uint16_t | size |
uint16_t | version |
NPN_GetURLProcPtr | geturl |
NPN_PostURLProcPtr | posturl |
NPN_RequestReadProcPtr | requestread |
NPN_NewStreamProcPtr | newstream |
NPN_WriteProcPtr | write |
NPN_DestroyStreamProcPtr | destroystream |
NPN_StatusProcPtr | status |
NPN_UserAgentProcPtr | uagent |
NPN_MemAllocProcPtr | memalloc |
NPN_MemFreeProcPtr | memfree |
NPN_MemFlushProcPtr | memflush |
NPN_ReloadPluginsProcPtr | reloadplugins |
NPN_GetJavaEnvProcPtr | getJavaEnv |
NPN_GetJavaPeerProcPtr | getJavaPeer |
NPN_GetURLNotifyProcPtr | geturlnotify |
NPN_PostURLNotifyProcPtr | posturlnotify |
NPN_GetValueProcPtr | getvalue |
NPN_SetValueProcPtr | setvalue |
NPN_InvalidateRectProcPtr | invalidaterect |
NPN_InvalidateRegionProcPtr | invalidateregion |
NPN_ForceRedrawProcPtr | forceredraw |
NPN_GetStringIdentifierProcPtr | getstringidentifier |
NPN_GetStringIdentifiersProcPtr | getstringidentifiers |
NPN_GetIntIdentifierProcPtr | getintidentifier |
NPN_IdentifierIsStringProcPtr | identifierisstring |
NPN_UTF8FromIdentifierProcPtr | utf8fromidentifier |
NPN_IntFromIdentifierProcPtr | intfromidentifier |
NPN_CreateObjectProcPtr | createobject |
NPN_RetainObjectProcPtr | retainobject |
NPN_ReleaseObjectProcPtr | releaseobject |
NPN_InvokeProcPtr | invoke |
NPN_InvokeDefaultProcPtr | invokeDefault |
NPN_EvaluateProcPtr | evaluate |
NPN_GetPropertyProcPtr | getproperty |
NPN_SetPropertyProcPtr | setproperty |
NPN_RemovePropertyProcPtr | removeproperty |
NPN_HasPropertyProcPtr | hasproperty |
NPN_HasMethodProcPtr | hasmethod |
NPN_ReleaseVariantValueProcPtr | releasevariantvalue |
NPN_SetExceptionProcPtr | setexception |
NPN_PushPopupsEnabledStateProcPtr | pushpopupsenabledstate |
NPN_PopPopupsEnabledStateProcPtr | poppopupsenabledstate |
NPN_EnumerateProcPtr | enumerate |
NPN_PluginThreadAsyncCallProcPtr | pluginthreadasynccall |
NPN_ConstructProcPtr | construct |
NPN_GetValueForURLPtr | getvalueforurl |
NPN_SetValueForURLPtr | setvalueforurl |
NPN_GetAuthenticationInfoPtr | getauthenticationinfo |
NPN_ScheduleTimerPtr | scheduletimer |
NPN_UnscheduleTimerPtr | unscheduletimer |
NPN_PopUpContextMenuPtr | popupcontextmenu |
NPN_ConvertPointPtr | convertpoint |
NPN_HandleEventPtr | handleevent |
NPN_UnfocusInstancePtr | unfocusinstance |
NPN_URLRedirectResponsePtr | urlredirectresponse |
NPN_InitAsyncSurfacePtr | initasyncsurface |
NPN_FinalizeAsyncSurfacePtr | finalizeasyncsurface |
NPN_SetCurrentAsyncSurfacePtr | setcurrentasyncsurface |
The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file:
- /home/josh/Documents/DTVKit/22.11.0_Release/HBBTV/npapiplugin/inc/npfunctions.h