MHEG5  22.11.0
Classes | Typedefs | Functions
dvb_pvr.h File Reference

MHEG5 PVR functions for New Zealand or Australia profile References: [1] UK1 Profile - Digital Terrestrial Television - Requirements for interoperability (The D-Book), Issue 6.1, August 2009. [2] MHEG Profile for New Zealand, version 1.0.3, August 2008 [3] MHEG-5 Profile for Australia, V0.0.1, May 2009. More...

#include "techtype.h"
#include "dtvstring.h"
#include "mherrors.h"
#include "dvblocator.h"

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struct  S_PVR_DATE
struct  S_PVR_TIME
struct  s_location
struct  s_booking
struct  s_crid_rec


typedef struct s_location S_LOCATION
typedef struct s_booking S_BOOKING
typedef struct s_crid_rec S_CRID_REC


E_MhegErr DVB_MhegPvrMakeBooking (S_STRING crid, S_CRID_DETAILS *details)
 The function adds an event to the PVR’s list of scheduled events to record. The type of CRID can be any of a single programme or series. The type is defined in crid_type to aid the PVR in finding the required CID. Where the CRID is a series CRID the booking relates to all programme events that are part of the series. The PVR is required to validate the CRID and check that resources are available for the booking. This may involve searching for multiple instances of an event until one is found that does not clash with a previous booking. Where no such instance is found the PVR may choose to indicate the conflict to the viewer, giving them the option to cancel one or more of the bookings. Each 'booking' in 'details' has a logical 'OR' between them. So receiver should choose one booking. The PVR must be able to record all 'locations' for the booking to be successful. The platform implementation of this funtion should only return MHERR_CONFLICT when it does not ask the user, via the native GUI, for input regarding conflicts. If it does ask for user input, then it should return MHEG5_RESULT_PENDING, and subsequently call MHG_NotifyBookingResult() More...
E_MhegErr DVB_MhegPvrCancelBooking (S_STRING crid, U16BIT crid_type)
 Removes an event from the PVR schedule. More...
S_CRID_RECDVB_MhegPvrListBookings (U16BIT *number)
 Returns an array of CRIDs (and CRID types for NZ profile) that are being monitored by the PVR. More...
void DVB_MhegPvrReleaseList (S_CRID_REC *crid_array)
 MHEG indicates that it is finished using the array returned by DVB_MhegPvrListBookings(). For example, platforms that malloc memory for this, may wish to free the memory here. More...
 Required by Australia profile only. Returns the type, name, description and a single booking section only containing location details required to resolve the booking. More...
void DVB_MhegPvrReleaseDetails (S_CRID_DETAILS *details)
 Required by Australia profile only. MHEG indicates that it is finished using the CRID details returned by DVB_MhegPvrGetDetails(). For platforms that malloc memory for this, it is a chance to free the memory. More...

Detailed Description

MHEG5 PVR functions for New Zealand or Australia profile References: [1] UK1 Profile - Digital Terrestrial Television - Requirements for interoperability (The D-Book), Issue 6.1, August 2009. [2] MHEG Profile for New Zealand, version 1.0.3, August 2008 [3] MHEG-5 Profile for Australia, V0.0.1, May 2009.

Adam Sturtridge

Function Documentation

E_MhegErr DVB_MhegPvrCancelBooking ( S_STRING  crid,
U16BIT  crid_type 

Removes an event from the PVR schedule.

cridContent Reference Identifier string
MHERR_OK - Success, booking removed MHERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND - Booking not found MHERR_OTHER - removal failed for other reason
S_CRID_DETAILS* DVB_MhegPvrGetDetails ( S_STRING  crid)

Required by Australia profile only. Returns the type, name, description and a single booking section only containing location details required to resolve the booking.

cridContent Reference Identifier string
Pointer to S_CRID_DETAILS, if success NULL, if CRID not found
S_CRID_REC* DVB_MhegPvrListBookings ( U16BIT *  number)

Returns an array of CRIDs (and CRID types for NZ profile) that are being monitored by the PVR.

numberNumber of Content References in array
Pointer to array of S_CRID_REC, or NULL if there are no bookings
E_MhegErr DVB_MhegPvrMakeBooking ( S_STRING  crid,

The function adds an event to the PVR’s list of scheduled events to record. The type of CRID can be any of a single programme or series. The type is defined in crid_type to aid the PVR in finding the required CID. Where the CRID is a series CRID the booking relates to all programme events that are part of the series. The PVR is required to validate the CRID and check that resources are available for the booking. This may involve searching for multiple instances of an event until one is found that does not clash with a previous booking. Where no such instance is found the PVR may choose to indicate the conflict to the viewer, giving them the option to cancel one or more of the bookings. Each 'booking' in 'details' has a logical 'OR' between them. So receiver should choose one booking. The PVR must be able to record all 'locations' for the booking to be successful. The platform implementation of this funtion should only return MHERR_CONFLICT when it does not ask the user, via the native GUI, for input regarding conflicts. If it does ask for user input, then it should return MHEG5_RESULT_PENDING, and subsequently call MHG_NotifyBookingResult()

cridContent Reference Identifier string
detailsPointer to structure with description of Content Reference
MHERR_OK - Success, MHERR_CONFLICT - conflict with a previous booking MHEG5_IGNOR_REQUEST - booking cancelled by user MHEG5_INSUFFICIENT_SPACE - booking failed due to insufficient space MHERR_OVERBOOKED - booking failed due to too many bookings MHERR_OTHER - booking failed for other reason MHEG5_RESULT_PENDING - result pending, and will mean a subsequent call to MHG_NotifyBookingResult()
void DVB_MhegPvrReleaseDetails ( S_CRID_DETAILS details)

Required by Australia profile only. MHEG indicates that it is finished using the CRID details returned by DVB_MhegPvrGetDetails(). For platforms that malloc memory for this, it is a chance to free the memory.

detailsPointer of Content Reference details structure
void DVB_MhegPvrReleaseList ( S_CRID_REC crid_array)

MHEG indicates that it is finished using the array returned by DVB_MhegPvrListBookings(). For example, platforms that malloc memory for this, may wish to free the memory here.

crid_arrayArray of Content Reference Identifier's