV_GetPrefSubtLang, HBBTV_GetPrefUiLang or ...
E_HBBTV_ERR HBBTV_GetPrefUiLang(U8BIT **lang_string, U32BIT *size)
Retrieves a string containing a comma-separated set of languages to be used for the user interface...
U8BIT * HBBTV_GetDeliverySystemsString(void)
Retrieves the string describing the supported Broadcast Delivery Systems (DVB_S, DVB_C, DVB_T, DVB_C2, DVB_T2 or DVB_S2) as defined in Section 9.2, Table 15, under "UI Profile Name Fragment". the HbbTV engine will call HBBTV_ReleaseDeliverySystemsString when the string is not needed any more.