HBBTV  22.11.0
File List
Here is a list of all documented files with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123456]
 browser_app.hNPAPI - browser application
 dbgfuncs.hDebug functions header file
 hbbtv.hHBBTV engine function definitions
 hbbtv_js.hDefinition of functions implementing the HbbTV Javascript extension
 hbbtv_sif_browser.hSystem Interface, Browser
 hbbtv_sif_conf.hSystem Interface, Configuration
 hbbtv_sif_debug.hSystem Interface, debug
 hbbtv_sif_decoding.hSystem Interface, Decoding
 hbbtv_sif_mediaplayer.hSystem Interface, Media player
 hbbtv_sif_network.hSystem Interface, Network
 hbbtv_sif_os.hSystem Interface, Operating System
 hbbtv_sif_pvr.hSystem Interface, PVR
 hbbtv_sif_service.hSystem Interface, Service
 hbbtv_sif_tuner.hSystem Interface, Tuner
 hbbtv_sif_types.hSystem Interface, common types
 hbbtv_types.hDefinition of general purpose types
 techtype.hSystem Wide Global Technical Data Type Definitions
 ait.cAIT functionality
 ait.hHbbTV Glue: AIT related functions
 app.cBlank description
 app.hInternal interface to the application object
 app_private_data.cPrivate data object
 app_private_data.hPrivate data object
 asciimap.hContains character map tables for converting single byte ascii codes above 0xa0 to unicode codes
 av_control.cA/V control object
 av_control.hA/V Control object
 channel_config.cChannel config object
 channel_config.hChannel config object
 channel_list.cChannel list object
 channel_list.hChannel list object
 config.cConfiguration object
 config.hConfiguration object
 dsmclient.cDSMCC engine interface
 dsmclient.hDescription of file
 hbbtv_control.cHBBTV control
 hbbtv_control.hHBBTV control
 hbbtv_internal.hCommon internal function definitions
 hbbtv_string.cString utility functions
 hbbtv_string.hString utility functions
 key_set.cKeyset object
 key_set.hKeyset object
 local_system.cLocal System objrcy
 local_system.hLocalSystem object
 metadata_search.cMetadata serach object
 metadata_search.hMetadata serach object
 network_interface.cNetworkInterface object
 network_interface.hNetworkInterface object
 object.cGeneric object class
 object.hGeneric object class
 oipf_app_mgr.cOipf application manager object
 oipf_app_mgr.hOipf application manager object
 oipf_capabilities.cOipf application manager object
 oipf_capabilities.hOipf application manager object
 oipf_config.cOipf configuration object
 oipf_config.hOipf configuration object
 oipf_drm_agent.cOipf DRM agent object
 oipf_drm_agent.hOipf DRM agent object
 oipf_obj_factory.cOipf object factory object
 oipf_obj_factory.hOipf object factory object
 oipf_parental_control_mgr.cOipf parental control manager object
 oipf_parental_control_mgr.hOipf parental control manager object
 oipf_recording_scheduler.cImplementation of the application/oipfRecordingScheduler object
 oipf_recording_scheduler.hImplementation of the application/oipfRecordingScheduler object
 oipf_search_mgr.cOipf search manager object
 oipf_search_mgr.hOipf search manager object
 parental_rating.cParental rating object
 parental_rating.hParental rating object
 parental_rating_collection.cParental rating collection object
 parental_rating_scheme.cParental rating scheme object
 parental_rating_scheme.hParental rating scheme object
 parental_rating_scheme_collection.cParental rating scheme collection object
 programme_collection.cProgramme collection object
 programme_collection.hProgramme collection object
 queue.cQueue interface
 queue.hQueue functionality
 scheduled_recording.cScheduledRecording class
 scheduled_recording.hScheduledRecording class
 search_results.cSearch results object
 search_results.hSearch results object
 timer.cThe timer module allows the use of timers within the MHEG5/DSMCC component. These timers are set by other parts of the component and call a callback function when they are triggered. The timer component offers two timer functions: The first is HBBTV_TmrCreate which creates a new timer with a specified timeout, callback, and caller reference and returns a handle. Once the timer expires the callback is called, passing the caller reference and timer handle, with the trigger flag set to TRUE. The callback may be called before the HBBTV_TmrCreate function completes. The second is HBBTV_TmrDestroy which destroys a running or expired timer. If the timer has not triggered HBBTV_TmrDestroy calls the callback with the trigger flag set to FALSE, to allow any client resources associated with this timer to be freed. It is guaranteed that the callback will not be called for this timer once the HBBTV_TmrDestroy function returns. Note: The callback must be reentrant and can be called from either the clients task or a timer component task
 timer.hTimer functionalities
 video_broadcast.cVideo/broadcast object
 video_broadcast.hVideo/broadcast object
 xml_parse.cXML parsing functionalities
 xml_parse.hXML parsing functionalities