28 #ifndef _HBBTV_SIF_OS_H 30 #define _HBBTV_SIF_OS_H 35 #define HBBTV_OS_TIMEOUT_NOW 0 36 #define HBBTV_OS_TIMEOUT_NEVER 0xffff 123 void*
void (*
void *),
void *param, U32BIT stack, U8BIT priority,
void *queue,
void *msg, U16BIT msg_size, U16BIT timeout);
void HBBTV_OSTaskDelay(U16BIT time)
Suspends current task for given period.
void HBBTV_OSDestroyTask(void *task_id)
Destroys the specified task.
void HBBTV_OSSemaphoreSignal(void *semaphore)
Clears specified semaphore.
void HBBTV_OSMutexUnlock(void *mutex)
Unlocks the specified mutex.
void * HBBTV_OSCreateQueue(U16BIT msg_size, U16BIT msg_max)
Creates a new message queue.
void HBBTV_OSFree(void *ptr)
Releases previously allocated memory.
void * HBBTV_OSCreateTask(void(*function)(void *), void *param, U32BIT stack, U8BIT priority, U8BIT *name)
Creates a new task.
void * HBBTV_OSCreateCountSemaphore(U32BIT value)
Creates a new counting semaphore, with the count set to value.
void * HBBTV_OSAlloc(U32BIT size)
Allocates the specified number of bytes.
void HBBTV_OSDeleteMutex(void *mutex)
Deletes an exisiting mutex.
BOOLEAN HBBTV_OSSemaphoreWaitTimeout(void *semaphore, U16BIT timeout)
Waits a specified timeout period for a specified semaphore to be cleared.
void HBBTV_OSMutexLock(void *mutex)
Locks the specified mutex.
U32BIT HBBTV_OSGetClockMilliseconds(void)
Returns the number of milliseconds since the system booted.
U32BIT HBBTV_OSGetTimeNow(void)
Returns the current time.
BOOLEAN HBBTV_OSWriteQueue(void *queue, void *msg, U16BIT msg_size, U16BIT timeout)
Writes a message to specified queue.
System Wide Global Technical Data Type Definitions.
void HBBTV_OSDeleteSemaphore(void *semaphore)
Deletes an exisiting semaphore.
BOOLEAN HBBTV_OSReadQueue(void *queue, void *msg, U16BIT msg_size, U16BIT timeout)
Reads a message from specified queue.
void * HBBTV_OSCreateMutex(void)
Creates a new mutex.
void HBBTV_OSSemaphoreWait(void *semaphore)
Waits for specified semaphore to be cleared.
void HBBTV_OSDeleteQueue(void *queue)
Deletes the specified message queue.