MHEG5  22.11.0
src Directory Reference


file  mh5access.c
 Functions relating to HTTPS Server Access.
file  mh5actiontokens.c
 Tokenlist of actions for Textparser and Debugging output.
file  mh5base.c
 Implement basic functions for the MHEG5 defined basic data types.
file  mh5control.c
 (STB) can call directly. They build the interface to the MHEG5 engine. This file defines the api to the MHEG engine and the functions the engine needs from the system to run properly. All engine specific functions start with |MHEG5|, all system specific functions start with |OSD|.
file  mh5cookies.c
 Functions relating to HTTP Cookie Store.
file  mh5date.c
 date functions
file  mh5debug.c
 Mheg5 debug printing.
file  mh5dispBttnRT.c
file  mh5display.c
 Implement generic MHEG5-display functions - independent from the OSD These are generic functions used by the MHEG5 engine to manage it's display. These functions are the direct API between the |OSD| and the MHEG5-classes.
file  mh5drawtext.c
 Uses the MHEG class data to provide information required by the.
file  mh5eventtokens.c
 Tokenlist of events for Textparser and Debugging output.
file  mh5filegroup.c
 string parsing utility functions described by the [JSON] schema
file  mh5fileorm.c
 File based synchronous/asynchrounous ORM.
file  mh5fsnvm.c
 Freesat NVM.
file  mh5gate.c
 Implement Functions to support Service Gateways. Functions for standarizing several GroupIDs like +DSM:// +~/ +DSM:/ +CI:/ +etc.
file  mh5hash.c
 Functions relating to HTTPS Content Verification.
file  mh5hfs.c
 Functions relating to Hybrid file system.
file  mh5json.c
 string parsing utility functions described by the [JSON] schema
file  mh5keypress.c
 Keypress functions.
file  mh5misc.c
 Miscellaneous functionality.
file  mh5nvm.c
 functions to support NVM store
file  mh5object.c
 Implement functions to retrieve MHEG5objects by GroupID and ID. There are also functions for standarizing several GroupIDs like 'DSM://' '~/' 'DSM:/'.
file  mh5parse.c
 string parsing utility functions for MHEG5
file  mh5prgs.c
 Implementation of the resident programs which are defined by the current profile. This file implements the resident prgrams define by DTG 1.05. 3.10 Resident Programs Table 3-9 lists the ResidentPrograms that a UKEngineProfile1 receiver shall implement. Program name (long) (short) GetCurrentDate GCD FormatDate FDa GetDayOfWeek GDW Random Rnd CastToContentRef [a] CTC CastToObjectRef [a] CTO UK_GetStringLength GSL UK_GetSubString GSS UK_SearchSubString SSS UK_SearchAndExtractSubString SES SI_GetServiceIndex GSI SI_TuneIndex TIn CheckContentRef CCR CheckGroupIDRef CGR CI_SendMessage CIS Additions for v. 1.06: SI_TuneIndexInfo TII SI_GetBasicSI BSI GetBootInfo GBI VideoToGraphics VTG SetWidescreenAlignment SWA GetDisplayAspectRatio GDA SetSubtitleMode SSM WhoAmI WAI Debug DBG Modifications for v. 1.06: UK_GetStringLength is GetStringLength UK_GetSubString is GetSubString UK_SearchSubString is SearchSubString UK_SearchAndExtractSubString is SearchAndExtractSubString Omissions for v. 1.06: GetSubtitlePref GSP GetScalingOption GSO Additions for CI+: RequestMPEGDecoder RMD Additions for IC: SetHybridFileSystem SHF ReturnData RDa Additions for ICS: PromptForGuidance PFG MeasureStreamPerformance MSP Additions for Freesat: GetAudioDescPref GAP GetSubtitlePref GSP GetPINRequirement GPR ValidatePIN VPP ComputePrivateSignature CPS Additions for BBC iPlayer GetPINSupport GPS GetAudioDescPref GAP GetSubtitlePref GSP Additions for the SI extensions SI_GetServiceInfo SeI SI_GetEventInfo GEI Additions for South Africa LNG_GetPreferredLangs GPL LNG_GetAudioLangs GAu LNG_GetSubtitleLangs GSb LNG_GetADLangs GAD SEI_GetNumberOfServices GNS SEI_NextServiceIndex NSI SEI_GetServiceRunningStatus GSR SEI_GetChannelNumber GCN SEI_SetEventIterator SEv SEI_IncrementEventIterator IEI SEI_GetScheduledEventInfo GSE SEI_GetComponentInfo SCI SEI_GetComponentData SCD PFEI_GetEventId GID PFEI_GetComponentInfo PCI PFEI_GetComponentData PCD REM_SetNativeReminder SNR REM_GetNativeReminder GNR REM_CancelNativeReminder CNR SA_GetHostSetting GHS Typical Use Tables 13-11, 13-12, 13-12a, 13-12b and 13-12c provide an indication of the method by which the resident program is typically invoked (Call or Fork). This indication is informative. The function of the resident program shall be identical whether invoked by Call or Fork. See also Section 19.15 "Use of Call and Fork with ResidentPrograms". Program names Earlier editions of this specification supported a long form of the resident program name. This long form is no longer supported. The three character "Name" indicated in Tables 13-11, 13-12, 13-12a, 13-12b and 13-12c shall be used to invoke the ResidentProgram. 3.10.1 Encoding of resident program names The names of resident programs are conveyed in OctetStrings. The character encoding for names of resident programs uses ISO 8859-1. All of the characters used in Table 3-9 lie in the code range 0x00…0x7E. Case sensitive names The names of resident programs are case sensitive. 3.10.10 Data exchange with Resident Programs This section is intended to clarify the behaviour of information passed between MHEG-5 applications and resident programs. Memory spaces There are two distinct memory spaces to consider:
file  mh5queue.c
 Event handling. Implementation of a combined queue for events and actions. This is the eventsystem which drives the MHEG engine. The basic implementation is as follows: Send Asynchronous Event: Add Asynchronous event to a queue. Send Synchronous Event (as a result of Executing ElementaryAction): Append Event to 'Synchronous Event Queue' Processing Loop: FOREACH Asynchronous Event DO Create 'Main Action Queue' from resulting ElementaryActions. FOREACH ElementaryAction in 'Main Action Queue' DO Execute ElementaryAction Create 'Temporary Action Queue' FOREACH Event in 'Synchronous Event Queue' DO Examine Links Append ElementaryActions to 'Temporary Action Queue' ENDFOR Prepend 'Temporary Action Queue' to 'Main Action Queue' ENDFOR ENDFOR.
file  mh5sig.c
 Functions relating to HTTPS Signature certificates.
file  mh5storage.c
 Persistent storage module. The engine provides a persistent storage for 1024 bytes of data. Data is lost when receiver is is in stand-by or off. The file name used to access this storage is of the form "ram://<name>". It is the responsibility of the DVB to arrange a practice for the use of <name>, such that there are no accidental collisions of file names. When writing a file to persistent storage the receiver executes the following steps:
file  mh5streamevent.c
 Stream event subscription management.
file  mh5support.c
 Engine support utility functions for MHEG5.
file  mh5tls.c
 Functions relating to TLS certificate store.
file  mh5tps.c
 True Persistent Storage functions.
file  tmcolor.c
 Definition of colour type for MHEG5 component. For DVP colour is stored as 32 bit ARGB format. Contains function to conver from MHEG5 colour to OSDColor type.
file  tmcursor.c